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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Iscariot frozen form was broken by Spikes coated with Haki growing from all of his body,...The mass of spikes leaped in Chase's Direction "Black Hedgehog!" clashing directly with his staff.

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Tristan flew backwards as he was hit by Iscariot, though as he saw Iscariot come he wrote the words IRON CHIN-GUARD into his notebook. It appeared right as as he hit him. Though he sustained serious damage, it probably saved him from having his jaw broken or possibly his head detached from his body.

He heard the sound of Cornelius' music, then was met face-to-face with him. "Rest Child. Take it easy." Tristan could barely speak, but he nodded at him and said "Thank you." His ink wings evaporated into the air as he smacked into the ground. Tristan felt weak, his ink was almost out. "I need, yo-" he started to cough up a mixture of blood and ink, "you.. to get me... some ink..."

Out in the distance, an enormous ship is seen in the distance as it gets closer to the two brother's ships. Ten other ships follow the colossally huge ship as it gets close enough to the brothers ship where a bridge can be linked from one to another.

In the enormous ship, a large fishman sits in a large throne, the throne decorated with Shark teeth and beautiful gems. A black haired man comes up to the fishman and grins. "He we are captain. Let's see if this'll turn into a war or not." The fishman laughs, his voice echoing through the entire ship. The fishman stands up and walks out of the ship, and he walks across the bridge with the black haired man and an old, short man as they stand on the brothers ship. The fishman laughs again, shaking the brothers ship, signaling he was here. @Peaceswore

Cornelius looks at Tristan. "Ink? Where can I get you ink?" Cornelius says, looking around to see if there was any obvious spot for ink. @The Jest
Chase smirked "I knew it couldn't be that easy" he said watching as he casual breaks out the attack and sends spikes flying his way, he deflect the attack with his staff and goes for his attack "300 brick palm strike" he says using his left palm to attack and his right arm to defend with his staff.

"My house, my room... Down this street, take a left. First house. Top floor, first on the right." Tristan tried to speak as little as possible as he was trying to save his breath.

"Templar Shield" Iscariot'd Right arm morphed into a pure bone shield reinforced with Haki defending himself from the captain's attack he took this opportunity to grab Grab Chase's left leg with his left arm "Marrow!"

Cornelius nods, and he sprints over to Tristan's house. He was hoping no one was home as he sprinted up the stairs and into Tristan's room. He grabs a large bottle of ink and some more smaller bottles as he crashes through the window and sprints back to Tristan. He lays down the ink on Tristan's chest as he watches Chase and Iscariot battle. Cornelius stands up and strums his guitar. "Song of Fate: Warcry of the Gods!" And the song invigorates Chase, making him more energized and a bit more durable. @Offspring @The Jest @Tellmeastory
Iscariot defends with a shield and haki, Chase was sure that he couldn't win unless he played all his cards, Chase retract his useless attack and he bends down with more energy than he believed he had and uses his sharp teeth to bite Iscariot's wrist intending to rip it off his hand.

The white haired teen smiled and waved rather happily at as the three men approached and arrived on his ship. "Nice to meet you again.... Though I wish it were on better terms." Kibto said as his smile shifted to a slightly saddened one as he petted his polar bear on the head. Obito now sitting on his magnificent throne mainly made of ebony and opal, though it was trimmed with a variety of other gems. His cheek resting on his hand as he gazed at the three that boarded his humongous ship. "You have some explaining to do." He growled obviously pissed. "Why did your ships attack mine in my territory? I would assume this is a declaration of war, but I'm giving you a chance to smooth things over." He said his rage could easily be felt and a few of the weaker men that were on Hardy's ship fainted from the haki that bother Obito and Kibto were emitting.

Rasa let out a sigh as he shook his head, only him and the other five were currently above deck, all of the small fries were inside the huge ship. "Well Hardy? Your explanation?"

"Th-thank you." he said, taking the larger of the bottles and drinking it up. He manages to sit up now, "Ah, now that feels better. Still hurts, though." He began to play around with his jaw to make it feel better.

Watching the battle unfold with Chase and Iscariot, Tristan looked to see if he could add anything to the fight, but he came up empty. "Can't do much now, it's all up to him."
Toto looks at Ken down on the Floor, bleeding.He rushes to the boy's aid. "Ken-chan, are you okay? Can you move?" Seeing ken almost losing conciousness, he grabbed him, even the boy being way too heavier than his old body and hauled Ken to the nearest doctor. @Drumonkey @Peaceswore

Iscariot, noticing his sharp teeth made more spikes grow of his wrist coating them with Haki. @Offspring
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Chase once again loses to his defense breaks away from the grip with his leg feeling injured but he didn't know exactly what had happened either, it didn't matter he just had to get away and use a ranged attack. He thought fast and realized his attacks were bone related but that didn't help with beating his haki he had to use an attack that would be haki something he knew little about "My only option is to keep attempting to do damage" he spoke angered at his lack of knowledge. He gets in a stance then launches his staff "uh..Flying fish drill?" he groaned at the terrible name throwing the staff creating a spiral of air and water vapor the attack had enough force to knock him of his feet and harming his arm and his already hurt leg even more, the attack could only be stopped by a person skilled in fishman karate. Chase hoped that the attack would knock him back at least.

L.G Hardy laughs again, the weaker people on the brothers ship fainted due to L.G Hardy's deadly Kings Haki. "Ahh, how nice it is to see you too. At least your brother was kind enough to wave." Elden Shar, the black haired man, smiles as he looks up at Rasa and nods. Tycoo, the old short man, was grumbling under his breath. L.G clears his throat. "Why did my ships attack yours? I actually got the report I think after you, so it was definitely a surprise to me. My men said that your ships tried to raid mine, so my men attacked. A fair defense initiative, if I do say so myself. I feel that you knew I was going to say this, so before your rage explodes, Obito, think wisely youngun." Tycoo continues to mutter under his breath as he looks up at the twins. "When did they make Emperors so young? Back in my day, they were all at least a ripe 40." Elden shar chuckles at the remark. @Peaceswore
Iscariot dodged the spear Thanks to his mastery of the observation Haki...Growing impatient, Iscariot Morphed his foot into a blade, coating it with haki ""Black Sickle" as he charged at Chase and Kicked the captain.
Ken looked at Toto as he tried to remain conscious but the more he moved the worst it hurt. He still refused to show his pain as he let himself be practically dragged to a doctor. He shakily looked at the elder man giving him a shaky grin before his eyes shut and he passed out due to pain and blood loss. @Tellmeastory

Obito kept his glare as sat up a bit straighter. "True, I figured you would use a lame excuse such as that. However that is a lie. There are reports from the town that the first shot came from the ship that was intruding onto our territory." He said as he stood up and started to make his way to Hardy. But before he could Kibto rested a hand on his shoulder and shook his head. "Please calm down Obito..." He said before he looked over at Hardy.

"As my brother said there are reports from the town that multiple people saw your men fire the first shot... Hardy. I don't want to start a war over this. We wish to be compensated for the damage your men have caused." He said calmly no hostility or hate in his voice. His gaze moved to Tycoo and with kind smile he reponded. "I guess that shows that we are no joke, honestly I thought we wouldn't reach this status till our late twenties maybe earlier thirties." @National
Chase watched as the attack missed he was pissed there was nothing that could defeat this guy and if he was going to die any way he might as well go out with a bang, he took the attack defended the attack but took on a lot of damage but he stood strong. Grabbing Iscariot's leg attempting to pick him up and toss him, a basic attack but he had to rebuild his strength before using another powerful attack.

L.G Hardy laughs. "Obito, you have always been the head strong of the brothers. Kibto, the more calm brother. A yin and yang, a beautiful combination. However, at times one of the two sides will be more powerful than the other." L.G Hardy laughs. "You should know I am no joke either, Kibto. None of the emperors are. I remember seeing you both when you were even younger on the ship of Damian, the emperor who took care of you two. The one I had to kill to gain the Emperor position. He was a good and strong pirate, and I believe he left two gems in his wake. Don't throw Damian's work on you two out the window. I will pay for the ships, as it won't even dent the profit I make every day. I wanted to start a war, but my alliances need to be low key for the things that they are doing." Elden Shar and Tycoo both walk back to the ship. The two large sea kings encircling L.G Hardy's ship continue to naturally swim around the ship, their large serpentine bodies just barely visible to the normal eye. As L.G walks back, he looks back at the brothers. " If a war breaks out, pick your sides carefully. I don't want to rip you both down like I did to Damian." And with that, L.G walks back to his enormous ship. His large crew gets ready to sail as L.G walks back into the ships main room with his throne. He sits down, grinning. Elden Shar walks back onto the brothers ship by himself, and he walks up to Obito and Kibto. He hands the check for the money that will pay for the ships that were destroyed. "Continue to be safe you two." And with that, "Black Diamond" Elden walks back onto his captains ship. A minute later, the fishmans enormous ship sails off into the distance, leaving the brother's ship. @Peaceswore
Kibto waved at the ship happily as it went into the distance but as soon as it did he let his hand fall to his side as a saddened look went on his face. "A war is going to break out...." "I know... Hardy is underestimating us if he thinks we are weak like Damian was... That bastard." Obito growled as he clenched the check in his hand tightly.

Kibto moved over to his brother and hugged him for a moment before letting go. "It's okay. Sooner or later we will have to step on Hardy's corpse in order to get to the one piece... If he underestimates us than we can easily use it to our advantage. For now brother let's make sure our friends and crew are uninjured." "Fine...but after we check on them we are going to" "Party" They both said at the same time which caused the two to erupt with laughter.

Now that the seriousness has left the air the two were starting to act like them selves. The rest of the crew came out waking the few that were passed out. And in a matter of minutes the entire ship was alive like a festival as they sailed to friendly waters.
As L.G's ship sails back into his territory, Elden Share walks up to his captain. "Those kids really underestimate ya Hardy." Elden says laughing, chucking a bottle of whiskey to L.G. the large fishman catches it, grinning as he swigs it all down in one gulp. "That's just fine. They're kids Elden. They're not weak like Damian was. If they fight me, however, I'll have to clip those kids wings." L.G laughs, and he looks at Elden. "Let's lighten everyone's mood. Bring out all the alcohol for the crew." "Aye aye cap." Elden gives the signal, and everyone starts to drink and dance, their laughter ringing the air as they sail back to Ravine Island.

Cornelius strums his guitar. "Sing of Fate: Banshees Howl!" He strums his guitar again, and a shockwave of high frequency fires at Iscariot, so he could buy time for Chase to recover. @Tellmeastory @Offspring
"Ken-chan, you have to survive...Your group is this town's only hope...This "peace" is built by fear." Toto spoke to Ken, Suddenly summoning an Immence strenght, "Every bone he broke, every insult he threw, every life he took! If it doesn't end now, It will never end!" Toto suddenly tripped and fell, shielding Ken's body from colliding on the floor with his own body. "Ken-chan, you gave this old man some hope...DO NOT BETRAY YOUR OWN WORDS RIGHT NOW!!!!" Toto yelled to Ken, hoping his plea reached the injured navigator.

(I only found

for Ost )

Iscariot is pushed away by an Overwhelming attack by Cornelius, it doesn't damage, Causes Iscariot to back away from Chase "YOU BRAT, I ALREADY TOLD YOU, RESPECT THE HOUSE OF THE LORD WITH SACRED SILENCE!" Iscariot Charged at Cornelius, trying to kick the musician with his blade leg.

(And for the Iscariot fight I guess

can go with it)
@National @Offspring
Ken let out a groan as he opened his eyes slowly, blood still dripping from his mouth as he pushed off the ground. "Shut up.... You are too noisy how am I suppose to get some shut eye." He said with a smirk as he shakily stood up. Penance landed on a near by roof and said something to Ken who looked at him and nodded. "Slow pokes haven't finished him off yet.... Guess I'll help them..." He said with a grin as he turned around and headed toward the fight though he was exhausted and still bleeding as he walked away he gland over his shoulder with a dead serious look. "I never betray my words... And I have no plans in starting now." He said before he continued on the path at a faster pace despite the pain he was in.

Tristan, hand at his side which has now been turned into a pen, at least the tip, writes the word BARRIER into the ground. Suddenly, the words flew over to the middle of the street and formed a barrier. "Should be decent enough to hold him back a bit," he said to Cornelius.

@National @Peaceswore @Tellmeastory
Cornelius nods, and he strums his guitar again. "Song of Fate: Hells Symphony!" A funnel of fire shoots out from the guitar and straight at Iscariot. He knew the priest was going to spike up again in power. Cornelius just had to get ready for his onslaught. "You cant silence a happy voice priest." Cornelius smiles. @Tellmeastory
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Chase is relieved to get some assistance "Cornelius be careful" he said running over to grab his staff nearly falling over every step of the way, He made it over to his staff and causes some water to pour out onto his body he exhaled as his injuries were becoming less painful. He then checked Cornelius but some barrier was created to hold him back, Chase relaxed for the time.

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