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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Ken was about to answer but four marines came in, much to his relief not really wanting to talk about what had happened ever since he left the town. 'A new crew? I swear! If it was anyone one the ship I was on!' Taking a small sip of his beer he looked at Jake. "Well, I guess you need to take that admiral. Shame, I thought I would actually get a chance to enjoy another presence." He said with a smirk as he cut of a bit of steak and feed it to Ixie and Penance.

Morgol sighs as he dismisses the marines, and they leave. "We still can talk. So, what have you been up to lately. I see your birds are still in shape. That's goo-" the marines come back in again, and he sighs. "I'll talk to you some other time Ken, and we can catch up." Morgol rises out of his chair, getting ready to leave the bar.
Ken grinned and waved at Morgol as he left. "Yeah we really should." His grin turned to a frown when the admiral left, honestly disappointed the two couldn't talk more. "Well it was nice while it lasted....which was what? Three, two minutes?" He mumbled as he fed his birds and drank his beer once again going to quiet attitude.

@National @Church Burning @Drumonkey
"That was cool how did you act like you cared? Or did you truly care about that admiral even though you are on different sides?" Dru spoke up from his corner of the bar holding his drink in his hand and looking at Ken without any rude tone or behavior. @Peaceswore
Venny had a hand on her glass and released the cup, not wanting to break it. She breezy he'd out angrily and paid. She stormed out of the bar and walked arounfpd.
Ken sighed and drank some more. "I do not see how it concerns you. Us and the marines aren't even on opposite sides. Last I checked we do not have a Jolly Roger. And until we do, we are not enemies." He stated eating a bit of the steak for himself. Of course him being him, he didn't answer Dru's question.

Morgol walked out, and he sees his marines being assaulted by a few pirates. Morgol opens his hand, and small blue flames fire out at the pirates, igniting them in fire everywhere. The pirates scream in pain as their skin burns, and they all die, their energy completely absorbed. "Take these corpses and throw them into the ocean. The town don't need to see these scum." The marines nod and pick up the corpses, throwing them into the water where the boats are.
Dru rolled his eyes, he was sure he was getting to something "It doesn't concern me but that doesn't mean I can't ask. Being kind is a gift in itself and I am trying to give it." Dru shrugged and shook his head at the kind's actions then he heard the screams.
Ken smirked when he heard the screams of the pirates as he drank more of his beer. "Ahh Idiotic pirates.... It's common sense that you lay low when an admiral...especially Morgol is in town." He joked as he gave Ixie some more steak. "Once again it doesn't concern you monkey, so don't bother to ask about it."

"What makes you so much better than me that you can berate and belittle me so much without a single thought as to how I feel?" Dru tilted his head and raised an eyebrow he knew there was something that either made this man hate him or everyone and Dru wanted to know what it was. @Peaceswore
Not even glancing at Dru Ken fed the last of the steak to Penance. "I do not think that I am better. I know I am. Your feelings? Oh.....do you want me to coddle you? Give you a band aid? Maybe a lollipop?" He asked with evident sarcasm. "Get over it. I care little of your feelings...scratch that. I don't care about your feelings in the slightest." He brought his head back and drained the last of his beer before setting it on the bar. "And I have no intention of ever caring about or the others, ape."


(@National I just placed a pic of the admiral in Ken's CS in case you were curious as to how he looked and what his name was)
Dru sighed in annoyance at his attitude "What a dick." Dru shook his head finished his beer and sat for a few minutes then left after Ken glancing around for a few seconds then deciding to head in a random direction wandering aimlessly towards the boat again thinking about what could have made Ken so cruel. (Why is he such a dick? @Peaceswore )
Commander Jarvis Ferro arrived at the scene as the Admiral burned the fighting pirates. "Don't tell me those were the only pirates on this island," he said, sounding a bit disappointed. By the looks of the corpses it didn't seem like it would have been fun fight for him either. The dead pirates were obviously weaklings since they died before fighting back. "If there are more, they better not be weaklings..."

Ken sighed and left the bar with Ixie on his shoulder and Penance on his arm. Rather bored he decided to take a possible nap or look for the Morgol. After walking a bit he climbed to a roof and decided to travel by roof top to wherever he wanted to go. With no set destination he stopped his pointless running and sat down. Just down the street he saw the corpse of the pirate and the marines that were carting way the dead.

(Read his back story... But short verison. He went through a ton of shit and he learned that it was better not to get close to anyone, so he just shoves people away. He only be nice to people he knows for a fact wouldn't betray him (aka Ixie and Penance) though he's nice to Morgol cause he is still a friend to him @Drumonkey )
(I skimmed it pretty harsh stuff let's see if Dru can make his way past it) Dru walked past the corpses and noticed the ships navigator sitting on a roof and decided he wasn't ready for another encounter with that walking sore, so he kept going only glancing at the bodies. @Peaceswore
Dru chuckles "I am fine thank you for your concern though, but it was just a bump." Dru smiled at the man and was trying not to freak out. He was less afraid he was an admiral and more worried about his friendship with Ken. @National
After the ship docked and everyone went there separate ways Chase continued to train but after a few minutes he got board and left the ship, unaware of what to do he found himself in a shop. The place was filled with top of the line weaponry minus modifications that made them so infamous, seeing an opportunity he bargained "I can give you a crate of flintlocks all standard but made with non dangerous amber lead along with a full stock of bullets, and in return you give me those Gatling guns" the man looked offended by the bargain "I swear there all safe to be around and touch if you want I will consume the bullets and prove it" he nods in agreement. Moments later Chase returns with two large crates on his back dropping it and pulling out three bullets first allowing him to inspect them then swallowing them, the man chuckles saying "You know I could tell just from there appearance that they were safe, I never doubted you in there first place, take the four that's all I have" Chase grabs the rather large weapons and heads out, knowing how it looked to carry such things he took to the sea and headed back to the ship under water coming up for air every once in a while.
Dru glanced at the admiral "Hey what can you tell me about your friend Ken? He seems like a huge dick but I am sure that is because of his past am I right?" @National
Morgol looks over at the boy, his face solemn and strict. "Friend of Ken? Tread carefully with him. Don't worry about him. Hell warm up soon." @Drumonkey
Dru muttered lowly "with four hands I have to be careful." Dru smiled at the admiraland nodded his head at him "thanks for the advice." @National
As Priam was walking, he noticed an especially strong-looking marine with the monkey guy from earlier. Figuring that he could use the detour, he approached the admiral from behind. Once he was close enough, he quietly said "Weak." close enough to Morgol's ear that he could hear it. After saying that, he continued his walk facing away from the admiral. Word must have spread to the Navy HQ if they sent an admiral to kill him, so he wanted to give the Navy a message saying "I am the world's strongest!" by beating one of their finest in a fight. No need to kill him, though. All he wanted to do was show the difference between their levels of power.


Ken smirked as he looked down at the two from the roof he was sitting on. "Don't get your hopes up ape. Also if I wanted you to know about my past I would have told you. And last I checked I didn't....so It's none of your damned business." He jumped off the roof and glared at Dru. "Leave it. I'm not your friend simple as that." He said coldly before his gaze went to a man that passed him. 'Who is he?' He wondered as he looked back at Morgol seeing if he knew him.

@Drumonkey @National @Thesmashbro

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