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Fandom One Piece the New Era

"YOU'RE NOT TOUCHING IT!" Dommy's voice bursted loud at Cornelius showing his face, he was absolutely livid. His ghost Body begins to inflate. "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO TOUCH IT! YOU'RE NOT! KAMIKAZE BURST!" He popped like a Bubble Releasing a Lot of Air pressure and creating an Air current that blew Cornelius away from the room. He reforms his Ghostly body, boasting at the Musician. "You're annoying, but flies away so easily! Tee hee hee hee hee!" He then re-enters his Body and runs away to a new hyding location.

@National (I sense a Finishing mooove!)

Cornelius flies through the room, slamming into the opposite wall of the room, dust flying everywhere. His body slides down, his body bleeding profusely, his bones broken. He shakily stands up, grinning. He grabs his guitar, and he smiles at the running Dommy. "Feast your ears on my finishing act." Cornelius stands up fully, and he lifts up his guitar. He strums the guitar. "Song of the Gods: Pan's labyrinth!" He strums his guitar, and the church shakes as the hallway erupts, and multiple foliage, vines and trees erupt from the ground. Two large. Carnivorous plants launch at Dommy, and the two plants headbutt Dommy with the force of a heavy ship.

Cornelius stumbles to his knees, his last song draining him. Now, he was at the mercy of cyber girl. @Tellmeastory @Peaceswore
Dommy gets Knocke out cold, foam coming out of his mouth, and the effects of his ability on others seem to disappear completely.

@Sinister Clown



(You're Free my children! PS I'll post my Warlord again on the Sign up so I can hve a Den den mushi talk with Dekan.)
Peaceswore said:
Stella let out a sigh as she shook her head at Dommy. "But I'm doing this for the captain! I may have found the perfect subject!" She exclaimed gleefully as she looked back at Lucas not care about the literal giant behind her. "You must come to the church with me! Everything about you is utterly perfect for being and experiment!" @Drumonkey
Ken was on his knees muttering words of pure hate to himself not bothering to do a thing at the situation they were put in.
"I don't know about that. I don't like being experimented on although I might be able to make an exception for you that is on one condition." Lucas smiled wider at the woman and found her interest in him amusing and figured that whatever she had planned form him was more sadistic than what he had planned for her.
Meanwhile on an Unknown location, a Tall Pale man sat in what appeared to be a bubbling hot springs. The water erupted violently as Capor wouldn't cease to come out, he Held a Den Den Mushi on his hand and Began calling someone. As soon as the snail Responded with an Annoyed "Hello?" The tall man began to speak in a Cheery manner. "Oy, Dekan! We missed ya back in Marejois again! I know those Meetings are optional, but you gotta show up sometimes if you don't wanna lose your title!" The pale man seemed to know Dekan Wiles, who was at the other side of the line. @National
(Sorry I didn't get notifications of this at all o.e)

Sazuya was released and finally had been able to think straight, it was a good thing he didn't have to go through it any longer, getting up he rejoined the others introducing himself with a small bow as his his cheerful expression appeared to be back "My name is Sazuya V. Nice to meet you all." he stated licking the corner of his lips slightly, Sazuya didn't seem half bad but he always has a disturbing 'aura' around him (Nothing specific just trying to say he makes people feel unease just by being there, natural gut feeling nothing more.)
Dekan grins. "Mukade. I am surprised to hear your voice." The Crow King looks out of his church window, crows carefully scouting the church. "What have you been up to?" Dekan pushes back his gray long hair. "Those meetings make me sick. The only reason I accepted being a warlord was to make sure the navy didn't disturb my experiments. No, that isn't optional. But u will come to them. Have you heard about the two Yonkos? Seems L.G Hardy and the Twins seem to be tensing." @Tellmeastory
Stella gasped when she arrived at the scene of the church where everything was a huge mess. "Dommy!" She exclaimed shocked someone she presumed to be weak was actually capable of knocking out Dommy. Glaring at Cornelius she ran over and kicked him hard in the gut making him fly away from his guitar before grabbing his neck and smashing him into the wall actually cracking it a bit. "Annoying bastard... If I didn't get distracted I would have made far better calculations on this situation! Damn that giant man!" She growled as she tightened her grip around his neck.

Just moments before she was actually about to break his neck she thought about something as she looked Cornelius up and down. "..... You are still alive......." She muttered as her death grip loosened. "You fought against Dommy, and not only survived his attacks but you made it here and beat him!" She smiled in a happy but very sadistic way. "Forget about quarter giant... Your resilience impresses me.... Hahahahahaha!!! My first living experiment! I can't wait! I hope you are as excited as I am!!!" She shouted before grabbing him by the hair as she started to drag him to her lab.


When the effects of the ghost wore off Ken stood up and looked around. "What the hell... What happened?" He asked as he looked around
Cornelius gasps in pain as the cyber girl kicks him across the room. His breath was knocked out of him as she slams him by the neck, his entire body convulsing in pain. He was knocked out, all his energy spent on just trying to stay alive. @Peaceswore
On a ship close to the island

Alexi stepped back words as the marines closed in on him. "Calm down, I only hitched a ride because I don't have a ship yet." He said

"You stupid pirate, hitching a ride on a marine vessel is like suicide"one of the soldiers said, smirking and swinging his sword at the boy. Alexi dodged it and turned to see a strange looking island in the distance. He reached his hand out and concentrated on a building in the center of the island. He activated his ability, pulling himself toward the large building and away from the danger. He released right before hitting the building and fell to the ground, directly in the center of the strange town.
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"Kahahahahahahaha! Hardy and the Twins? They've been already brewing for a war for a long time, Dekan. That Fishman is Bad news according to the Big Wigs there. They want the 7 of us Warlords to stand ready in case of a War Breaking out. Aniways, Our friend Morgol is getting pretty pissed lately. Have you heard of some Rookie Pirates Sailing around your Territory? I heard they took Down Iscariot and Woody!" Mukade's voice was loud, he mantained a wyde grin while speaking as he noticed he stood long enough at his bath. He stood up and left the pool, that stopped heting up as the warlord left, scorchmarks at the place where he was sitting. "Returning to the emperors, who do you think would win? The Fishman or the Brats?" Mukade said, putting on his Kimono."I would put my money on Hardy, that guy's a damned predator. Did I tell you he almost ate one of my men?" @National
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Sazuya looked to Ken "We were beaten by our own emotions..How embarrassing." he said reffering it to himself and Ken mostly (Don't know who else is still there right now..) Sazuya rubbed his neck with a gracious smile "Well, I might as well tag along with you guys now that I've taken a side." he said boldly before turning his attention towards the crash sound coming from the center of town "Another new incomer? This day just get's better and better!" he said cheerfully instantly appearing at the location of Alexi using Soru; Taking a few steps forward he took a look at Alexi tilting his head with a gesture of curiosity "Hm, You could be interesting.."




@Sir Grego
Dekan sighs as he looks at one of the crows. He let's his little companion as the black mist around him starts to condense and then dissipate again. "L.G is right now the oldest, and if not the most powerful fishman right now. He is definitely insane. Those twins are formidable though, but they just don't have enough experience. L.G has years of experience on them, and his body is still in its prime." As he hears about the rookie pirates beating Iscariot and Woody, Dwkans eyes widened a bit. "So that's who's on my island. I don't trust these new pirates. The Eleven SuperNovas of our time are formidable. I heard one of them (my other pirate who will be the guy to ally with us) already pissed off the marines and is now a big rookie deal." His gray hair flows against the slight breeze that went through the church. "Don't annoy Morgol. He ignited an entire island, and burned all the pirates. A good pirate is a dead pirate to him." @Tellmeastory
Ken stood up completely frustrated as to what happened. 'If I wasn't this damned tired! Four days no sleep! And the moment I do it's only for two hours and then I'm thrown into a battle? Damn it!' He thought as he gripped his fist so tightly they were shaking and they would be bleeding if he wasn't wearing gloves.

As he was standing there he started to sway and once again was close to falling asleep, however a loud crash jolted him awake. Blinking he looked around and saw some smoke. "What the?" He muttered as he made his way over to the crash site. When he arrived he raised a brow at the person. "Where in the hell did you come from?" He asked with a raised brow.

@Sinister Clown @Sir Grego

Stella had placed Cornelius on an Operating table with his arms, legs, waist, and head restrained. She kindly patched him up a bit, after all she can't have her experiment dying on her before they even begin! As she was wrapping a few bandages she raised her brow when she noticed something. "...A chest? What do we have here?" She muttered as she stopped treating him and grabbed the chest and inspected it.

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Cornelius's grin wavered a little. "Don't touch that please!" His treasure was now in danger! He weakly struggle against the binds, but he was still too weakened from the battles. (If you didn't know what is inside, its the lightning-lightning fruit. I told you this before, but it is just to clarify.) "D..damnit.." @Peaceswore
Dru had been laying low watching most of the exchange with a fairly bored expression then he saw Doc Lucas's love connection run off and decided that it would be in his best interest to follow her and see what was going to do then there was the exchanging of blows with Cornelius and then drag him away. Dru debated getting the doctor but decided to get the doctors attention another way. Dru grabbed a palm sized rock and shifted to his half form and brought his arm back then threw the rock to where he had seen Lucas last. Dru wasn't sure how far the rock would go but hopefully it combined with the direction Lucas had seen Stella run off in would help him, then Dru began to sneak deeper into the church. @Peaceswore
"Well, I do remember Morgol's Upbringing. Man's Hatred for Pirates is compared to Iscariot's!" Said Mukade, walking down the stone halls, now dry. He stops momentainly after hearing of the rookie and bursts into laugh "Kahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha! You mean THAT rookie? He's at my turf right now! I just invited him for Dinner! isn't it nice to see these Boring old seas getting some action!Kahahahahahahahahhahha!" Mukade's feet began glowing red without him noticing and the floor below him as well "Boss! Stop! You're Overheating!" Mukade looked back at his subordinate "Huh? Why of course I'm hot! You comming onto me?" "Of course not! Please take this matter seriously!" Mukade just laughed it off and stopped heating up his feet. "But, seriously. Hardy might become a problem, so They're planning on making an expedition, 3 admirals and the 7 Warlords to take him off the picture. That's counting you, Dekan." Mukade sat down at the large table, full with platters for all of his crew. "Hey, my guest will be arriving shortly, so you can call me back. Try not avoiding the resposibilities! Kahahahahahahahahaha!" With that Mukade turned off the Den Den Mushi and looked at the guest that has just arrived. @National
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Alexi stood up and dusted himself off as he looked around the island he was now on. suddenly someone was there asking him questions. "oh...Hi...I'm Alexi Von Flemming, but you can call me ALexi or Lemmy or whatever you like." he said with a grin, he reached his hand out to shake "I came from the Navy Ship a few miles out to sea from this island. don't worry about the last name, I am not a Celestial Dragon anymore, I left my family so I could live the life of a pirate." he smirked. @Peaceswore @Sinister Clown
Ken blinked a bit before shaking his head (which only made him dizzy). "For once, I would like to meet someone with a hint of normality." Muttered the guy who talks to birds. Like usual he was going to ignore the man, but he needed to stay awake so he figured interacting may rise him a bit. Not taking his hand he sighed. "Ken, pirate, navigator." He said curtly before his eyes moved all-round the town. ".... Where did that smiling idiot go?"

@Sir Grego @Sinister Clown

Stella ignoring Cornelius opened up the chest only to look at it in shock. "A devil fruit!? Amazing!" She exclaimed as she reached to grab it. When she did she noted the tingling feeling of electricity that was on the fruit which only made her smile brighter. "The rumble rumble.... This... This is perfect! Not only can I make an army of androids soon! But with this I can try and make replicas of it! Then I would have made an army fo androids with logia abilities!!!" Turning to the side she placed the devil fruit on a desk before grabbing some notes. "I'm too excited! I don't even know where to start!!"

Lucas was standing near Ken and was sure that Ken meant him when he heard a faint whistling causing him to look up. All he could see was a rock coming in to hit him in the face. Lucas caught the rock and crushed it in his hand. He didn't know what kind of idiot would throw a rock at him but he would certainly love to find them and cut them open. Lucas called out to Ken "if you need me I am going towards that church. Anything I can do to help you before I go?"

Dru was walking though the church using his heightened smell to follow Cornelius and his abductor. @Peaceswore
Sazuya sighed adjusting his glasses "I see, well if you're looking for something interesting you came to the right place..I just witnessed a very lovely conflict earlier and I wouldn't mind having some conflict with you.." he said in a deep sinister tone guiding his left hand over the handle of his Katana "But of course, I'm only joking." he said with a gracious smile placing his hand back to his side.
Ken looked at everyone as he ignored Lucas, after all when he asked about the smiling idiot he was talking about Cornelius. "..... He ran in the direction of the church..... As did that girl if I remember correctly...." He muttered, placing his hand on his chin he thought about the situation. 'As much as I hate to admit it, I'm too tired to really fight right now... I'm going to need...........................................................................................................................................

Letting out an irritated sigh he looked at the other two men. "You want to find a pirate crew right? And you want to find something interesting as fighting go?" He asked the two before crossing his arm. "Then I have a proposition for you two. If you h-he...hel....hel............. Damn it, I can't say it... Give me a moment." He muttered turning his back to the two as he took a deep breath. After a minute he faced them again with a blank face. "If you assist me in finding a comrade, I can almost promise a spot on our ship, though I'm certain excitement will happen." He said as he waited for their answer.

@Sinister Clown @Sir Grego

Stella was busy examining the devil fruit not paying even the slightest mind to Cornelius as she was so immersed with the treasure she just got her hands onto.


As Dru walked down the hall there were a few statures lined up as decration, however when he tripped a wire those statues instantly came to life (for in fact they were robots that Stella had programmed). There was a total of thirteen and each were loaded with a variety of weapons and they new how to use them. For a moment they held still, but in the next they all charged Dru.

Alexi grinned "wow, yeah, ok I'll help!" he said jumping up and down "so what kind of ship do you have? is it fast? do you need a shipwright? does it fly? what kind of sail do you have?" he began asking many different questions about the ship out of pure excitement. He wasn't expecting to be so lucky after hoping off a navy ship. "right, sorry, I'll shut up...what is it you need help with?...exactly?" he tilted his head and waited for the answer. @Peaceswore @Sinister Clown
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Cornelius weakly struggles against the bindings, his smile now very nervous. "Please don't touch that fruit, its not something you should even look at. Just let me go, and we can all calmly part ways." He struggles, now very scared. That fruit was his most sacred gift. @Peaceswore
Dru cursed under his breath and jumped onto a wall then back onto a statue and tugged with all his might trying to remove the head. Whether it came off or not Dru didn't stop to see, he flipped to the next robot and pushed it against another and began flipping around the room, avoiding most grabs and only stopping for a few seconds each time. this whole thing was getting crazy but with Dru's enhanced reflexes and agility he would survive. @Peaceswore

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