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Fandom One Piece the New Era

"What I do in my free time as well as the people I talk to is none of your business since you aren't my friend and all." Dru shrugged at his comment as well but Dru knew he was getting somewhere since he had bothered to talk to him. @Peaceswore
Morgol looks at the man that whispered to him, and Morgol sends blue flames straight at him, the flames liking the floor. (So does Morgol like beat him like Mohawk did to zoro or what) @Thesmashbro
Right before Morgol's blue flames could reach him, Priam quickly moved to the side at an extreme speed, ending his movement with him standing on the side of a wall. "Ooh. Temper, temper; Mr. Navy." he said mockingly, "Must you take out your hatred on pirates against every armed citizen you come across?" The 'hatred on pirates' part was a shot in the dark, but he figured that most marines were like that so it was more of an educated guess. "I mean sure, I may have devil fruit powers, but how would you know by just walking by me? For all you knew, I could've been an arms merchant complaining about a rip-off sword that was sold to me. For shame, Mr. Navy."

Morgol laughs, his laugh hard and cruel. "Please. I can smell it on you. I know you want to pick a fight. I've met people like you. Wanting to show you're strong by fighting an Admiral? Not a smart idea." Morgol continues to walk down the town.
Ken had moved back to the roofs judging it was best not to get in between Morgol and the idiot that must have challenged him. 'Guess I'll talk to him later... If there is a fight I prefer not to be within getting the shit beaten out of me distance.' With that he stood up and once he checked to make sure Ixie and Penance were with him he ran off by the roof tops once again no set destination in mind.
"So this is what happens when you stop fighting weaklings and come across someone who is actually strong, eh, Navy Dog?" Priam yelled at the admiral who was walking away, "'Navy Dog...' What am I saying? Next to me, you look more like a bilge rat!" He then looked aver to the marine commander that was with the admiral. "You there!" he said, "Be sure to drag the bilge rat's body to Navy HQ once I'm through with him!" After saying that, he leaped off the wall towards Morgol at an incredible speed, unsheathing and swinging his sword horizontally in one swift motion. It didn't matter how good Morgol's defense was; because of the move-move fruit's power, he would be cut in two if it hit. To Priam, it didn't matter anymore if the admiral was dead or alive. His strength was questioned. He had to answer.
"This looks fun" said Pbtenchi watching Priam attack Morgol, as he ate an apple, 'If he lasts 5 minutes i'll have to recommend him to the captain' He thought to himself happily.
Morgol flashes away behind Prim and slams his back with his arm, his arm encased in Armament haki. "I may not be able to move you, but that doesn't make you invulnerable to pain my friend." @Thesmashbro
Dru jumped up onto a roof and partially transformed to make it to the roof then he turned to sit on the edge and watch the fight, he was curious about the new guy and really wanted to see the power of an admiral.
Venny was watching the fight. "A swordsman..eh? Well..what are the odds...but against an admiral..he should keep his pride in check.. That man has kill intent and he's loving every it of the fight..I can tell. He was probably itching for a fight in the first place anyway.." She said, leaning on the wall under Dru's feet and swung the sword she had bought up to him. "Consider it my early birthday present to you" she smirked, clearly drunk.

@Thesmashbro @Drumonkey
Priam didn't worry when the admiral maneuvered behind him in an attempt to counter-attack. What could he do anyway? The move-move fruit made him invulnerable to physical attacks. However, while the attack didn't move him at all, he felt something that he hadn't felt since he had eaten the devil fruit: pain. Intense pain. When Priam landed, he fell down his knees. He put a hand over his mouth. Blood... How?! If some onlookers couldn't feel his killing intent already, it could definitely be felt now.

"...Obstacles..." Priam said as he got up, "...Mass...Gravity...Fatigue...Air resistance...Wounds...All of these things are nothing to me...Nothing can restrain me...No one can move me...No one can beat me..." He turned around to look at the admiral with a look of primal rage in his eyes. "...I am the greatest...My strength is absolute...Your body will crumble under its might!" With that, Priam launched another attack at maximum speed. This attack was much faster than before. Before, he used his legs to speed at the admiral. This time, it was only the devil fruit's power that influenced his speed. He wasn't using his sword either. He planned to make a hole right through the admiral's stomach with his body. If that didn't work, he would turn around and try again. He would keep on charging as long as he was conscious.

Before Priam hits Morgol, Morgols body erupts in Blue fire, and Morgol gets hit by Priam attack. However, Priam didn't go through him. The fire licks and burns at Priams body. Morgol looks at Priam, his eyes distant and strange. "The people who are the strongest in the world don't boast that they are. They are told by other people by the feats and accomplishments they have accomplished. They know they are the strongest when simple words aren't needed to define them, especially their own words." Morgol raises his hand again and slams it down. @Thesmashbro
Venny smiled, still hating the marines, but knew that the man spoke truth. "Couldn't have put it any better myself" she said, chuckling, and stumbling to the side a bit.
(sorry didn't get a notification) Dru grabbed the sword and smiled "thanks for the gift I will cherish it as long as I can." Dru smiled at her and chuckled watching her stumble as well as the fight.
"Woah someone has some issues, I was chuckling at the fight not you although you do seem pretty wasted. Are you ok actually? What do you think about the fight happening?" Dru raised his eyebrow and waited to hear her honest opinion.
"Admiral is gonna win. The other guy is caught up in his rage, thus his moves will be easy to determine, unless he's smacked down. I'm not wasted...this is my light drunk!" She said, leaning on the wall.

Ken had moved to the tallest building in the town and from there was hanging upside down is eyes still on the fight. He was rather far away, but he still saw everything as if he were close up. "I'm bored... For an admiral he seems to have slight bit of mercy....figured he would have burned the man without so much as a glance..." Yawning he stayed there upside down with is hands casually over his head trying to find something entertaining for him to do.
Dru nodded his head in agreement glad that he wasn't the only person to see a defeat coming and just decided to say nothing but look at the sword he had been given holding it and examining it from all angles.
Venny pulled a bottle of beer out of her pants pocket and opened it. She took a long drink and watched the fight, reading the boys moves before he even did them, smirking all the while.

"Someone seems sure of themselves." Dru chuckled as he watched her drink and wished he had some alcohol himself while being slightly glad he didn't he didn't want to become someone that relied heavily on the alcohol he just enjoyed the feeling that came with it. @Church Burning
"Hey do you know when we are leaving? I just want to consider grabbing a few things before we have to get back on the boat."
Chase returned to the ship and put away the weaponry and shaking off the water "Well time to find my people, Venny should be in the nearest tavern" he leaps off the ship and into the town. Shortly after an uneventful journey Chase comes across a admiral smacking down a swordsmen, he walked closer to get a better look and noticed the others observing the craziness, Chase walked over just as they were speaking of grabbing some supplies "Your right we need food but that's Pb's job he is a quartermaster if I recall correctly" he looked over to the somewhat fight and sighed "I hate seeing a mate fail even if they are idiotic ambitions" he voice somber.

@Church Burning @Drumonkey @pbtenchi

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