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Fandom One Piece the New Era

pbtenchi said:
Pbtenchi went out on deck, and took a bite of an apple whilst staring towards the sky, he was obviously thinking about something.
Dru dropped from the rigging and hung from a rope in his half monkey form seeming at ease. "What are you thinking about?"
Cornelius continues strumming his guitar, humming a tune that goes along with the music. His chest dangles from his belt, the wind ruffling his hair. He looks over at Trist. "I guess it's an understatement that you enjoy books." @The Jest
pbtenchi said:
"huh? it's that easy to tell? it's nothing important, I'll tell you later" he said
"If it put that look on your face I would beg to differ but it is your call." Dru gripped higher up on the rope and began to spin coiling the rope as he rose higher and higher into the crows nest as if it were an everyday thing.
Tristan looked up at Cornelius, chuckled a bit and said "I've had this hobby since I was a kid.Other kids would be playing while I was reading a nice book, that's how it always was for me. Always good to listen to music while I read, though."

Ken let out a sigh as he laid his head down on the table in the dining room. "Fuck...... It's been two days and I'm still sore.... Ixie, Penance next time we arrive on an island I'm going to train." He muttered before he turned his to the door that had just opened. "Why are you crying now old man?" He asked as he looked at Toto.

Cornelius smiles at Tristan. "You already have quite the bounty Tristan. A hefty 40,000,000." Very good for a starting bounty if you ask me." @The Jest
Tristan looks at Cornelius and smiles, "I'd like to think that as well." He hums along to Cornelius' song as he reads.
Venny was sleepin on the deck, a both,e of booze in her hand. The hole in her shoulder had gone away but she had a scar in the shape of a ring, front and back. Simon was looking at their bounties. He clicked his tongue at hers and shoved them in his pocket. He looked around the ship, sighing. "Might as well say high to the crew she has..besides. I should ask if I can join" he sighed and walked over. "Hey there.." He said with a smile
Cornelius looks up at the new person, smiling up at them. "Hello new friend. How are you today?" Cornelius strums his guitar, his treasure chest on his belt dangling in the wind.
"I'm fine thank you. So, I'm wondering...am I able to join your crew? Unless you already have a shipwright..." He said smoothly, still smiling
Toto started raiding the fridge, completely ignoring Ken "SHOOOOOO GOOOOOOD!" Said him while chewing on some cheese he found there.

Cornelius strums his guitar. "We do have a shipwright, Garret. However, I am sure two shipwrights are better than one." He plays a faster but still calm tune
Ken watched as the man devoured pretty much every thing in the fridge. He let out a small laugh but had no plans in stopping the man, even if he did eat all of their food. 'Guy hasn't eaten in years.....I hope the inactive quartermaster stocked up enough food this time around...' He thought as he watched a bit more before he stretched a bit and sat up. Looking outside he his eyes focused on the clouds. He narrowed his eyes before walking out of the kitchen. Leaning on the rail he remained silent as he watched letting the breeze go through his hair now that his hood was down.
"Alright then, so should I talk to the captain?" He asks, stuffing his hands in his pocket


Venny woke up and stood up gently. Her head pounded. "Damn you beer...and sake..and alcohol..." She growled, wincing and holding a hand to her head. She looked over and saw Ken. "So what island are we heading to now, Navigator-man?" She asked, smiling weakly then wincing as she turned her head

"Huh" Said Toto with a piece of bread clinging on his mouth, there was a batch of Cookies with a letter at it, Toto grabbed it. He went to Ken and left them over the table in front of him. "Ken-chan, you have a secret admirer it seems." The Old Man said, smiling.

"A secret admirer?" He asked Toto with a questioning look before he looked at Venny. "The next island is called Forona island." He said calmly. "It's going to take us some time to get there even if it's smooth sailing the entire way...which I doubt it will be."

@Church Burning @Tellmeastory
Venny nodded and looked at the note, questioningly. She walked back and sat near the bow of the ship. She threw her bottle into the water and groaned, her head killing her
"Together with those cookies I also found this note adressed to you." Said Toto handing Ken a note saying "No matter where you are, I'll be always rooting for you, Tanaka-kyun <3 ;) " with a lipstick mark and a navy seal.

(You know where this is coming
@Peaceswore )
"................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Excuse me one moment. I just remebered somethign I was suppose to do." He said before calmly leaving the room as if nothing was wrong. He closed the door behind him and strolled over to the rail. Taking a deep breath he leaned over and vomited anything that was in his stomach right over the side of the ship. When he was done he was taking deep breaths as he gripped the rail for dear life. 'I'm going to forget that fight.... That never happned....' He thoguht as he wiped his mouth reisting the urge to vomit again.

"I..am Venny Senketsu, future greatest swordsman!" She said proudly, standing straight than instantly regretted it. He head was on fire and she winced, shuddering and holding onto the rail, bending over and groaning. "My...head..." She moaned.


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