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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Iscariot smiled at Tristan and gently put his hand on his shoulder "I see... It's good for you to make friends, Tristan." Iscariot started walking away to the marine base "If you need me I'll be at the Marine base...I still have to do my job, after all." He went on his way, smiling and huming a happy tune.

@The Jest @Offspring @shadowdude505 @National @Death Puppet @Peaceswore
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"He knows I want to be a pirate, he tried to convince me not to become one earlier today," Tristan said, in response to Cornelius. He turned towards Chase, "Oh, I forgot to tell you. I'm Tristan, and I'd like to become part of your crew. As this man here has said, I'm a Historian. Though I'm young, I have an extensive knowledge of the world's past, and I wanted to set out to sea to learn everything the world has to offer that can't be captured inside of a book."

Tristan morphs his fingertips into a pen, "I also have a Devil Fruit, as you can see." Opening his empty book in his hand, he proceeded to write the word SWORD into his book, and moved his hand over the words. As he did so, the hilt appeared first, which Tristan grabbed. Then the rest of the sword followed, and he swung it around. "Though I do believe the pen is mightier than the sword."
Church Burning]Simon nodded and followed him. Venny purred and cuddled her bottle cutely. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13484-drumonkey/ said:
Absentmindedly Dru's tail rubbed her stomach and Dru thought about how useful a ship wright could be "Oh so as i was asking your sister earlier could I be taught that fighting style?"
Chase sighs "So he is a enemy, we should avoid him if he knows marines" he said in annoyance, he turned to Tristan "You know your history, I can't say it's the most important role but it's more useful than a linguist, plus you have a dream and I can't deny you a chance" he looked around for a restaurant "Tristan it's a pleasure to have you join us, I am Chase" he said.
She giggled and squirmed in Dru's arms. Simon smiled. "What fighting style?" He asked. They had used a variety of fighting many every when they were fighting.

"Glad to be with you, Chase." Success!

Then Tristan, remember something, "Oh, I asked Ken what the name of your crew was, and it seems you guys didn't have one. I'd suggest creating one."
Church Burning]She giggled and squirmed in Dru's arms. Simon smiled. "What fighting style?" He asked. They had used a variety of fighting many every when they were fighting. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13484-drumonkey/ said:
"She hit my shoulder and numbed my legs." Drus tail rubs against her cheek in a soothing manner and then Dru looks at his tail and shooed it away causing it to retreat from his sight.
"Ah. Pressure points. That's actually a ver hard skill. You have to know where every pressure point in the human body and it varies from person to person." Simon answered. Venny sighed in Dru's arms and was still cuddling her bottle.

Church Burning]"Ah. Pressure points. That's actually a ver hard skill. You have to know where every pressure point in the human body and it varies from person to person." Simon answered. Venny sighed in Dru's arms and was still cuddling her bottle. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13484-drumonkey/ said:
"I am a fast learner and am very interested. I would like to learn any fighting styles that can maximize my agility."
Ken looked around and sighed. "Now that is done... I'm going to look around. Remember the log post doesn't set for two days so don't cause any trouble." He said before he walked off toward the church since he had something he needed to do. '..... I haven't been inside one in ages.... I wonder if this one has remarkable stain glass windows like the one in my village....'

@Offspring @The Jest @National @shadowdude505 @Death Puppet
Church Burning]"It won't maximise your agility. It's one way to torture someone or slow them down." Simon corrected. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13484-drumonkey/ said:
"Yes I know that won't maximize my agility that is why I said any other fighting style that can maximize use of my agility I want to learn as well."
Cornelius smiles, and he snaps his fingers. "I believe this town needs some music. Song of Fate: Crowd of Vallhalla!" Cornelius strums his guitar, and the entire town can hear his guitar as he starts to play a melodic and church like melody to please everyone, and to be heard by everyone. "This town has been silenced for too long." Cornelius says to the crew. @Tellmeastory @Death Puppet @The Jest @Offspring @Peaceswore @Drumonkey @Church Burning
[QUOTE="Church Burning]"...maybe..there is one but only Venny has mastered it." He said, smiling as the music started

(love your profile pic I want the opi opi no mi) "then can she show me? I asked her and she said she would have to ask you." Dru chuckled and smiled at the music.
Cornelius smiles at Dry. "Hello there. How is your day?" He continues to play the music, and the town is enjoying it very much. Some,of the citizens will stop what they are doing and dance, or just stop and listen to the music. @Drumonkey @Tellmeastory (Thought you'd want a way to re appear)
Iscariot entered the marine base. "FATHER!" Greeted a female soldier with urgency, who went her way to get near the priest. "It's so good to see you here!" Iscariot smiled at the girl. "Why, I've never been received like this before." Suddenly his smile's gone and the Marine shows some recently printed wanted posters with familiar faces Imbued into them."They...They are..." He couldn't belive his eyes...the group he just saw with Tristan...They were all there, Criminals, Heathens...Suddenly a flashback came through the priest's mind..." I can't take staying on this island any longer, there's only so much to do. I want to see the world, I want to chronicle my journey, I want to meet interesting people just like the pirate Monkey D. Luffy."...It echoed...that hated name...It kept echoing the already disturbe mind f the priest...He began reading the names of the posters..."Blue Reaper" Ken D. Tanaka, "Death Smile" Cornelius Matriarch, Chase Rowan...A whole new pirate crew...Hiding under his nose...

Their bounties are all less than 40.000.000...I'll make short work of these disgusting small fries...

He walked out of the marine base, More furious than ever not even the calming song that played could ease his rage...He was throughly pissed...and now had a mission...

"TRISTAAAAAAAAAN!" He yelled from the top of his lungs, interrupting the ongoing melody. "I'M COMING FOR YOOOOOUUUUUUU!"

(Couldn't get the whole list there...But now we up for some climax action, amiright? *nudge nudge*)

@Offspring @The Jest
"There is something off about that priest... He was ridiculously brutal...and the aura around him... *sigh* Ixie, Penance. Today I'm going to be a hypocrite and cause trouble/go into someone else's business." He said calmly as he entered the church and looked around. Barely taking a second to look at the art, he let his eyes look for the priest room. 'Let's hope he lives here.' He thought keeping his head low. Though he did stand out a bit seeing as he was an foreigner and he wasn't dressed in his Sunday best.

Taking a deep breath he headed to where he guessed the room may be. His steps not even making a sounds as he headed to his destination. Luckily for him it didn't take him long to find the room. Looking around to make sure no one was there he entered before closing and locking the door behind him. "You two spread out to see if you can find anything intresting." He told his two birds who nodded and did just that.

He looked around the bed only seeing a bunch of items for the priest religious practice letting out a sigh he didn't see anything of importance. That was until Penance let out a quiet caw telling Ken to come here. Doing so Ken saw Ixie and Penance near a painting of a religious figure. 'Shame I'm not interested in god other wise I may know who that is...' "What is the matter?" He asked as he approached them.

Ixie let out a few caws as well and Penance pushed the painting hard with his beak showing it was easily moved and that it had been moved recently. Raising a brow Ken walked over and removed the painting setting it down beside him. "Well... Looks like the priest may actually have a secret... Now what goes into this key hole?"

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