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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Ken was about to attack him like he said he would. However before he could Penance landed on his shoulder and said something to him. "What? Hold on... What??" He asked as his eyes widened a bit. He looked at the center of the town slightly paled. "move." He ordered as he shoved by the male. Ignoring him he ran to the center of the town where he saw two people laying on the ground. "No... I was only asleep for two damn hours!"

@Sinister Clown
Suzuya decided to follow, relentless of how hard Ken was trying to get rid of him although he did show some decency, leaving Ken to his grief without taking the situation to his advantage and just giving the final strike; Then again Suzuya had almost no idea who these people were but assumed they would all be half decent fighters especially if they had made it this far. "A lot can happen in two hours on this island bird boy."

Three crows were silently watching the , their eyes a crimson purple. One of the crows flew down and looked straight at Suzuya and Ken, as if analyzing them, as if it was collecting information for someone. @Peaceswore @Sinister Clown
Sazuya glared at the bird tilting his head slightly at the odd stare it was giving to him "Say, bird boy is this another one of yours?" he asked Ken with a curious expression painted on his face.
Ken went over to the corpses and looked down at the Toto and the women. He stood there quietly as he just looked at the cold bodies. As he did this Ixie turned back to a crow and her eyes locked with one of the other crows instantly distrusting it. Ken paid little attention as he brought up his hood to hide his face.

Balling up his hands he started to shake, but with his face hidden it was hard to tell what emotion he was feeling. "Who did this?" He growled as he took a deep breath. "Who was the bastard that took his life?" Though this was a lot more calm you could still feel the hate dripping from his words.

When the other guy addressed him Ken looked up at the bird nothing but anger and hate decorating his face as he looked at it. "No... They are tame... But these are not mine."

@Sinister Clown @National
"Well, after seeing this I guess I'll wait before playing with you intruder, but for now I'll help you by starting with this." Sazuya picked up a pebble on the ground, while fully sheathing his Katana and being at ease, it was easy to tell when he had his guard up. He looked at the pebbles size before nodding "This should be good enough." he pulled his arm back grasping the pebble in his hand "Moa Moa: Fifty-fold speed" he mumbled to himself throwing the pebble at the speed of a bullet, impaling the crow that appeared to be spying on them.
Dommy stands up, finishing his bowl and walks to his room. "Looks like the real fun starts now...Tee hee hee..." Dommy sits on his bed and his body goes fully limp in a matter of seconds, his "Spirit" leaves his body and he floats to Stella; "Get up...It's time for harvest..." He the floats and passes through the church's wall, going in direction of town. @Peaceswore @Sinister Clown @National
Ken looked around and listened to the crows his grip got tighter on his scythe as his eyes looked in the direction of the forest. "Great now what?" He growled still pissed at what he saw in the town and was more than ready to kill something.

@National @Sinister Clown

Stella let out a sigh as she got up. "Yes... I hope these weaklings will prove to be good experiments." She said as she made her way out of the church and headed for the town as well, but at a slower pace.

The crows continue to squawk, and now they start to fly around Ken and Sazuya. The ground suddenly erupts, as a huge being steps out from the corrupted soil.

"Gugugugu. What is it now-kon." Jack the zombie looks at the two figures. "What are you doing on this island-kon?" @Peaceswore @Sinister Clown
Ken looked at the zombie with a blank expression as he silently begged that he was allowed kill that thing. "I'm just a traveler. Is it so strange for one to be on this island?" He asked not loosening his grip even a bit.

@National @Sinister Clown
Dru landed on a roof nearby and sat to watch the scene ready to jump in if needed and ready to try and help if he could. Dru was slightly worried about the zombie thing but then again Ken could handle himself. Lucas was a good distance away and heading closer by the moment.
The zombie looks at Ken. "The captain never told me about visitors-kon. Is it usual that we have visitors-kon?" Jack scratches his head a crow pecks his shoulder. He looks at the crow. "Unwelcomed-kon? The captain says you are unwelcome. Go away-kon." @Peaceswore
Dommy arrives at the scene. His eyes stared Deeply at the duo. Two ghosts popped from his body around him. "Tee hee hee hee..." He points both his Index fingers at Ken and Suzuya "NEGATIVE HOLLOW" the apparitions dashed at them. @National @Peaceswore @Sinister Clown
Sazuya for a moment glared blankly at the ghosts until hearing him shout out 'Negative hollow' at this moment Sazuya bared the thought in mind that this new guy could very well be a devil fruit user himself, it didn't take much for Sazuya to avoid it although he didn't seem to do anything for Ken "Soru" his image fading as the ghost dashed towards him, he re-appeared in the air above Dommy "More more - Fifty fold!" he shouted, the Katana he had unsheathed had grown fifty times larger than the size it was originally, using geppo to remain in the air Sazuya swung down his now very large katana toward Dommy. Although he didn't seem too interested in the larger figure, he was very curious of him since he had never seen him before on his time on the island it was strange to see him only come out now.



"Your captain? Tch I don't care what he said I'm staying!" Ken growled as he stood their stubbornly. He was about to say another thing, unaware of the ghost that were hurtling toward him since he had spoke over the boy completely ignoring him. It wasn't until Penance let out a screech that Ken saw the ghost rolling to the side he barely avoided. He looked back at Jack, but saw he was already gone and was now fending off a sword. "Damn...that bastard is fast."

@National @Tellmeastory @Sinister Clown
As jack had intercepted his strike, Sazuya had resorted to another means, "Rankyaku: Shuriken" while in mid air, he released Geppo and while falling launched a flurry of Rankyaku strikes towards both Dommy & Jack who had protected them "I can tell this is going to be fun" he shouted out loud enough for them to hear.



The attacks phase through Dommy as he kept floating and cackling "Tee hee hee hee...What dummies...Tee hee hee hee...Hollows can't be hit by those...Tee hee hee...." The ghosts domm created disppeared as he made a Gun like motion with his hand Aimed at Suzuya and a small ghost appeared at his Fingertip "Hollow Gun" He fired the Small Hollow at Suzuya, which hit him straigh and stuck to his shirt "Look out...When they like someone they don't let go...Tee hee hee hee" Dommy snapped his fingers. "Ghost Rap" The Tiny Ghost exploded. @Peaceswore @Sinister Clown @National
Jack takes all the shots, rocketing right back down to the ground. Once the dust settles, all that was there was a hole. Behind Ken, a large hand erupts from the ground and grabs his ankle. @Peaceswore
Ken covered his face with one hand as he coughed heavily with all the dust flying around. "What the hell! Damn it! Another devil fruit user." He growled. Just as he was about to charge Dommy his ankle was grabbed making him fall heavily on his stomach since he did not see that coming. "Now what!?"

Jack pips out of the ground as he lifts Ken by the ankle, "Bury Cyclone!" Jack starts to swing around Ken before he throws him in the air, grabbing his head, and burying said head into the ground. @Peaceswore
Once seeing the Ghost fly towards him he noticed that at the speed it was going, even if he did use his devil fruit power to increase his speed he would still be unable to avoid it for the sheer fact the time it would take to activate would already be too late, instead he chose an ulterior way of 'avoiding' the attack allowing it to hit him "Tekkai." he sternly said his body stiffening and his feet being dug into the ground that when the explosion occurred, Sazuya had remained in his original spot being clearly hit although was able to avoid any fatal damage, although his clothes had been slightly torn from this there were no 'clear' signs of injury "More more - Speed one-hundred fold" he used this ability on his arms and revealed under his coat an arsenal of throwing knives, he began tossing them towards Dommy "More more - Size one-hundred fold" the throwing knives turned larger once being thrown at the speed of a bullet, the knives seemed to be almost endless.

When Ken was hanging upside down he shook his head. "Don't you dare!!" He barely finished that sentence before he was spun around. "I'm going to be sick." He muttered as he dropped Ixie and placed his hands over his mouth. Before he could react even a bit his face was buried into the ground leaving him slightly stunned. 'My sense are dulled! Damn it! I need a nap.... Even just an hour would be good he thought as his hand started to roam around the ground trying to find Ixie.

Ixie shifted back to a bird and then into a chakram placing herself into Ken's grip. Putting a firm hold on it Ken raised the circular blade and struck jacks arm with the intention of cutting it off.

Jack stumbles back as his arm falls off. "Awwh, my favorite arm-kon! You'll pay for this-Kon!" Jack grabs his arm, and he lifts up a huge rock with the severed hand. He throws up the rock, and uses his severed arm like a tennis racket. "Undead Tennis!" He slams the huge boulder, the huge stone hurtling towards Ken. @Peaceswore

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