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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Ken glared at the boy having a very eerie feeling about him, but soon turned his attention to the wheel. Now that Toto ad let it go he grabbed it and steered the ship to the island. "We are going there... Now shut up and let me do my role." He growled darkly as he thought of all the ways he could possibly kill Lucas.
Peaceswore said:
Ken glared at the boy having a very eerie feeling about him, but soon turned his attention to the wheel. Now that Toto ad let it go he grabbed it and steered the ship to the island. "We are going there... Now shut up and let me do my role." He growled darkly as he thought of all the ways he could possibly kill Lucas.
At that moment Lucas came out of his lab and walked up to Ken holding a Syringe of a faintly glowing green liquid "I can make you sleep and have you wake up rested... I am pretty sure. also I have made something that will either turn our monkey Zoan type to either a monster or give him a 3rd form he can control." Lucas smiled happily and moved to inject Ken.
The crows squak, and five more crows came. A minute later, more and more crows came, littering the ship floor and sail.

Cornelius smiles at the little boy. "A ghost? There are no such things.
Toto returned to his frail form as Dommy calmed down and floated near him "Teeheehee...Gee, mister...Are you the "Iron Willed" Pirate...? Teeheeheehee..." Dommy began looping on the air while laughing. "Master will love to see you...! Theres a village near here...You can drop your anchor's there...! Teeheeheehee..." Dommy floated to near Lucas and gave a creepy smile. "Are you a doctor..?"

Toto cringed, now with hopeless eyes... At least he could see how his hometown turned out after so many years.
Ken looked over his shoulder and grabbed Lucas's hand before flipping him over his shoulder. "Go to hell. I'm not trusting you to inject me with anything." He growled as he went back to steering keeping a firm grip on the wheel so he wouldn't fall over.
As Wolfgang got near the town, he could smell baked bread. The town looked very normal, with children running around and playing. A ball rolled up to Wolfganag, and a child grabbed the ball and looked up at WolfGang smiling. The girl runs away.

Cornelius looks at the many birds on the ship. More and more started to land on the ship until there was no more room on the ship.
"Oooooh...Master already knows about you...Teeheeheehee..." Dommy floated to near the crows "Don't worry...They're weaklings...You don't need to scare them off..." Said Dommy to the crows in a soft, gentle yet creepy tone...
Wolfgang lifted up an eyebrow as he sniffed the bread smell. Wasn't expecting to see an actual living village. He slowly looked at the little girl, and watched a tiny ballgame. Hmm, Wolfgang stalked up in his Wolf-Clan Armor, looking for a person to talk to. If he found a man, he would speak out, "Pardon, but where is this village, and is there any other locations I could get a bounty or contract? I am a Forge master, but kinda lost me forge on the sea, but I know how to fight..." He hoped whoever he spoke to would have a little pity.
Lucas smiled at the boy "yes I am-" then he was rudely flipped over. "Oh Ken I think you like being in my operating room?" Lucas stood up and was impressed at Ken's strength since he had flipped an 8 foot tall man like it was nothing. @Peaceswore
Cornelius looks at the little boy talking to the crows. The crow squawks , and all the crows fly off the ship, looking like a large black cloud over the ship.

An old man confronts WolfGang. "Hu hph! Hello there young man. I can lead you to the nearest inn." The old man takes Wolfgang to the nearest inn, and hands Wolfgang a room key. "Our forces are down the road. Enjoy yourself!" @hudhouse
Wolfgang sighed and mumbled, "You didn't even answer one of my questions, so I am going to ask them once again. Thank you for your kindness, but I just landed here, my boat exploded, and I need to know this. What island is this, who are the "forces", and do you have like a contract board for something?" He sighed silently, he was willing to just accept the key at this point and learn this by himself, but he might as well get everything right on.
(I meant forges not forces. @hudhouse ) The Old Man simply nods and turns away, shambling out of the room and closing the room door behind him.

Cornelius spots the island. He walks over to Ken. "Want me to get the anchors?"
Ken glared at Lucas and was about to snap at him but his attention was taken by Cornelius. "Go ahead." He grumbled as he moved away from the anchor. "I'm going to bed. Anyone that even thinks about waking me.... I will end." He growled before making his way to the crew quarters.
Once they reach the islands, he pushes the anchors over, and they land in the docks. Cornelius let's down the ladders for everyone. "Were here." He says with a smile
Dommy floated away from the ship and called for Toto "This way..."Iron Will"...Master wants to see you...He will love to see you..." Toto, looking disturbed, walked out of the ship, following the young boy without saying a word.
Wolfgang walked casually outside of the Inn. Well, if he worked at the forges he would be able to earn some belly. He hunted for the clanking sound of hammers on metal and the smell of flame and smoke. He just bluntly stated what he desired, "Soooo... by any chance do you guys need another worker of the forge?" Wolfgang's own ornate armor should be impressive enough to get attention, plus the chemicals he added for the cold fire-like effect should prove some knowledge.
(It's the town, and then a large abandoned field seperates the village and a large abandoned church where the warlord resides.) Cornelius jumps down and looks around in the village. It looked very normal, no problems here. The children were playing, the parents were talking,the men were working. Cornelius smiles his usual smile.
Dommy floats in the church's direction followed closely by Toto. "Master's place...It's quite a walk...Why won't you speak...? It's kinda boring..." Dommy said to the old man, without looking back "I rather hold my words until I speak to him myself, if you wouldn't mind." The old man replied, trying to hide the fear in his voice...They kept following thorugh the field, just past the town. They would soon reach the church that towered the island.
The church doors creak open, and the dark hallway leads down to a Throne, and a gray haired man sat down on the Throne, five crows resting on the top of the throne. The large church groans as undead creatures shamble towards Toto and Dommy. Suddenly, the creatures stopped and sat down on the church benches, looking at thean on the throne.
"Maaaaaaasteeeeer...! Lookie, lookie...I found something rare...!" Said Dommy, his weak voice somewhat echoed through the church as he floated to the Throne, signaling Toto to follow him. The Old man walked, trying to ignore the creatures, focusing himself in case he would have to bulk up so he could stand a chance..."It's the "Iron Willed Pirate"...! Look what the time has done to him...!Teeheeheehee..."

Toto stood in front of the Grey Haired man."Are you...the "Crow King?"
The grey haired man pulls back his grey hair, and Dekan looks at Toto. "Ahh, the "Iron Willed" Pirate Toto, one of the strongest pirates of this village. Yes, I am Dekan, the "Crow King"." The crows squawk as they flap their wings. @Tellmeastory

The two forgers look up from the fires of their furnaces. "Ello there! We'll take another forger! Jump on in!" The forgers motion in Wolf Gang to a third workbench. @hudhouse
"Strongest..." Toto smirked "As you can see I'm just a frail old man who failed all who he cared about..." Toto began to tremble "But...I'm not here to be reminded of my past mistakes..." Toto walked to Dekan showing resolve "This Island...It's so far from the New World, where all the big names delve...Why are you here?"

Dommy floated to behind his master, now staring deeply at both of them, making the situation even more awkward.
Wolfgang walked over to his station and looked it over. He examined a piece of metal, pretty good quality. He could make a few Ryo Wzamono grade swords, which would be interesting! He looked over to the two forgers, and said, "Thank ya kindly, this village is absurdly welcoming! Need any contracts filled? I can make practically anything if I know what I am doing."
Dekan grins as the crows flutter around. The creatures continue to motionlessly watch them as Dekan stands up. "This place.. It is a wonderful small island, full of people to... Test on. This is where your children and wife live, correct?"

The forgers shake their heads. "All we ask of ya is to make high quality pieces of work! This island doesn't need protection. Not since." The other man nods as they continue to forge their axes.
"Hehe...I'm not even sure..." A hint of sadness could be show at his voice. "It has been 30 years since I've been here...My wife Becca and my daughter...I don't know of their whereabouts...As I was a Pirate the couldn't send letters to me, as the world government would surely detect and take them as hostages..." Toto paused and sat down, crossing his legs. "I apologize, but this subject weights on my heart...Can we please talk it off over a drink?" @National
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