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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Knowing he needs their cooperation, Finn calmly responds "I can see it in your eyes, it's hardly usual to have purple eyes that turn amber. Besides, why would a normal person respond with 'how do you know WHAT we are?'. I apologize for the invasion of privacy, but it appears his need is dire." Finn's hands are still splayed in front of him, waiting for Mew's response. He crouches to look at Mew on his level. "You might not know it, but I need you just as much as you need me."
Cicero said:
The boy smiled "Yea of course." He said lovely while he kissed the girl back smiling while taking Tab's hand to get up nodding his head as a thanks. The boy looked around ignoring everyone while picking Tab up like a bride "I think your right." Cicero answered while he started walking to the door giving Tab's lips a quick kiss while walking eventually opening the door making sure Tab was okay smiling at her "I am guessing you knew what I meant right?" The cat-boy asked slowly with fake innocents corrupting his voice before he started snickering. Sure Cicero is always nice and barely ever angry he is full of surprises and always gets more some even surprises him he looked at the girl in his arms and smiles trying his best to act innocent.

Tabby wasn't sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn't for Cicero to carry her the whole way home, and for them to get there so quickly. Had he been running? Tabitha had been so caught up in the moment that she didn't know, or care for that matter. When Cicero pushed open the door, Tabitha only clung tighter to him, kissing along his chin, his neck, his shoulder... "I know." Tabitha answered him calmly, as if the answer should've been obvious. She didn't say another word, only running her hands along his back and his chest, trying to partially lift it up in the process. She locked her lips with his, and if love was a flavor, it would probably taste like her sweetened breath. There were no doubts in Tabitha's mind that she wanted to be with him, not just now but for however long life would allow. Hopefully that would be until the end of both of their lives.

Ooc: @Cicero , time-skip now? We can have them do other things tonight, or we can just let them sleep. xD​
Mew was standing up straight,the tall Neko cyborg stared at him with his unusual red eyes. They of course were the eyes of a both a machine and human. His ears flattening as he scanned the other quietly and cautious. "....scan results indicate that he's one of us...."He told Margo and sighed tilting his head.,tail swishing behind him irritated by something. "...I'll be fine. I'm just in a lot of pain. I'm good long as my stitches don't rip...I mean I survived falling off a building and getting cut open...I won't die...long as I don't break down I'm good..if you want to come then by all means do. I'm not stopping you.."He explained with a nod assuring. He then started to walk."...I need to find rin...I can't make him wait any longer!!"He cried out as he forced himself on.
Finn follows, grateful for the trust, but maintaining a safe distance. Considers helping the strange cyborg anyway from a distance, but chooses against it. Finn's head swivels around, taking in details as to where he was and where he was going. He continued paying detailed attention to the fellow experiments in front of him, trying to deduce who they were and what their motives where. As Finn concentrates, his hair blackens a bit at the roots and his gait takes on a floaty appearance, as though he were made of foam not flesh.
"Fine." She follows Mew, but slightly behind, keeping an eye on the newcomer. His roots turned black and she couldn't hear is footsteps anymore. "How interesting." She thought to herself, "He really is attractive isn't he?" Shaking hear head from her thoughts, she falls instep with him. " I apologize for my rashness, I thought you might be one of them... The people we all ran from. What is your name?"
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"It's quite understandable. As I said, my name is Finn. Since it's only fair to tell you, I too came from a laboratory when I was young. As I assume you did, I used my gained powers to free myself and have been on the run since then. I've moved around considerably, but I had a home in a nearby cliff side until I heard rumors of those like me living together. On a whim, I went looking for that home, and found this group."


Tabitha's soft sighs could be heard thanks to the quietness of the house. There was little noise, if any, though even in her sleep it wouldn't have been shocking if the girl could hear everything. If she did however, she wasn't paying attention. Her small figure was sprawled out across the bed, with only a blanket to cover what needed to be covered. There was still plenty of room on the large bed for both of them, but the sleeping Tabitha seemed determined to take all of it. Luckily, she was waking up from her nap. "Mm, morning Cee-cee-ro." Tabitha slurred his name again, which seemed to be a habit of her's whenever she found herself tired. She wrapped her arms around him, tired but still happy. Tabitha didn't know what time it was (8:00pm) or that it was far from morning, but why would she care? She was just content to have (erm, *cough*) spent the night with the person she adored once again. It wasn't wrong to say she was naive, but with that innocence came the belief that life would only get better for them. For all of Cicero's corrupt nature, there was a light nature to Tabitha. They balanced each other out, even if Tabitha didn't know they did yet.​
Cicero barely opened his eyes and he smiled "Morning Tabitha." The boy said tiredly while looking at the girl snickering to himself "I'm starting to actually think I'm dating a goddess you always seem to look beautiful no matter what you do." He told the girl with his face a small tint of red while he remembered what happened last night while looking at the ceiling oblivious until Tab but her arm around him making his snap back into reality. Blinking a few times he finally had his eyes fully opened but still tired yawning and stretching grinning at the girl "Thank you for last night." Cicero thanked the girl while kissing the girl's cheek and lips happy he found someone that actually loves him the boy has happy kissing her forehead again grinning at the girl.

Leonardo didn't say much, and wasn't too amused. He follows behind them, frowning as he can't fall into his more feline habits while as a human. His shoulders slump as he looks forward at the new boy. He was fairly attractive, but like most men, he was willing to put his money on being straight, so he didn't even bite. He doesn't say a word as he trails the crowd, scratching his neck.

Derrick shrugs, twirling the noodles around his fork. "Yes, that is correct, but such a shame that we shall be spending it in a club." He laughs quietly as he takes another mouthful of the spaghetti. "Not really a shame, I'm planning on having some fun. Releasing pent up tension, it will be quite the time." He smiles, already half way through with his beloved spaghetti. An awful memory came to mind for a split second, accompanied by that dreadful song. It appeared in his mind so fast that it gave him a headache and he pinches the bridge of his nose with a discomforted look. These images began flashing after another and he shakes his head trying to get them out of his head. "Gah!" The servant abruptly stands, panting. Staring down at the table, he uses a second to catch his breath. "I-I-I..." He doesn't dare make eye contact with anyone. "I need to excuse myself, I-I apologize." With that he bolts off to the restroom. Leaving over the sink. He was beginning to sweat and he looks at himsef, swallowing hard. In the mirror, he saw Vladimor himself and his father, and the longer he stared, the worse the images got, and with wide scared eyes he watches. He mutters in Russian, cursing, pleas and whines; tears ran down his fair skin, his face reddening from stress. "What is this?!"

Vladimor doesn't fail to notice Derrick's strange behavior,eyeing him as they all ate. When he stood, Vladimor felt sort of defensive, startled by Derrick. He watches with concern as he leaves, but he doesn't have the courage to follow him. With furrowed brows, he looks over to the vampire. "Orious?" His gaze flickers over to the direction Derrick went, gesturing for him to follow. Vladimor wasn't in the right mind to console Derrick, and Orious probably wasn't either, but hell, worth a shot.

After getting past security, he decided that it would be a good idea to forget this night ever existed. Heading directly to the bar, he shoved his way in, and ordered 3 shots. He was hammered by the third, his mask unclapsed to reveal two bloodshot eyes, and a face marked with scars. In a drunken slightly aroused and intrigued fashion, he grabbed Shard and tried to bring her onto the dance floor. Tried. He fell as he almost had her, slipping onto the floor.

"Hey, Shard. Wanna dance or go somewhere *HIC* else? I'm totally cool with whatever man."

Orious noticed derrick get up and leave,something was wrong. After a moment the vampire stood quickly,following in the direction that derrick went. He made his way towards the bathroom going inside,a worried look on his face. Seeing derrick he frowned with a little sigh placing a hand on his hand on his shoulder before pulling him into a hug on a attempt to comfort him. "Shhh...it's Okay, you're going to be fine....what's wrong?" He murmured softly trying to comfort him to the best of his ability.
Shard watched him,she had already been through a few drinks herself and yet wasn't drunk in the slightest. She was sitting next to Leo and went he attempted to grab her she giggled at him amused. "Nice try..." she told him and stood before leaning over and pulled him up by the arm.Shard had a smirk on her face and she seemed to be actually enjoying herself. "Hmm...you too drunk to dance, but if you want we can have a little fun in one of the rooms if you know what I mean."she offered licking her lips before turning around to walk into the back rooms.
Rufus's eyes opened slowly, and a cloud of weariness hung over his body. He was waking up slower than he was used to.

So, it was going to be one of those days? Hm. He sat up in the bed, stretching and turning to look at the note Shard had left. Cool, hopefully the two had fun. Hopefully Leo would take this opportunity to win Shard over; Rufus found himself too tired to play that game today, and knew Leo could use someone to make him happy. The depressed look on his face only a few nights ago flashed into his mind.

Damn, was today gonna be reminiscing on old and cliche-sad memories, or was he gonna get up and do something? Sheesh. Rufus stood, wandering to the bathroom to do his morning routine, eventually wandering out mostly dry and wearing a fresh pair of clothes he'd stolen from who-knows-where. Some of his hair was still wet, but it wasn't a miniature waterfall like before.

There was his sword, leaning in a corner. Even if he didn't remember bringing it somewhere, it always found its way near. Strange. Somebody was watching him and helping him, maybe? Who knew.

The moment he reached out to touch the blade, he flinched away. Red had flashed over his vision for a moment.

Of course, you idiot. It's one of those days, he reminded himself. If he didn't take care of it now, it'd only get worse. So he grabbed the blade and ran, as fast as he could, thanking whatever deity watching his shenanigans for keeping the streets mostly clear. He managed to make it a ways away from the more populated areas of town before he went blind. The rest of his senses decided to blank out as well, and so Rufus didn't know how long it had been when a harsh metal ring pierced his hearing.

"That's enough."

The red seeped away enough for Rufus to catch a glance of a rather large sword, embedded in the ground, his own weapon's blade trapped between the concrete and the beginning of the split in the sword's blade.

Behind the sword, all he could see was a bit of silver hair; the blade blocked the rest. She seemed to be leaning against the blade, because she moved forwards slightly, and turned so Rufus could see her.

"Who're you?" was all he could ask. He wasn't quite sure what had happened while he'd been trapped in his mind.

"Take your weapon and go. You've caused enough damage," was her response. Not exactly what he'd been looking for.. He watched with slight confusion as the silver-haired woman lifted the blade from the ground, shifted her hand so the sword was held in a more backhanded manner, and walked away, the blade not once touching the ground.


Lifting his two-sided sword, Rufus stared after her retreating figure for a moment before retreating back to the hotel. He had traveled by roof, keeping out of sight, and slipped into his room through the window, leaning the bloody evidence of his crimes in its original corner and flopping onto the bed.

"Targets confirmed. Best time to attack is tomorrow morning. Right. Affirmative.."


[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Leonardo didn't say much, and wasn't too amused. He follows behind them, frowning as he can't fall into his more feline habits while as a human. His shoulders slump as he looks forward at the new boy. He was fairly attractive, but like most men, he was willing to put his money on being straight, so he didn't even bite. He doesn't say a word as he trails the crowd, scratching his neck.

Derrick shrugs, twirling the noodles around his fork. "Yes, that is correct, but such a shame that we shall be spending it in a club." He laughs quietly as he takes another mouthful of the spaghetti. "Not really a shame, I'm planning on having some fun. Releasing pent up tension, it will be quite the time." He smiles, already half way through with his beloved spaghetti. An awful memory came to mind for a split second, accompanied by that dreadful song. It appeared in his mind so fast that it gave him a headache and he pinches the bridge of his nose with a discomforted look. These images began flashing after another and he shakes his head trying to get them out of his head. "Gah!" The servant abruptly stands, panting. Staring down at the table, he uses a second to catch his breath. "I-I-I..." He doesn't dare make eye contact with anyone. "I need to excuse myself, I-I apologize." With that he bolts off to the restroom. Leaving over the sink. He was beginning to sweat and he looks at himsef, swallowing hard. In the mirror, he saw Vladimor himself and his father, and the longer he stared, the worse the images got, and with wide scared eyes he watches. He mutters in Russian, cursing, pleas and whines; tears ran down his fair skin, his face reddening from stress. "What is this?!"

Vladimor doesn't fail to notice Derrick's strange behavior,eyeing him as they all ate. When he stood, Vladimor felt sort of defensive, startled by Derrick. He watches with concern as he leaves, but he doesn't have the courage to follow him. With furrowed brows, he looks over to the vampire. "Orious?" His gaze flickers over to the direction Derrick went, gesturing for him to follow. Vladimor wasn't in the right mind to console Derrick, and Orious probably wasn't either, but hell, worth a shot.

mewbot5408 said:
Orious noticed derrick get up and leave,something was wrong. After a moment the vampire stood quickly,following in the direction that derrick went. He made his way towards the bathroom going inside,a worried look on his face. Seeing derrick he frowned with a little sigh placing a hand on his hand on his shoulder before pulling him into a hug on a attempt to comfort him. "Shhh...it's Okay, you're going to be fine....what's wrong?" He murmured softly trying to comfort him to the best of his ability.
At first, Matthew didn't notice anything that out of place. From what he knew, it was normal for Derrick to hesitate and randomly leave conversations. This was the side of him he had seen after all. Still, when Vlad continued to look worried about the servant, Matthew knew he had to do something. "I'll be back." Matthew reassured him. He stood up and followed after Orious, but not before gently brushing his fingers against one of Vladimor's hands. That was Matthew's reassurance, and he most definitely needed it. When Matthew entered the restroom, he saw an entirely different scene than what he had expected. There were several ideas he had had; One was that the two had merely sneaked off because Orious was hungry, since it was no secret Derrick was providing blood for the vampire. The other idea of what could have happened was that Derrick took some medication, or had other health issues that make have caused him to become suddenly alarmed when they acted up. It was actually neither of these things however. Instead, it was Derrick crying, wetting Orious's shirt because the blood-drinker had decided to wrap his arms around him, comforting him like they were lovers. Matthew knew they weren't exactly, thanks to Derrick's comments earlier, but that didn't change the feeling he had that told him it was wrong to intrude. Matt was never good at listening to those sort of feelings. "Hey, you okay?" he asked, walking over and putting a hand on the boy's shoulder. It was probably hypocritical of Matt to be nice to Derrick now, after the way he had treated the servant-boy in the morning, but that didn't stop him from flashing his usual demented smile, in hopes of bringing a smile to the traumatized boy's face. Why was he so upset? Matthew had no clue, but mocking people when they were down wasn't his thing.

mewbot5408 said:
Shard watched him,she had already been through a few drinks herself and yet wasn't drunk in the slightest. She was sitting next to Leo and went he attempted to grab her she giggled at him amused. "Nice try..." she told him and stood before leaning over and pulled him up by the arm.Shard had a smirk on her face and she seemed to be actually enjoying herself. "Hmm...you too drunk to dance, but if you want we can have a little fun in one of the rooms if you know what I mean."she offered licking her lips before turning around to walk into the back rooms.
He winked and pointed both fingers at her. " Nice."

He followed her in, and closed the door behind him. He let his mask hang from his face as he laid down his belongings on the floor again.

Suddenly, Leo realized he had no idea what they were going to do in the room. Thinking of options, he quickly blurted out, "Are we going to roleplay?" He quickly came to grab the popular DnD splatbook, "Weeaboo Book Of Fightan Magic" out of his pack.
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]He winked and pointed both fingers at her. " Nice."
He followed her in, and closed the door behind him. He let his mask hang from his face as he laid down his belongings on the floor again.

Suddenly, Leo realized he had no idea what they were going to do in the room. Thinking of options, he quickly blurted out, "Are we going to roleplay?" He quickly came to grab the popular DnD splatbook, "Weeaboo Book Of Fightan Magic" out of his pack.

"No..something better."she told him and approached him before he could get it. Moving her arms Around his shoulders shoulders she smirked. She grabbed his hands and basically positioned them on her chest. She wrapped her arms Around him and leaned up pressing her lips to his.
Nick looked over at the girl yawning "Hey babe you hungry?"He asked smiling while kissing her forehead
(OOC--Hi guys what all did I miss..apologies for being inactive...been dealing with funerals...and a part time job in a science lab..but I am back now...wifi is also an issue...anyway I need a recap on what all I missed so I know where to jump in.)

@Cicero @mewbot5408 @anyone else
OOC Hi @bloodfire don't think I can catch you up much, just quickly introducing myself. Finaus Gage is my name and gravity manipulation is my game.

Vladimor found that it was necessary to follow after, frowning deeply at the entire scene. Derrick sloppily tries to push away the two that are only trying to help. His cries weren't anything too severe, a sob or two every few minutes, wiping the tears away at a controlled rate. He knew how to keep most of himself under control. Right now was just too stressful. "Look, look!" His voice hoarse and not ready for clear use. "I am fine...!" He pushes past growls stuck in his throat, breathing heavily. When he caught a glimpse of Vladimor he straightens himself quickly, but there was rage and anger on his face. "He doesn't...understand...Does he..?" He mumbles lowly to the two, shaking his head. He looked at each of the two, wiping his face with a paper towel. His head cocks to the side as the song is stuck in his head and he drags his nails down the side of his face down to his neck. He turns around with a mock smile.

Derrick approached Vladimor, and the noble seemed startled by his demeanor. The young noble was pushed against the restroom wall, much to his surprise. Holding tightly onto his collar, Derrick frowns. "How?! How can you hum that tune so lightly?!" He growls, tears once again brimming in his eyes. Vladimor honestly didn't understand. It was just something that popped up in his head. "I don't...understand?" Disapproving, Derrick shakes his head. "That..." His grip on his collar went lax, and he drops his arms to his sides. "Was one of your father's favorite tunes..." He steps back this time, running his hands over his face, running over his neck. "He'd come home snapping fucking raging at us for nothing! You even more so! I remember this song playing nearly every time I was hit...Every time I watched you get hit. How he'd hold you down and screamed at you for your mother...Her..." He lets out a shaky breath, looking up at Vladimor, who didn't quite seem to follow properly. "Then he'd tell you how much you reminded him of her. You look nothing like her...He'd..what he did to you...Fucking disgusting. I sat through the whole thing, I watched you cry, I'd fucking hold you until you fell asleep in my arms...The song..." He huffs, red locking over blue.

Vladimor coughs. "I don't...remember that. I just remember he was very strict...Sorry. I don't remember that much before they locked me up." He says truthfully, placing a hand on his shoulder tha Derrick shrugs off. The servant shakes his head, giving himself a moment, stepping away from the all to bow. "I apologize for my outbursts. May...we continue our night?"​

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