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Fandom One Piece the New Era

National said:
Cornelius, still smiling, but much more nervous, sees the furious Priest. "Yikes! Seems as though the priest is angry!" He stops his song, looking over at the crew. @The Jest @Offspring @Peaceswore @Tellmeastory
"Shit I think he knows who we all are... this could be very very bad for us." Dru looked down into his arms and his tial tickled Venny some then rubbed her face and patted her head "Venny now would be a good time to wake up, come on wake up ,wake up." Dru was not ready to fight an angry priest let alone with an unconscious woman in his arms. @Church Burning
Lucas was walking around the island smiling and enjoying the good weather when he saw a little boy with a skinned knee. He simply opened up his bag and put a band aid onto it and handing him a lollipop before walking away. He then entered a hospital where a nurse came up to him "Are you ready for you multiple surgeries Doctor?" Lucas simply smiled and entered the operating room where 8 patients lay on hospital beds dying. "Operating room." Then the opi opi no mi took effect and a bubble appeared around the operating room and surgery began. About an hour later Lucas was done and had saved 8 more lives. Lucas left the hospital and began to wander when a priest rushed past him.

Dru rolled his eyes "fine deal with the priest while I go drinking." Dru's tail brought some sake to his mouth and then he turned around to leave the crew to it.
Church Burning]"I can't hit a priest!" She sighed drinking her own bottle. She returned to normal and looked around. Simon stood with her. "What priest?" He asked [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13484-drumonkey/ said:
"One thing you should learn to do is put aside your personal issues. I do that when people slap me for no reason." Dru shook his head and turned to leave as his tail flicked back and forth.
Reggie would have panicked when the priest was taking to them if it wasn't for Cornelius' song. He let out a sigh of relieve as the man left. "The log book may not set for two more days, but the Marines do have our wanted posters. They did make them unnaturally fast after all. Once the priest makes it to the Marine base, he's definitely going to want to fight us." Reggie heard the priest's yell. "Too late...Anyone have a plan?"
"You were holding me and I was askeep. You could've been a pervert! " she growled. "I would've killed him if he had done anything perveryed." Simon said calmly. Venny muttered something and sighed.

Tristan heard the voice of Iscariot echo throughout the town, and by the look of everyone around him, they definitely heard it as well.

"He's coming for us," he said to the entire group. "By now, and judging by his anger, he found out that you guys were pirates."

Tristan took out his book, morphed his fingertip into a pen and wrote:




He did his usual waving motion over the words, and three walls sprung up in the middle of the street, covering the full width of it. People were yelling since he just blocked off an easy access route to the center of town, but it didn't matter. Assuming this wasn't going to stop Iscariot but rather stall him, he said to the group, starting to feel weak since those walls took up a lot of ink, "I've bought us a little time, what do you want to do?"

@Peaceswore @National @shadowdude505 @Offspring @Anyone else in the crew
Church Burning]"You were holding me and I was askeep. You could've been a pervert! " she growled. "I would've killed him if he had done anything perveryed." Simon said calmly. Venny muttered something and sighed. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13484-drumonkey/ said:
Dru spun on his heel and raised an eyebrow "Done something perverted? I was holding you because he couldn't." Dru's tail pointed to Simon "also your brother and I were talking while you were unable to walk."
"Eh? He didn't tell you I can walk in my sleep??" She said quizicaly, looking at Simon. "Heh..." He said nervously, knowing her wrath was one that made hell look tiny.

"You can walk and so can I oh look I can even do it on my hands while drinking." Dru did a backflip landed on his hands and walked away enjoying the rest of his sake thanks to his tail. Dru was ready to bail and think, maybe do a little more drinking. At that point he decided Venny was much more relaxed when drinking. As he walked away he thought about what his tail had been doing while he was distracted and hoped that it wasn't what he thought it meant.
"Simon dear..why'd you let him hold me?~?" She asked, sickly sweet. "Hem...you two are just so cute together..." He said, smiling weakly. She then tackled him down and started fighting with him again, but this time, she was winning

She was in the middle of choking him. "...fine" she muttered, releasing him and getting up. Simon stood up and breathed heavily. "You..damn..demon.." He smirked. Venny laughed at that.

"Young man? You flatter me. I'm over forty years old!" Simon chuckled. Venny looked at the new man. "Who are you?" She asked, her nose starting to bleed from her and Simons fight.

"My name is Lucas Stitcher, I am a doctor unfortunately I am a traveling one at the moment." Lucas chuckled and shrugged then reached into his bag and found some tissues handing them to Simon "Here take these would you like me to look at your nose?" Lucas smiled wider at the two of them. (For his bounty I am considering the smiling surgeon)
Iscariot appeared to walk calmly back to the place he met the brats who corrupted the poor soul...If his dedudctions wre correct, Tristan would have already become a...The thought stopped on Iscariot's head...Suddenly tears started to roll from his eyes..."He was so young...Such a future ahead of him..." Suddenly from the tears a growl of anger took place..."I'll have to eliminate him...Before he sin any further...." He saw himself blocked by a thick wall...It wasn't supposed to be there...Iscariot smiled..."Such a smart boy..." Whyping the tears from his face, Iscariot turned back to anger, his right hand suddenly morphed into something as his bone structure tore his flesh without apparently causing any crippling damage... His hard became a pure white spiked mace..."White Glaive" Smashing through the thick three walls as if they were made out of nothing.
Dru chuckled from a roof "The priest is in." @Tellmeastory

"Oh dear the priest is here, you guys should be careful he uses his bones, it gave me quite a start but that is a different story, be careful and if any of you are injured just call out for Dr Lucas." He smiled wider and turned to walk away from the fight.
Simon and Venny looked at the priest, first with wonder than with mild disgust. "Go back to your church." Simon said smoothly, grinning. He put his haki out and civilians started to drop, foaming at the mouths. Venny stood beside him, swords in hand.



Dru had made it to the bar and back and he called out loudly "The faster you finish this battle miss scary the faster you get some of this sake." In 3 of his hands he held a bottle each and his tail was wrapped around the neck of 3 different bottles. He was balancing on one leg and seemed to be slightly tipsy as he balanced precariously on the edge of a roof.
"50.000.000, 10.000.000, 15.000.000..." Said Iscariot while gazing at the people around him..."Apparently one uses conqueror's haki...too bad it only works on small fryes..." Iscariot's hand morphed back to normal in a Grotesque way, and he smiled. "'Hammerman', a heathen like you shouldn't be waving the name of the House of god so lightly." His Smile suddenly turned into a sinister Frown, his bloodlust at it's peak. "I would ground your bones into dust...but I'm feeling generous today...Out of my way."
"Hey Priest man have a drink or two." Dru smiled and fell off the roof landing on one leg and flipping towards them sluggishly and shakily barely keeping the sake in the bottle. Dru stopped about 10 feet from the Priest and his foot offered him a bottle of Sake while Dru smiled widely. Inside however Dru was tense and ready to move but he looked loose and ready to fall over thanks to the alcohol. @Tellmeastory @Church Burning

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