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Fandom One Piece the New Era

"I use a fighting style around being almost drunk yes I can remember the forms and I can use my hand as well as I can use my hands to a yes to that as well."
Venny nodded. "Okay, first we will start with some simple movements. Start slow, these are just beginners moves" she warned and started to show him how.
Dru watched her and his tail flicked in seemingly random movements behind him. dru waited until she had completed the moves twice before he stood next to her and began to execute the moves a bit sloppy but after a few more run throughs he had picked up what to do and was doing it accurately. While he was copying her he shifted back to his normal form.
Venny sighed. "Use your waist more, that is how you turn, not with you knees" she said, putting her hands on his waist and turning him slightly. "Now repeat these" she said and went through the same moves before completely changing it up. She turned on the last one and flipped over, landing on her feet and continuing the move. "Balance and timing are key here" she said.
"Sorry monkey boy is used to using his knees not his waist." Dru was a little concerned and continued with the new set waiting for the last move. Once Dru felt comfortable doing the second set Dru flipped like she had but it wasn't as good or steady as when he was a monkey but he managed to do it. "Ok that flip was hard the second set would require me as a monkey to do." Dru shook his head but instilled himself and forced himself to continue trying with the flip.
"It's supposed to be hard. Keep trying as a human. Play you as a monkey as a trump card. Don't give it away so quickly." She said, crossing her arms for him to do it again.
Dru sighed deep down he knew she was right and sighed before doing the entire set again this time after the flip he started from the beginning and worked his way to the flip. Deep down Dru suspected he needed to strengthen himself to strengthen his transformations and while that was going to be hard Dru thought he could do it.
Niko watched, smirking. "You need to time it just right and when you flip over bend your knees to cushion the impact" she tipped, sitting down and crossing her legs.

Drumonkey said:
Dru sighed deep down he knew she was right and sighed before doing the entire set again this time after the flip he started from the beginning and worked his way to the flip. Deep down Dru suspected he needed to strengthen himself to strengthen his transformations and while that was going to be hard Dru thought he could do it.
Dru tried it as she told im and it was easier on his normal knees and he glanced at her nodding his head in approval before working through the whole routine and slowing it down a little so she could see anymore mistakes.
She looked carefully. "Before you leap, push off with your stronger foot, not with both" she added, looking at him pleased
Dru rolled his eyes and glanced over at her "Not to question the teacher but what does that accomplish? I am used to jumping and flipping and I usually do both feet." Dru stopped right before the jump and turned towards her waiting for a response.
"If you use both feet, the enemy could sweep you down easily. If you use one foot, the enemy could sweep you down but the other foot could be used as a counterattack or stop you from falling" she said coldly.
Dru mumbled "A tail could be used to balance." But as a favor to her he humored his teacher and began to flip kicking off with one foot then the other sighing a little.
"Okay the last move is simple enough" she said, repeating the process then at the flip, she contorted her body so her left foot went straight up and her other stayed on the ground , the rest of her body at a right angle. Her arms flashed out and her foot came smashing down in front of her. She then picked herself up with that foot and stood properly
Dru watched and tried to duplicate it taking 3 tries before he gets close "Woah that move is uhh something else. Alright." Dru begins to run through the move again and again.
"Of course haha I will keep it up and hope for the best." Dru smiled and continued to practice.

(what do you mean @National )
Mariette sat at the bow of her ship as they reached their destination. The orders issued from Marines HQ told them to go to the Conomi Islands, but on the way there they were to meet up with Admiral Morgal Jack, who was also given orders to meet at the coordinates that Mariette was now at. She wondered if the orders meant that she was to meet with the Admiral and his men or, knowing how flashy some of the admirals could be, just the Admiral. Either way, she wondered what kind of enemy would require the might of an admiral.

Ken had left the steering wheel was he was certain they were going the correct way. Letting out a sigh he sat on the railing of the boat with his back facing the ocean. Bored out of his skull he decide to watch the swordsgirl and the stowaway train. "I didn't know this ship was a dojo." He said as he rolled his eyes. "Should I call you stowaway or Monkey boy?" He asked in his usual uncaring tone, cold blue eyes inspecting the boy as if he were an enemy.

"Either way it's a shocker you survived this long with such little training. I didn't pay attention to when you were recruited... Are you suppose to be our meat shield? Seeing how you are practicing... I'd say you would suit that position best." Ken said with a small smirk.

@Drumonkey @Church Burning
Dru scoffed at the mans comment, "You can call me uncle and I can be a monkeys uncle. Maybe if you paid more attention you would have heard what I am here for." Dru shrugged and hoped the snarky apparent navigator would dislodge the stick from its home and hop off his case. Dru hadn't even said 3 words to the guy and he was getting all sort of attitude. Dru shook his head at the guy and turned away to continue practicing. @Peaceswore
A large ship appeared in Marrietes sight. Moments later, the marine ship docked into the docks of the meet up spot. The doors at the bottom of the ship opened, and countless marines stepped out. The marines lined up in two lines opposite of each other, leading all the way up to Marriete. After all the marines came out and formed lines, one figure stepped out of the boat and started to walk towards Marriete. Morgol Jack walks up to Marriete and nods. "Marine Captain Marriete. How nice to see you. I am Admiral Morgol." @Thesmashbro
Venny looked at the blue haired navigator with cold eyes. "Shut up bird-man" she hissed, turning to him. "Why are acting like such an asshole?" She asked, smirking, thinking it was funny that he acted like this.

"Is there a reason I shouldn't drunkard? He doesn't even have the basics down and he's joining a pirate crew. So yeah... I'm not thrilled about him." He said coldly as if the other wasn't there. "I wouldn't be shocked if he died before we reach the New world." As he siad this he fed Ixie (who was perched on his lap) a few bit of his bread.

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