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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Chase hearing the conversation between Ken and Dru he chuckled at there relationship "I guess every crew needs a but of tension, Calan island sounds like an okay place to from the name alone, and I am definitely buying a ship with all these people on my ship it would be foolish not to" he began to look out into the distance "We should get going I guess"

@Peaceswore @Drumonkey

(I'm just going to assume everyone is aware that were leaving)
Ken glared at Dru before boarding the ship as well. "Penance go get the other morons that aren't on the ship yet." He said. With that Penance nodded and flew off. It didn't take long for the hawk to find the drunk. He circled around her closely before perching on a building in the direction of the ship. Incase that wasn't enough he also pointed his wing in the direction.

Ken rolled his shoulders and looked at the log post to make sure they were all set. Letting out a sigh he walked to the front of the ship and leaned against the railing. '........... He's going to be my enemy soon.....another obstacle in my way of survival... I won't let it get in my way for long... Though I still don't know what my desire is... Is it to survive? But for what reason? Damn it............'

@Drumonkey @Church Burning
"Thank *hic* you..Mr.Bird" Venny nods and walks to the ship, stumbling and swaying. She boarded the ship and almost fell flat on her face. She sat down by the railing and drank from her bottle.

Mariette walked alongside Jarvis with both arms raised and rested behind her neck. "So the only reason we were brought along was to supply a brig if Admiral Morgol decided not to kill him?" she said, "That bites." It wasn't that she wanted to fight, but since her ship was the one with the brig, they had to leave the island and go to HQ. If Admiral Morgol had a brig, then she could've stayed at the island longer. After all, her orders didn't specifically say to return to HQ after the assignment was finished.

(just assume that Garret is in the ship so we can head out already)
Cornelius walks around the large festival, trying out the foods in the stands, and signing autographs for people. He smiled as little kids came up to him and asked for a photo. He took the photos and continued to walk down, the small chest on his belt dangling it's normal pace. Cornelius touches the box. It was his largest treasure, a devil fruit his dearest friend gave to him. He continues to walk down the road, strumming his guitar in random notes, making a song up in his head
When Ken saw the others arrive he set things up so they could sail. Letting once he brought the anchor up he moved over to the steering wheel. "Whenever you are ready!" He shouted at Chase as he leaned against the steering wheel. He checked the log post and than looked at the clear sky. 'Still good weather.... Let's hope the wind stays with us.'

Chase looked to Ken "All ready lets move out" he points his staff to the sea, he then headed into the storage room to grab the book everything else could stay when he sen't the ship back to the island.

Ken nodded and moved over to unfurl the sails. Once that was done the ship started to glide forward. "Its going to be a bit of a journey. It will take us five days...maybe four if the wind stays with us." He muttered letting out a small yawn. He walked over to the port side of the boat and sat against the railing. He opened a journal he had in his coat and started to write in it. "I wonder if this crew will actually survive..... It would be amazing if they did..."
Numo sprinted out of a local market place, chased by a group of rough looking men, "Damn, didn't think they could run this fast...", Numo said to himself as he placed the

freshly baked (Stolen) loaf of bread against his chest. Two other men jumped out of two houses, (one left and the other right) with a cutlass in hand, charging full speed.

Numo sprung forward, leg extended, kicking the thug to the left to the ground, as Numo kept on running.

After running far from the thugs, Numo took a sharp right, Bending down and picking up a small stone, placing it on his head and saying, "Poof!". He exploded into a cloud of smoke, instantly turning into a young woman that he previously talked to before the chase. "There, should be safe, well, for now." He spun to the side and strolled off.
Ken leaned against the rail as he looked over at the island. "We're here!" He shouted to the crew as he moved to the steering wheel. When he got there he adjusted the boat and headed for the stocks. "Pb make sure to get enough food this time. If the island we were heading to were any further away we could have starved. " He said nonchalantly as they entered the dock. "And Chase.... Seriously if you aren't going to use the money to buy a new ship I want it back."

@Offspring @pbtenchi @Everyone else on the ship.
Cornelius touches his prized treasure chest on his belt, relieved it was safe. He strums his guitar as he strolls around the island, waving and smiling at the fans that wave and yell at him. "I need to find a crew." He whispers to himself. (@ all the people on the boat and Numo)
Pbtenchi got up onto the deck, the supply's he bought at the last island were, as he expected, starting to run out, next island he would have to get some more. "I didn't expect you all to have such big appetites." said Pbtenchi, "At this rate we are gonna run out of money".
Dru dropped from the rigging having swung his way down. "This stop should be good, maybe we won't get into some crazy trouble here." Dru chuckled as he disembarked looking around the island and walking in a random direction wanting to explore some.
Chase rubs his stomach "Pb please do your best to stock up for an entire weak" he quickly got off the ship "Ken I assume they sale ships, I am heading there once I get some food" he headed off into the town with both his money and the one he received from Ken. The island was very appealing to outsiders it seemed they shared a love for parting.

@Peaceswore @pbtenchi
Dru stopped and looked back hearing the music and chuckling a bit it is good to know they had a musician at least.
Numo paced down the paved streets, staring at a group of young women, whistling, forgetting he disguised as a woman.

Numo swung the bread around as if it were a sword, pushing the oncoming traffic of traders and other people closer to the edge of the sea wall, one man tripped

and fell into the water. "Heh.." Numo said awkwardly as a elder couple eyed him, the wife pressed the bottom of her cane against his head, and to his suprise knocked him to the ground
Venny was walking around and heard music. She smirked and followed the sound. She saw a funky dude playing the guitar and surrounded by fans. She sighed and watched from a distance.

Numo brushed off the sand and other rubble off his jacket, hearing the music. "Hm.. Ooo!" He exclaimed as he ran to the music, finding an interest in it.

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