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Fandom One Piece the New Era

"Actually I'm looking for a crew you join," Reggie replied. "I tried to ask earlier, but no one was at the ship." Suddenly Reggie heard two gun shots. "What was that?" he asked. Reggie ran toward the source of the sound and saw the Marines on stage with their execution victims. Reggie clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. "Executions? What are the Marines up too this time?" he thought.

Ken watched the man run off and not caring to peruse him walked away. As he walked he heard a familiar voice call him. 'That came in the direction I was going.......' He immediately turned around and started to walk off away from the others. Ixie let out a sigh and nipped Ken's ear to get his attention. "Ow! Ixie you are doing that way to often! Look I don't know what they want but I'm no- Hey! Where are you going???" Ken shouted as Ixie suddenly took off heading to the sound of some music.

"................. I swear if they want money or anything from me." He grumbled as he followed Ixie. "Ixie! Get back here! Penance! That goes for you as well!" Both birds ignored him and kept heading over to the music. Muttering a few cusses he followed and soon came to a sudden halt when he turned a corner. Narrowing his eyes at the group he crossed his arms. "What in the hell do you want. And you! Stop hypnotizing my birds." He growled at the musician.

@everyone that wants to bug Ken
Cornelius strums his guitar again. "Like i said Dru, IF IT WAS THAT EASY, i would have done it myself. Sadly, they are much stronger than for one personas. They are cruel, all of them. Poor people" @Drumonkey

Cornelius ends the note, smiling. "It was not hypnotic, just addicting. It was a note that touches the Animals hearts." @Peaceswore
Numo pulled a caplock from his pocket, twirling it about in his hands and pretending to shoot at the crowd, one woman fainted thinking he was going

to shoot at the croud, Numo panicked and shoved the pistol back into his pocket, "Heheh.."
"too bad, he Ken we want your help in taking down the evil regime here we have 4 volunteers not counting myself, we could use your help. Besides it would give you a chance to prove you are better than us." @Peaceswore
"Prove? I do not have to prove a thing to you monkeys. I know I am better, and I don't see a reason as to why I wouldn't be." Ken said coldly as he looked at them. "Evil Regime?...... What are you planning?" He asked as Ixie flew back to his shoulder and Penance landed on his outstretched forearm.

@Drumonkey @Church Burning @National @however else is there.
"So, where is the marine base exactly?" He flicked a stone on Venny's head then saying "Poof." She transformed into an obese hairy 50 year old man

"You say that but all I have seen you do is turn a wheel a bit and talk crap about everyone else. Anyways we were going to fight the marines in charge here since they are acting corrupt and well that can't be stood for plus it would be great for our bounties." @Peaceswore
Venny looked at Numo, her killing intent now directed at him. She said nothing but walked over and punched him square in the nose, the force pushing him down. "Change me back now or I swear, I'm going to torture you" she threatened, and this was not an empty threat.

@Death Puppet
Cornelius strums his guitar as he listens to the group. They were quite hectic, and it was amusing Cornelius. He smiles as he looks at the festival. Only a few more hours until his grand performance.
"Fight marines? For what reason? We have not been attacked.... Are you guys going out of the way to save this stupid festival?" He asked coldly not seeing this a good reason to fight them. "We are not suppose to be heros, we need to wait for the new ship, get supplies, and leave. Simple as that. Why should we foolishly fight them for something so trivial as a party?"
Cornelius looks at Ken. "It would be a favor to these Poor people. They cant do anything for us, but we can do something for them. The weak need help, and we can only get strong by our accomplishments." @Peaceswore
"It isn't for the party, it is for the people. I don't know about you but living in oppression and fear is hell. Some of the worst memories in my life have been tainted by Fear and oppression. If you haven't been through that torture than lucky you, you managed to dodge a bullet you however are less of a man than I thought you were. Your old friend spoke highly of you but maybe he was wrong." Dru was pissed that Ken had dismissed these people so easily. Dru didn't care about getting dissed himself he didn't have too much self esteem anyways but these people didn't do anything wrong to him nor did they deserve to be left in this situation @Peaceswore
Ken glared at the two of them. "You want pirates to help these people?" He asked before he sent a death glare at Dru who had hit a rather sore spot talking about the past. ".............. I want you, ape, to shut the fuck up." He growled as he turned his back to them and walked toward the marine base. "I get to fight the strongest, and any treasure I stumble upon I keep." He glanced behind him with a bored look. "Get this straight I do not give two shits about these people, I just want the potential infamy and treasure." He said stubbornly, though really it was the talk about living in fear that actually got him to do it (that and Ixie glare).

@Drumonkey @National
Dru sighed glad something had gotten through that cold exterior Dru then heard the mean comment and nodded at Cornelius's comment. "thanks I didn't think it would work." Dru shook his head and followed Ken glad he would help. @Church Burning
Reggie decided to look around for people willing to help stand up against the pirates and noticed Ken's group talking. He picked up pits and pieces of the conversation. Reggie ran over to them "Who else is better suited to face Marines?" he asked, adjusting his crossbones bandanna. "Give me a target and I'll hit it. By they way, you have a really narrow view of what a pirate is," he said to Ken as he walked with them.

@Peaceswore @Drumonkey @National @Ken's group
Venny followed, figuring out that if she took the rock off her head, the fat form disappeared. She took it off and looked like her normal self. "I heard that we were talking about bounties? I already have one" she said to Dru. @Drumonkey
"I don't but I would like one although it is nice not having to worry about that one."
Ken ignored the man that joined them seeing no reason to respond to him not giving a damn about philosophy or whatever may happen with the conversation. It didn't take long to arrive in front of the base. Letting out a sigh he leaned against the wall. "Penance can you do a bit of surveillance." He asked the hawk who nodded before flying off to the base.

"What is your plan for this? Or are you just planning to storm the base like fools?" He asked the group as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked at them. "..... You did plan this right?"

@Drumonkey @National @Church Burning @shadowdude505
"I was going to do some sneaking and find a way in but you know I didn't plan that far ahead." Dru shrugged, he almost had planned to just storm in.
"I thought you guys had a plan, I just followed." Reggie replied. He pulled out his pistol and loaded it with rubber bullets. "No matter, we can wing it," he added with a big smile on his face. "We're bloody pirates after all."
"So options..... Wing it...or wait who knows how many hours till you can cause a distraction...... I agree with the guy that self proclaimed to be apart of us. Let's wing it. I hate wasting my time more than necessary. You guys can enter however you want... I'm going to more subtle route." He said as he moved off the wall and started to head off. "Oh before I do anything... I guess you softies don't want me to kill right?"

@You guys

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