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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Venny looked at him. "Wow. If I saw a huge ass ego, there it is. Damn asshole....I really wanna give him a slice or two..." Venny said, gritting her teeth and glaring at the man with killing intent so strong, it was like a haze all around her.
"Why can't we do something about it? I am sure if we got our crew involved or found some strong people we could take care of this situation, save these people, and kick off our pirate career with a bang." Dru chuckled as he stood next to Venny having seen the overt show of brutality. @Church Burning
"I don't think captain of any of the others would enjoy our battle thoughts..let's follow him!" She said, turning the complete opposite way and walking on.

(She has grasped the full 'I-think-i-know-where-I'm-going-but-I-actually-dont' from Zoro)
"Hey, you wanna help us kill him?!" She asked blankly, as if this was a normal day to day thing. She crossed her arms, looking at him. "Wait, who are you?" She asked

Dru sighed "you are going the wrong way." Dru turned his friend around and pointed her the right way then said to the new guy "what can you do? Maybe you can help us." @National
Cornelius nods at Dru. "I am a músician, and can use my symphonies in battle." Cornelius strums his guitar. "Cornelius Matriarca is my name. Yours?" He asks Dru @Drumonkey
"I am Dru and this is our drunken swordswoman. Her name is Venny, I think you could help us."
"For the record..yeah, ima drunk" Venny says, tilting her head down, sighing. "So, do you have any fighting skills?" She asked Cornelius, tilting her head and crossing her arms.
Cornelius smiles as he looks at the stage. "I want ti sail the seas and spread my músic. I want to make it world wide, spread happiness. Tonight for these people, i will do it." Cornelius looks over at Venny. "Like i said, i use my songs in battle, and i am a capable swordsman " Cornelius touches his belt, making sure his treasure is still there. @Drumonkey @Church Burning
Dru grabbed her shoulder and pointed her in the right direction once again "you are hopeless."
"Then why is he heading that way?" Dru points in the correct direction.
"WAIT!! WAIT!!" Numo was running over to Dru panting heavily, "L- Ugh.. May *Pant*" He could barely speak so he stopped, talking to dru 20ft away, "Is he joinin' your crew??" He swung his finger over to Cornelius, the arm then dropping, "Cause' I'll join too! I'm a able bodied seaman.. and I'll work as a spy!!" he yelled "Anything to get me out of my current ship!"
"You would make a horrible spy of you keep telling like that and I don't know if this guy is joining our crew or not but he is going to help us save this village."
"Save? What wrong with it it seems fine right now... waiitt.. aren't the marines around here pretty crooked?" He tilted his head and asked, "I guess I'll help stop em' , Its not like there is anything else to do.." He tapped his foot on the ground
Dru made a come on gesture then followed after his friend who was going to right direction finally hoping that the musician and new kid would follow them if they planned on helping, "Hey Venny can you draw the attention of Ken's birds so they can bring him to help?" @Church Burning @Death Puppet
Cornelius laughs. "If it was so easy to stop the marines, i would have done it myself." Cornelius walks with Dru and Venny, strumming his guitar as he goes. Some citizens would at times come up and say hi to Cornelius or ask for photos or things as they walked
Numo shoved his hands in his pockets and followed after Dru, he then looked to Venny, "Do I really smell that bad?" He lifted

up his arms and snuck his nose into his arm's pits, he then retreated, a frightened look on his face, "Welp.."
Cornelius smiles. "I can get their attention. Song of Fate: Animals call!" Cornelius playa a wild and fast note, being very attracting to Animals. @Peaceswore
"That is cool i guess but if you could take on all of them then you could have left any time you wanted." Dru shrugged and looked around then smiled as Vinny yelled "Yeah that works." @National @Church Burning

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