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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Like a dog with a bone Dru's eyes lit up and he hopped onto a railing next to Ken "I am going to tell Doc that you didn't tell him about your injuries and he will give you his serial killer look." Dru chuckled and gave Ken a minute to explain himself.
Ken didn't glance at Dru as he sat there with his eyes closed trying to rest a bit. "I'm not injured, that's why I didn't tell the doctor I was since it would have been a lie." He said simply as he crossed his arms and leaned against the rail.

"Really now, this should be fun." Dru backflipped from view and a few minutes later the doctor stomped up the stairs his 8 foot frame menacing "I hear from the zoan boy you may be injured and not have told me about it?" Lucas smiled but his eyes seemed to lock onto Ken. @Peaceswore
Ken let out a sigh as he stayed in his spot not looking Lucas as he tried to rest. "I recall telling him that I'm not injured. If I was I would have gone to a doctor." He muttered as he opened his eyes and looked out at the sea. "I'm fine."
"Are you sure that is your final answer? I hope you know that if I find you hurt that I will perform surgery on you." Dr. Lucas smiled wider and his eyes had a bit of a maniacal look to them.
Ken kept his gaze locked on the sea as he stood up. "I told you I'm not injured." He said as he looked at the log post again. "Now leave me alone. I just navigated through a storm and I'm a bit tired.."
"Show me your chest and I will leave you to do just that Mr. Navigator, otherwise its operation time." Lucas rubbed his hands together he was ready to perform surgery and see what this person was made of.
"Show my chest? Look perverted bastard go bother the ape if you want to do something like that. I'm not interested." Ken said as he placed his hands in his pocket and started to walk away.
"Jekyll's operating room." Lucas then created a small operating room that was big enough for him and Ken and then some and then he split ken into 5 pieces. "Time for the doctor to give you an inspection."
Ken's eyes widened a bit when this happened as he shot a glare at Lucas. "You have a devil fruit? Damn it." He growled. Since he showed little interest in Lucas he never learned about the others powers. "This is attack a crew mate. Stop." He said getting more pissed by the moment.
Lucas had a smile on his face and his eyes were cold he had Ken in his operating room and in here not even Ken's anger could stop him. "I am not attacking you I am simply checking my crewmates welfare." Lucas lifted up Ken's torso and began checking it for injury or wounds.
"Hey! Bastard! I said stop! Don't lift up my shirt! Listen to me jackass!!" Ken shouted his anger growing. There was a very bad bruise on the middle of chest as well as a few other bruises along his back. Each of them a rather nasty color which would hurt him more if touched. "Put down my shirt! I'm fine!"
"I thought I told you to fess up to any injuries." Lucas touched the worst bruise and looked over at Ken his tell tale smile in place but his eyes seemed to be seething with rage. "Let's fix you up and end this operation before I do something rash, but first I am your doctor and I am in charge of keeping you alive as long as I can so tell me when you have injuries like this." Lucas then opened a bottle of cream and began to slather it on the skin to help heal the bruise faster and numb most of the pain as for the bleeding he stitched it up perfectly. Then he waved a hand and Ken was put back together "Have you learned your lesson?" @Peaceswore
Ken crossed his arms and glared at Lucas. 'Yeah.... From now on I need to use my haki around you so you can't do that again." He growled not coming close to thanking him despite the relief that was flowing through his body. Before he could say anything else Ixie flew down landing on his shoulder, giving no prior warning she bit his ear. "Ow! Ixie!" He exclaimed as his hands reached up to pull the bird away but to no avail as she had bitten him rather hard.

"Ixie! Stop it that really freaken hurts! You know that!" He exclaimed wanting to get her off, but wasn't willing to hurt her to do so. After a bit she let go and glared at him before cawing and screeching at him. Ken glared at her and without a word crossed his arms and looked away. Ixie then turned to Lucas and did a small nod of the head before she started to caw at him as well, though there was no evident anger.
Cornelius smiles as he strums his guitar. "Song of Fate: Spring's Song". The song was very calming, and relaxed everyone around Cornelius. He was hoping this would calm down Ken, and make it easier for Lucas to operate. @Peaceswore @Drumonkey
Peaceswore said:
Ken crossed his arms and glared at Lucas. 'Yeah.... From now on I need to use my haki around you so you can't do that again." He growled not coming close to thanking him despite the relief that was flowing through his body. Before he could say anything else Ixie flew down landing on his shoulder, giving no prior warning she bit his ear. "Ow! Ixie!" He exclaimed as his hands reached up to pull the bird away but to no avail as she had bitten him rather hard.
"Ixie! Stop it that really freaken hurts! You know that!" He exclaimed wanting to get her off, but wasn't willing to hurt her to do so. After a bit she let go and glared at him before cawing and screeching at him. Ken glared at her and without a word crossed his arms and looked away. Ixie then turned to Lucas and did a small nod of the head before she started to caw at him as well, though there was no evident anger.
Lucas smiled warmly to the bird and hands Ken a bandage. "Use that for your ear and next time your haki might not cut it due to my value of your health." Lucas tilted his head to him then turned and walked back to his lab smiling at Cornelius as he walked past. @National
Cornelius smiles back as he continues to play his guitar, calming the entire ship. Cornelius's new Sea King companion pops his head out of the water, listening to the music. Suddenly, the sea king gets behind the boat and gently, but quickly accelerates the boat. Cornelius laughs. "Where to Ken? @pbtenchi (perfect time to bring in woody at the next island) @Peaceswore @Drumonkey
A large and ominous ship came into view, it cast a shadow over the cews ship. "Hic. I'm the pirate king" came a voice from somewhere up above.
Ken looked at the ship and sighed. "Great....another drunk." He muttered as he moved over to the steering wheel so he could maneuver the ship away form the other. @pbtenchi
"A large ship indeed." Marko says as he sits down and looks up at the hulking ship. The sea king dives back into the ocean. Cornelius continues to strum his guitar as he watches. @pbtnechi
"So?" Venny looked up at the ship with a dull expression. Simon looked at it with a mild interest that quickly faded. "Eh.." He shrugged. These two just did not care at all.
Toto walked outside, finishing his nap. He looked on the horizon to see an ominous ship nearing by. He points at it and ask Ken "Friends of yours?"

@Peaceswore @pbtenchi

(hold on for a while, I'm of for dinner)
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Ken raised a brow at Toto. "Why would you think they are my friends? Not sure if you have noticed yet I don't really have anyone that can go in the friend category." He said with a sigh as he leaned on the steering wheel and looked up at the ship. "Since they seem to be pirates can't we raid them and take any treasure they have? Seems fair since there is a good chance they plan to do that to us."

"Why?" Toto paused for a while and then smiled at Ken "Well, Ken-chan, I consider you my friend, since you're such a nice kid..." he then patted at the navigator's shoulder with his frail Old man hands.

"And besides, you guys don't have any material treasure at all, it seems...."

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"Hic, we will your treasure, ship and any crew we like , the rest we will throw overboard. Hic. I'm the pirate king" continued the voice from above he didn't think the crew fighting back was an option.

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