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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Ken pushed off the rails as he looked at the two with a calm and blank look like usual. "I don't get drunk....and Toto unless you ate them.... Burn those cookies along with the note...." He grumbled before looking at the sky noticing how the wind was blowing. It was a pretty clear day and the ocean was calm as ever.... "A cyclone is coming...." He said as he kept his eyes on the prefect sky not hearing what Toto said. "We need to change course or we will run right into it..."

@Church Burning @Tellmeastory @the reston the ship
"It will arrive in 2 days" Said Toto, checking the sky. "We don't need to worry much...Ken-chan, is your log pose checked, already?"
Ken sighed as he shook his head at Venny. "First of. It's Ken. Not Kenny. Secondly how do you not know what a cyclone is?" He asked as he walked over to the steering wheel and with a quick spin of the wheel the ship rather suddenly changed it's path. Anyone that was not prepared for this suddenness likely fell to the ground and anything loose would also have fallen. "This is the grand line Toto... It will be here far sooner than that."

"Well Kenny, I grew up in the middle of a large island so I never experienced one..er whatever it is. And I never ever sailed during the day, as in my town that was bad luck..so I never experienced it or was taught about it.. So what is a cyclone??" She asked again, since he never answered her question.

@Peaceswore @Tellmeastory
"Eh...well, I guess I'm still rusty...But it is a big one." Toto's face soon turned scary "I remember once seeing one of those swallowing a galleon whole" Toto then turned back to normal and grabbed the cookie bag in the kitchen "Can I eat those?" He asked Ken. @Peaceswore @National @Church Burning
"Do any of you know a thing about the grand line? I'm not sending my birds to find the cyclone since it can appear at any time. Also a cyclone is a todnado/whirlpool/huge storm/hell all mixed into one if we get caught into one. " He said before he shot a glare at Venny. "My name is Ken. Nothing else." He growled utterly detesting the name Kenny for a multitude of reasons. He then looked at Toto and nodded. "Sure help yourself. What you don't eat burn. Also stay inside I may avoid most of the cyclone, but we might still end up in a storm."

@Church Burning @Tellmeastory @National
Toto started eating the cookies while sitting down and he started talking to Venny and Cornelius "So...uh...Benny, since when are you dating Ken-chan?"
Venny shrugged. "Whatever you say Kenny" she smirked, officially making that his nickname. "Hmm? Dating him. He wishes. No, I just like to annoy the hell outta him" she smiled, returning to her normal self. Her head turned to a dull throb and was bearable now.
Ken gritted his teeth and held the steering wheel tightly. 'Kenny? Of course she has to use that fucking nickname......' He thought keeping a blank face, but in reality he was getting a bit sick from hearing that nickname again. "I'm not interested in a drunk, who can't listen to simple request." He growled as he turned the wheel more. Soon the clouds darkened and low rumbling of thunder could be heard. "Make sure everything that is loose is strapped down! I need someone to bring up the sails so the don't get ripped apart!" He ordered as he looked around to see what needed to be done for the upcoming storm.

@Everyone on the ship
With graceful skill, Cornelius quickly gets all the sails up and straps down the heavy equipment. "All is set Ken." He says and does this all with a smile. @Peaceswore
Venny smiled at Cornelius. "You should smile more Ken." She said, looking over at him, not calling him Kenny, since he would probably throw her overboard. Simon chuckled. "Fancy him do Ya?" He whispered into her ear. She slapped Simon. "Perv" she growled while he laughed.
"I'm Venny's brother, a shipwright. I Might possibly join this crew, but I need to ask the captain." He smiled, placing an arm around Venny. They looked nothing alike, but seemed to share the sibling bond.


"You flatter me but I'm over forty years old!" Simon laughed
Ken sighed and was about to respond to Venny but before he could the sky opened up on them. It started to pour cats and dogs, the sky got so dark one could have swore it was the middle of the night. Grabbing his hood he placed it over his head to block some of the water. Lightning flashed every other second lighting there way for a split second before an ear splitting roar of thunder filled everyone's ears. "Make sure every thing is secure! Someone go below deck to make sure we don't get any leaks!" He shouted over the howling wind that was hitting them in the face not holding back.
Simon threw his coat at Venny and ran below decks. Venny shivered and pulled on the coat, pulling up the hood. She looked at the rain and lightning, then heard the thunder. She started to hum a tune to the rhythm of the waves, instantly finding the 'heartbeat of the ocean'. 'I'm glad grandfather taught me there's a pulse to everythin' she thought happily, the storm just like in his painting, dark, dangerous and hungry.
"I know you like music, so I will decide to share this with you. Do you feel the ruthm of the sea, the pounding of her heart?" She asked, smiling. Rainran down like tears on her face, making her look mysterious and shy.

Cornelius nods. "The heartbeat of the ocean. The rhythm. The pounding of her heart. Yes, I can feel it all. I am happy another crewmate can as well." Cornelius, continuing to smile, plays a happy and calming tune, but the sing was still fast. "Of course I am going to play a song. A musician must do what he is best at." @Church Burning @Tellmeastory
'Right a song in the middle of a storm! Great idea!' Ken thought sarcastically as the waves got higher and some of water went on board. He kept the ship steady making sure to go straight through the giant waves rather then letting it hit them from the side. The lightning and thunder got worse as did the pouring rain. He looked over at the port side and smirked. "Venny! Over there! That's a cyclone!" Ken shouted pointing in the direction they were heading before. There was a enormous cyclone far bigger than Ken had ever seen, and it surely would have torn the ship apart in seconds had they continued the course. He held his hood down with one hand and used the other to steer. He couldn't help but grin at this, even though they were in a middle of a storm which could very well kill them, he was having the time of his life.

@Church Burning
Venny smiled. "I like your song~" she said, to Cornelius and the ocean. Venny looked over and smiled even bigger. "Wow.....I wanna up lose look!" She said to herself. She ran over to the railing and leaned over, smiling and looking closer.

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