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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Ken looked shocked that the chain broke letting out a small sigh he placed the blade and broken chain in his pocket. 'I'll get that fixed later.' He thought as Penance flew next to him. "Ixie!" He shouted and with that the crow shifted to normal and flew over to Ken. Looking around he saw most if not all of the small fry had been dealt with leaving just him and to commodore.

"Smoke." He ordered and which Ixie compiled and shifted into a smoke bomb. Rolling his shoulders he grabbed Ixie and glared at his opponent. "Penance when you see a chance strike." He said as he handed the hawk the broken blade. Penance nodded and flew at a great height staying out of harms way.

"I'm tired of this.... Why don't you shut your queer mouth and go die in a gutter?" After that cold statement he tossed down the smoke bomb making it near impossible to see him. "Shotgun." He whispered to which Ixie instantly shifted again. Using his observation haki he dodged the first blow the other may use and moved to the man's flank and shot him at close range.

"..mmmm..grandpa..don't go.." She whimpered, her head moving so it was on the side facing Dru. "..mmmhmmm.." Sh whimpered, her hand grabbing his as he patted her hand.

Iscariot got up again, seemingly unharmed. "Didn't I tell you it was Useless, Hammerman?" Iscariot's ribcage suddenly bursted out of his chest and grabbed Simon immobilizing him "Purgatory Cell" He looked the carpenter in the eye and said "No worries, I will keep you alive for later..." Iscariot smiled "Bone Grinder" All the bones on Simon's Limbs suddenly alltogether bursted into shards, some even rupturing through simon's flesh.
The Okama, shocked at the attack was fell to the floor, bleeding, he looked at Ken D. Tanaka. And said "Wy...so...rou-..." He/she passed out.
Tellmeastory said:
Iscariot got up again, seemingly unharmed. "Didn't I tell you it was Useless, Hammerman?" Iscariot's ribcage suddenly bursted out of his chest and grabbed Simon immobilizing him "Purgatory Cell" He looked the carpenter in the eye and said "No worries, I will keep you alive for later..." Iscariot smiled "Bone Grinder" All the bones on Simon's Limbs suddenly alltogether bursted into shards, some even rupturing through simon's flesh.
Dru's brow furrowed and his heart sped up while his tail swished back and forth like a cat coiling one way then another.

Lucas quickly said "Operating room." creating a room encompassing all three of them and then some. Lucas quickly began to repair the bones of Simon and repair any ruptures and punctures he experienced, his hippocratic oath demanding that he heal this patient, once he was done he frowned at Iscariot "Get out of my operating room before you regret injuring this person in front of me."
Ken remained on guard till he was certain the commodore was unconscious. When he went over and nudged him he let out a sigh of relief before he groaned and held his stomach. Lifting up his shirt he saw he had an ugly bruise there which made him sigh. "I've had worse...." He muttered as Ixie turned to a normal crow and Penance dropped the blade back into his pocket.

Looking around Ken scratched his head. "Damn it... I think I'll keep me being a hypocrite under wraps. I'll never hear the end of it other wise." He said as he climbed the tree and went back into the priest room. "You still here?" He asked as he looked around for the elderly man.

"Regret? Tsukakakakakaka...TSUKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA!" Iscariot walked to them Readying his next attack "You should worry about yourselves Heathens! I won't let you get away so Ea-" "Peroperoperoperoperopero" A den-den mushi began to ring, it was Iscariot's "Hello...Yes...WHAT!? MY CHURCH!?" More furious than even Iscariot forgot the group in front of him and began marching to his Holy Ground.
Church Burning]She smiled cutely in her sleep and mumbled something that no one could hear. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13484-drumonkey/ said:
Dru sighed heavily and muttered to himself "This isn't even remotely fair but watch her wake up and get angry at me again for being here and holding her hand." Dru glanced at her hand and began inspecting it, having 4 hands Dru understood that a person's hands could tell a story about the person, but then Dru stopped and decided he didn't want to know.

Lucas released his operating room and picked up Simon carrying him to the area he had left Vinny and set him down next to her "I see she is sleeping, good the two of them should be kept to a minimum activity until they have fully healed. (good call @Tellmeastory )
Toto was near an unconcius Marine with a Den-Den Mushi who had a den den mushi on his hand..."Ken-chan, we have to go. NOW!" Said the old man, before grabbing Ken's hand and rushing him to leave the church.
Venny smiled as she felt Simons presence, as did Simon. Simon woke up and saw Venny, but not her hand being held by Dru. "Good...she's safe.." He said, breathless and passed out again

Dru sighed again "I guess he missed the hand holding good."

Lucas shook his head and took their vitals and checked them over once more. "I think they will be ok just make sure they rest and take it easy, I will go now.

"Wait join our crew." Lucas stopped for a moment thinking about it then called back as he left "I will think about it."
Ken looked at the old man confused. "What? What's going on?" He asked as he followed him though his movements were slightly slow due to the nasty bruise which was being quite a pain. He kept a blank face not letting any of the pain to be shown. Seeing the panic in the mans face he didn't struggle against him and kept going. "......... It's the priest isn't it...."

"Iscariot is a powerful man, he can break your bones and reatach them so he can break them again!" Toto pulled Ken though the church's door "Not just that, he does it all with a touch...You need to leave, Ken-chan, not even someone like you can defeat him!"
Ken listened to the other slightly ticked when he said he couldn't beat him. However, with him being wounded and his weapon destroyed even he had to admit it was unlikely. "Got it... Though I sort of blew a hole in his church..... We need to find the rest of my crew. Hopefully they are competent enough to beat the shit out of the so called priest." He muttered as he held his stomach.

Upon hearing the word crew, Toto realized ken was a pirate."Ken-chan...you need to run away from this town...Now! PLEASE, NEVER LOOK BACK!" Toto, suddenly gaining some extra strenght pushed Ken out of the church and into a building nearby..."That man...Iscariot...He's merciless...Believe me, I know his power more than anyone in the damned wretched town" Tears were rolling through Toto's face "Not even my crew was good enought to defeat him..." A flashback went by his mind, it showed a Younger Toto partying with his crewmates when they were attacked by Iscariot killing all but Toto, who was the captain..."I endured the torture for 27 years...The pain he caused me..." Toto broke down in tears "Was nothing compared to seeing every friend I had Slaghtered by that maniac!"

Ken stood there silently his blank face remaining as usual as he listened to the old man sob. Something about the man's situation struck a cord with him. "Not only were you tortured for 27 damned years... You were forced to watch your crew die before your eyes while you were too helpless to do a thing." He said quietly as he hanged his head his hood covering his eyes and his fist clenched tightly as they shook a bit.

"In a way understand your hardship.... Losing people you love, captured and tortured beyond belief for another sadistic pleasure... I experienced this all..." He suddenly grabbed the old man's wrist and leading him out his usual blank face gone and replaced with one filled with rage. "I swear." He growled darkly filled with pure hate. "We will beat the shit out of the priest, I don't care if you think we won't win. I have been getting stronger and stronger so I won't be helpless ever again. We will beat him, after all..... Fuck god we are pirates."

"K-Ken-chan..." Toto wyped his tears, now feeling somewhat encouraged by the young boy he sees before him. With a determined expression, Toto peeked buy the window if the was any sign of the Priest. He turned to Ken "Alright...if you say so, then I'll trust you, Ken-chan, but you are too bruised for now. Where are your crewmates?"
Ken looked out the window as well and remained quiet. "They are somewhere in town... Penance can find them easily, but as soon as he leaves the building our position may be given away. I want you to follow Penance and explain the situation to the others. Ixie and I will stay and fend him off if he comes after you. The captain of the crew is a man with long hair and a spear that goes by Chase, everyone with him is likely part of my crew...." He said as he looked at the old man. "

Toto nodded "Ken-chan, be careful!" He followed the eagle right away...Once Toto disappeared from Ken's point of view, a Furious Roar could be heard from far...It was Iscariot running to the churchyard..."YOU WILL ALL DIIIIIIE!" He was getting closer by the minute.
Penance flew out of the building and went high into the air as he scoured the city for the crew when he found them he returned to Toto. Flying slow so the man could keep up he lead him to the crew.

Ken held his bruised stomach a bit flinching at the touch. "Well Ixie... Ready for another fight?" He asked in a joking manner as he tried to ignore his wound. Hearing the pissed off priest he sighed and got serious. "Ixie bomb mode." He said quietly. When she immediately shifted into the bomb. Ken grabbed her and hid her underneath a few planks of wood not far from the door. "Only go off when you know it's him." He whispered as he backed away keeping his guard up. He took a deep breath and focused on his observation haki. 'I can't let him touch me... If he does it's over....'


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