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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Chase sighed "I wouldn't call it my dream but I wan't to make it to the new world and make a name for myself and if by some chance I make it to the top say the One Piece and or the Pirate king then that would be great" he turned around and walked backwards to look at her "I have a ship it's just not mean't to be a pirate" he looked at the guy "Thanks for tagging along" he then was approached by a somewhat familiar face and turn around to face him "Not me but some guys blew up my home...along with my parents" his some what happy face dropped into sadness "No worries I am off to pursue a new line of work, sailing the world" he tried to raise his spirit.

@Church Burning @Peaceswore @Thesmashbro (My apologize for moving on, feeling a bit off today my minds a bit clouded)
(It's all good)

Venny nodded and looked at the guy, straight faced. She turned back around and kept walking, stopping when he started to talk to the man. She listened and sighed, looking around bored
Pbtenchi watched the group from a roof, he was eating an apple. He had just left the tavern after giving those that laughed a day they wouldn't forget for the rest of their lives. He only crippled 3 of them, He was in a good mood, the tavern had good milk.
She looked around and saw a guy on the roof, watching them. Her hand immediantly went to her sword handle but didn't pull the sword out. She gripped it tightly and watched the guy, all drunkeness gone from her posture.

Ken's eyes looked over at Pb for a second before he lost interest and leaned against a wall. "Don't bother....whoever this guy is he is probably a jackass.... The eating an apple gives it away." He said with a small laugh as he kept his blank face. "This is rather dull.... Don't you have an injured crew? I think that's more important then telling some lazy bastard what's happening....unless you are the news boy." He said in a bored tone.


@Church Burning


"don't be so mean." said Pbtenchi. "I'm just a spectator." he said calmly. "you mentioned a boat?" he asked politely. "I kinda need a lift, I don't jave much money currently, but I'm a good quartermaster"
"Well it's up to our captain of you can join us or not. Chasey-boy! Can that guy up there join us? He asked to be our quarter master." She said, turning to Case, hand still on the handle of her swords.

Chase didn't turn his attention to the man above he kept his mind on his crew as Ken stated, he picked up the pace "I don't mind the more the better, I should hurry up and reach them before it's to late..." Though it seemed they had already made there way here all five of them looked like they were on the brink of passing out, Chase frowned "I love you guys even though you barely can stand you still would come to my aid even though your a bit late." they seemed to want to speak but they made expression of joy instead that spoke loud enough, some towns people came to help them to a doctor. Chase waved good bye as they parted ways, he picked up his pace once again until he reached the docks, he needed to get away.
"well, I guess I'l take that as I'm in" he said, as he threw away the apple core. He used shave to get off the roof and followed after Chase. (Havin one of the moments I can't think of anything to add. Stupid momentary writers block)
Coco smirked as she looked around with no one immediately nearby it means she could transform without drawing any attention. Transforming into her half-kitsune form Coco went invisible and began following the group rather closely but not to close so that her footsteps wouldn't be heard. The main reason she didn't just introduce herself is that she wanted to know what the group was. She hoped the group were pirates if so then her illegal activities wouldn't be punished and she could pursue her dreams with them simply. Hearing the person who seemed to be the leader mention he wanted to find the one piece proving they was a high chance he was a pirate. However Coco wasn't fully convinced and continued to follow them invisibly or that was the plan. Upon attempting to follow them Coco misjudged the length of her cloak and stood on it sending her into the ground causing quite a loud bang. One which the group she was following would hear. "Well that sucked" Coco stated aloud rubbing the back of her head.

@pbtenchi @Offspring @Church Burning @Peaceswore
Venny followed her captain silently, watching the man out of the corner of her eye, then heard a bang. She whipped around and looked at the girl on the floor.nshe shrugged and continued following Chase, not interested in the girl on the floor. She yawned and kept a hand on her sword handles, as a warning to anyone who got too close to her or Chase.

@Bills352 @pbtenchi @Peaceswore
Ken who was still leaning on the wall let out a sigh when the girl fell. He go off the wall and was just going to leave her, but Ixie said something to him and he stopped in his tracks. "Fine." He muttered before turning around and going to the girl. He extended his hand to help her up as he looked at her blankly. "Are you okay? Ixie is worried that you may have hurt your ankle."

Coco decided to take the mans hand as he was just trying to help. "I'm fine." Coco said as she spun around in a circle . "See as fit as a fiddle." Coco added to reinsure him that what she said was the truth. She decided that switching back into her normal form would be smart. She hoped this person didn't fully notice her ears under her cloak since she doesn't like people to know about her devil fruit or more clearly the fact she had a devil fruit at all. "Thanks for the help." Coco said performing a curtsying at the same time.

"'Sailing the world,' huh?" Garret mumbled to himself as Chase continued his path. After standing there for a few seconds, Garret resumed walking to his home. His motorcycle was still broken, so he wanted to fix that as soon as possible. It should only take a minute, after all.

Once Garret fixed his motorcycle, he lifted the garage door with his left arm, which had mechanical armor. He didn't want to wait for the motor to raise the door. Now that the door was open, Garret got on his now-repaired motorcycle and raced out of there and towards the docks. He saw Chase on his way, so he stopped next to him. "I suppose I could use a sightseeing tour." he said, "This place isn't really the best place to get new parts anyway."
Garret looked at the woman with swords and replied "Oh, you're a swordsman? That's cool. Can you also cook, like prepare sushi?" He paused slightly before continuing. "Look, I could theoretically fix a sword, but a mechanic fixing a sword is like a writer doing improv. Don't expect anything great."
"Look, just because I'm a swordsman doesn't mean I'm a great cook. I can make some mean squid on a stick but that's about it. And mostly just minor fixes, like fixing the blade, or if it gets broken" she said, crossing her arms over her black tank top.
Garret furrowed his brow in confusion. "Incredible." he said, "You just missed the point while hitting the nail right on the head. I don't think I've seen anyone else do that before."
"What do you mean busy miss the point and hit the nail on the head? I'm not catching your drift" she says, scratching her haid in confusion
Ken looked at the girl with a raised brow at the curtsy. He noticed that her hood seemed a bit bigger then it should, and he would have asked....if only he could find a reason to give a damn. Ixie began saying something which caused Ken to say. "She just said she's fine. Stop worrying, she just tripped." He said before his eyes went back to the girl. "A curtsy?...... Not many people do that...guess you were raised in a place with manners *sigh* Never mind." He said calmly before turning his back and following Chase. "This man doesn't seem to care, but if you are looking for a crew.... I can't really say if it's even official or a man with foolish dreams collecting fools." He said as he looked over his shoulder at her for a second before he went back to looking ahead.

Coco tilted her head to the side upon hearing the male talk to who she didn't know, upon closer inspection Coco noticed a bird near the male was he walking to the bird if so that's a cool little thing he is able to do. "Yeah I guess you could say I was born in a place with manners." Coco said ignoring the never mind part. She watched as the man headed over to someone else. However the next thing he said caught her attention. Walking over to the captain Coco decided to ask. "Is that true?" Coco asked curiously she guessed he heard what the man who helped Coco said.

@Peaceswore @Offspring
Chase could view the ship a short distance away and had come to a resting point slowing his pace, he noticed another face had joined the group he wasn't sure of what she was talking about so he made an assumption "If you are referring to becoming a pirate then yes, You can join us as of right now I am no pirate just a sailor so you don't have to join me as a crew member" he turned to look at his ship thinking about how it could be altered.

Venny looked at the ship. "Nice, but needs a pirate flag, cannons, and a new paint job." She says, looking at Chase, shrugging. "Just sayin." She states.
Chase made an intrigued facial expression and then huffed and replied "Yeah that's obvious I guess" the paint job was silver and metallic with some aging nothing compared to some of the new age ships design. He could supply the cannons and a jolly roger later and that was probably for the best but a paint job at least wear his father logo was located was necessary soon.
Venny nodded and looked at the boat, shrugging and sitting down, pulling a small bottle of sake out of nowhere. She drank and looked around, eyeing the new girl, the blue boy and weird stalky man. Venny shrugged and finished the bottle, throwing it at a pelican, scoring a hit. She smiled and sighed, burping and falling back.

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