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Fandom One Piece the New Era

"....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Sorry I had to swallow my vomit.... Yeah I figured it was pretty obvious....also so much nope." Ken said as he rolled his shoulders a chill going down his spine when the commodore winked at him. "Oh... Just so you know I may swing either way, but you are not in any of the directions I'm willing to go." He stated coldly turning the man down before the question could even arise. A small smirk appeared on Ken's face. "Ixie.... Cannon."

Ixie who was still in the church formed into a canon that was of medium size seeing as he had no wish to blow the entire town. "I'm a pirate so sorry if I go in quietly a certain marine will make me wish I was dead." With that he suddenly socked the commodore in the face and threw him in front of him so if the marines shot they would likely hit him instead of Ken. "Now Ixie!" He exclaimed as he ran to a tree for cover. At this exclamation Ixie fired a shot at a few of the marines.

Trapped, Iscariot couldn't help but laugh..."Tsukakakakakaka! I guess I am in quite a predicament..." He breathed in and out."Boneless!" His legs became limp and he used his arms and upper body to pull himself out with ease, his legs passing through the crack as if they were liquid "Restore", Iscariot's body returned to normal as He noticed Venny and Dru getting near to the fight scene. "Tsukakakakakakakakaka! See, Hammerman, she's alive after all! TSUKAKAKAKAKAKA! He started focusing readiing his Observation haki do the dodging for him.
The soldiers took the barrage of cannonballs head on.The Commodore, still councious got up from the attack "How, cute, he's shy!" and quickly tracked ken, when finding him Winking at him and blowing Him a kiss "Why, why, Tanaka-kyun! Don't you think that a high ranking marine such a myself wouldn't be able to handle such low tactics? You break my heart~~<3" The Commodore kicked Ken in the stomach with "Okama Kenpo! Swan Recital!" The kick had a drill effect imbued with haki.
"Say, Hammerman...You shown a really strange power there...Are you a fruit user or was that all brute force?" Iscariot said, without losing his Focus on the Observation Haki.
Ken let out a groan as he was sent some distance away crashing into the wall of the church. Coughing a bit at the hard hit he stood he glared at the commodore. "How about I rip it out? That way it won't be broken again." He growled as he took out his knife an chain. Standing up he took a deep breath and looked at the marine with cold eyes as he focused on his fight. When he exhaled he ran forward before suddenly switching directions to attack his flank. He delivered a hard kick to the marines side and threw the chain in hopes of wrapping it around the others neck.

Iscariot noticed dru lounging at him and quickly pointed his index finger at him "White Pike" He Impales Dru on he Shoulder. He quickly switched back his attention at Simon being careful to not get hit by the carpenter.
Venny jumped up and ran at the priest. She slashed at his waist, cutting his lower back deeply, severing the spine. "Don't touch my nakama" she growled, breathing heavily and wincing as her shoulder started bleeding again. @Drumonkey

Simon was distracted when Venny attacked, his haki slipping.

"STOP HURTING MY DARLINGS!" The commodore delivered another kick to Ken"Kyaaaaah~~! so rough!" The Okama turned shy "It's my first time with such a feisty boy, please be gentle~~..." He said, winking at Ken.
Dru grabbed the the bone to hold it steady then snapped it and pulled the chunk from his shoulder throwing it at the priest Dru wasn't sure how he had hit him from so far away when Drudru didn't move towards him or anything but Dru shrugged it off and began to sprint at the priest ready for the next attack the priest would throw at him but still keeping some distance between the two until he saw Venny attack @Tellmeastory @Church Burning
Ken grit his teeth and using haki hardened the part that the commodore hit though he was still pushed back a bit. When he was once again winked at Ken didn't do a thing. He was focused on the fight, and if he got distracted by something so pathetic he might as well fall on his own knife. Sure he will vomit to his hearts content later, but now he had to remain focused.

Ken once again ran straight toward the commodore his blade at the ready. This time before the commodore could react Penance dived from the church and started to try and claw out the commondore's eyes. As he did this Ken ran behind the Okama and placed the chain around his neck and his foot on his back before he started to pull on it strangling the queer.

"It's useless...Don't you know...?" Iscariot grabbed Venny by the neck with his right hand as his spine began to grotesquely regenerate in front of the Trio "You want me to explain my powers, very well!" He put his left hand at venny's back."Marrow!" She begins to scream in pain, after that he throws her at Dru. The slashed area is now White...It's made of bone. Iscariot stood proudly in front of the trio.
Venny was screaming silently, then was thrown at Dru. She landed on her back, a crack heard throughout the town. She passed out.

Simon was filled with anger and rage. He ran at the priest, hitting all his sensitive areas. "GODDAMMIT, JUST DIE ALREADY!" He shouted, smashing his head down so hard, Th priest was pushed into the ground, up to his ankles.

@Tellmeastory @Drumonkey
"So...rough!" The commodore with the chain around his neck, almost loosing counciousnes, was loosing his/her conciusness. Desperate, He/she raise his/her leg and kicked with such force the chain shattered, liberating him/her "Why, why, I never seen a Man holding hard against my hardened body!" He/she got into a balerina pose "I guess there is no choice, I will have to kill, you Tanaka-Chan." He/she began twirling around in an iscreasing speed, making any phisical contact cause damage.
Dru caught Venny again and backed away from the obviously crazed priest then he heard a crack and sprinted back towards the Doctor easily finding him since he towered over basically everyone and he explained the situation. With no choice the doctor then created an operating room and began to repair Venny taking 5 minutes to fix her then the doctor laid her down out of the way "Stay with her and make sure she doesn't move she should be fine but she can't push it too soon." The doctor then heads toward the priest smiling weakly "Look I need you to stop injuring my patients." Then for one of the few times in his life Dr Lucas stopped smiling at the man @Church Burning @Tellmeastory
Her hands clenched and unclenched, her eyes moving under her eyelids. She let out a whimper.

She was remembering the day her grandfather died, what she did, how many lives she killed, why she did it.


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