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Fandom One Piece the New Era

"Ah, it seems that we're both headed in the same direction then." Priam said, "I do hope you don't mind having me travel with you." He then turned to the monkey, who seemed to be interested in his power. "Let me ask you a question: which came first, the Devil Fruit or its name? In reality, names are merely a means of identifying something without the need to use any other senses. When a name is spoken to someone else, an emotion is invoked. It can be confusion, indifference, fear, or excitement. You see, a name has no power at all; the only thing a name carries is ego." He paused for a second before continuing. "The name of the Devil Fruit I've eaten is the stand-stand fruit. It allows me to stand--and walk--on anything as if it were a flat surface perpendicular to gravity. That's the reason why I could walk on the water's surface and up the side of your ship. The power has no immediate combat purposes, but it is very practical nonetheless."

Something about Priam made Garret uneasy. Between the way he spoke and his facial expression, the guy looked dangerous. Still, Ken hadn't told Priam where the Conomi Islands were, so at least wrecking their ship and going there himself would only make it harder on him. Until they got there, Garret decided that avoiding Priam would be the best choice.


Once Mariette's ship docked at the port of the Conomi Islands, Mariette walked down the gangplank and onto dry land. The place looked peaceful. She assumed that the only reason for that is because their target hadn't been here yet. "Jarvis," she called out, "could you gather our men and have them spread out? If our Intel is correct, then he shouldn't be restricted to docking at ports like we are." After saying that, she started walking away. "I'm going to thoroughly search for him at the bathhouse. My investigation will probably take a long time, so don't bother waiting for me."
Dru sighed at the man's comment it seemed like everyone he spoke to had something wrong they ended up taking out on him. "Decent point I guess but thank you for the name."
Ken moved back to the steering wheel having an uneasy feeling about this man. As he made sure the boat didn't stray off course he sent and occasional glance at the man. 'He has a lot of confidence in his abilities.... Despite being a devil fruit user he walked onto the water, even though there are quiet a few things that could have made him fall and drown... Not to mention how he casually approached a random ship with no fear... Something isn't right...'

Of course Ken didn't tell the other the directions since he couldn't shake this odd feeling. After a bit he checked his map and log post again before looking over at Penance. "Penance, we are almost at the island. I need you to scout on ahead for me." After saying this the hawk nodded and flew off toward a small dot in the distance.
Venny was staying silent and watched the man, glaring. She sensed something off about him and didn't trust him. She could tell that Ken didn't like him either. She sighed and walked over, looking him up and down, almost as if evaluating him, but stayed quiet.
Morgol snaps his fingers, and a marine runs up to him, saluting. "Yes sir. How may I serve" Morgol looks at his large Marine ship. "Hoist up the Marine flag from my ship. I want to make it clear to everyone on this island and people coming to it that the Marines are occupying these islands." The marine nods and runs over to other matines, shouting commands. Moments later, a large Marine flag is hoisted up from the ship, bellowing in the wind. @ everyone on the ship and @Peaceswore 's hawk
Penance had flown to the island at impressive speeds even for a hawk. Making sure that he wasn't spotted right away he circled over the dock and the town looking for anything he knew Ken considered a threat. Once he saw the marine flag he perched on a nearby ship for a bit resting. Once he was fine he took off and returned to Ken.

The said blue haired navigator let out a yawn as he leaned on the steering wheel trying not to be bored out of his skull. Gazing at the sky, he saw a black dot speeding toward him. Heaving off the wheel he held out his arm letting and waited till the hawk had landed on it. "And?" He asked the bird, who in response let out soft screeches. "....... Got it." Nodding Penance flew off Ken's arm and landed on a railing near him.

"Marines are currently at the harbor, but since we don't have a Jolly Roger at the moment we can enter the dock.... Just don't get unnecessary attention and if you have a bounty stay out of sight.." Saying this he kept the course heading for the docking point.
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Venny nodded at him and walked to the bow of the ship and sat on the edge. She sighed and pulled another bottle of beer out of her pocket and opened it. She drank and glared at the Marines Flag.

Dru shrugged and made hisway back to the crows nest sitting and waiting in his normal form.
Morgol walks around the town, looking for any signs of pirates, and his main mission. Many of the townsfolk look at him, wondering why an admiral was in their town. Morgol enters a small bar and orders a coffee. @Peaceswore
It didn't take long for the boat to reach the dock. Moving away from the steering wheel Ken placed the Anchor in the water before yawn. "Well, we are here." He said as he stood on the rail. "It's going to take a bit for the log post to get used to this magnetic field, so do whatever you guys want... Don't piss of the marines."

With that he jumped off the railing and landed on the pier. Not looking back he headed into town with his hands stuffed in his overcoat pocket. 'We have been sailing for a few days.... I need a drink.' He rolled his shoulders and walked into a small time bar. When he entered he heard a bunch of whispers and saw people pointing at a man sitting down sipping at some coffee.

Ken had planned to just sit in a corner and possible take a nap, but a word reached his ears that caught his attention. 'Admiral....... What he's an admiral? A marine admiral? What is a guy like him doing in this small time town?' He wondered having yet to recognize the guy. Letting out a sigh and a shrug he took a seat a stool away from the admiral. "I'll take a pint of beer and a steak." He ordered placing down a gold coin. Ixie and Penance who where with Ken this entire time hopped off of him. Ixie now laid down in between Ken and the admiral while Penance stood tall on the bar next to Ken's arm.

Though Ken wasn't really one to start a conversation his curiosity got the best of him. "What's an admiral doing in these rural parts of the sea?" He asked as he turned to look at him. 'He.......He looks really really really familiar....but I can't place it......'

@Everyone on the ship @National
Dru used his monkey like Grace to swing down the rigging and then flip off the boat landing on the docks and walking towards the woods. As soon as he made it under the first tree he turned fully into a monkey and scales the tree and began swinging around enjoying the new freedom and thinking heavily about his skills and what he would do for the crew of pirates he had joined.
Venny got off the ship and found a small sword shop. She bought a small cutlass for Dru and went out. She strapped it onto her back and walked into a bar. She smiled and sat down, asking for a drink. She heard someone say Admiral and in here and saw him. She cursed herself, as she had a bounty and could be caught but she didn't make eye contact and drank quietly, not doing anything suspicious. @National @Peaceswore
Morgol looks at Ken, and his eyes widen, Morgol smiling. "Ken! It's me, Morgol Jack! I remember your dad and you. What are you doing here?" Morgol was shocked at seeing his friend adoptive son here. @Peaceswore
Venny looked over at them, catching the little insight to her navigators past life. 'So he was a marine brat, huh.' She thought, turning back to her drink and smirking, then chuckling softly. She drank the rest of her beer quickly then ordered another, but as strong as they could make it.

@National @Peaceswore
Dru walked into the bar and ordered a drink for himself sitting a distance away from Venny and from Ken. Dru had worked up a sweat running around the forest but it had felt good to be a full animal and let out his primal urges but now he was a little tired and needed a good drink before he sat down with his drink sipping slowly from his drink.
Ken blinked once. 'Mongol?' Than he blinked again. 'Jack.' And than he blinked again before he looked in front of him. " Not possible. Last time I saw Mongol he was not an Admiral...." He said as he took a sip of his beer before he thought about it. 'Hold on....same hair.....a marine...it's been many years....' "Holy shit! Jack!" He shouted now that he had thought about it. An actual smile appeared on the blue haired male at the sight of his fathers friend. "I...I honestly didn't think I would be seeing you again. How's it going since the last I saw you? You seriously got promoted to admiral?" He asked as he received his order.

@National (Got to go to work, I'll post as soon as I can)
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(No problem.) Morgol nods his head. "Yes, I've been promoted to Admiral. I was actually promoted only a few months after you left, so I've been Admiral for a bit. I'm doing just fine, been killing pirates and holding Justices name like I have to. How have you been doing? You become a pirate?" Morgol jokingly says as he chuckles, sipping his coffee again. @Peaceswore @Church Burning @Drumonkey
Dru wasn't worried because he had yet to get a bounty on his head. this was the first crew he had been on and he hadn't been on it long at all although with present company Dru was unsure how much longer he would be able to stay under the radar. Dru reminded himself to relax and hoped the admiral wouldn't start a fight with his fellow crew mates. @National
(You wouldn't want to fight an admiral this early in the rp. You would all get rekt. If you've seen one piece, or read the manga, you know what I mean.) Five marines step into the bar as they frantically talk to Morgol. Morgol nods and waves his hand, dismissing them. "Damn rookie pirates... There's a new crew of pirates that are out that just recently attacked the marines. They have been apparently, rumor says, coming to this island making deals with one of the Yonko. That we can't have." @Drumonkey @Church Burning @Peaceswore
National said:
(You wouldn't want to fight an admiral this early in the rp. You would all get rekt. If you've seen one piece, or read the manga, you know what I mean.) Five marines step into the bar as they frantically talk to Morgol. Morgol nods and waves his hand, dismissing them. "Damn rookie pirates... There's a new crew of pirates that are out that just recently attacked the marines. They have been apparently, rumor says, coming to this island making deals with one of the Yonko. That we can't have." @Drumonkey @Church Burning @Peaceswore
(Yeah I know that I said that I didn't want to get into a fight that was word for word what was said.)
Once the ship was docked and everyone went their separate ways for the time being, Garret headed into town to look for a shop where he could get more parts for his motorcycle. He memorized the specs of his bike so that he could recognize better parts if he saw them.

Priam waited until the ship was docked before setting off on his own. He wasn't concerned about the marines at all, so he walked in plain view of everyone. He wasn't trying to stand out, of course, but he was also making no attempt to hide himself. He had a destination. Nothing was going to get in the way of him and his goal. He had to prove to the world that he was the absolute best swordsman.
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Venny sighed but felt uneasy as five more marines entered. She tried to control her breathing and act natural. She wasn't good on controlling her anger but knew that if she fought the Admiral, she would lose..either her life or the lives of others. She stayed calm and continued to drink, keeping her thought on other things, like the new sword she bought for Dru, or how to become the Worlds Greatest Swordsman.




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