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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Iscariot smiled "Be that way then." He punched the Monkey Kid away with a haki coated fist and pointed his index finger at Venny, which became sharp and long, piercing through her shoulder "White Pike" Morphing his finger back to normal, his right hand turned into a blade, coated with haki "Black Bone Sword" And he charged at Simon's direction "I will gut you, Heathen!"
The punch was pretty solid but Dru was loose so he went with the punch minimizing the impact and chugged a bottle of sake to free up a hand rolled after getting hit popping up and rubbing his stomach with his foot "ouch that old man hit pretty hard."
Venny cried out in pain but still ran infront of Simon, deflecting the bone sword. "F-fuck you and your God!" She laughed. Simon ran over Venny and hit the priest in the face with his black-haki covered foot. "Don't you touch her!" He growled, as dark as a bottomless pit. He was filled with rage at the priest and dealt several more blows to his face with his foot.

@Tellmeastory @Drumonkey
Dru shambled around and flipped over the priest and landed on his hands on one side of the priest punching him in the guy and uppercutting him before rolling away barely keeping his foot out the way of Simon. @Tellmeastory @Church Burning
Iscariot received every blow and jumped back, his nose was broken and his glasses were destroyed. "TsuKakakakakaka" You're as tenacious as the rumours say, Hammerman...same goes for you ,little girl." Iscariot spat a tooth. "Restore" His nose, turned back to normal and his teeth grew back...It seemed like there was no damage to him at all. "I guess that I'll buy new glasses with your bounties...If you're still recognizable.
Tristan heard the sounds of his walls break, all at the same time. Luckily, he put the walls on a different street trying to confuse Iscariot. "Well that worked surprisingly well, his rage may have blinded him," he looked towards the group. "Though it won't be long until he tries to find me, and he's fast," then he looked at his hands. "I need more ink."

In order to regain his strength and utilize his Devil Fruit, Tristan needs to drink ink. He still has some left, but if he uses it all he'll become weak.
Ken let out a sigh as he looked at Ixie. "I'm not in the mood to search for the key. Ixie grenade." He said calmly to her as he held out his head. The crow nodded and with that shifted into a grenade. "Okay let's get this over with." With that he pulled the pin and placed her in front of the keyhole. Then both Penance and him ran out of the room slamming the door behind him. Three seconds after they left the room a loud explosion ran through his ears and could probably be heard through some of the town.

"Damn it.... Should have made it a smaller explosive.." He mumbled as he entered the room again. The room was an utter mess, there was a huge hole in the roof and wall that was smoking a lot. But at least the secret passage was now reveled. Ixie quickly put her self back together before flying to Ken's shoulder. "Let's go then..." He then headed down the passage in a brisk pace.

Venny was bleeding heavily, as the spear had gone straight through her shoulder to the other side. She groaned and straightened up, bloodlust all around her.
The old man back in the hidden room, heard an explosion from upstairs "So...you finally decided to kill me off?" He looked up and saw a young man with two birds at his side... He looked, shocked and had a Face fault "THE GRIM REAPER!?"
Ken walked down the passages and the further he went the more ominous it felt. "I have a bad feeling about this..." He muttered as he stopped at another door and retched it open. He took a step inside looking around a bit his eyes soon laying on the man that shouted at him. ".........." Ken didn't say anything as he moved around the room looking at a few things before his attention went to the elderly man.

Soundless walking to him he gazed down upon him. "This is the work of a priest? The smell of blood is heavy in here... Who are you old man and what have you done to piss of the priest?" Ken asked as he inspected the chains to see if he can get them off as he did this Ixie and Penance flew around the room inspecting it thoroughly. "And I'm not the Grim Reaper..... I have been called the Blue Reaper for some reason though...."

The man, now free from his shackles now sat down in tears, Bowning with thankfullness to his savior..."THANK YOU SO MUCH, MR. REAPER!" Said th old man, tearing up with his predicament..."If there's anything I can do for you just say so! I am eternally grateful to you!" Said the old man, sobbing with happiness.


[QUOTE="Church Burning]Venny was bleeding heavily, as the spear had gone straight through her shoulder to the other side. She groaned and straightened up, bloodlust all around her.

"Tsukakakakakakaka...This kitten has claws, what is she for you, Hammerman? Friends? Lovers? Wouldn't be surprise for a Heathen like you to be interested in young people...I've met a priest with the same tastes, but for boys! Tsukakakakakaka!" Roared Iscariot.
Ken jumped a bit at the old mans gratitude not use to this in the least. "....No problem. Even I can't leave someone here to that psychopath. I'm Ken... Mind telling me what you did to make him mad? Are you a pirate? He seems to detest them as much as a certain man I know." Crossing his arms he waited for the others answer but thought about something. "You can tell me as we leave. Just in case I don't want to have to fight in this closed space." He said as he turned around to lead the way out of the passage.

"She's my little sister you asshole!" Simon yelled, running at him and kicking him in the face again, then the groin with a haki covered foot. He pulled out his hammer, not wanting to kill him, but waited for him to move so he could smash him down. Venny fell to the ground, bleeding out. There was a hole through her shoulder and she could barely move.


"Do you know your blood type?" The doctor leaned in low and listened to what she said before raising his eyebrows "Lucky you." Lucas then went about setting up a transfusion and quickly filled up a bag with his blood while letting more of it flow into Venny "Don't move until the bag is empty and you need to take it easy, Dru you need to hold the blood bag up and keep her wound elevated." Dru sighed and pulled Venny into a sitting position being careful of her shoulder and then held the blood bag hooked on his tail keeping it propped up. "I need to learn that haki thing."
"My name is Toto Gardner. I am-was a very famous captain in my time...People called me "Iron Willed" Gardner." Said the frail man, walking alongside Ken. "But that was way to loooong ago..." Toto's stomach started rumbling..." Ehehehe...27 years without eating a thing...Ken-chan, do you know if there are still any restaurants in this town?" Suddenly, a Marine Commodore's voice roared through the churche's Hall "'BLUE REAPER' KEN D. TANAKA! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST. STEP OUT FOR THE CHURCH WITH YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!"
"GWAHGH!" Iscariot was hit right at his groin...the pain was...exilarating he felt alive "I guess I should stop playing around" he thought. He reached to Simon's leg and grabbed it tightly "Marrow" Iscariot began to crack the bones at Simon's leg from the inside out. Iscariot gets up and kicks Simon away with a Haki infused foot. "What's with all the anger, Hammerman?"
"27 years?? How can anyone survive with so little food???" He asked more curious about that than the fact the man was a pirate. "And yes th-" Before he could finish his sentence he heard the commodore's voice calling for his arrest. "How did th-.... Right blew a huge hole in the church...and someone probably identified me......" Letting out a sigh he looked over at the old man.

"I need you to do me a favor. First off since you were a pirate and had a nickname I can only assume you still have bounty. If that's the case the marines won't take pity on you. So here." He went into his coat pocket and took out a small pouch filled with gold coins. "Take this and hide some where. I'll get rid of the marines outside and when I do you can go ahead and leave the church with little worry." He strolled calmly to the hole and looked down seeing the marines that were waiting for him.

"Oh...and another thing. Don't tell anyone that I was nice to you. They may get the wrong idea." He said with a sigh before smirking and jumping from the hole. He landed on a nearby treat and with great dexterity and agility he climbed down. He looked at the marines and sighed. "Okay before you try and blow my brains out. I just want you all to know that your friendly neighborhood priest is completely fucked up in the head....though you already knew that didn't you." He asked as he narrowed his eyes at the commodore.

She giggled and looked up at him, smiling.



Simon cried out in pain as his leg was cracked. He fell on his face and got up, his leg in pain. "Family. My family was in danger. I would rather die than let you hurt her, but I failed, therefore I have to try my hardest to kill you." He growled, lifting his hammer up and smashing it on the ground, a massive crack heading towards the priest. It engulfed his legs and trapped him.



Simon cried out in pain as his leg was cracked. He fell on his face and got up, his leg in pain. "Family. My family was in danger. I would rather die than let you hurt her, but I failed, therefore I have to try my hardest to kill you." He growled, lifting his hammer up and smashing it on the ground, a massive crack heading towards the priest. It engulfed his legs and trapped him.

"oh come on that isn't even remotely fair. Oh look on a completely different note, the blood is almost into you thank heavens for that doctor we really need to bring him on the crew." Dru glanced at Venny and his tail twitched and he looked away quickly then noticed the bag was empty. "Cool sit here for a little until you feel better I will scope out the situation." Dru gently removed the needle from her arm and put some gauze over it and taped it to her arm to keep her from bleeding and looked at the bandage noticing that the bleeding was slim. Dru then stood up and was ready to hop onto a roof but hesitated at the thought of leaving an injured Venny.
"Go on. I'll be fine, monkey" she smiled, still loopy. She winked at him and a familiar glimmer of her strength could be seen. She sat upright and leaned on a wall. @Drumonkey
"OHMYGAWD, NEWSFLASH, SISTEEERR~~" Said the commodore to Ken, who was an Okama "Father Iscariot's brutallity isn't a secret to a-ny-o~~ne <3" The commodore began walking around in a weird way while his subordinates stood there, laughing at Ken, while still pointing their guns at him. "Say, why don't you just come with us? It'll be easier than being caught by that brute Is-ca-ri-ot <3" Said the Okama while winking at Ken.

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