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Fandom One Piece the New Era

(Ima ignore the cutting of the vine)

"KEN! HET THE CREW TO SAFETY! ILL BE FINE! NOW GO YOU SONOFABITCH!" Venny screeched, looking at him seriously, all signs of drunkeness gone
Ken glared at Venny for a moment as lightning and thunder began to tear through the sky. "Fine! If you get killed by that bastard I'll laugh my ass off after killing you myself." He growled as he turned his attention to the sails. He quickly brought them up before running over to the steering wheel. Placing his hood over his head to block the water that kept falling into his exhausted face he gripped the steering wheel. After a bit of hesitation he started to focus on getting out of the storm that was not calming down in the least.

@pbtenchi @Church Burning @The rest of the crew
Dru saw that tring to save Venny was pointless since he couldn't do more to those vines than she could at the moment. Dru focused on staying on the ship and not getting washed away but he made a silent promise to himself to do everything he could to find venny.
Simon was on the ship, eyes dark. He was holding onto the railing and his grip was so tight, he accidentally cracked it a bit. He bit his lip and looked at Venny, knowing she would contact him somehow
"Simon don't break the ship we will get her back and it isn't as bad as it seems."
"...is it complete?" Wolfgang spawned and commanded his shadow, who promptly leaped down the tube encrusted around the chain. Years seemed to past as it followed the iron chain down to a watery grave. It witnessed exactly what he wanted, the light flame in a cage that was being so delicately crafted. The flame danced inside it's suit of burning metal, boiling the water around it. The metal was changing to it's metallic shine from the bright crimson, yes this would do nicely! He could barely wait as his shadow confirmed it was ready. The shadow flew up the chain in mere seconds, before assisting Wolfgang in bringing the chain up. The chain buckled before tightening, and raised the suit of armor into the boat.

His small boat was just enough to hold the materials he needed for a week long journey. His instincts told him this would make the greatest armor, or at least in his eyes his greatest yet. Forged from the storm, deep in the bowels of the salty sea, raised his Sea-stone encrusted suit of armor. It had to cool down for a little longer, so Wolfgang walked up to the deck. The storm was still going fine, and the iron shell was holding up pretty well! He would be mistaken for a floating bolder before a actual ship at this rate, at least from a smaller ship. The man's shadow flew up into the sky, before a swarm of cute cartoonish bats that watched over the sea for anything...

(Wolfgang can show up close to the end of the kidnapping, or could meet the group at the town after the storm. This is more just of an intro)
Ken kept steering the ship making sure it didn't capsizes. Though he was trying his best this was the second heavy storm today, and his body was getting exhausted. It sure as hell didn't help that he hadn't had much sleep as of late. Ignoring his exhaustion the best he could he looked over at Penance. "I think I see an island up ahead! Go check!" He shouted over the roaring thunder and the crashing waves.

With a nodded the hawk flew off the storm not fazing the bird in the least. Much to Ken's relief Penance returned sooner than he expected and told him of the island. "Got it! Everyone!! There is an island up ahead!! I'm going to head for that! If you fall over board I'm not going out of my way to get you!" He shouted as he changed the course just a bit heading for the island.

@Eveyone on the ship
Toto walked up to the Deck, Not knowing of the events from the past minutes...He sees the Island in the distance and ask Ken. "Ken-chan, which island is this one? And where's your girlfriend?" Toto was unaware of the Kidnapping that had just happened.

"she was kidnapped." Dru landed on the railing near Toto and glanced over at the island Dru was worried about Venny and it was clear on his face. @Tellmeastory
Ken ignored what others were saying to him as he was busy trying to guide the ship to the island through this heavy storm. After some time they were finally at the edge of the storm. It was still raining heavily, but the waves weren't as rough and the lightning was now in the distance. When things had calmed down Ken relaxed his hold on the steering wheel and took a deep breath. "Almost there.... This place if I remember correctly is called Forona island. I don't have a lot of information on this place..." He said as he kept steering his body shivering a bit from being soaked to the bone, and having harsh winds beat against him. "Penance can you scout ahead to find a good docking spot." He asked still ignoring his wiriness. The hawk looked at Ken for a moment and was about to say something, but instead he just nodded and flew off.
As they arrived on the island, a village came into sight. But something was wrong, the village was abandoned. As they got closer, a sign flying a jolly roger with a tree on it came into view.
When Penance returned with the news of the abandoned village Ken was hesitant to dock there. However after considering his options he new he had no other choice other than to go where Penance directed. It didn't take long for them to get to shallow waters. Once they arrived Ken placed the anchor in the ocean and looked at everyone. "We are here.... And.... It looks like another pirate claimed this land." He said as he leaned against the rail his eyes getting heavy and his body getting rather tired. He wanted to get some rest, but they had far more important things to worry about. ".... That roger... Wasn't it on the ship of that um....Wooly guy?" He asked forgetting the name of the pirate and frankly not caring.

Cornelius smiles as he looks around the town from the ship. "Yes, it does look like the one from Woody. How sad. He probably enslaved the villagers to do his bidding. I just can't believe it... He has such a rare type of Zoan.. A plant zoan! I thought they were just rumors." Cornelius puts his guitar on his back, unsheathing his sword.
Cornelius cautiously jumps,out of the ship and carefully walks over to the pirate. With his sword ready, Cornelius hells up the drunken pirate. "Hello friend, where did you come from?" Cornelius asked with a smile @Peaceswore
Cornelius looks at the pirate only yo realize that it was one of Woody's members! He pushes the pirate to the floor as he unsheathes his sword. With a smiles, he says. "I would like for you to return Venny. If not, I'll have to shred off all your skin." @pbtenchi
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Alas Cornelius's threats went to waste, the Pirate had fainted from over drinking. However, the sound of partying could be heard in the distance.
Ken let out a sigh as he got off the ship and started to head to the party as well. Sending his birds ahead to scout out the situation, Ken lagged back just a bit due to heavy exhaustion that was going through his body. Ignoring his heavy eyes he silently walked to the loud party that was already giving him a headache even though he was some distance away. "Let's hope she is there... Get her... And leave. My head is killing me." He grumbled as he trudged on.
Dru was watching everything that was happening with mild distaste but he knew this would probably be their best bet to get their crew mate back. Lucas was walking as far in the back as he could due to his height he stood out and the fact that he didn't fight.

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