• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"We can go back, yeah. The house isn't as big as I expected, actually. It's not gonna accommodate as many as I expected, or have seen around...And I'm kinda scared of metal-monster. What if he's still around there?" She curls up, clinging to him still as she enjoyed the time she gets alone with Rin. Little did she know that that house was wrecked by the said monster and the others. "Do we have to go now though? It's earlier than I expected it to be...Plus I am still paying for the room" She glances up at her twin, pleading in her mind and eyes.

Derrick looks over, nodding a soft smile on his face. "Tis a little strange to me is all." He laughs quietly, looking through the menu. "How are you feeling?" The small red eyed boy asks, still reading through the different foods. He bites his lip softly, feeling sort of out of place as e sat with someone of a higher title. It was filthy of him, honestly.

Vladimor already has what he wanted in mind, folding his menu back up as he leaned against the booth chair. He looks out of the window, clicking his tongue. "Time is going by rather slowly, isn't?" He laughs running his fingers through his hair idly, glancing over to each member at his table, his stare landing on Matthew. "Figured out what ya want yet, chief?" He asks Matthew, a content smile on his face as he looks at him.​
mewbot5408 said:
Shard nodded in agreement with Rufus and looked at leo in annoyance. "Okay come.."she murmured and waved for the two males to follow her with a little hum sound. She quickly turned out to the hallway and looked out before coming back and picked up Rufus gesturing at leo to follow suit. She ran with her ability and got them a good amount of distance to another hotel setting Rufus down on his feet careful and moved getting them a room this one seemingly better.
Leo tipped the doorman who checked them in, and entered the newer, luxiourous room. He took off his mask, revealing... Another mask. Somehow, this made for better breathing quality for Leo.

"I'm taking the bed. I'm not taking any objections."

He immediately flung himself onto the bed, hoping that he would be left alone by this gesture. Finished for the night, he turned off a few externals, and started recharging his power supply. He set his pack against the side of the bed, and stared at the ceiling as the other two were getting settled in.
mewbot5408 said:
Mew let out a soft breath staring at the window before looking to the tiger his cat ears twitched and he stared at her. "...I'm worried about their safety, I can't protect anyone in this state...my body might break down."He told her understanding her speaking even in her current form, which was unexpected due to the fact nobody understood her in that form. He crawled over on all fours reaching out a pale hand putting it on the tiger's forehead blushing and staring with his strange red eyes and petted her on the head. Mew actually really liked animals, especially fish but that's because he liked eating fish.
margo stiffens when Mew begins to pet her head, but relaxes again realizing that the sensation is actually quite nice. " I understand how you worry, but you will heal in less time than you realize. They will survive until you heal, I mean, I survived on my own for three years. If they can't then they do not deserve to have survived this long." She recalls her years alone, after she had escaped and the others either were caught or returned to the hell that they came from. "How did they get you? The people who turned you into this?"

Notice: This will be the last RP day before everything goes a little insane. Now is the time to decide if your characters will be captured or not by the facility, or if they'll help rescue the others. I've told everyone this before, but your chars, if captured, will be in the facility for a few days, so unless you're describing their torture your posts with them shall be pretty minimal. The characters CANNOT escape the facility by themselves, at least not until the team of rescuers attacks, and please don't have your character try to attack on their own, because having one guy rescue the others is pretty boring and doesn't add any suspense or tension to the RP. Consider this a sort of "Boss Battle." Also, make sure this night counts, because once the characters rescue each other, (those you choose to keep alive, that is) they'll be leaving Las Vegas and heading to... Ha, you thought I was going to tell you right now!

^_^ @Cicero @mewbot5408 @King Anthony @LilyannaGaming @MermaidShireen @Surprise Meteors @Whoever I forgot about
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]Leo tipped the doorman who checked them in, and entered the newer, luxiourous room. He took off his mask, revealing... Another mask. Somehow, this made for better breathing quality for Leo.
"I'm taking the bed. I'm not taking any objections."

He immediately flung himself onto the bed, hoping that he would be left alone by this gesture. Finished for the night, he turned off a few externals, and started recharging his power supply. He set his pack against the side of the bed, and stared at the ceiling as the other two were getting settled in.

Shard look at the other bed then at Rufus before making a little huff climbing into the bed leo was on. She didn't say a word but curled up next to him resting her head against his side snuggling up to him like a kitten almost. She closed her eyes with a soft breath."I wish you wouldn't wear that in bed even..."she murmured tiredly.
MermaidShireen said:
margo stiffens when Mew begins to pet her head, but relaxes again realizing that the sensation is actually quite nice. " I understand how you worry, but you will heal in less time than you realize. They will survive until you heal, I mean, I survived on my own for three years. If they can't then they do not deserve to have survived this long." She recalls her years alone, after she had escaped and the others either were caught or returned to the hell that they came from. "How did they get you? The people who turned you into this?"
Mew frowns at her words ears flattening.He seemed hurt when he heard her say the twins didn't deserve it.He still ruffled the fur on her head despite not liking what she said."don't say it like that, they do deserve to live. Those two are extremely important to me,If I can make their lives longer even if I get damage in the process I'm happy every second they're alive and well....especially rin, I've been in love with him for a long time even if he doesn't remember me anymore my feelings won't change no matter how many times I have to Start over...they'll remember me one day.."He told the tiger with a sad smile and looked down at the floor as his expression darkened. "Well, I was actually created by the Japanese government 20 years ago...I was born like this and tested on various times, I've been in a hospital most my life....Only later did they keep adding robotics,I was bought by the US government more recently and tested on in one of the facilities where I met the twins. I actually haven't been in the outside world much.."He explained and stood. He should go look for the twins,he couldn't just sit around doing nothing.
mewbot5408 said:
Shard nodded in agreement with Rufus and looked at leo in annoyance. "Okay come.."she murmured and waved for the two males to follow her with a little hum sound. She quickly turned out to the hallway and looked out before coming back and picked up Rufus gesturing at leo to follow suit. She ran with her ability and got them a good amount of distance to another hotel setting Rufus down on his feet careful and moved getting them a room this one seemingly better.
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]Leo tipped the doorman who checked them in, and entered the newer, luxiourous room. He took off his mask, revealing... Another mask. Somehow, this made for better breathing quality for Leo.
"I'm taking the bed. I'm not taking any objections."

He immediately flung himself onto the bed, hoping that he would be left alone by this gesture. Finished for the night, he turned off a few externals, and started recharging his power supply. He set his pack against the side of the bed, and stared at the ceiling as the other two were getting settled in.

mewbot5408 said:
Shard look at the other bed then at Rufus before making a little huff climbing into the bed leo was on. She didn't say a word but curled up next to him resting her head against his side snuggling up to him like a kitten almost. She closed her eyes with a soft breath."I wish you wouldn't wear that in bed even..."she murmured tiredly.
Rufus didn't really have much time to object to being carried like some wounded child not capable of walking, but he was glad that this room had two beds. Leo had claimed one, and so Rufus took the other, watching as Shard took Leo's bed as well. Fair enough, he supposed, turning on his side to stare out the window. Nothing interesting there; all the 'amazing streetlights' blocked the view of the stars. So he closed his eyes, and eventually fell asleep.
Cicero said:
Cicero smirked at seeing Tab's face go red before getting what they ordered her coca cola and his pepsi along with the popcorn he some how managed to carry all of this to his girlfriend smiling "Here you go beautiful." The boy said while handing the girl her drink taking a sip out of his "So shall we make our way to the spooky scary movie?" He asked pretending to shiver in fear before laughing but of course the curiosity is eating at the boy's subconscious he wanted to know what was in the file and he knew he couldn't just ask it would ruin their date and possibly their relationship so he tried his best to ignore it was even there by turning around and began walking to try to find the movie. Looking back at Tab he grinned "You coming I don't think the movies are going to come to us anytime soon sadly." Cicero said pretending to pout before laughing to himself while waiting on Tab to follow eating a cookie "You know I realized I didn't have to buy popcorn we could have just junked on the cookies in my pocket along with whatever random items of food I have in my pocket." The boy said with a small grin and snickering a bit knowing it was a stupid idea
@King Anthony[/URL] , why is Derrick such a bitch? xD I haven't met a character this bitchy since that one time I made Matthew into a prince... I still regret that decision...

Bic: "If he's around, I'll make sure to protect you." Rin promised his sister lovingly. He smirked when she clung to him, which was probably the closest he ever got to laughing at her. When she mentioned the room, Rin took it upon himself to sit up and look around it, before casting his gaze back down at Rei. "This is the type of room you would prefer to stay in? You're so strange Rei..." With a huff, Rin laid back down and turned so he was facing his sister and wrapping one of his arms around her. Their faces were a little too close for a brother and sister's, but Rin obviously didn't mean anything by it. In terms of romance, Rin was obnoxiously innocent, or would have been, if not for his power to read minds. "We should go soon Rei." he softly reminded her after a while. It may have been early, but there was no way to no how long it would take to find somebody who knows the host, and then the host himself. Las Vegas was a big city after all, so it wasn't too hard to waste hours hunting down one person. Still, Rin didn't move, not until Rei did. He had always been following after his sister, doing as she asked, and right now was no exception to that rule.

"...I'm not so sure." Matthew had been planning to just get a plain burger, since those were served here, but at Vlad's question Matthew immediately starting looking for something else. Matt felt the need to pick something more elegant now. After all, Vladimor was a noble. Derrick had reminded Matt of that a million times before. Was it insulting to choose something so simple in the presence of somebody like Vlad? Matthew didn't know, but he'd rather not take chances. That was why when the waiter came around, Matthew nervously ordered a small medium-rare steak, conveniently priced at only a dollar more than his original plan. Still, before the waiter walked away Matt couldn't help but steal a glance at Vlad and ask if that was okay. It was one of the cheapest things on the menu, but Matthew would just take his hamburger if buying him something that was a dollar more proved too inconvenient. "I should've gotten alcohol." Matthew thought, regretting not being able to wash down his fears, even if it meant he'd be out of control and unable to control his tongue.

"Yeah, and I'd prefer the popcorn." Tabitha mused, following after Cicero. She took some of the popcorn, but didn't offer to hold it only because she didn't think Cicero would let her. Once they were in the dark theater room, Tabitha found herself feeling a little more cautious. Nobody even glanced their way, but the trailers playing before the movie were already pretty gruesome. "So, where do you want to sit?" Tabitha whispered, hiding her fear by showing off the excitement in her eyes. The theater had a fair amount of people in it, but there were at least three empty seats in every row, so it wasn't like they were without options. Tabitha remembered her family had always sat in the middle together, but she figured lovers were probably a little different, so she waited patiently for Cicero to answer. (LAMEST POST EVER SORRY)[/CENTER]
The boy just laughed to himself "I really can't blame you." he told the girl while following her into the theater looking at the trailers amazed "Wow....that's amazing..." The boy said while adjusting his hat making sure it wouldn't fall off looking at the girl "Don't worry I promise not to go insane by watching the movie...okay maybe I'll snicker at seeing the gore but you can't blame me I just find it funny."Cicero explained while looking at the girl and gently pulling her into to something of a hug "There's nothing to worry about I promise I won't let anything happen to you so relax we came here to have fun remember." He said before looking at the seats "We can sit there if you want." The cat-boy suggested pointing to a pair of seats in the middle while taking a drink of his soda looking back at the girl with curious eyes as he waited until the trailer caught his interest again trying to hide his snicker at seeing the gore "I love horror movies...not as much as I love you though." Cicero whispered aloud his eyes glued to the screen with a smile on his face (Don't worry its fine :P )

She huffs rolling her eyes. "Ya go insane around him, I rather you not getting hurt trying to defend me." Rei tells him. As Rin puts his arm around her she pokes his nose, smiling. "Doot doot. I dun' wanna leave yettt." She scoots forward to kiss Rin before scooting on back. "Anyways, for all we know, the owner isn't even there. I don't want to wait in a house full of people like them. If we go closer to night, maybe he'll be back then?" She explains, continuing to poke at Rin's nose.

Derrick gets a phone call and quickly excuses himself, heading to the restroom as he accepts the call. It was the maid he had hired. She went on rambling how the how was destroyed and there was wild animals and much more people than she had thought. Derrick questioned her more particularily on the damage of the house, and going though each thing, he pinches the bridge of his nose. "Alright, alright. I'm cancelling your services then until this is all organized again, thank you for your time, Mrs. Braux." He huffs, ending the call before calling a home repair service, asking for express service, going on about details with the house and such.

Vladimor isn't too much worried about his phone call and continues on in the menu until he finds something he finds appealing. King crab. He folds the menu, setting it down on the table and humming. "This is nicer, eh? Last time we were cut short before we ate and ended up at a fast food facility." He sighs, his brow furrowing at the memory. At least he got to eat. His fingers trace over the corners of the menu, resting his chin on his fist as he looks around idly.​
Izabell came in the theater and Sat down not far from the two. He looked at the screen before noticing Tabitha."Oh hey tabby, it's been a while my my you're like a lovely doll. How are you?"He chimed and looked back to the screen smoothing down his skirt.
mewbot5408 said:
Mew frowns at her words ears flattening.He seemed hurt when he heard her say the twins didn't deserve it.He still ruffled the fur on her head despite not liking what she said."don't say it like that, they do deserve to live. Those two are extremely important to me,If I can make their lives longer even if I get damage in the process I'm happy every second they're alive and well....especially rin, I've been in love with him for a long time even if he doesn't remember me anymore my feelings won't change no matter how many times I have to Start over...they'll remember me one day.."He told the tiger with a sad smile and looked down at the floor as his expression darkened. "Well, I was actually created by the Japanese government 20 years ago...I was born like this and tested on various times, I've been in a hospital most my life....Only later did they keep adding robotics,I was bought by the US government more recently and tested on in one of the facilities where I met the twins. I actually haven't been in the outside world much.."He explained and stood. He should go look for the twins,he couldn't just sit around doing nothing.
Margo couldn't believe what she was hearing, could Mew truly believe that they should live, no matter what the cost to himself? She watches him stand, following close by. "You're going to look for them, aren't you?" She sighs, exasperated by his foolish loyalty. She tried to be loyal once, but was only betrayed for her sacrifice. She sighs again, " will you require assistance in tracking your... Loved ones?"
Cicero said:
The boy just laughed to himself "I really can't blame you." he told the girl while following her into the theater looking at the trailers amazed "Wow....that's amazing..." The boy said while adjusting his hat making sure it wouldn't fall off looking at the girl "Don't worry I promise not to go insane by watching the movie...okay maybe I'll snicker at seeing the gore but you can't blame me I just find it funny."Cicero explained while looking at the girl and gently pulling her into to something of a hug "There's nothing to worry about I promise I won't let anything happen to you so relax we came here to have fun remember." He said before looking at the seats "We can sit there if you want." The cat-boy suggested pointing to a pair of seats in the middle while taking a drink of his soda looking back at the girl with curious eyes as he waited until the trailer caught his interest again trying to hide his snicker at seeing the gore "I love horror movies...not as much as I love you though." Cicero whispered aloud his eyes glued to the screen with a smile on his face (Don't worry its fine :P )
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

She huffs rolling her eyes. "Ya go insane around him, I rather you not getting hurt trying to defend me." Rei tells him. As Rin puts his arm around her she pokes his nose, smiling. "Doot doot. I dun' wanna leave yettt." She scoots forward to kiss Rin before scooting on back. "Anyways, for all we know, the owner isn't even there. I don't want to wait in a house full of people like them. If we go closer to night, maybe he'll be back then?" She explains, continuing to poke at Rin's nose.

Derrick gets a phone call and quickly excuses himself, heading to the restroom as he accepts the call. It was the maid he had hired. She went on rambling how the how was destroyed and there was wild animals and much more people than she had thought. Derrick questioned her more particularily on the damage of the house, and going though each thing, he pinches the bridge of his nose. "Alright, alright. I'm cancelling your services then until this is all organized again, thank you for your time, Mrs. Braux." He huffs, ending the call before calling a home repair service, asking for express service, going on about details with the house and such.

Vladimor isn't too much worried about his phone call and continues on in the menu until he finds something he finds appealing. King crab. He folds the menu, setting it down on the table and humming. "This is nicer, eh? Last time we were cut short before we ate and ended up at a fast food facility." He sighs, his brow furrowing at the memory. At least he got to eat. His fingers trace over the corners of the menu, resting his chin on his fist as he looks around idly.​

mewbot5408 said:
Izabell came in the theater and Sat down not far from the two. He looked at the screen before noticing Tabitha."Oh hey tabby, it's been a while my my you're like a lovely doll. How are you?"He chimed and looked back to the screen smoothing down his skirt.

"I love- Oh, hi Izabell!" Tabitha's attention went from the screen, to Cicero, to Izabell, all in a matter of seconds. She kept her voice quiet, both out of habit and for the sake of the movie, but somehow she still felt she was being too loud and disruptive when she greeted Izabell. The cross-dresser compared her to a doll, which instantly made her blush, but instead of acting too modest the girl did something unexpected; She linked both of her arms around one of Cicero's, leaning her head on his shoulder and giving a smug smile as she relaxed next to him. "This doll belongs t- Ah!" A shriek left the girl's lips as a particularly gruesome death scene was shown. She wasn't the only one to gasp at the surprisingly graphic scene, but she was certainly the only one there to be able to bury her face into her boyfriend's shirt.

"You don't need to remind me..." Matthew muttered under his breath. That fast food place was the last thing Matt wanted to think about now, considering what happened there. Vladimor was looking around, and Matthew tried to make it look like he was too, but more than once his eyes just rested on the taller, younger male. "Man, I'm really lucky..." he thought while he took a sip from his clear, flavorless beverage. The blood-drinker was here, and Matthew felt like he should've said something to him, but what? All they had really said to each other was a few insults when they met, and up until this point their paths hadn't intertwined at all. Matthew wasn't stupid enough to think Orious loved Vladimor, and he wasn't stupid enough to bring up in detail what had happened today, but he felt like something had to be said. "So, you and Derrick... There's... something there, right?" Matthew asked, scratching the back of his neck anxiously and forcing himself to keep his eyes on the blood-drinker instead of down at his hands, where they kept wanting to go. Matthew almost never mentioned anything that even suggested homosexuality in public, but something had to be said, just for Matt to get some clarification on their relationship. He wouldn't say it, especially in front of Vlad, but did Orious pick up on the fact Derrick was competition for Matt? Nothing Derrick had said doing their... argument assured Matthew that the servant wouldn't go after the noble, whose attention Matthew was so focused on getting. Maybe, if the blood-drinker informed Matthew on their relationship, the young man could sleep tonight, certain he wouldn't be ditched by Vlad for Derrick in the middle of the night.

"Insane? Am I really that bad?" Rin laughed at Rei's remark, and leaned in to her kiss without hesitation. It was something they did as siblings after all, so even if it seemed strange to others, it was perfectly normal for them. When Rei mentioned staying here however, Rin frowned. "The experiment could be anywhere Rei... If we don't start looking now, when will we find him? You know as well as I do how bad runaways are at keeping a schedule." Finally having enough of this debate, Rei sat up and took his sister's hand, dragging her off the bed with him. "We won't wait Rei. We are going to find out our accommodations for the night."


MermaidShireen said:
Margo couldn't believe what she was hearing, could Mew truly believe that they should live, no matter what the cost to himself? She watches him stand, following close by. "You're going to look for them, aren't you?" She sighs, exasperated by his foolish loyalty. She tried to be loyal once, but was only betrayed for her sacrifice. She sighs again, " will you require assistance in tracking your... Loved ones?"
Mew nodded quietly looking down at the tiger. He somewhat could tell what she was thinking and sighed."of course I am....I made a promise and I intend to keep it." He told her smiling,his ears still flattened. He placed a hand on her scruff petting her a little before kneeling down giving the tiger a little hug. "Please, I don't know how very strong I am at the moment...I beg."He says and stood up turning to go.
"Hi Izabell." The boy said giving a small wave while watching the movie not really paying attention except for when Tab laid against him confused but smiled none the less quickly kissing her forehead looking back up at the death scene snickering "Its always funny seeing people die in horror movies." He stated with a smile planted on his face. Right now Cicero was enjoying the movie he looked down at the girl on his shirt and smiled patting her head "Hey...remember what I said about if I get scared how about I change that if your to scared to sleep alone I will gladly sleep with you..." The cat-boy whispered in the girl's ear slowly before looking at Izabell "So what have you been up too?" Cicero asked the girl smiling and still snickering a bit to himself at the death scene that occurred
iiimee said:

"I love- Oh, hi Izabell!" Tabitha's attention went from the screen, to Cicero, to Izabell, all in a matter of seconds. She kept her voice quiet, both out of habit and for the sake of the movie, but somehow she still felt she was being too loud and disruptive when she greeted Izabell. The cross-dresser compared her to a doll, which instantly made her blush, but instead of acting too modest the girl did something unexpected; She linked both of her arms around one of Cicero's, leaning her head on his shoulder and giving a smug smile as she relaxed next to him. "This doll belongs t- Ah!" A shriek left the girl's lips as a particularly gruesome death scene was shown. She wasn't the only one to gasp at the surprisingly graphic scene, but she was certainly the only one there to be able to bury her face into her boyfriend's shirt.

"You don't need to remind me..." Matthew muttered under his breath. That fast food place was the last thing Matt wanted to think about now, considering what happened there. Vladimor was looking around, and Matthew tried to make it look like he was too, but more than once his eyes just rested on the taller, younger male. "Man, I'm really lucky..." he thought while he took a sip from his clear, flavorless beverage. The blood-drinker was here, and Matthew felt like he should've said something to him, but what? All they had really said to each other was a few insults when they met, and up until this point their paths hadn't intertwined at all. Matthew wasn't stupid enough to think Orious loved Vladimor, and he wasn't stupid enough to bring up in detail what had happened today, but he felt like something had to be said. "So, you and Derrick... There's... something there, right?" Matthew asked, scratching the back of his neck anxiously and forcing himself to keep his eyes on the blood-drinker instead of down at his hands, where they kept wanting to go. Matthew almost never mentioned anything that even suggested homosexuality in public, but something had to be said, just for Matt to get some clarification on their relationship. He wouldn't say it, especially in front of Vlad, but did Orious pick up on the fact Derrick was competition for Matt? Nothing Derrick had said doing their... argument assured Matthew that the servant wouldn't go after the noble, whose attention Matthew was so focused on getting. Maybe, if the blood-drinker informed Matthew on their relationship, the young man could sleep tonight, certain he wouldn't be ditched by Vlad for Derrick in the middle of the night.

"Insane? Am I really that bad?" Rin laughed at Rei's remark, and leaned in to her kiss without hesitation. It was something they did as siblings after all, so even if it seemed strange to others, it was perfectly normal for them. When Rei mentioned staying here however, Rin frowned. "The experiment could be anywhere Rei... If we don't start looking now, when will we find him? You know as well as I do how bad runaways are at keeping a schedule." Finally having enough of this debate, Rei sat up and took his sister's hand, dragging her off the bed with him. "We won't wait Rei. We are going to find out our accommodations for the night."


Looking up at Matt orious stared with his violet eyes a bit surprised the human spoke to him. He looked down blushing with a sigh."I don't know...it's like trying to put together a puzzle but then you realized you put the pieces in the wrong spot and then you have to restart all over again..."He explained to Matthew with a nervous laugh but exhaled and looked up at him again with sad smile. He tilted his head leaning over to whisper to Matt so only he could here. "Um I sleep with derrick so don't worry about Vladimir..."He assured him a Sat back having a idea on why he had asked him.

Rei growls at him, sitting up. "We don't even know who this experiment is! Why are we looking for him in particular, I don't think they are are gonna notice on or two extras tagging along if they go. She stands regardless, not going to physically go against her brother's wishes as she stands by the door with her arms crossed. "But I don't really think you're getting what I'm trying to say." She opens the door, waiting for Rin to come along.

Vladimor tunes in to their conversation, raising a brow in interest. He doesn't join in or comment, but sits quietly. Just then Derrick returns, ending another call with an irritated expression as he slides into the booth next to Orious. "You don't imply that in a sexual way, do you?" The servant still carries a professional look and attitude as he continues to skin through the menu, placing it down when he came to a final decision. "Today ends with the club, a bigger, popular one on the Strip." He mindlessly goes through more plans, "I made sure our names were on the list to avoid the line." The waitress arrives with their drinks, placing each one in front of their match. The wine was poured in front of his and the bottle was left at the table. "Are you all ready to order?" She had a notepad, and a smile on her face. Derrick chooses something simple that had a more extravagant name than what it was; spaghetti. Vladimor orders crab and when she was done writing, she turned looked between Matthew and Orious.

Leonardo wakes up and stretches, looking around. The room was still empty and the sun was taking it's time in going down, so he thought he could go out and get something to eat. He shifts to his human form, rolling out of the bed, brushing all his hair off and sweeping it up as he tosses it in the trash can. (He hated when he sheds) The lion, now naked as a human, looks through the drawers until he finds a pair of boxers, slipping them on before going over to the large closet. With how nice most of the clothing was, this was most definitely was the owners wardrobe. He grabs a grey flannel and blue jeans, not finding too much happiness with the boots. He preferred sneakers; Nike or Jordan maybe. But generic black combat boots? Nah. At least they fitted.​
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mewbot5408 said:
Mew nodded quietly looking down at the tiger. He somewhat could tell what she was thinking and sighed."of course I am....I made a promise and I intend to keep it." He told her smiling,his ears still flattened. He placed a hand on her scruff petting her a little before kneeling down giving the tiger a little hug. "Please, I don't know how very strong I am at the moment...I beg."He says and stood up turning to go.
"Very well, I will help you." Margo stalks after the cyborg, then stops, realizing that she should probably shift. "Mew... if I am to help you, I need clothes." She was fine with shifting in and out of the tiger, not worrying about clothes, but by Rin's reaction, she thought it would be best if she had clothing the next time they met.

(OOC: Sorry, I know it's short but I couldn't figure out how to lengthen it)
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Leo looked to his side, where he heard shuffling, and saw that Shard was there next to him. He grunted, moved a bit to his right so she would have more space, and simply said through his auditory speaker, his voice gaining the sound of it echoing through the mic.

"You sure you wanna do this? Remember what happened last time something like this happened."

Still butthurt, he moved over so he was on the edge of the bed, and faced away from her. He turned back on his visor, a bright blue light illuminating the room. He turned thee brightness down three notches, and started posting on RPnation.

@Trombone Geek @mewbot5408
Rufus didn't really have much time to object to being carried like some wounded child not capable of walking, but he was glad that this room had two beds. Leo had claimed one, and so Rufus took the other, watching as Shard took Leo's bed as well. Fair enough, he supposed, turning on his side to stare out the window. Nothing interesting there; all the 'amazing streetlights' blocked the view of the stars. So he closed his eyes, and eventually fell asleep.
4911360, member: 41140]Leo looked to his side, where he heard shuffling, and saw that Shard was there next to him. He grunted, moved a bit to his right so she would have more space, and simply said through his auditory speaker, his voice gaining the sound of it echoing through the mic.

"You sure you wanna do this? Remember what happened last time something like this happened."

Still butthurt, he moved over so he was on the edge of the bed, and faced away from her. He turned back on his visor, a bright blue light illuminating the room. He turned thee brightness down three notches, and started posting on RPnation.

@Trombone Geek @mewbot5408

"I'm sure...i was just mad.." she told him honestly and Sat up leaning over his Side looking down."come on,please....I'd be more comfortable if you removed it, please?" She asked in as whisper to Leo resting her head against his side clinging to his arm.
MermaidShireen said:
"Very well, I will help you." Margo stalks after the cyborg, then stops, realizing that she should probably shift. "Mew... if I am to help you, I need clothes." She was fine with shifting in and out of the tiger, not worrying about clothes, but by Rin's reaction, she thought it would be best if she had clothing the next time they met.
(OOC: Sorry, I know it's short but I couldn't figure out how to lengthen it)
Mew gestured to the dresser and pulled out some of his clothes putting them on the bed turning away,his tail swishing and went out of the room. He stood out in the hall before going down stairs and investigated around poking his head in the master bedroom spotting the male blinking and blushed shutting the door walking away tail flickered embarrassed.
"Removed what?" He noticed that she was lying on his ribcage, so he got up and removed the cloak, revealing gleaming armor. It wasn't clean armor either, with a few glowing blue bits, and some more replaced pieces. Like his legs and arms, and some of his chest. He took off his chest piece and pauldrons. He was mostly unclothed at this point, aside from the waist down and his rebreather, which was stuck to his face.

"Happy?" he asked pointedly. He looked to Rufus, who was still staring out the window. He wondered if he was going to really do 'that' while he was there. It felt wrong to him, so not knowing what to do, he unconsciously went back to his bed, putting himself back under the covers, and placing his plates next to his pack.

"Shard," he whispered. "I don't really know if I wanna do this. Especially with Rufus here." He shuddered, and tried to escape back to the internet, his visor glowed a blue again, and he went to Skype to spam memes in one of his numerous conversations.

@Trombone Geek @mewbot5408
mewbot5408 said:
Mew gestured to the dresser and pulled out some of his clothes putting them on the bed turning away,his tail swishing and went out of the room. He stood out in the hall before going down stairs and investigated around poking his head in the master bedroom spotting the male blinking and blushed shutting the door walking away tail flickered embarrassed.
Margo quickly shifts and runs her fingers through her absurdly long hair, she'd never cut it and never wanted to. Putting on the clothes Mew put out for her, they don't fit at all, but they would work, she ties the shirt to make it less baggy. Leaving the room, she finds Mew standing awkwardly. "Thanks for the clothes, we should go now." she walks out of the disaster house, into the evening sunlight.
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Cicero said:
"Hi Izabell." The boy said giving a small wave while watching the movie not really paying attention except for when Tab laid against him confused but smiled none the less quickly kissing her forehead looking back up at the death scene snickering "Its always funny seeing people die in horror movies." He stated with a smile planted on his face. Right now Cicero was enjoying the movie he looked down at the girl on his shirt and smiled patting her head "Hey...remember what I said about if I get scared how about I change that if your to scared to sleep alone I will gladly sleep with you..." The cat-boy whispered in the girl's ear slowly before looking at Izabell "So what have you been up too?" Cicero asked the girl smiling and still snickering a bit to himself at the death scene that occurred
mewbot5408 said:
Looking up at Matt orious stared with his violet eyes a bit surprised the human spoke to him. He looked down blushing with a sigh."I don't know...it's like trying to put together a puzzle but then you realized you put the pieces in the wrong spot and then you have to restart all over again..."He explained to Matthew with a nervous laugh but exhaled and looked up at him again with sad smile. He tilted his head leaning over to whisper to Matt so only he could here. "Um I sleep with derrick so don't worry about Vladimir..."He assured him a Sat back having a idea on why he had asked him.
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Rei growls at him, sitting up. "We don't even know who this experiment is! Why are we looking for him in particular, I don't think they are are gonna notice on or two extras tagging along if they go. She stands regardless, not going to physically go against her brother's wishes as she stands by the door with her arms crossed. "But I don't really think you're getting what I'm trying to say." She opens the door, waiting for Rin to come along.

Vladimor tunes in to their conversation, raising a brow in interest. He doesn't join in or comment, but sits quietly. Just then Derrick returns, ending another call with an irritated expression as he slides into the booth next to Orious. "You don't imply that in a sexual way, do you?" The servant still carries a professional look and attitude as he continues to skin through the menu, placing it down when he came to a final decision. "Today ends with the club, a bigger, popular one on the Strip." He mindlessly goes through more plans, "I made sure our names were on the list to avoid the line." The waitress arrives with their drinks, placing each one in front of their match. The wine was poured in front of his and the bottle was left at the table. "Are you all ready to order?" She had a notepad, and a smile on her face. Derrick chooses something simple that had a more extravagant name than what it was; spaghetti. Vladimor orders crab and when she was done writing, she turned looked between Matthew and Orious.

Leonardo wakes up and stretches, looking around. The room was still empty and the sun was taking it's time in going down, so he thought he could go out and get something to eat. He shifts to his human form, rolling out of the bed, brushing all his hair off and sweeping it up as he tosses it in the trash can. (He hated when he sheds) The lion, now naked as a human, looks through the drawers until he finds a pair of boxers, slipping them on before going over to the large closet. With how nice most of the clothing was, this was most definitely was the owners wardrobe. He grabs a grey flannel and blue jeans, not finding too much happiness with the boots. He preferred sneakers; Nike or Jordan maybe. But generic black combat boots? Nah. At least they fitted. Even on the 3rd floor, he hops out of the window, the shock being distributed through his feet. He takes a moment before he sets out to a Rudy's nearby.​


"I'd rather be safe than sorry around you." Rin told her honestly, trying to ignore the angry look from his sister as he quietly followed her out of the hotel room. She had every right to be angry, at least Rin thought so. "I'll make it up to you." he promised, but his mind expressed the thoughts he was too kind to say: "It's not like I can ignore you."

It took Tabitha a while to find any words to say in response. The movie still played, and nobody seemed to notice the closeness of the couple in the dark theater, but there was still something jaw-dropping about Cicero of all people saying something like that in public, especially when Izabell was right next to them. "I'm not scared." she finally murmured, and it was true. Her mind was now a little too interested for her to really care about the movie, not that it stopped her from pretending. She let go of Cicero and sat up, turning her eyes to the screen and trying to act like she had actually paid attention. Next to her, she could feel Izabell looking at her, probably judging her or wondering what had gotten into her, and on the other side of her was Cicero, looking a little too eager to see the characters onscreen die. She hoped it wasn't the case, but she had a sneaking suspicion her blush was visible, even in the dark of the movie theater.


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