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Fandom One Piece the New Era

"Ng.." Numo heard the laughter, as he stopped in his tracks, smoke pooffed around him, and the disguise vanished

He turned around looking to Venny, irritated, but he continued running at a much slower pace @Church Burning
"Now.. Wher-" Numo peeked around the corner only to find a large crowd surrounding the man with the guitar, "Never mind.. He's right here.." Numo leaned against the building listeneing
Reggie wandered around the market place, receiving odd looks from passersby due to the bandanna with the prominent pirate crossbones on his forehead. He stops when he sees a gunsmith and eyed the merchandise. The craftsmanship was great; too bad it was out of his price range. Reggie continued to walk around. In the distance he noticed a new ship that arrived at the port. Reggie ran over to it. "Ahoy up there!" he shouted. "You wouldn't happen to have room for an ocean traveler like myself, would ya? In return I could be extra muscle. I'm really good with a gun. I can prove it too, what would you like me to shoot at?"

pbtenchi dropped his shopping bags and rushed to Numo. "hello young lady, are you in need of help getting up?" he said, grabbing his hand.
Ken shook his head and got off the ship. "Lets get this over with..." He muttered. Letting out a sigh he started to walk in a random direction. He glanced in the direction of the music but chose to ignore it. He made his way over to the market to see if there was anything of interest for him there.
"wait a sec... did you say..." he took a closer look at Numo and then the disguise undid. "Yeek!" he quickly retracted his arm. "An okama?"
Cornelis finishes his song, and the crowd goes wild. He goes to leave, but a young hoy asked him if he had any especial songs. Cornelis smiles and sings, "Symphony of Fate: Vikings Song!" and a large gust of wind blows and freezes a nearby building. The crowd cheers, and Cornelis starts to walk away fron the crowd. @pbtenchi @Church Burning @Death Puppet
"D-Devil fruit.." He reached into his satchel pulling out a husck of a deep purple fuit, swirls and dots covered the fruit
Venny laughed long and hard. "OH MY GOD. YOU IDIOT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! you really..couldn't smell that he was a man?" She asked, tilting her head curiously. "Oh, and you need a shower" she said down at the okama-person.
"It- GOD DAMNIT!! I'M- Ugh.." Numo sighed falling to the ground again, "I'm not an Okama.. Ok.. It's a Devil Fruit.. I was using it to run away from a few punks.."
"Aw well, I'll come back later," Reggie said to himself after getting no reply. He walked back toward the market. He spotted some trinkets designed after mermaids and bolted over to them, bumping into Ken in the process. "Heh, sorry about that," he said to Ken with an embarrassed smile on his face and a hand rubbing the back of his own head.

"Why do you keep falling down, Okama-san?" She asked, ignoring his devil fruit thing. "Who are the punks you were talking about?" She asked, tilting her head.
"It's a long story ok?" He looked up to Venny annoyed, using his legs to launch himself up, "I stole a piece of bread and they freaked out.."

(Oh, ok)
Ken glared at the man who ran into him and sighed. "Watch where you are going... There are not that many people there... Or are you blind?" He asked as he crossed his arms and looked at the man. Ixie who was perched on his shoulder glared at Ken and pecked him on the side of the head. "Ow! What is it??" After squaking a bit he glared at her before he glared back at the man. "Apology accepted." He grumbled

"Heh, heh...thanks pal," Reggie said, still feeling a little embarrassed. "The name's Reginald Colt, everyone calls me Reggie," he added, holding out a hand for Ken to shake. "Say, you didn't happen to come in on that ship that recently docked in the port?" he asked. (g2g)

Ken looked at the others hands, but kept his arms crossed. "I did.... why? If one of the others did something blame them, not me." He said with a sigh only to get nipped in the ear by Ixie. "Ow! Stop that! If he has a problem with one of the others why should I be bothered by it?" He asked the crow as he rubbed his ear. Ixie said a few things making Ken glare at her before looking at Reggie. "Why do you care?"
Chase hummed to the music as he made his way through the town to find himself at a restaurant by the name of the Muzica cafe, "Yes" he hurried in and ordered a platter of meats, paying a little extra for quick service since Ken provided him with the money for a new ship. The plate was nearly gone before it even touched the surface of his table and seconds latter the rest was gone, he gained looks of fear unaware that his razor sharp teeth were showing closing his mouth and fixing them he turned to the people "Hey, anywhere I can buy a ship?" oddly enough the people seemed to be aware of the kind of person he was and many people replied speaking of a place called Yokai west of here. Chase thanked the kind people and left from what he could see Yokai was a small island not to far especially if he swam, he put the Berri and the book on top of his head in order to not to get them wet, a straight to the Yokai.

Reaching the island he could see that they had ships but they looked like they had been through hell, some were burned others looked like they had been shot with a canon, Chase stepped aboard land and getting a better look at them. He noticed a common marking on each one, he looked at the workshop it didn't share the same symbol, he approached the door and knocked once and was immediately greeted by a large man who looked angered and spoke even angrier saying "Who are you?" Chase hoping to calm him immediately replied "Chase, you could say I am a sailor looking for a ship, I have plenty of money" the man grunted. Lifting Chase by the neck replying "Are you dumb, One I can't sale you a ship for obvious reason" he said referring to the damages "And two those marines wouldn't allow it and you know it, i'm not dying for some random pirate" after completing his statement he dropped Chase. Chase rubbed his neck "The marines won't know there off some where else and I am no pirate and you can repair the damages...matter of fact I will help" he looked confused for a moment "You don't know about those corrupt marines do you? Sorry about the choking I am Gazpacho and I like the rest of Calan have become a victim of some rogue marines, thanks to them our island of party has become a island of blues, today has been the happiest in months thanks to that check up but it shouldn't last long" Chase paces back and forth before replying "I shouldn't get involved...but I will do what I can, don't worry you just build my ship and if any one interferes send me a signal" he headed off taking the dryer route.
As the festival was just starting, a large man walks up to the center of the stage with a large snail microphone. All the citizens whisper, "Its the marines." The large man clears his throat and starts speaking. "Hello, citizens of Calan Island! I am sure you all know me by now! I am Colby Hilos, a Captain of the marines that have been protector your Island for a year! We only ask in return that you do what you are needed as a citizen, and pay the weekly taxes! We are giving you this festival as our gift to you all! A gift from the marines!" The crowd was still silent, afraid of what he was going to say next. Colby grins evilly as two men with bags over their heads are escorted onto the stage. Colby clears his throat again. "These two men here! These unruly rebels of society have tried to leave this Island without our permissión! We cant have that! What if they spread rumors of our protection, saying that we " abuse " and "push around" the citizens us marines protect!" Colby pulls out a large revolver and shootd the two men in the heads. The crowd gasps in horror. Colby grins as he goes to éxit the stage. "Us marines have this entire islands media and broadcasting completely restricted, and under our eyes. We see that you idiotic citizens try to call for help, and you send letters for help. Theyre all intercepted, and terminated! Yuruyuruyuruyuru!! Our admirals have asked that we send a report of how calan Island is with pictures of the citizens enjoying the festival! If it was up to me, there wouldnt be a festival. Those idiots at our HQ believe you citizens are all free and just having the voluntary protection of marines! What a joke! Behave, or suffer consequences, peasants!" And with that, he exits. (Directed at all the people in the rp)

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