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Fandom One Piece the New Era

"To your hearts content, I don't care how you do it." Dru turned into his monkey human form and looked to everyone else "Find your way in and we take it from there, kill or don't kill that is up to you." Dru jumped and flipped a bit and landed on the top of the wall looking into the compound.
Cornelius sighs. "These newcomers have no idea what is in store." He strums his guitar and walks up to the front of the base. The marine guards look at him. "Hey! You cant come any nearer!" Cornelius strums his guitar. "Song of Fate: Nimbus Stroll!" The guards fall asleep as he motions themgroup that they can enter.

Colby sits in his office, grinning ear to ear as he chomps away at some mutton. "Pathetic Island." He mutters as he continúes chomping
Dru chuckled and hopped into the compound walking crouched a little bit as he watched for marines.
Ken walked off and waited till Penance came back. When he did he gave Ken a quick report about what he saw. "Got it." He muttered as he climbed to the roof of a random building. From there he ran across roof by roof till he arrived at one that was close to the back of the base. With no hesitation he jumped of the roof and landed on the tall wall. He than jumped again and did a small roll to lessen the impact of the fall. After doing this he ran to a tree and climbed it hiding from marines that were patrolling.

"Penance....you know what to do." He whispered to which the bird nodded and flew to a different tree that had a good view of the entire compound.
Noticing that the guitar guy made the guard's fall asleep, Reggie ran after the musician. He quickly made his way past him and reached the door. Reggie leaned against the doorway with his pistol ready to fire. "Ready to knock?" he asked. "I'll cover you."

Cornelius nods and opens the door, being introduced by several marines. "Song of Fate: Banshees Howl!" And a few of them drop down on their knees, the músic note shredding their ears.
Dru quickly began heading towards the main building occasionally hiding from marines other times he would flip around and kick them in the face sometimes breaking their neck.
Reggie followed behind Cornelius. He swept the room with his pistol just in case there was anyone left to take out, but it looked like Cornelius took them all out. "Where to now?"

(Im gonna make Colby look more a of a douche ass and get Cornelius captures all in one post) Cornelius opens one of the main marine base doors, and looks in the room, shocked in horror, as Colby sits there, his evil grin from ear to ear as he holds a large revolver to a little girls head. The little girl is sobbing as Colby looks at Cornelius. "Think you could just come in here and defeat my men, and then take on the big three? Yuruyuruyuruyuru! What a laugh! Stand down Cornelius, or this little girl wont see her family." Cornelius smiles at the little girl. "Dont worry child, you wont be harmed." As Cornelius slowly puts down his guitar. He quickly makes a sign to Reggie with his hands behind his back to fall back. Cornelius holds up his hands and walks over. Colby gets up and grabs Cornelius by the throat, slamming the músician into the floor with enough forcé to violently shake the entire base. "Yuruyuruyuruyuru! Good boy! I knew you wouldnt have the damn guts to risk a kids life Cornelius!" Colby grabs Cornelius and the little girl, and éxits that room. @shadowdude505 @Peaceswore @Offspring @pbtenchi @Church Burning @Drumonkey
Thanks to Penance and Ixie Ken was able to get into the marine base with relative ease. Stealthily knocking out a guard every now and than. He was now rather deep in the base Ixie on his shoulder and Penance on his forearm. "......What are we actually suppose to do? Just kick the shit out of this guy?" He asked as he ran out of the hall.

Not paying much attention he had actually ran right in front of the marine that had the girl and Cornelius. He noticed when Penance let out a screech to warn Ken of the enemy. Ken instinctively moved away form the marine. His chain knife drawn and he was already in a fighting stance. "So are you are the asshole that runs this place? He's the guy I need to beat the shit out of him right?"

Colby laughs evilly and holds the gun back up to the little girls head. "Yuruyuruyuruyuru Yuruyuruyuruyuru! Drop your weapons boy, or this girl shall be six feet under." The little girl looks away from the gun, crying. "Mommy, i want my mom" she cries out.

Venny had followed them silently and was standing behind the colossal marine, back turned. "Excuse me, do you know where you can find the asshole marine that killed two people? Oh..you're that guy.." She said, turning around and looking at him. "Put the girl down, or I'm going to kill you" she said with a smile, hoping he wouldn't recognise her as the Demon Girl, Vendetta with a bounty of 10,000,000.

@National @@Peaceswore
Venny had her swords out in an instant and deflected three of the bullets, two hitting her shoulders, both of them. She ran at the man and slashed at his stomach, knees and shoulders, with deadly precision. She smiled devilishly, eyes glowing. "Moe tsuki*" she said slashing at his back, fire rippling off her blade.

(*Burning moon)

"Heyheyhey!!! What's with all the damn racket! I'm trying to take my nap and this noise is annoying!" An high pitched voice said before an arrow flew from the side hitting Venny in the shoulder. "Ewwww What are uglies like you doing here?? Boooooosssss~ Incase you can't tell we have intruders~" the white hair girl said as she loaded another arrow to her crossbow.

@Church Burning @National
Colby takes all the hits, but he doesnt move. No slashes, no cuts, no blood spilled. Colby laughs evilly again. "Yuruyuruyuruyuru! Demon Girl Vendetta, 10,000,000 beli bounty. How cute. Those are softballs in my park, girly. You gotta bring some larger artillery if ya wanna fight me." Colby laughs as he chucks Cornelius's unconscious and bleeding body. Colby looks up and grins. "Take care of this girl for me, will ya? I gotta take on the bird boy over here." Colby looks over at Ken. @Peaceswore @Church Burning @Offspring (you can bring in your guy at any time.)
Venny glares at him and turns to the girl. She smiles. "What's a pretty bitch like you doing here?" She asked, ripping the arrow out of her shoulder, not even wincing. She looks at the other marine and looks torn, her head switching from the girl to the man. @National @Peaceswore
The white haired girl puffed out a cheek and crossed her arms. "I'm not a bitch! You are! And you are a dead one! I don't like you in the least you ugly hoe!" With that she ran forward and shot two arrows at Venny reloading rather quickly.

Ken had moved away from the fight and as kneeling next to Cornelius. "Are you still alive." He asked in his usual dead voice not paying much head to the marine he found was an utter idiot. "This shouldn't be fatal... "

@Church Burning @National
Venny smirked and cut both the arrows in half. She sheathed her sword, running forwards and leaped at the girl, striking her in the face with her boot. She landed and threw five kicks at her stomach and back, each. "Maids like you need to learn their place" she muttered, kicking the back of her head and backing up, not even breathing heavily. @Peaceswore
Cornelius coughs as he smiles, looking up at Ken. "Ill be fine. Focuse your attention on Colby. He is a touch contender. Dont take him lightly." Cornelius pats Ken on the back and sits up. "Go get him. That large brute used a little girl to beat me. Now its a level playing field for you." The little girl mánaged to escape and run away. Colby laughs as he stalks closer to Ken. "Time to clean the filth off my Island! Yuruyuruyuruyuru!" @Peaceswore
The girl backed away holding her stomach a bit from the impact and gave Venny a death glare. "Me! A maid! Are you kidding! Look at my perfection! I would never be something so lowly!" She screeched before running forward. When she got close she grabbed Venny by the hair and Judo flipped her to the ground before shooting another arrow aimed at her face.

@Church Burning

Ken was quiet before he slowly looked over his shoulder sending a terrifying death glare. "What did the trash of the island call me?" He growled as he stood up and walked to the side, away form Cornelius so he wouldn't get caught in the cross fire. "Your entire existence disgust me. I was nice with the other guards, but you... Using a child as a hostage and brutally killing to people for talking their minds.... I think I may kill you."

Venny was thrown to the ground, but she smiled. "aww, kitty wants to play?" She said, smirking as she caught the arrow. She flipped up, kicking the girl in the face with her steel toed boot and kicked the back of her knees, supposedly to throw her to the ground.

Colby laughs. "Yuruyuruyuruyuru! Kill me? You low lives need to learn your place!" Colby charges at Ken and takes a swipe at Kens head with alarming speed

"Ahhh!!! My beautiful nose! You bitch! What the hell is with your giant feet!" She shouted as she rolled forward and shot three arrows at her. After she shot Venny she got up and started to put some distance in between the two.

Ken was a bit surprised at the mans speed despite his weight and barely dodged the first blow. Ixie and Penance were at the moment sitting next to Cornelius watching to see if either would be needed. "Fat piece of shit..... Go rot." He growled covering his knuckles with a it of haki he delivered a hard fast punch to Colby side in an attempt to knock him off balance.
A single arrow hit Venny's arm, but that was only because her hands were full with the other two arrows. "Oh, my giant feet? Or is it that you just have midget feet?" She smirked and ran at her, tackling her to the ground and sitting on her back, twisting her arms up with her hands. "I might not be as pretty as you, but I can damn we'll fight better than you" she said, twisting her arms the wrong ways and hearing a faint crack.


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