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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Chase turned around as Venny called his name, she seemed to be bringing a stowaway and he seemed to want to join while Chase wanted to accept he again knew the ship was only so big. He listened as he defended his title "A linguist? How many languages are there in the sea? Can you fight?" Chase was concerned for the guy he wasn't very valuable compared to most of the others.

"There may not be that many spoken languages on the sea but there are many different written languages and I can read those. As for fighting yes I can fight but I would be better used as a distraction or a clever ruse. I can pull my own weight and firmly believe that I can be an asset to this team." Dru was actually taking this seriously and it was a strange and mostly new experience. Dru wasn't even entirely sure why he was taking it so seriously but he knew that this place could be the home he always longed for.
Chase grunted in frustration it felt so wrong to him to let people go but he needed to or else the ship was going to over crowded with crew members, he took a moment to thank about the situation then replied "You can join, please be useful" he said in hopeful tone.

Dru immediately popped into a crisp salute and saluted him formally. "Don't worry cap you won't even know i'm here i'll sleep in the crow's nest so I can keep an eye out and be high up like I prefer to be. As for eating I can help catch fish and I can't really cook but I would gladly learn so I can help." Dru smiled happy to have been accepted however hesitantly to this crew. Dru let himself partially transform growing a tail and his bare feet turned into hands allowing him to move a little slower but with more agility.
Chase saluted back and listened to his words and made sure to keep them in mind, as far as Chase could tell he was an okay guy whether this be an act or his true self he wasn't sure but either way he didn't mind it. Once he finished Chase replied "Appreciate the enthusiasm and readiness, oh and I don't eat fish but I am sure the others would enjoy it" he then remembered he never finished practicing and proceeded to do so gradually.

Venny smirked at the boy. "Nice tail" she commented and sat down on the side railing, her swords below her feet so they wouldn't fall into the sea. She flicked some hair out of her face and looked at him cooly. "So, monkey-boy, do you like sake?" She asked, smirking deviously

Dru chuckled lowly "Sure why not. You should see me do acrobatics when drunk. Actually I have a fighting style I have been working on around the concept of drinking im calling it drunken monkey." Dru took a few steps and jumped landing next to her on the railing his feet catching him and stopping him while his tail wrapped around the railing to hold him in place and he squatted down next to her. "What should I call you miss scary?"
Dru shook her hand and smiled, "Miss scary please pass the sake I want to show you my fighting style and who knows getting drunk might make me loosen my tongue." Dru smiled and balanced using one leg and his tail ad he watched her closely. @Church Burning
Venny smirked. "Fine..." She said, pulling a bottle of sake out of her apparently never ending pocket. She opened it and took a swig. "Don't be greedy" she chuckled, handing him the bottle

Dru chuckled and grabbed the bottle with is foot as he flipped off the rail without spilling any and then his tail wrapped around the neck of the bottle bringing it up so he could take a few sips then he shook his shoulders and actually held the sake in his hand before he began to wobble about then he did a swift kick before falling onto his back letting go of the bottle mid fall but his tail catching it expertly causing Dru to chuckle and take another gulp. "Come and take it from me Miss Scary." @Church Burning
"You have no tolerance for alchohol do you.." She sighed and got up. She breathed out and flashed forwards, jumping over him and grabbing the bottle by the neck. She landed on the other side of him. "Don't separate a drunk from their alcohol" she warned, gulping down the rest of the sake easily.
Dru rolled and got his feet under him vaulting over her then landing on her back his tail wrapping around one of her arms his feet on her hips and he said into her ear "i am not drunk yet, the alcohol loosens my muscles and allows me to move more fluidly." Then he shifts and rolls off her landing on his back looking disappointed "I wanted more sake."
"Too bad! Besides don't touch me you damn monkey!" She said, the alcohol bringing out her true personality. She sat down crossed legged and glared at him.
Dru shrugged at her cruel words he had been shunned from his own village why should he expect things to change drastically at sea. "I think I am going to go to the crow's nest and see what the game will be, don't worry the damn monkey won't touch you again." Dru shook his head and rolled over himself getting his feet under him and springing for the railing, landing then launching himself up onto the rigging where he basically walked up to the crows nest where he front flipped and slid into it and looked at the sky, this place would be a little cramped but it wasn't the first time he had been in a tight space.
Venny watched him to and took another bottle of sake out of her pocket, opening it and drinking. She smiled and got up. Leaning on the railing, she sighed and looked down into the water, drinking periodically from her bottle
Dru sat on the edge of the crow's nest and watched her, for a moment he thought she would be someone interesting but then that happened and now he remembered why he called her Miss Scary." Dru shook his head in disbelief he had been lured in by the drink.
Venny smirked, glad she had a title now. "Miss Scary..I like that. It suits me when I'm sober.." She muttered, drinking the rest of her bottle and throwing it overboard. She watched it splash into the water and sighed, laying back on the railing.
"Teach me how to use a sword." Dru had climbed down the rigging and climbed across the rail stopping next to her.
Dru shrugged "you can't pick up that skill from reading a book and since I usually have four hands so I figured sword fighting would be useful to pick up."
Venny sighed. "I only have two swords but when we go to a town I will buy you one so we can practice, but for now, we need to work on a few things that swordsman need before the sword" she said
Dru say back and used his foot to motion for her to continue as he watched her intently.
"Are you patient?" She asked. "Please be honest as this will affect your training." She said, sitting on the floor crossedlegged.
"I am patient if I see the use for it or have been convinced it is the right thing for me."

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