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Fandom One Piece the New Era

"Bested by a brat that can't even throw a punch...What are they going to say in the afterlive? Hehehahahahaha..." Toto kept a smile while looking to the skies. "You know something...I knew from the start I was going to die...I just didn't knew It was going to be where it all started..." Toto closes his eyes. "Maybe it's for the best...After all...Taking care of the others from far away...Hehehahaha..." He opened his eyes and looked at His Wife's corpse back at his house. Toto struggled, without being able to move. "What a pain...I'm not giving up even after my own body gave up...Hehehahaha..." Toto once again glanced at Dekan. "Don't get all high and mighty just because you've beaten an old man to death, brat... Marshall D. Teach has done the same thing, where is he now?"
"Dead. I am not Teach, however. I would never do his foolish mistakes. I am Dekan, the Crow King, and I will stay like that." Dekan grabs the dead woman's corpse, and lays it next to Toto. "There. Die in peace." @Tellmeastory
"Don't think you're king of this island, Brat...You broke all the rules..." said the old man, while gazing at the sky."You should know by now...There are people stronger than I in this Island...Definetly stronger than you..."Toto's eyes closed one final time as his hand grabbed Becca's. His attention was allhers, now."At least...I was with you...in the end..." he said while keeping a smile the would mark his face until his flesh would start to rot. Before his last breath, Toto was at peace. @National @Drumonkey @hudhouse @Peaceswore @Offspring @pbtenchi @Sinister Clown

(He's dead at the middle of the town)
Wolfgang just couldn't handle it anymore. All of these damned zombies in this damned village, it was screwed to hell and back! Wolfgang used the light of the moon to keep his shadow vast and wide, and then used it as a weapon. Brick bats circled the town, scouting for any more signs of life while swooping down and decapitating every corpse he can. But, one corpse wasn't standing, one near the middle of town. He quietly ran over to investigate the scene...
(I wish I had known that sooner. @Tellmeastory ) Lucas ran up to the body of Toto and checked for a pulse, his medical instincts bringing him back to the medical professional he was at heart. His smile drooped to a light smirk and his eyes were downcast and sad "I am sorry I couldn't get to you faster." Dru was sitting on a roof top when he saw the doctor rush past. He wasted no time following him and seeing that he had found the old man's dead body. (i got you @Peaceswore )
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Stella shrugged as she removed her gaze from the window. "My guess is because that iron will was the strongest on this island... Killing him would likely mean breaking any rebellious the villagers may have." She said calmly as she moved to the fridge to get something to eat.

(Someone needs to wake Ken up ;-; Otherwise he may be there or the entire arc TT-TT )

Dommy suddenly turned his head to the window and smiled, while eating a bowl of inta-ready Noodles. @Peaceswore

(@Drumonkey use doctor OP to wake Ken up and deliver the news, please. Also Toto's at peace there, so try to respect the dead ^^ ;)
Tellmeastory said:
Dommy suddenly turned his head to the window and smiled, while eating a bowl of inta-ready Noodles. @Peaceswore
(@Drumonkey use doctor OP to wake Ken up and deliver the news, please. Also Toto's at peace there, so try to respect the dead ^^ ;)
(what do you mean respect the dead? I can't bring people back to life.)
(I mean just keep toto's corpse there all happy with his wife, Kinda had a feeling you would have doc Lucas try to move him somewhere or something, sorry about that^^ ;)
Dekan walks away, his hand stained with Toto's blood. He cackles as a bunch of crows start to circle around him. @ everyone in the town
Dru sat back and saw the freaky guy run away with crows surrounding him, upon seeing this Dru decided he didn't want to touch this with a ten foot pole. Dru simply watched the doctor and the body of Toto with slight remorse. The doctor however stood up and turned and briskly walked back to the ship then quickly threw open the door and pulling a needle out of his medicine bag. His facial expression wasn't one of sadistic pleasure like the last fre times he had operated on Ken this one was sadness and worry. @Peaceswore
Wolfgang arrived to see the corpse of the man and the woman on him. Recently dead, the blood was still runny and crimson. Since no one was here except for that one man who was walking away with the crows... he would at least know what happened or is the cause. Wolfgang stretched out his hand and tried to grasp Dekan's shadow and force him to stop moving. He approached either way and said, "What is going on with this village, why are there zombies everywhere, and did you make those damned corpses right there?!" Confusing situation, annoyed by zombies everywhere, and now the possible man behind it all? Happy day!
Dekan stretches his arms as h replies to the young man. "So many questions, and not enough answers to fill them in. However, there is one I can't give to you. Those corpses, zombies, all this chaos originates from me, yes."
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Ken was still passed out on the floor in the male crew quarters, showing no signs of waking any time soon. @Drumonkey

Stella sat down at the table and started to once again write idea's in her journal, not caring for food at the moment. @Tellmeastory
Lucas looked around for his ever faithful and ever present birds as he opened his medical bag and began mixing a few materials before saying "Hydes operating room and created his operating room keeping it confined to the male crew quarters then he waved some smelling salts under Ken's nose to wake him up. @Peaceswore
Wolfgang raised an eyebrow, and said, "You said you can't give me an answer to one, but I asked thrice. But a murder like you, that would earn a good bounty on these seas yes? May I request from you a duel, or are you just going to run like your a pretty pansy who did nothing wrong?" Wolfgang formed his shadow behind Dekan, with glowing crimson eyes that stared straight at the man.
Ken moved a bit but only did so to turn around and let out a small groan. He hadn't gotten any sleep in four days some smelling salts won't be enough to wake him up. @Drumonkey
(I got this.) Cornelius jumps up high in the air, the sun glistening on his back as he lands right on top of Ken. For added effect. To make sure he got up, he used his guitar as an airhorn and strummed a very loud note right into Ken's ear. @Peaceswore @Drumonkey

Dekan looks at Wolfgang, his eyes emotionless. He wondered if this boy knew he was a warlord. "Alright then boy." Dekan raises his hands, and a huge storm of crows swarm Wolfgang. @hudhouse
Ken didn't move for a minute but soon his eyes slowly opened and he looked dead at Cornelius. "... You said your prayers right?" He asked very pissed that he was waken. "If you didn't let me sleep at least three hours.... I will punch you.."

Wolfgang smiled as his shadow reached down to grab Dekan's, while Wolfgang himself just opened up his arms wide. He said, "Come and get me!" He had to do this in one fast, quick swoop to make sure he won. He swapped bodies with his shadow, letting it take the swarm of crows while Wolfgang grabbed Dekan's shadow. Wolfgang pulled the shadow back if he could, and tried to slice it straight off. Wolfgang then tried to slash Dekan to get close, and grab him to shut down his Devil Fruit powers. Those crows would do a number if they hit!
Suddenly, Dekan was gone. All that was there were the crows. The storm of crows start to. condense, and the crows disperse, Dekan standing up. He opens his hand, and the crows started to attack WolfGang.

Cornelius smiles as he points at the town. "Apologies, but we need you. Looks like there is some mayhem." @Peaces
Wolfgang snickered and said, "A Zoan type... assuming by how your dodging me and your using crows, your more of a flight then fight guy eh? If its a minion battle ya want... ask and thee shall receive..." Wolfgang swiped his arm in front of himself as his shadow swiped down the crows aiming to hit him. His Shadow held the strength of a full on Logia-type and is basically impervious! The shadow flew forward like a liquid goop, growing tendrils to slap away crows. The Shadow tried to impale itself not into Dekan, but his shadow! Wolfgang prepared his swords to fight back though...
Dekan holds up his hand, and the shadows erupt in a shadowy flame. "Don't stand cocky." Hr holds up his hands, and the flames go to burn him. @hudhouse
Wolfgang snarled in anger, this guy was going to be annoying. What fruit allows you both make fire AND command crows?! This guy was rarer then a logia... or was working on a different level then anything he has ever seen! Wolfgang twirled both of his swords to try and spin the air away from him or at least catch the flame, while his Shadow just kept on coming like it was nothing. It tried to block as much flame as it could, attack Dekan and invade his shadow.
(No one should be able to beat a warlord by themselves yet just saying... You'll need the crew @hudhouse

Dekan pulls back, and he opens his hand. Three shadowy crows fly towards Wolfgang, their claws shadowy and dark.

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