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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Chase awoke inside of a restaurant and a plate full of food covered his face "What the hell?" he wiped off his face and consuming the rest of his food, he stood up and left out of the restaurant. He headed into the town there seemed to be some chaos as usual "My crew must be involved" he hurried to the origin of the problem and found Dru and Venny they looked like they had been fighting "You guys alright?" then he could see Penance with some guy who also looked like he had been through a lot "Penance is Ken okay?" he said speaking to Penance but assuming that the man would reply to the question.

@Tellmeastory @Drumonkey @Church Burning @Peaceswore
"You must be Ken-Chan's Captain!" Said Toto "Quick! He's in Danger!" He signaled Chase to follow him and ran in direction to the Churchyard...


Iscariot stood at the churchyard...The holy house of god...Defiled by heathens...Unconcious Marines all Around him....He was throughly furious...He sensed a presence on one of the nearby buildings...He didn't think Twice. He pointed his right index finger coated with Haki at the presence and it became sharp, streching at the location as it's speed increased. "Black Pike"

Penance urged them to hurry as well as he let out a screech and flew in the direction Ken was at.

Ken using his observation haki moved out of the way just barely, the speed of the mans attack had slightly caught him off guard and his shoulder was scratched. "Damn it bastard is faster than I thought... Ixie change of plans. " He said making the bird go back to her normal form and got out from under the planks.

Iscariot, unwilling to play hide and seek with the Pirate...Simply shrugged off and laughed at the pirate "What's wrong!? Are you affraid to face the consequences of your sins? Tsukakakakakakakaka! That is quite Immature, don't you think? Come now..." He sensed Ken through a brick wall... "...WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN FOR CONFESSIONS!" Iscariot changed his right hand again, still coated with haki to a Grotesque Spiked mace. "Black Glaive" He smashed through the wall behind Ken "Found you~!"
Ken glared at the priest a scythe now in his hand the hatred still in his eyes. Anyone that saw him would easily understand why he was called the blue reaper. Keeping up his guard Ken got into a stance before he suddenly lunged forward. Using his haki he dodged the first attack that the priest may have sent and sent two slashes across his chest with the scythe, a small bit of Haki covering the blade.

"Trouble?!" Tristan said to the man who just arrived, "Where is he now?"

He looked at his hand, wondering if he had enough ink to even help him. He saw the man run towards the church, and Tristan followed them.

Before he could attack, Iscariot gets slashed twice through his chest...This only makes him even more furious..."YOU LITTLE BRAT!" he hits ken on the chest with is Mace hand. "IT HURTS!" He sends Ken flying to the Churchyard and follows him with incresed hatred in his eyes. "Only a Heathen to cause harm to God's messeger in His sacred ground...Are you ready for judgement, Blue Reaper?"


"No time to explain! Just follow, damnit!" Toto urged the others, fearing for Ken's life...He knew Iscariot would make short work of the boy if they didn't arrive immediatly.

@Offspring @The Jest
Drumonkey said:
Dru sighed again "I guess he missed the hand holding good."
Lucas shook his head and took their vitals and checked them over once more. "I think they will be ok just make sure they rest and take it easy, I will go now.

"Wait join our crew." Lucas stopped for a moment thinking about it then called back as he left "I will think about it."
Venny squeezed Dru's hand comfortingly, mostly to her and sighed. Simon snores loudly. Venny instinctively placed a hand over his mouth, muffling the snoring
Ken was sent flying and he fell on his side and tumbled on the ground a bit before he landed on his feet and hands. Coughing up a bit of blood he let out a groan. Using his scythe he stood tall again refusing to show his pain or weakness as he got into a fighting stance again. 'I will not die here... I will survive... I swear...' He thought as he breath heavily a small smirk appeared on his face as he looked at the priest. "This is rather fun.... A heathen going against a man of god... From how you act I can only assume your god is Satan you self proclaimed messenger."

Regaining his balance he held his scythe at the ready his anger and determination not wavering for a second in the face of this stronger opponent. Pushing off he ran forward moving to the side he sent a quick slash at the man's side and back trying to do what he can to wound him. Once again the blade was tipped with Haki, however it was evident his wounds were not nothing as these strikes were slightly slower than before.

"You brat..." Iscariot wasn't Harmed, not by the insults, neither by the Strykes. He already lost his patience with all those smal fryes... He held Ken with his left hand and morphed his right back to normal..."Any last words heathen?" He slowly approached his right hand to Ken's chest. "You're beaten pretty badly already...Don't worry, you'll be greeted by other heathen's in hell."

@Peaceswore (@Offspring @The Jest Calling for "Heroes appear at the last minute" trope)
Tristan followed him. Though he had actually trailed off and ran into his house. Luckily his mother wasn't home, and he ran upstairs and found the large bottle of ink on his desk. He took a huge swig of it, feeling refreshed. Following up with that, he changed his fingertip into and wrote the word WINGS into the book. He moved both his hands over the word, clenched his fists and looked as though he ripped the word apart. He patted as far as he could on his back and wings spawned on him.

Though that took up about half of the ink he just received, he flew out through the already open window and flew towards the church. What he saw was Ken fiercely battling Iscariot, though he was knocked into the church. In his book, he just kept tapping his pen into it, looking as though he was an idiot if anyone saw him. He made dozens of periods and said "Period Bullet."

The periods flew off the page when he swung his hand in rapid motion over the book. They were super thin and bullet-like, all aimed at Iscariot. Though some of them missed, a few hit Iscariot in the back, though as they were passing through his body, the periods evaporated into ink.

@Tellmeastory @Peaceswore
Ken smirked as he kept a firm grip on his scythe. He looked him in the eye before spitting blood into the priest face. "Fuck you." He muttered. "Sword." With that Ixie changed into a sword and Ken aimed a strike at the man's underarm to break free, but before he could a barrage of bullets suddenly came from no where.

Suddenly feeling a burst of Pain in his back Iscariot releases Ken, leaving him on the floor, gasping for air when the priest sees the new attacker approaching...It was Tristan...Iscariot smiled, His Bloodlust could be felt by the whole town...He was happy and furious at the same time..."TRISTAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" He yelled, playfully."COME DOWN HERE, LET ME REMIND YOU OF THE FATE IS RESERVED FOR A HEATHEN!" Iscariot looked to Tristan and though "Looking like an Angel huh? That brat knows how to piss me off in the most creative manners."

@The Jest @Peaceswore
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Ken coughed up more blood as he tired to get up only to collapse again. 'My ribs... I may have internal bleeding....damn it...this hurts.' He thought as he forced himself up to move away from the priest. He kept his guard up and remained facing him but form what he could tell the priest was completely distracted. He would have attacked but for now any attack he sent wouldn't do much and it would only hurt him more than anyone.

@Tellmeastory @The Jest
Tristan looked at Iscariot, a man he admired for much of his young life as an orphan, and felt sadness. This was my idol as a kid. Though I quickly learned the truth after I got adopted... I still don't want to believe what I'm seeing.

Looking down at his book, he wrote the word JOLLY ROGER into it, and held it up as it appeared into his hand, floating through the high-blowing wind. "This is my calling, Iscariot. Though I know full well I can't beat you, I believe in my crew. I'll be a pirate, just like Monkey D. Luffy."

He knew full well that this would get him angry, especially at Tristan. He hoped it would gibe Ken a chance to escape and make Iscariot so enraged, it would begin to blind him even further.

@Peaceswore @Tellmeastory
Iscariot looked with shock at Tristan...His eyes wyde open...That conviction...No wonder, though...he's so smart... Iscariot coulndn't help but smile a little...""Very well..."But it changed to a furious frown at the very moment "THEN I'LL PERSONALLY STEP IN YOUR WAY...THIS PATH YOU CHOSE HAS NO RETURN! ARE YOU READY TO ACCEPT THE CONSUQUENSES OF YOUR SINS!?" Iscariot yelled at Tristan, waiting for his answer.

@The Jest (Also I guess the

serves for this and the next scenes, doesn't it?)
"Sins?" Tristan asked, letting go of the Jolly Roger. "I'd hardly call following your dream a sin, Father." He looked as serious as he's ever been, believing he entirely made the right call to join this crew. Though he only just met them, he knew he would grow to love his crew.

"I am now, and forever will be," he began to speak. All the while, the jolly roger winded through the air, following the current of the ever-blowing breeze. It slowly descended upon the scene until it finally reached its end destination: at Iscariot's feet. "a pirate."

Ken had moved a good distance from the fight before his exhausted body could no longer support him and he collapsed. He moved over to a near by wall and used it as support as his eyes watched the soon to be fight between the two. "This is the best I can do? I need to get stronger...guys like him should be a piece of cake....' He thought as his eyes got heavy and he started to bleed out as he did have some bad internal damage.
Chase followed behind the others without question he knew that if Ken and the others were beaten then the opponent must be a monster unlike any other, he came to a halt as they reached the church. He was in shock as of to how badly Ken was beaten and he had to regain his composure, gladly Tristan had ranged attack helping Ken to escape. He grabbed his staff listening to the ambition in Tristan's words, He waited for the priest to make the first move knowing that he was unaware of his abilities.

@The Jest @Tellmeastory @Peaceswore
Iscariot pondered for a while...Right now he was tensed up...Toto looked at Iscariot. "YOU ARE STILL 200 YEARS TOO YOUNG TO FACE ME!" Said the priest, stryking Tristan square in the jaw with a Haki coated fist...he sent the youngster flying and he turned around and crossed gazes with Cornelius and Chase..."I guess I should say you heathens are the reason that young boy wanted to rebell against me." He raised his hand and morphs it into a Sword coating it with haki..."My patience is at it's limit. I won't play around with you heathens any longer" He stood in position, ready to attack Chase and Cornelius. "If you are to confess your sins to the lord I might show mercy."
"Get ready." Cornelius whispers to chase as Cornelius strums his guitar. "Song of Fate: Viking Song!" Freezing winds start to blow on Iscariot and the area around him, freezing the landscape and slowly freezing him, as he runs over to Trist and gently helps him up. "Rest child. Take it easy." @Tellmeastory @The Jest @Offspring
(This is a post for @National emperor and mine just so you guys don't get confused)

Some where in the new world a black hair teen was sitting in a throne like chair that was facing the front of the ship. His foot tapped impatiently on the deck as he petted a snake that was coiled on his lap. Another boy the same age along with looks (except for the fact this one had white hair) sat on the deck resting his back against a huge polar bear that was at least twice the size of a normal one.

"Brother... If you keep taping your foot like that Teresa will smack you.... You are putting a dent in the deck.." The white haired teen said calmly as he played with the polar bear's fur. The black hair teen sighed as he listened to his brother and stopped only to tap his finger on the chair he was sitting on. "I can't help it.... That bastard what is he thinking attacking our ships in our territory!? He better watch what he says if we are not compensated this may be a start of a war." He growled darkly.

"....... I don't want it to come to that.... But his men did gravely injure our guys.... He's reasonable.... It won't turn into a war...hopefully." After sailing for a bit longer a blond with one sword approached the twins. "Captains. We see his boat in the distance, should I raise the flag signaling we mean to parley?"

The black haired teen nodded as he stood up the snake now coiling around his neck. "Yes... Let's see if war starts today..." The white haired also got up and followed his brother. "If it does...it will be a disaster..."

Chase tenses up as Tristan is sent flying he puts his staff up to defend the strike haki only made him more durable but he was sure that he could match him in strength just in case Cornelius attack didn't work.

@Tellmeastory @National

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