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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

While he was dressing, the view of the robo cat boy didn't go unnoticed. When he was finished dressing, he goes after him. "Hey!" His voice was rough and hoarse; he hadn't been human for a while. He goes in the direction that he saw the boy head in, hooking my the back of his shirt collar when he sees him. "What?" He spoke, a confident tone in his voice, "Ya like a show, or somethin' kitty boy?"

[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Rei growls at him, sitting up. "We don't even know who this experiment is! Why are we looking for him in particular, I don't think they are are gonna notice on or two extras tagging along if they go. She stands regardless, not going to physically go against her brother's wishes as she stands by the door with her arms crossed. "But I don't really think you're getting what I'm trying to say." She opens the door, waiting for Rin to come along.

Vladimor tunes in to their conversation, raising a brow in interest. He doesn't join in or comment, but sits quietly. Just then Derrick returns, ending another call with an irritated expression as he slides into the booth next to Orious. "You don't imply that in a sexual way, do you?" The servant still carries a professional look and attitude as he continues to skin through the menu, placing it down when he came to a final decision. "Today ends with the club, a bigger, popular one on the Strip." He mindlessly goes through more plans, "I made sure our names were on the list to avoid the line." The waitress arrives with their drinks, placing each one in front of their match. The wine was poured in front of his and the bottle was left at the table. "Are you all ready to order?" She had a notepad, and a smile on her face. Derrick chooses something simple that had a more extravagant name than what it was; spaghetti. Vladimor orders crab and when she was done writing, she turned looked between Matthew and Orious.

Leonardo wakes up and stretches, looking around. The room was still empty and the sun was taking it's time in going down, so he thought he could go out and get something to eat. He shifts to his human form, rolling out of the bed, brushing all his hair off and sweeping it up as he tosses it in the trash can. (He hated when he sheds) The lion, now naked as a human, looks through the drawers until he finds a pair of boxers, slipping them on before going over to the large closet. With how nice most of the clothing was, this was most definitely was the owners wardrobe. He grabs a grey flannel and blue jeans, not finding too much happiness with the boots. He preferred sneakers; Nike or Jordan maybe. But generic black combat boots? Nah. At least they fitted.​

Orious looked at derrick when he returned and blushed just slightly at derrick's words."no..I didn't. I do actually literally sleep in your bed...."He told him truthfully and sighed resting his chin on his hand looking down. He wished he could say otherwise though. Orious didn't even look at the menu he had no need to eat. When the waitress approached and looked to him he simply shook his head saying 'no thankyou' trying to be polite and looked down at the table. Every time he went out to restaurants Orious felt out of place,he had no need for food just blood.
"Good." He stayed frozen, afraid of what would happen if he moved. He decided to just fuck around even more on teh internetz and troll whatever and whomever. Suddenly, he was glad he removed his tear ducts. He hadn't felt much human affection, if affection, at all. It scared him that it would come from Shard, but it was good enough for him.

"Night Shard." He passed out, and his visor went black.
MermaidShireen said:
Margo quickly shifts and runs her fingers through her absurdly long hair, she'd never cut it and never wanted to. Putting on the clothes Mew put out for her, they don't fit at all, but they would work, she ties the shirt to make it less baggy. Leaving the room, she finds Mew standing awkwardly. "Thanks for the clothes, we should go now." she walks out of the disaster house, into the evening sunlight.
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

While he was dressing, the view of the robo cat boy didn't go unnoticed. When he was finished dressing, he goes after him. "Hey!" His voice was rough and hoarse; he hadn't been human for a while. He goes in the direction that he saw the boy head in, hooking my the back of his shirt collar when he sees him. "What?" He spoke, a confident tone in his voice, "Ya like a show, or somethin' kitty boy?"

Mew simply grabbed his wrist moving it from his shirt and turned looking down at the other male with his strange eerie red eyes. "I simply didn't know you were changing,sorry."Mew told him truthfully with a amused laugh. "Also it's mew not kitty boy,please do well to remember it."He says studying him for a moment and leaned in staring. "Hmm...i like your main..very handsome"He compliments with a smile before turning. "Sorry I gotta go, there's someone I have to find..."
The boy chuckled to himself glancing over at Tab "Really then why did you bury your face in my shirt?" The boy asked with a goofy grin getting closer to the girl resting his head on her shoulders "I take my question back it will most likely make you mad or something were you won't want to talk to me....hopefully that wouldn't be the case but who knows." He said confusing himself but still smiling looking up at the girl kissing her chin before looking at the movie again still snickering occasionally especially when someone killed or severely hurt. He eventually remembered his head was on his girlfriend's shoulders so he lifted his head off the girl's shoulder and kisses her cheek "You really look cute when you blush." Cicero observed "Then again your always cute this just makes you cuter...and much more attractive." The cat-boy added with a smile
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

While he was dressing, the view of the robo cat boy didn't go unnoticed. When he was finished dressing, he goes after him. "Hey!" His voice was rough and hoarse; he hadn't been human for a while. He goes in the direction that he saw the boy head in, hooking my the back of his shirt collar when he sees him. "What?" He spoke, a confident tone in his voice, "Ya like a show, or somethin' kitty boy?"

mewbot5408 said:
Mew simply grabbed his wrist moving it from his shirt and turned looking down at the other male with his strange eerie red eyes. "I simply didn't know you were changing,sorry."Mew told him truthfully with a amused laugh. "Also it's mew not kitty boy,please do well to remember it."He says studying him for a moment and leaned in staring. "Hmm...i like your main..very handsome"He compliments with a smile before turning. "Sorry I gotta go, there's someone I have to find..."
Seeing Leonard snapping at Mew, Margo stalked towards him, snarling. " I see you decided to still be a jack ass." She scans his human body, head to toe, her pale face conveying how much she would like to rip him apart, piece by piece. "Let's go Mew, I'm sure Leonard has more ass hattery to attend to." Turning sharply around to leave.

Leonardo nods, giving his name in turn, tilting his head as Mew studies him, him doing the same. "Ah-" Leonardo's face heated up when he complimented his mane, tripping over his words; "Uh-uh, I'll tag along." He follows behind Mew closely, idly smoothing his paws- er, hands- over his thick long hair at the thought of his compliment. "Who's that someone?" He asks as he tilts his head, interested. When Margo approaches he frowns. "Well, some people don't know a joking tone when they hear one." He crosses his arms and bites bitterly as he continues behing Mew.

Derrick says nothing more, but is glad he is honest. "Alright,then." After Matthew's order is taken he watches the waitress leave. Making sure his hair stays neat, he pushes it back once more. This air was awkward, honestly. A boy he wasn't too fond of next to the one he was extremely fond of....and Orious was Orious, he guesses.

Vladimor is kind of quiet now, slouching in only the slightest, looking away from the crowd. Now that he thought about it, he wasn't very good at small talk. He hadn't had much to say, not anything here, in public. The way he avoided eye contact now showed the shyer side of him. The young noble plays with his piercing on his lips, going over them and lightly tugging at them.​
MermaidShireen said:
Seeing Leonard snapping at Mew, Margo stalked towards him, snarling. " I see you decided to still be a jack ass." She scans his human body, head to toe, her pale face conveying how much she would like to rip him apart, piece by piece. "Let's go Mew, I'm sure Leonard has more ass hattery to attend to." Turning sharply around to leave.
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Leonardo nods, giving his name in turn, tilting his head as Mew studies him, him doing the same. "Ah-" Leonardo's face heated up when he complimented his mane, tripping over his words; "Uh-uh, I'll tag along." He follows behind Mew closely, idly smoothing his paws- er, hands- over his thick long hair at the thought of his compliment. "Who's that someone?" He asks as he tilts his head, interested. When Margo approaches he frowns. "Well, some people don't know a joking tone when they hear one." He crosses his arms and bites bitterly as he continues behing Mew.

Derrick says nothing more, but is glad he is honest. "Alright,then." After Matthew's order is taken he watches the waitress leave. Making sure his hair stays neat, he pushes it back once more. This air was awkward, honestly. A boy he wasn't too fond of next to the one he was extremely fond of....and Orious was Orious, he guesses.

Vladimor is kind of quiet now, slouching in only the slightest, looking away from the crowd. Now that he thought about it, he wasn't very good at small talk. He hadn't had much to say, not anything here, in public. The way he avoided eye contact now showed the shyer side of him. The young noble plays with his piercing on his lips, going over them and lightly tugging at them.​

Mew raised a eyebrow."hattery? I don't see any hats Margo..not to mention hats don't go on your ass ..I think.."He teased trying to lighten up the mood and looked back at the lion his ears twitching." Oh, I going to look for my friends rin and rei..."He said simply as his tail swishing up behind his back and making a little swaying motion. He continued walking and looked up to the sky with a soft breath. He really hoped the twins were okay.
Cicero said:
The boy chuckled to himself glancing over at Tab "Really then why did you bury your face in my shirt?" The boy asked with a goofy grin getting closer to the girl resting his head on her shoulders "I take my question back it will most likely make you mad or something were you won't want to talk to me....hopefully that wouldn't be the case but who knows." He said confusing himself but still smiling looking up at the girl kissing her chin before looking at the movie again still snickering occasionally especially when someone killed or severely hurt. He eventually remembered his head was on his girlfriend's shoulders so he lifted his head off the girl's shoulder and kisses her cheek "You really look cute when you blush." Cicero observed "Then again your always cute this just makes you cuter...and much more attractive." The cat-boy added with a smile

"You really shouldn't talk so much during movies." Tabitha reminded him. She probably should've responded to all the compliments he was throwing at her, but she had no clue how to, so she just leaned in and returned the kiss he had given her with one of her own. Then she kissed him again. And again, this time on his lips. She hadn't meant to act so passionately, but life didn't always go as she planned. Before she could stop herself her mouth was locked with his, her arms slung over his shoulders as she tried to get as close as the movie theater seats physically allowed. Maybe she came on too strong, but wasn't that Cicero's fault for taunting her so much? Eventually she pulled away for fear of suffocating. Quite a few people in the theater had noticed them by now, most shaking their heads in disapproval, while one had the audacity to record the sudden, wild make-out session. Tabitha didn't notice any of them though. The corners of her mouth turned upwards in a smile as she looked at Cicero. The file was still in her lap, but she barely noticed the thing that once seemed so important when in the presence of the one she loved. "Are you blushing now?" Tabby asked, putting one of her hands against the side of his face to figure out the answer. Whatever the answer was, Tabitha seemed satisfied with it, and quickly moving away, acting as if nothing had happened. She could still imagine how his lips felt against her's, but Tabitha wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing it, or that she wished it wasn't just her imagination now. The movie was coming to an end, with the last girl going to a mental asylum only to be chopped into little bits there, but Tabitha didn't even pay attention to the gruesome scene. She just laid her head on Cicero's shoulder again, and closed her eyes, still filled with energy but able to relax, thanks to her um, *cough*, taking some of that energy out on Cicero.

[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Leonardo nods, giving his name in turn, tilting his head as Mew studies him, him doing the same. "Ah-" Leonardo's face heated up when he complimented his mane, tripping over his words; "Uh-uh, I'll tag along." He follows behind Mew closely, idly smoothing his paws- er, hands- over his thick long hair at the thought of his compliment. "Who's that someone?" He asks as he tilts his head, interested. When Margo approaches he frowns. "Well, some people don't know a joking tone when they hear one." He crosses his arms and bites bitterly as he continues behing Mew.

Derrick says nothing more, but is glad he is honest. "Alright,then." After Matthew's order is taken he watches the waitress leave. Making sure his hair stays neat, he pushes it back once more. This air was awkward, honestly. A boy he wasn't too fond of next to the one he was extremely fond of....and Orious was Orious, he guesses.

Vladimor is kind of quiet now, slouching in only the slightest, looking away from the crowd. Now that he thought about it, he wasn't very good at small talk. He hadn't had much to say, not anything here, in public. The way he avoided eye contact now showed the shyer side of him. The young noble plays with his piercing on his lips, going over them and lightly tugging at them.​

Matthew had just ordered a small medium-rare steak, which for some reason didn't cost much at all. Before and after the food had arrived, Matthew didn't dare to say another word. He wasn't sure how much Derrick had heard, or if Vladimor had heard Orious and him talking at all, but the blood-drinker saying "No worries." was pretty much a death sentence to whatever chances of romance Matthew had. That's what he thought at least, but of course when he managed to look over at Vlad, the male wasn't glaring, or even looking at him! Upon closer inspection, Matthew realized Vladimor looked... shy? "No, he's not the type to be shy dumbass!" Matthew mentally told himself, but after a few moments of looking at the noble, Matthew couldn't come up with any other explanation. Hesitantly, Matt touched the hand Vlad wasn't used to tug at his piercings. "Hey, what was life like, back in Europe?" It was a general question, and Matt guessed he'd get a general answer, but that didn't seem all that bad, considering the other choice was to sit in silence. Matthew returned his hand to his lap for a second, before cutting a piece of his steak and putting it in his mouth while he waited. Having never actually had steak before, Matt wasn't ready for the heavenly flavour, but his face hid his surprise well thanks to his curiosity to see what Vlad would say next. Matthew wasn't very good at talking either, but if he could save Vladimor from the embarrassment of sitting there alone and insecure, he'd be willing to try.

[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Leonardo nods, giving his name in turn, tilting his head as Mew studies him, him doing the same. "Ah-" Leonardo's face heated up when he complimented his mane, tripping over his words; "Uh-uh, I'll tag along." He follows behind Mew closely, idly smoothing his paws- er, hands- over his thick long hair at the thought of his compliment. "Who's that someone?" He asks as he tilts his head, interested. When Margo approaches he frowns. "Well, some people don't know a joking tone when they hear one." He crosses his arms and bites bitterly as he continues behing Mew.

Derrick says nothing more, but is glad he is honest. "Alright,then." After Matthew's order is taken he watches the waitress leave. Making sure his hair stays neat, he pushes it back once more. This air was awkward, honestly. A boy he wasn't too fond of next to the one he was extremely fond of....and Orious was Orious, he guesses.

Vladimor is kind of quiet now, slouching in only the slightest, looking away from the crowd. Now that he thought about it, he wasn't very good at small talk. He hadn't had much to say, not anything here, in public. The way he avoided eye contact now showed the shyer side of him. The young noble plays with his piercing on his lips, going over them and lightly tugging at them.​

iiimee said:

"You really shouldn't talk so much during movies." Tabitha reminded him. She probably should've responded to all the compliments he was throwing at her, but she had no clue how to, so she just leaned in and returned the kiss he had given her with one of her own. Then she kissed him again. And again, this time on his lips. She hadn't meant to act so passionately, but life didn't always go as she planned. Before she could stop herself her mouth was locked with his, her arms slung over his shoulders as she tried to get as close as the movie theater seats physically allowed. Maybe she came on too strong, but wasn't that Cicero's fault for taunting her so much? Eventually she pulled away for fear of suffocating. Quite a few people in the theater had noticed them by now, most shaking their heads in disapproval, while one had the audacity to record the sudden, wild make-out session. Tabitha didn't notice any of them though. The corners of her mouth turned upwards in a smile as she looked at Cicero. The file was still in her lap, but she barely noticed the thing that once seemed so important when in the presence of the one she loved. "Are you blushing now?" Tabby asked, putting one of her hands against the side of his face to figure out the answer. Whatever the answer was, Tabitha seemed satisfied with it, and quickly moving away, acting as if nothing had happened. She could still imagine how his lips felt against her's, but Tabitha wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing it, or that she wished it wasn't just her imagination now. The movie was coming to an end, with the last girl going to a mental asylum only to be chopped into little bits there, but Tabitha didn't even pay attention to the gruesome scene. She just laid her head on Cicero's shoulder again, and closed her eyes, still filled with energy but able to relax, thanks to her um, *cough*, taking some of that energy out on Cicero.

Matthew had just ordered a small medium-rare steak, which for some reason didn't cost much at all. Before and after the food had arrived, Matthew didn't dare to say another word. He wasn't sure how much Derrick had heard, or if Vladimor had heard Orious and him talking at all, but the blood-drinker saying "No worries." was pretty much a death sentence to whatever chances of romance Matthew had. That's what he thought at least, but of course when he managed to look over at Vlad, the male wasn't glaring, or even looking at him! Upon closer inspection, Matthew realized Vladimor looked... shy? "No, he's not the type to be shy dumbass!" Matthew mentally told himself, but after a few moments of looking at the noble, Matthew couldn't come up with any other explanation. Hesitantly, Matt touched the hand Vlad wasn't used to tug at his piercings. "Hey, what was life like, back in Europe?" It was a general question, and Matt guessed he'd get a general answer, but that didn't seem all that bad, considering the other choice was to sit in silence. Matthew returned his hand to his lap for a second, before cutting a piece of his steak and putting it in his mouth while he waited. Having never actually had steak before, Matt wasn't ready for the heavenly flavour, but his face hid his surprise well thanks to his curiosity to see what Vlad would say next. Matthew wasn't very good at talking either, but if he could save Vladimor from the embarrassment of sitting there alone and insecure, he'd be willing to try.

Orious says nothing but observing derrick he tilts his head before looking around and exhaled."oddly this reminds me of what it used to be like...it's been a very long time since I've actually Sat down with a group of people. It's kinda of nice for a change...."He said simply with a little smile and he was staring up at the ceiling and studying every detail "It makes a guy kinda miss those sort of things....I apologize if I ever cause any trouble by my presence alone, I don't mean to...I'm just very very sick right now and my body is deteriorating..."He said simply and he seemed to be apologizing for all the trouble he had caused.
The boy snickered at Tab's comment "Yea I know but lets be honest you weren't even watching it were you?" The boy asked smirking. Leading to him being confused at what Tab was doing kissing him he didn't try to stop her only going along with it while moving closer to the girl his lips still locked with hers ignoring all the looks they were getting enjoying the moment his face turning red as he touched his lips while she placed her hand on his cheek "Yea I would say I am." He answered grinning while at his girlfriend who was pretend like nothing happened again looking at the girl putting his face next to her whispering in her ear "I wasn't joking though I would gladly sleep in your room again if you'd like me to." Cicero said before sitting back in his seat winking at the girl before looking at the movie snicking at the ending while looking at the girl running his hand through her hair "Do you want me to carry you out?" The cat-boy asked her smiling he always enjoys these dates even if he does something stupid he always had fun as long his girlfriend was having laughing he didn't care how stupid he looked as long as he could see her happy he was fine
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]"Good." He stayed frozen, afraid of what would happen if he moved. He decided to just fuck around even more on teh internetz and troll whatever and whomever. Suddenly, he was glad he removed his tear ducts. He hadn't felt much human affection, if affection, at all. It scared him that it would come from Shard, but it was good enough for him.
"Night Shard." He passed out, and his visor went black.

After a while shard awoken looking at leo with a little hum sound. She moved her hands down on his chest sliding them down and held her arms close. She stared at him for a moment murmuring she couldn't sleep any longer and asked if he was awake before exhaling . She moved her body closer to his her arms Around his waist and she looked up at him.
mewbot5408 said:
After a while shard awoken looking at leo with a little hum sound. She moved her hands down on his chest sliding them down and held her arms close. She stared at him for a moment murmuring she couldn't sleep any longer and asked if he was awake before exhaling . She moved her body closer to his her arms Around his waist and she looked up at him.
His visor glowed a faint blue, and almost jumped due to the unexpected coldness near his waist.

"I'm up, I'm up." He looked at Shard who was staring at him with those eyes. "Do you wanna do something? I don't mind getting up."

He fully sat up now, putting his metal encrusted arms behind him, holding him up. His stuff was not far, so he was already prepared. He laid back down and hugged Shard a bit closer.

"Want your vox installed? We've got the time now."
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]His visor glowed a faint blue, and almost jumped due to the unexpected coldness near his waist.
"I'm up, I'm up." He looked at Shard who was staring at him with those eyes. "Do you wanna do something? I don't mind getting up."

He fully sat up now, putting his metal encrusted arms behind him, holding him up. His stuff was not far, so he was already prepared. He laid back down and hugged Shard a bit closer.

"Want your vox installed? We've got the time now."

Shard looked up at him blinking with a little smile."Hmm..sure.."she responded and stood up stretching before going around to the other side. Shard turned and went over changing into shorts and a tank top not caring if he watched before coming back and took his hand tugging a little bit to help him up before turning around and going out the door. She left a note on the nightstand for Rufus saying she'd be back soon and not to worry. Shard walked down the hall way looking to make sure Leo followed.
mewbot5408 said:
Shard looked up at him blinking with a little smile."Hmm..sure.."she responded and stood up stretching before going around to the other side. Shard turned and went over changing into shorts and a tank top not caring if he watched before coming back and took his hand tugging a little bit to help him up before turning around and going out the door. She left a note on the nightstand for Rufus saying she'd be back soon and not to worry. Shard walked down the hall way looking to make sure Leo followed.
He grabbed his cowl and put on his chestpiece as she was dressing up. He just able to grab his pack before being dragged out the the hallway, in tow of Shard.

"Where are we going?" He wasn't entirely trusting of Shard and her cannibalistic tendencies. He strapped on his pack while they were walking. Exiting the hotel, he decided he would take the lead and go to a club of some sort, hoping to end up at a bar again. It was one of his favorite past times, to drink a good brew.

Vladimor looks at his plate thanking the waitress. He had a sip of his wine before clearing his throat. "Well I lived in Slovakia, so I could say maybe it was quite the scene...It has more castles than anywhere I can think of. Life there was fun, since Derrick and I was always left to ourselves. We'd run off and go who know's what." He takes a leg of the crab, cracking it open, nomming on the meat. "I would always hang around Bratislava, though. It has an older feel, and walking around there makes me feel like a prince, hehehe." He chuckles, breaking another leg. Vladimor smiles and hums a soft, old sounding tune, that might've been a little bit creepy if if the moment here together had been so calm and at equilibrium. At that, it sounded just like a classic used to lighten the mood.

Derrick nods. "It is alright,Orious," He grins when a large plate of spaghetti is presented in front of him. Before he digs in, he gives a comforting look in Orious way. "I shall always be there for you. Not as a servant, but as a friend." After this, he begins chowing down, indulging in the pasta. He listens to Vladimor's humming, stopping for a moment, his smile being wiped off of his face. He swallows his food and just listens for a moment. He looks at his food before blinking and looking up at his lord with an unsettling expression. "..But tonight you belong to me." He finishes in the tune, causing Vladimor to meet his gaze, but he still held his smile. "That's it." The nobles chuckles, raising a brow. "Something wrong with it?" Derrick shakes his head, apologizing returning to eat his food. This confuses Vlad.

Leonardo laughs before rubbing his chin. "Names of another origin, eh. Similar, are they related?" He asks, giving a funny look in Margo's direction, stick his tongue out at her as they continue behind Mew. "Also what's been going on here? 'Ts like a war." He gives the place the look around once more ask they exit, careful not to mess up his boots against the broken floor, and not to scratch himself against the broken doorway. Sucks for the owner.​
Orious looked between the two males and blinking,before his violet eyes directed to a vase with red flowers. He stared at it zoning out a bit grabbing the chain around his neck clutching the red stone that dangled from his throat as always. Red. That color only that color,it was the color that ment so much for Ori. So many meanings,red had so much purpose. Orious looked away and looked down at the stone. This stone was precious to the vampire, it reminded him of reality. This beautiful crystal showed him he was alive. Red. Full of many emotions. He then looked up at derricks eyes. Red. Life. Death. That color make him sure of emotions. "....Thanks..." He mumured as he looked off quietly zoning out again.
Cicero said:
The boy snickered at Tab's comment "Yea I know but lets be honest you weren't even watching it were you?" The boy asked smirking. Leading to him being confused at what Tab was doing kissing him he didn't try to stop her only going along with it while moving closer to the girl his lips still locked with hers ignoring all the looks they were getting enjoying the moment his face turning red as he touched his lips while she placed her hand on his cheek "Yea I would say I am." He answered grinning while at his girlfriend who was pretend like nothing happened again looking at the girl putting his face next to her whispering in her ear "I wasn't joking though I would gladly sleep in your room again if you'd like me to." Cicero said before sitting back in his seat winking at the girl before looking at the movie snicking at the ending while looking at the girl running his hand through her hair "Do you want me to carry you out?" The cat-boy asked her smiling he always enjoys these dates even if he does something stupid he always had fun as long his girlfriend was having laughing he didn't care how stupid he looked as long as he could see her happy he was fine

By now Cicero's words didn't catch her off-guard: He'd been teasing her all evening after all. Still, there was something about the way he moved so close to her, his warm breath tickling her ear as he suggested something that didn't sound and definitely wasn't meant to be mistaken for innocent. It really didn't help that she had extra-sensitive hearing. Tabitha silently placed two fingers above one of her breasts, trying to feel her heartbeat even though she could practically hear it already. Suddenly, she felt a little helpless. Not the "I can't do anything by myself." helpless, but the "One more move and I won't be able to stop myself." helpless. "Cicero, please carry me." Tabitha finally said. There was still a gentle look in her eyes, but it was mixed with the not-so-gentle emotion of want. She wrapped her arms around him once again and kissed him, but this time it was just one kiss, sweet, but long and passionate too. She pulled away after a while, getting up and extending a hand to help him up. Most of the people in the theater had left, but there were still one or two people who hung around. They pretended to talk to one another, but Tabby noted that every now and then their gazes wondered directly to her and Cicero. Whatever. Tabitha didn't give a fuck about other people right now. "We should go now, don't you think?" Tabby asked when Cicero stood up. She tried to seem inconspicuous, but the look in her eyes and the smile that played against her lips wouldn't let her be. When she suggested they go, it was pretty obvious that she meant they should go... home... to do... well, whatever you wanted to do in that said home. (*cough* man, being a narrator's tough!)

[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Vladimor looks at his plate thanking the waitress. He had a sip of his wine before clearing his throat. "Well I lived in Slovakia, so I could say maybe it was quite the scene...It has more castles than anywhere I can think of. Life there was fun, since Derrick and I was always left to ourselves. We'd run off and go who know's what." He takes a leg of the crab, cracking it open, nomming on the meat. "I would always hang around Bratislava, though. It has an older feel, and walking around there makes me feel like a prince, hehehe." He chuckles, breaking another leg. Vladimor smiles and hums a soft, old sounding tune, that might've been a little bit creepy if if the moment here together had been so calm and at equilibrium. At that, it sounded just like a classic used to lighten the mood.

Derrick nods. "It is alright,Orious," He grins when a large plate of spaghetti is presented in front of him. Before he digs in, he gives a comforting look in Orious way. "I shall always be there for you. Not as a servant, but as a friend." After this, he begins chowing down, indulging in the pasta. He listens to Vladimor's humming, stopping for a moment, his smile being wiped off of his face. He swallows his food and just listens for a moment. He looks at his food before blinking and looking up at his lord with an unsettling expression. "..But tonight you belong to me." He finishes in the tune, causing Vladimor to meet his gaze, but he still held his smile. "That's it." The nobles chuckles, raising a brow. "Something wrong with it?" Derrick shakes his head, apologizing returning to eat his food. This confuses Vlad.

Leonardo laughs before rubbing his chin. "Names of another origin, eh. Similar, are they related?" He asks, giving a funny look in Margo's direction, stick his tongue out at her as they continue behind Mew. "Also what's been going on here? 'Ts like a war." He gives the place the look around once more ask they exit, careful not to mess up his boots against the broken floor, and not to scratch himself against the broken doorway. Sucks for the owner.​

"Did you live in a castle? What was it like?" The boy wanted to ask, but by the time he opened his mouth the noble had started humming, so Matthew shut his mouth again. He didn't find anything about the song to be peculiar, but apparently Derrick did, because the servant finished the song and just stared at Vladimor for several moments. "Is something wrong?" Matthew was tempted to ask, but he remained silent and let Vlad ask the questions instead. Derrick and him didn't really get along after all, so it wouldn't have been smart of Matt to set him off. Matthew took another bite of his meal, then another a few moments later. The steak was truly delicious, but now Matthew felt less of an appetite for it. Curiosity was feasting off of him! "I think the weather's going to be clear tonight." Matt said, looking around at the unhappy crew for only a few seconds before turning his eyes to his lap. Maybe if he stared at one of them for too long, a fight would occur. Save for Vladimor, nobody seemed too happy. He didn't really care about anyone except Vlad of course, but right now Matthew was trying to be on his best behavior. If he didn't act happy, nobody else here would. Matt was so focused on these thoughts while he ate that he didn't even realize that a few days ago, he wouldn't have cared how many fights he started, or in whose presence he fought.

[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Vladimor looks at his plate thanking the waitress. He had a sip of his wine before clearing his throat. "Well I lived in Slovakia, so I could say maybe it was quite the scene...It has more castles than anywhere I can think of. Life there was fun, since Derrick and I was always left to ourselves. We'd run off and go who know's what." He takes a leg of the crab, cracking it open, nomming on the meat. "I would always hang around Bratislava, though. It has an older feel, and walking around there makes me feel like a prince, hehehe." He chuckles, breaking another leg. Vladimor smiles and hums a soft, old sounding tune, that might've been a little bit creepy if if the moment here together had been so calm and at equilibrium. At that, it sounded just like a classic used to lighten the mood.

Derrick nods. "It is alright,Orious," He grins when a large plate of spaghetti is presented in front of him. Before he digs in, he gives a comforting look in Orious way. "I shall always be there for you. Not as a servant, but as a friend." After this, he begins chowing down, indulging in the pasta. He listens to Vladimor's humming, stopping for a moment, his smile being wiped off of his face. He swallows his food and just listens for a moment. He looks at his food before blinking and looking up at his lord with an unsettling expression. "..But tonight you belong to me." He finishes in the tune, causing Vladimor to meet his gaze, but he still held his smile. "That's it." The nobles chuckles, raising a brow. "Something wrong with it?" Derrick shakes his head, apologizing returning to eat his food. This confuses Vlad.

Leonardo laughs before rubbing his chin. "Names of another origin, eh. Similar, are they related?" He asks, giving a funny look in Margo's direction, stick his tongue out at her as they continue behind Mew. "Also what's been going on here? 'Ts like a war." He gives the place the look around once more ask they exit, careful not to mess up his boots against the broken floor, and not to scratch himself against the broken doorway. Sucks for the owner.​

Mew looked back at the lion again as he walked."they are twins..Also a idiot decided to wreck the house on a rampage.." He explained, they had walked a bit and Mew bent over panting weakly holding his hand against his side with a low hiss of pain. He was in no shape to be okay.

Mew exhaled sharply and stood straight holding his side as he did before moving and continuing to walk trudging on despite his obvious pain
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mewbot5408 said:
Mew looked back at the lion again as he walked."they are twins..Also a idiot decided to wreck the house on a rampage.." He explained, they had walked a bit and Mew bent over panting weakly holding his hand against his side with a low hiss of pain. He was in no shape to be okay.
Hearing Mew's hiss of pain, Margo turns back to look at him. "You are in no condition to help your friends even if they needed it. It is foolish for you to continue." Giving Mew a pained look. "If they truly mean so much to you... Leonardo and I could find them and keep them safe until we return to here." She glares at the lion, daring him to contradict her.
Walking up to Margo, seeing Mew injured, I cut in, "An interesting group to find on the streets... Perhaps I can be of assistance?"
The boy smiled "Yea of course." He said lovely while he kissed the girl back smiling while taking Tab's hand to get up nodding his head as a thanks. The boy looked around ignoring everyone while picking Tab up like a bride "I think your right." Cicero answered while he started walking to the door giving Tab's lips a quick kiss while walking eventually opening the door making sure Tab was okay smiling at her "I am guessing you knew what I meant right?" The cat-boy asked slowly with fake innocents corrupting his voice before he started snickering. Sure Cicero is always nice and barely ever angry he is full of surprises and always gets more some even surprises him he looked at the girl in his arms and smiles trying his best to act innocent.
Not hearing Finn arive, Margo jumps and turns angrily on the newcomer, "where'd you come from? Who are you?" Embarrassed that she never hear the man approach, she hid her shame through her anger. The man attractive to say the least, his light hair framing his face beautifully. She quickly scanned him with her eyes, searching for whatever could possibly be a weapon.
Understanding her nervousness and distrust, Finn takes his hands out of his pockets and displays them- empty. Holding his hands in front of his chest, Finn says "I came from behind you, as most people do. My name is Finn, and I mean you no harm, but help, in return for a minor service." Finn turns to look at Mew. "He is clearly injured, and I can help you transport him, so long as I may come along and stay a while at whatever place accepts such prototypes as yourselves. Is this acceptable?"

*I apologize to Mew, somehow I thought you were female.*
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(OOC: use OOC for when you speak out of character, also once you edit something, no one sees the original post)

"How do you know what we are?" Margo doesn't trust him at all, too clean, too polite, he knows too much. "Kill him and he can't turn you in" she thinks to herself. Without taking her eyes if the man, " Mew, what do you think of him? It's up to you." Her purple eyes slowly turning Amber as she struggles to calm herself down again.
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