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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Chase looked at Venny "Glad you made it back" it seemed someone had tagged along with her, he seemed to be interested in the crew of course Chase didn't mind anyone joining up. Chase looked at the man "You can join us for the trip but you gotta provide something to the crew I can't horde to many people on this ship" he said with concern for the ship capacity.

@Splat @Church Burning
"You weren't so about five seconds ago." he gestured to the 'sober' girl climbing aboard. A new voice spoke up, inviting him but with a condition. "I'm a doctor. Good enough?" stepping into the moonlight, he was never let his guard down to the strangers.
Chase twirled his staff around a bit before pointing it at the man "A doctor is a good enough job as any, you can join" after that he proceeded to practice.

"Sounds good to me." He jumped up onto the boat and found his way into sickbay, upon finding it empty, he crashed into a chair and fell into sleep.
Venny watched them talk and sighed, watching Chase practice. 'Should I help him? His form is a bit sloppy..No he wouldn't like any help. I think. I won't ruin his pride.' She thought to herself, opening her mouth to say something but closed it again, looking away.

Chase continued with his practicing even though he could feel judgmental eyes, he began to incorporating his agility leaping in the air and spinning but utterly stumbling but recovering swiftly. He took a pause before starting again and the waiting for the others continued.

@Bills352 @Trundle
Everybody gets on the ship and they set sail.

Chase heads into the storage room seeing where the shipment was to be brought, he looks around until he see an unfamiliar crate across the right side of it was all the needed info. The location read Sabaody Archipelago, Chase chuckled "A bit farther then I expected...I wonder what's the deal" he says as he opens the crate to find a journal with a lock attached, from the looks of it the thing was very old but by it's texture it was more durable than any material he had every felt, he dropped the journal in the crate and headed back outside. He wasn't sure where they should head first there were plenty of islands and know guide obviously his first instinct was to get help from the others, he stood for a moment in thought but ended in nothingness he hadn't a clue as to what a pirate did, raising his voice so that all could hear "Look I don't wan't to sound like an idiot but, what exactly do pirates go do they look for treasure? is there a rhyme or reason to were we should go?" he said curiously

@Trundle @Bills352
Ken who was steering the wheel of the ship looked at his 'captain' with a raised brow. "You have to be joking.... You started a pirate crew and don't even know what it means to be a pirate?" He asked as he shook his head before looking forward. "It matters what type of pirate you want to be... The one that only seeks riches and fame. Those are the ones that sack towns and hurt others for fun. Or do you plan to be the type that seeks, riches, fame, and their completion of a dream?"

"If you're asking me," Garret said as he was lounging around the ship, "it doesn't matter what kind of pirate you want to be; a pirate seeks adventure. That is the purest essence of a true pirate. Even if you're chasing your dream, if you just head there while ignoring the adventure around you, you'll be robbed of everything life has to offer. If being the pirate king means experiencing everything life has to offer, then our rudder must always steer towards adventure."
Chase sighed then began to reply mainly to Ken "Well I have been working all my life and never have I ever even wanted to be pirate nor a marine it always seemed like the dreams of a fool" he huffed and paused a second moment not trying to get so roweled up. He continued "until about a few months ago this wasn't my plans to be honest I still can't honestly say this is my life goal but I feel something when I sail...Plus I have no home to go back. I know for sure that I don't care for richest, fame nor the pain of others if we get any valuables there up for grabs, I guess I just want the journey" he was passionate about his words.

@Thesmashbro @Peaceswore
Below decks Dru had woken up and mentally chided himself for actually falling asleep on a ship where he was technically a stow away. Dru quickly got up and rubbed his head then looked around to make sure the coast was clear, by the way the boat was rocking they had clearly taken to sea. Dru smiled despite himself, even though he had eaten a devil-fruit he still loved the sea and secretly thought to himself that maybe just maybe devil- fruit users were all drawn to the sea somehow. Dru shook his head to clear the thoughts and headed towards the door that lead to the main decks and waited listening for conversation.
Venny was sleeping on deck, slightly awake but ignoring the convorsation. She heard light footsteps from behind a door and woke up. She sat up and walked to the door, opening it quickly, slamming whoever it was in the face. She walked in and closed the door behind her. "Hello there, Mr.Stowaway" she said coldly, looking down at him.

Damn this chicks hearing is extraordinary. Dru rolled back away from the scary woman and landed on his feet. "Well my name isn't Mr.Stowaway, actually that is my cousin and everyone gets us confused I am Mr.SmartAss. Nice to meet you, who might you be?" Dru mentally cursed his instant sarcasm but it was only a defense mechanism and this chick caused him to mash the defense button almost breaking the machine of his brain. Dru was glad he didn't wear shoes and began to back away slowly he was balancing on the balls of his feet ready to move if she attacked. @Church Burning
Venny ignored his hand. "That's for me to know and you to find out, Mr. Smartass...why are you here?" She asked, keeping one hand on her swords, just i case he tries anything. She tilted her head. "And you can stop backing away. I won't attack you unless my captain tells me to, or you had a friend or my captain" she said, smirking.

"you say you won't attack but excuse me if I don't trust a person based on the things that come out of their mouth. As for your first question why are any of use here? Who is to say it isn't fate trying to reunite lovers from past lives so they can complete their love and live happily ever after?" Dru mentally high fived himself , that remark was witty and sure to drag a laugh out of the uptight woman.
Venny sighed. "I don't have time for your...whatever it is you do. Why are you on the ship, spying perhaps?" She asked, face stone cold, her eyes judging him coldly.

"Who would I be spying for exactly? Besides are you guys really doing something so bad that they would bother to send a spy to see it let alone a spy so bad he would get caught in two seconds? I am here to join the crew clearly." Dru was unsure about the woman in front of him but he was pretty sure that the rest of the crew wouldn't be like her and be so hard and cold.
"I think we may have made a few enemy's" said Pbtenchi merrily, he was sitting on the ground watching the two of them, drinking from a water bottle. "oh? did I startle you? I move very quietly".
Dru reacted quickly spinning around his eyes wide before his brow furrowed and the first thing out of his mouth was "Is this a ship of damn ninjas?" Then he closed his eyes and sighed realizing how stupid and sudden that comment was and wished he could take it back but oh well it was out there and nothing he could do about it now. "who are you?" Dru nodded his head slightly that was a better question to ask.
Venny sighed. "Fine but if you try anything, prepared to be cut...oh hello there stalky man. No you didn't startle me. I'm part of the crew, how can I be an enemy.." She sighed looking at the scrawny boy infront of her to the water drinking man near them. "He wants to join. Should I let him speak to Chasey-boy?" She asked, smirking.

@pbtenchi @Drumonkey
"stop calling me stalky man" he said with a sweat drop. "And yeah, you should probably take him to see Chase, it is the captains decision." he said as he tipped the bottle up and finished it off.
Dru didn't like this if these were two of the crew members he was worried about the rest of the crew but he didn't have much of a choice anymore. "Please lead me to the Captain so I can join this crazy crew." Dru shook his head at having said that as well as being below decks with these freaks.
"Hey I am not just a stow away I am an accomplished linguist and can read as many languages as I can read how many languages can you read?" Dru stuck his tongue out at the woman as he followed her. Dru was scared and was on the verge of transforming from his normal form to his full animal form and hiding but they were at sea so nowhere he could really run to."

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