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Fandom One Piece the New Era

"Interesting, thanks for that, I agree with you about the fight going on. Since you are here that means its almost time to go right?" Dru raised an eyebrow. @Offspring
Mariette was enjoying her stay in the bathhouse. Since Morgol, Jarvis, and the other marines were searching around the island, she saw no need to get involved herself. After all, with all these people, one more shouldn't make a difference. After she had bathed for a while, she could feel the ground shake for a moment. It was too violent and short to be a natural earthquake. Someone was causing this. Was it the person the admiral was sent here to capture? Whatever it was, Mariette decided that more tremors like that might get the water dirty. She grabbed her exited the bath to get her clothes so she could check what was going on.

Her hair still wet from the bath, Mariette walked in the direction she thought she felt the earthquake come from, soon finding Admiral Morgol standing over an unconscious man. Looking closer at the man, she recognized him as their target from the orders they were given. "Well, I guess that means our job is done." she said before looking directly at Morgal, "You ship still doesn't have a brig, right? What are you going to do with him?"
Morgol shakes his head, and he cracks a smile. "I don't want to kill someone with so much potential. He is driven, and I don't want to break that. I hate pirates, not people with a dream. He is cocky, but I am sure that can change at a different point." Morgol picks up Liam, and hands him over to Mariette. "He is your mission, not mine. You take him." He turns around and shouts. "MARINES, MOVE OUT" The marines that came with Morgol turn towards him and shout back "Yessir!" And the marines quickly run back to the ship. Morgol walks down to his ship, taking his time to look around. (Ken can ask him questions if he has any)

@Thesmashbro @Peaceswore
Ken let out a sigh as he swung straight up before he could pass out. "Well with that done.... Should I say hi to an old friend? It has been a while since I was in the company of someone I liked other than you two of course." He said to Ixie and Penance as he adjusted his over coat. Ixie began to squak and flap her wings, while Penance just nodded in agreement with her. "Yeah.... I guess I might as well."

With that he climbed down the building and moved across the roof tops. With this speed and dexterity it didn't take him long to reach Morgol. "So admiral. Do you have places to go? Or do you have time to spare to get a drink with a commoner like me?" He joked as he slid off roof next to the man. He had a smirk on his face and his arms crossed as he waited for the others answer.

Morgol laughs. "Commoner my ass. Sure, we can finally have some peace and talk to each other." Morgol leads Ken into a bar, and he orders two pints of beer and two chicken pot pies. "So, got anything you wanna ask me?" @Peaceswore
"Ask? Hmmm I guess so... How's it to finally become an Admiral? Last I saw you was... Well you weren't a admiral yet... Though father did say you were working your ways through the ranks like they were nothing." He said as he took a sip of his beer. "He told me you would be an admiral before I turned twenty..... Old man was right." He chuckled a bit as his rare smile returned to his face, something felt right about talking about his father to an old friend.

Morgol grinned. "Well ya know, hard work and devotion can push a man very far. With immense training and devotion, I got there. Being an admiral, it is more than just a rank, a symbol of power. It means that the Government believes you have learned enough, you are smart enough to be called an Admiral. Just like Admiral Alexander." Morgol clearly remembers Ken adoptive father. @Peaceswore
"Huh? You need to be smart to get into that position?? Then how did you get it??? *Mumbles* Must have lowered their standers... *normal voice* Great job! Surpassing every obstacle to get what you want! If he were hear I'm sure he would be proud....after handing you a bunch of manuals as to how to be an admiral... He always was a book worm" He said with a smirk as he lightly laughed and took another gulp.

"Y'know I can hear ya pretty well. I see your still a hero at times. Thank god not everything has changed." Morgol laughs as he swig his beer. His face changes serious as he takes a but of his pie. "My hatred for pirates. I'm guessing you're surprised they let someone who doesn't even have a brig to keep prisoners in their ship as Admiral. My hatred for pirates still burn just as strong as before Ken. Make no mistake." @Peaceswore
Chase watched as everything ended and the marines left and then turned to Dru "We can go if everyone, I assume everyone is here" he looked around to find the familiar faces, he waited before calling everyone due to the admiral being still here. Chase looked at the admiral as Ken approached him like a good friend and chase being Chase he wondered over into the bar "I have a question for you sir I always wondered why a pirate was always considered the strongest man in the world and not a marine, seems like pirates rule this world why is that?" his voice was serious and stern. Loosening his tone to something calmer more light hearted "My apologize for being a prick and ruining your talk" he gestured to barman for a drink.

@National @Peaceswore
"I'll take him to the brig, sir," Jarvis said to Mariette. He grabbed Priam, tossed him over his bulking shoulders, and headed to Mariette's ship. Muttering something about it not being fair that the admiral got to have all the fun as he left.

Ken glared at Chase obviously mad that he butted in with his small talk with some philosophy that he couldn't care less about. "And I'm called a dick." He muttered as his mood turned sour and he took a sip of his beer. "And I know Morgol.... From what you did to those pirates earlier I would have to be a blind deaf fool to be ignorant of your burning hatred."

@Offspring @National
Morgol smiles at the person who asked the question. "Don't worry, you didn't ruin anything. But I do want you to look at it this way, much as I hate it. My teacher told me this, and it has stuck with me for many years. A shadow needs a light, no matter which way you look at it. Pirates can be seen as that light, and marines as the shadow. If there were no pirates, marines wouldn't need to be around. Why would we need to be around for weak pirates? They don't cast a strong shadow for us. The strong pirates cast our shadow, and give our purpose. Usually, the source is stronger. That's why you could assume pirates could be stronger." Morgol drinks his beer, eating his pie. Morgol smiles. "And besides, for the media, it would sound boring If a marine was a king. But my purpose is to make sure that we stand on top, that the shadow consumes the light so then there is no need for a shadow anymore." Morgol looks at the two. "Any more questions you two? Fire away." He bites again into his pie @Peaceswore @Offspring
Chase looked at Ken with a smirk "People call you that, not me" he grabbed beer and chugged it as Morgol began making a statement it impressed Chase, he didn't think that the marines could be so humble. He smiled on instinct he couldn't deny his emotions "Well admiral you sure are a man worthy of the worlds respect, I shall leave you and blue to your conversation" he stands and sips up the rest of his beer and leaves with a new out look on the world he is joining "I think being a light could fit me really well" he thought as he left the tavern.

@National @Peaceswore

@pbtenchi (We need supplies quartermaster)
Ken shook his head and smirked. "Yeah I get to hear more philosophy... Gods I thought I was done hearing things like that after I left the village." He said as he scratched his head. "Don't you get interviewed enough? But if you insist...." Taking another chug of his beer he looked over at him and sighed. "Still brutal as ever to pirates...... Do you ever take prisoners? Or do you just snuff them out, finding their lives not worth a dime?"

Morgol continues eating his pie. "No matter how humble and philosophy filled I am, you can't change my position on pirates. They should all perish in flames. If it needs to be my blue flames, then so Damn be it." Morgol looks at Ken. "What are you hoping to become Ken? What is your desire?" @Peaceswore
Ken rested his chin on the bar and looked forward. "Desire? I....I never really thought about it.... My first and fore most thought is survival." He said as he placed his forearms underneath his chin. "When I left the village, that was all that was in my head...to survive no matter what the situation... I'm sick of being tossed out like trash... I'm not trash... I'm worth something, and I'm going to survive everything thrown at me just to prove it..." He said as his fist tightened.

Morgol smiles, and he stands up. Morgol pulls out a bag of gold coins and hands it to Ken. "Use this to get a new ship. When my marines gave me a scouting report, they told me a moderate sized boat docked into the harbor. I have a feling you guys will need a bigger boat. Tell your friends to go to the Calan Islands (That is where my character is) They sell boats there." Morgol pats Ken shoulder. "Be what you need to be Ken. What your desire wants you to be. If your heart wants it, be the light". Morgol walks out the bar, and heads to his ship. He gets on board. "Lets go back to Base." The marine navigator nodded. "Yessir!" And the large ship sails out of Conomi islands. @Peaceswore @Offspring
As Morgol left Ken raised his drink in the air. "Let's see where those words lead me." He muttered before gulping the rest of it down. He slammed the drink on the bar before standing up and taking the bag of gold. "Today's friends tomorrows enemies...... I have a shitty life." He muttered before waling out of the bar with Ixie on his shoulder and Penance on his arm.

Taking a deep breath he walked around till he found Chase. "Hey....philosophy captain. Here, incase you want a new ship." He said as he tossed the bag of coins to him. "Use that to buy it."

"Did you tell your sugar daddy thanks? Did you also tell him you had plans to become a pirate or did that slip your mind?" Dru said that in a semi joking tone trying to get a rise out of Ken @Peaceswore
Chase was observing the sea until Ken came buy with some gold, catching it he realized that gold doesn't come from nowhere obviously he got it from the admiral "Wow I guess it good to have friends in high places, it's appreciated, well were do we go now?" he weighed the gold in his hand. Seeing that Dru appeared everything was falling into place hopefully the others where nearby and ready to go.

Ken didn't even bother to look at Dru as he gently petted Ixie. "We are not pirates yet. So I saw no reason to tell him that I was one, seeing as I'm not." He said calmly. "We are heading to the Calan island next.... Also if you are not going to buy a ship I want the money back... And yes I know how much is in there." He kept a blank appearance, but in reality he hated how soon his old friend would be his new enemy. "I have a shitty life......." He said barely above a whisper so it couldn't be heard with ease.

@Drumonkey @Offspring
"I never said that you were I asked if you told him you planned to be but alas you have already answered my question." Dru shrugged and began to board the ship.
On the Calan islands, Cornelius sits on the stage, his performance for the festival about to begin. He steps out of the red curtains, and the crowd explodes in cheer. He sits down on a chair and pulls up the microphone. "Hello to my wonderful crowd! How is everyone?" The cheering explodes again. Cornelius grins. "Louder!" The crowd explodes with even greater noise, and Cornelius grins. He starts playing his guitar, and singing. A few moments later, the concert was over, and Cornelius stands up from his chair, the crowd applauding loudly, and Cornelius steps off the stage, a big grin on his face. "Now that was fun."

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