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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]" Fucking finally. You didn't let go of the business card? Whatever." His words were rapid fire as he heard more moaning, and the chime of the door up front as somebody entered, and a nearby door slammed shut shortly after.
"Just a question, do you know where any radon is? Also, you're okay right? Its a bit painful, I know, but I guess you'll get used to the pain for a while." He got another call, a troll call. He canceled it and put his phone back to his ear.

"Anyways, where are you guys staying for the night? I've got a surprise."

"Wish I could say," Rufus responded to Leo's question about radon. The question of his health was unexpected but not surprising. He looked down at his leg. "I'll be fine," he stated, not referencing his mental stability.

"We're at.." Rufus stopped to consider the name of the hotel. What was it? Rodeway or something? Yeah, that was it. "Rodeway Inn," he answered, tilting his head. Surprise? Huh.
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]
"Wish I could say," Rufus responded to Leo's question about radon. The question of his health was unexpected but not surprising. He looked down at his leg. "I'll be fine," he stated, not referencing his mental stability.
"We're at.." Rufus stopped to consider the name of the hotel. What was it? Rodeway or something? Yeah, that was it. "Rodeway Inn," he answered, tilting his head. Surprise? Huh.

[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]" Fucking finally. You didn't let go of the business card? Whatever." His words were rapid fire as he heard more moaning, and the chime of the door up front as somebody entered, and a nearby door slammed shut shortly after.
"Just a question, do you know where any radon is? Also, you're okay right? Its a bit painful, I know, but I guess you'll get used to the pain for a while." He got another call, a troll call. He canceled it and put his phone back to his ear.

"Anyways, where are you guys staying for the night? I've got a surprise."

Shard sighed and watching him listening before sitting up. She looked off to the door as if expecting leo to burst through the door yelling. She looked back to Rufus and got up making her way over to him while he was still on the phone kneeling down to check on his leg before turning around grabbing the first aid kit off the wall and decided to change the bandages. When she was done she looked up at Rufus before standing up and moving just stripped down changing right in front of him paying so mind if he was watching.
Nick grinned looking at the girl kissing her forehead before turning over to his side pretending to fall asleep of course he wasn't really asleep but of course he had a plan and decide it would be a good idea with a terrible out come "Grace.....beauti...."He mumbled "Go.....on....date?" The boy asked mumbling turning over on his side now facing Stell with his eye close trying his hardest not to burst out laughing even though she most likely will be mad...no pissed at him he will find it funny either way "No.....cheat." Nick stated plainly in his so called sleep state a small smile crept onto his lips
mewbot5408 said:
Shard sighed and watching him listening before sitting up. She looked off to the door as if expecting leo to burst through the door yelling. She looked back to Rufus and got up making her way over to him while he was still on the phone kneeling down to check on his leg before turning around grabbing the first aid kit off the wall and decided to change the bandages. When she was done she looked up at Rufus before standing up and moving just stripped down changing right in front of him paying so mind if he was watching.
Rufus eventually hung up, as there wasn't much else for him and Leo to talk about. He looked down at Shard, watching as she changed the bandages.

"It'll heal soon, there's no need to worry over it," Rufus said, politely turning his head away when she began stripping. He could tell Shard didn't care, but he wasn't that kind of guy. When Shard was finished, Rufus returned to a more comfortable position in his chair, gazing over at Shard.

"What brought you to Vegas?" he asked, tilting his head out of curiosity.
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Rufus eventually hung up, as there wasn't much else for him and Leo to talk about. He looked down at Shard, watching as she changed the bandages.
"It'll heal soon, there's no need to worry over it," Rufus said, politely turning his head away when she began stripping. He could tell Shard didn't care, but he wasn't that kind of guy. When Shard was finished, Rufus returned to a more comfortable position in his chair, gazing over at Shard.

"What brought you to Vegas?" he asked, tilting his head out of curiosity.

mewbot5408 said:
Shard sighed and watching him listening before sitting up. She looked off to the door as if expecting leo to burst through the door yelling. She looked back to Rufus and got up making her way over to him while he was still on the phone kneeling down to check on his leg before turning around grabbing the first aid kit off the wall and decided to change the bandages. When she was done she looked up at Rufus before standing up and moving just stripped down changing right in front of him paying so mind if he was watching.
"Fucking great..." He muttered to himself. He knew the door slamming were the two. He picked up his two voxes. Small machines, earbuds with tentacles that fit perfectly into an earlobe. It's perfect. A masterpiece even. He knew where they were since one of the heat signatures was interacting with what was technically a ghost. A heat signature ghost. It wasn't going to be pretty, but blasting a door open was his thing. He stepped outside and blasted door 3A. With his gun, he blasted a hole through the door handle. He stepped through the ashes that was their door, and held two squirming mechanical tentacle things. "Wanna see a magic trick?"
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Rufus eventually hung up, as there wasn't much else for him and Leo to talk about. He looked down at Shard, watching as she changed the bandages.
"It'll heal soon, there's no need to worry over it," Rufus said, politely turning his head away when she began stripping. He could tell Shard didn't care, but he wasn't that kind of guy. When Shard was finished, Rufus returned to a more comfortable position in his chair, gazing over at Shard.

"What brought you to Vegas?" he asked, tilting his head out of curiosity.

[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]"Fucking great..." He muttered to himself. He knew the door slamming were the two. He picked up his two voxes. Small machines, earbuds with tentacles that fit perfectly into an earlobe. It's perfect. A masterpiece even. He knew where they were since one of the heat signatures was interacting with what was technically a ghost. A heat signature ghost. It wasn't going to be pretty, but blasting a door open was his thing. He stepped outside and blasted door 3A. With his gun, he blasted a hole through the door handle. He stepped through the ashes that was their door, and held two squirming mechanical tentacle things. "Wanna see a magic trick?"

"well..honestly, I came here because I travel around a lot...also I am looking for someone." she put it simply and came over to where he was standing behind him leaning in with a little smirk her lips next to his ear. "you sure ask a lot of questions...I didn't think I was all that interesting.." she teased a little but sighed. "ah but really, I'd like to know a bit about you..." she murmured,nipping his ear only to stand straight up when leo came in a placed her hands on her hips blushing. "don't just break down the door leo...anyways what is it??" she told him tilting her head.
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]"Fucking great..." He muttered to himself. He knew the door slamming were the two. He picked up his two voxes. Small machines, earbuds with tentacles that fit perfectly into an earlobe. It's perfect. A masterpiece even. He knew where they were since one of the heat signatures was interacting with what was technically a ghost. A heat signature ghost. It wasn't going to be pretty, but blasting a door open was his thing. He stepped outside and blasted door 3A. With his gun, he blasted a hole through the door handle. He stepped through the ashes that was their door, and held two squirming mechanical tentacle things. "Wanna see a magic trick?"

mewbot5408 said:
"well..honestly, I came here because I travel around a lot...also I am looking for someone." she put it simply and came over to where he was standing behind him leaning in with a little smirk her lips next to his ear. "you sure ask a lot of questions...I didn't think I was all that interesting.." she teased a little but sighed. "ah but really, I'd like to know a bit about you..." she murmured,nipping his ear only to stand straight up when leo came in a placed her hands on her hips blushing. "don't just break down the door leo...anyways what is it??" she told him tilting her head.
Rufus shrugged, turning slightly to face Leo from over his shoulder.

"You could have knocked first," he remarked, studying the tentacle thingies with slight interest but mostly confusion. A magic trick?

"Sure?" he said, actually quite unsure. Leo had destructive habits; who knew what the mechanical worms could be? Rufus leaned back in his chair to get a better view at the remains of the door, and looked past Leo out into the hallway.

"You see, now they're going to call the cops," Rufus said with a sigh, catching the eyes with one of the people out in the hallway who was on their phone, talking furiously. One look at Rufus's strangely colored eyes made him shriek and drop the phone. Being one of those fancy smartphones, it shattered when it hit the ground.
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Rufus shrugged, turning slightly to face Leo from over his shoulder.
"You could have knocked first," he remarked, studying the tentacle thingies with slight interest but mostly confusion. A magic trick?

"Sure?" he said, actually quite unsure. Leo had destructive habits; who knew what the mechanical worms could be? Rufus leaned back in his chair to get a better view at the remains of the door, and looked past Leo out into the hallway.

"You see, now they're going to call the cops," Rufus said with a sigh, catching the eyes with one of the people out in the hallway who was on their phone, talking furiously. One look at Rufus's strangely colored eyes made him shriek and drop the phone. Being one of those fancy smartphones, it shattered when it hit the ground.

mewbot5408 said:
"well..honestly, I came here because I travel around a lot...also I am looking for someone." she put it simply and came over to where he was standing behind him leaning in with a little smirk her lips next to his ear. "you sure ask a lot of questions...I didn't think I was all that interesting.." she teased a little but sighed. "ah but really, I'd like to know a bit about you..." she murmured,nipping his ear only to stand straight up when leo came in a placed her hands on her hips blushing. "don't just break down the door leo...anyways what is it??" she told him tilting her head.
He shoved the things into his pockets and reached backwards into his cowl. With a bit of whirring and a grunt, he pulled out a machine like the ones he was about to give to them, just a bit more... running with oil and his 'blood'.

"Vox speakers. They allow transmissions from any range anywhere. Even across galaxies." He placed the vox on his shoulder and it crawled back into his ear. "This one is bound to me. I've pre-bonded them to you." he said, revealing the voxes again, one cradling a bit of crystal in the side of it, and a shaving of iron-like material in the other.

"Do you want it or not? They are mostly sentient as well. Mostly. You just need to care for the machine spirit and do a few rituals at the end of every month. I can show it to you now if you accept." He was pushing the voxes a bit, but it was an advancement in technology around the world. He looked back towards the two patrons hurriedly trying to call the police, scraping off the bits of glass sticking back to the phone. Leo blasted the phone with precise accuracy, and much to the dismay of the owner of the phone, their fingers were mostly burnt as well, leaving a bit of ash on the tips of their fingers, and the bone protruding where the skin would be.
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[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Rufus shrugged, turning slightly to face Leo from over his shoulder.
"You could have knocked first," he remarked, studying the tentacle thingies with slight interest but mostly confusion. A magic trick?

"Sure?" he said, actually quite unsure. Leo had destructive habits; who knew what the mechanical worms could be? Rufus leaned back in his chair to get a better view at the remains of the door, and looked past Leo out into the hallway.

"You see, now they're going to call the cops," Rufus said with a sigh, catching the eyes with one of the people out in the hallway who was on their phone, talking furiously. One look at Rufus's strangely colored eyes made him shriek and drop the phone. Being one of those fancy smartphones, it shattered when it hit the ground.

[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]He shoved the things into his pockets and reached backwards into his cowl. With a bit of whirring and a grunt, he pulled out a machine like the ones he was about to give to them, just a bit more... running with oil and his 'blood'.
"Vox speakers. They allow transmissions from any range anywhere. Even across galaxies." He placed the vox on his shoulder and it crawled back into his ear. "This one is bound to me. I've pre-bonded them to you." he said, revealing the voxes again, one cradling a bit of crystal in the side of it, and a shaving of iron-like material in the other.

"Do you want it or not? They are mostly sentient as well. Mostly. You just need to care for the machine spirit and do a few rituals at the end of every month. I can show it to you now if you accept." He was pushing the voxes a bit, but it was an advancement in technology around the world. He looked back towards the two patrons hurriedly trying to call the police, scraping off the bits of glass sticking back to the phone. Leo blasted the phone with precise accuracy, and much to the dismay of the owner of the phone, their fingers were mostly burnt as well, leaving a bit of ash on the tips of their fingers, and the bone protruding where the skin would be.

shard tilted her head and looked at leo curiously but a bit scared of the thingies. "ummm...maybe??" she shook her head and pointed to the crystal on her forehead,then pointed to her neck before staring straight at him with her purple eyes. she then looked to rufus then sighed crossing her arms. "...I'm going to keep and eye on you guys.."
Cicero said:
Nick grinned looking at the girl kissing her forehead before turning over to his side pretending to fall asleep of course he wasn't really asleep but of course he had a plan and decide it would be a good idea with a terrible out come "Grace.....beauti...."He mumbled "Go.....on....date?" The boy asked mumbling turning over on his side now facing Stell with his eye close trying his hardest not to burst out laughing even though she most likely will be mad...no pissed at him he will find it funny either way "No.....cheat." Nick stated plainly in his so called sleep state a small smile crept onto his lips
stell raised her eyebrow and climbed up onto his bare chest with a little huff, placing her hands on his ears messing with them knowing it would only give him the same issue as before. "such a lame trick,babe..."she whispered and laid down looking at him with a mischievous smirk resting her chin on her arm looking at him with her big green/blue eyes blushing still from what they had done. stell wasn't too easily fooled by nick's antics and she liked teasing him when he failed.
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[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]He shoved the things into his pockets and reached backwards into his cowl. With a bit of whirring and a grunt, he pulled out a machine like the ones he was about to give to them, just a bit more... running with oil and his 'blood'.
"Vox speakers. They allow transmissions from any range anywhere. Even across galaxies." He placed the vox on his shoulder and it crawled back into his ear. "This one is bound to me. I've pre-bonded them to you." he said, revealing the voxes again, one cradling a bit of crystal in the side of it, and a shaving of iron-like material in the other.

"Do you want it or not? They are mostly sentient as well. Mostly. You just need to care for the machine spirit and do a few rituals at the end of every month. I can show it to you now if you accept." He was pushing the voxes a bit, but it was an advancement in technology around the world. He looked back towards the two patrons hurriedly trying to call the police, scraping off the bits of glass sticking back to the phone. Leo blasted the phone with precise accuracy, and much to the dismay of the owner of the phone, their fingers were mostly burnt as well, leaving a bit of ash on the tips of their fingers, and the bone protruding where the skin would be.

mewbot5408 said:
shard tilted her head and looked at leo curiously but a bit scared of the thingies. "ummm...maybe??" she shook her head and pointed to the crystal on her forehead,then pointed to her neck before staring straight at him with her purple eyes. she then looked to rufus then sighed crossing her arms. "...I'm going to keep and eye on you guys.."
Rufus watched the strange living speakers, his interest growing when Leo said the transmissions could come from anywhere. Cool.

"That's pretty cool. It'd be nice to have one. Make things a lot easier if one of us is in a pinch," he said, watching with slight amusement as Leo shot their phone's remains. Some people just never learn, Rufus thought as he caught the white of bone at the tips of their fingers. They screamed, and Rufus slipped past Leo and into the hallway, punching the person in the throat. They shut up for enough time for Rufus to pick up a shard of glass, which also found its way into the human's throat. Dead, and quiet.

"We might want to move somewhere with an intact door before you do that," he stated, retreating into the room and crossing his arms.
(OOC: Ignore my previous post. Margo lets the lion leave with she seethes in the background)

"Ass hat." She snarls, then walks away. Wondering how Mew is doing, she climbs the stairs up to the room she remembers him in. "Hey" she chuffs "may I come in?" She politely waits for an answer.

(OOC: she's still a tiger)

MermaidShireen said:
(OOC: Ignore my previous post. Margo lets the lion leave with she seethes in the background)
"Ass hat." She snarls, then walks away. Wondering how Mew is doing, she climbs the stairs up to the room she remembers him in. "Hey" she chuffs "may I come in?" She politely waits for an answer.

(OOC: she's still a tiger)

the door is open partway and mew is sitting in the window ceil doodling a picture of ren and fishes in his sketchbook with a pen. he's singing something to himself. he seems stressed out as he's trying to calm down. his red eyes look out to the window with a little sigh before continuing to sing. he didn't notice the tiger. he seemed quite lonely. rin where are you?? he thought and continued to doodle. [media]

mewbot5408 said:
the door is open partway and mew is sitting in the window ceil doodling a picture of ren and fishes in his sketchbook with a pen. he's singing something to himself. he seems stressed out as he's trying to calm down. his red eyes look out to the window with a little sigh before continuing to sing. he didn't notice the tiger. he seemed quite lonely. rin where are you?? he thought and continued to doodle. [media]

Margo listens to his singing (love that song!) and walks in when it's over. Carefully she and leans her head against the bed, "He'll be back, don't you worry." She says, then chuckles to herself, "they'll always come back eventually." Her tail twitching at the memory.
Nick snickered opening his eyes "Yea I figured you wouldn't fall for it." The boy said turning red while she messed with his eyes having the problem again "How did you figure out that would work?" He asked curiously looking at the girl still snickering at seeing the girl blush "Are you really that embarrassed at treating me?" Nick asked mischievously and grinning while hugging the girl close to his bodies kissing her once before letting her go with a grin @mewbot5408
MermaidShireen said:
Margo listens to his singing (love that song!) and walks in when it's over. Carefully she and leans her head against the bed, "He'll be back, don't you worry." She says, then chuckles to herself, "they'll always come back eventually." Her tail twitching at the memory.
Mew let out a soft breath staring at the window before looking to the tiger his cat ears twitched and he stared at her. "...I'm worried about their safety, I can't protect anyone in this state...my body might break down."He told her understanding her speaking even in her current form, which was unexpected due to the fact nobody understood her in that form. He crawled over on all fours reaching out a pale hand putting it on the tiger's forehead blushing and staring with his strange red eyes and petted her on the head. Mew actually really liked animals, especially fish but that's because he liked eating fish.
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Rufus watched the strange living speakers, his interest growing when Leo said the transmissions could come from anywhere. Cool.
"That's pretty cool. It'd be nice to have one. Make things a lot easier if one of us is in a pinch," he said, watching with slight amusement as Leo shot their phone's remains. Some people just never learn, Rufus thought as he caught the white of bone at the tips of their fingers. They screamed, and Rufus slipped past Leo and into the hallway, punching the person in the throat. They shut up for enough time for Rufus to pick up a shard of glass, which also found its way into the human's throat. Dead, and quiet.

"We might want to move somewhere with an intact door before you do that," he stated, retreating into the room and crossing his arms.

"Intact door? Are you speaking to the human or?- It doesn't matter. Anyways, to install, just let me put it on your shoulder, and it should find its way." He puts his cowl back on, hiding the frayed and fleshless ear the vox his itself in.

"We have to get going. Take it or leave it." He hurried to pack up a few essentials from the place. Cogs, screws, a washer or two. The essentials.
Cicero said:
Nick snickered opening his eyes "Yea I figured you wouldn't fall for it." The boy said turning red while she messed with his ears having the problem again "How did you figure out that would work?" He asked curiously looking at the girl still snickering at seeing the girl blush "Are you really that embarrassed at treating me?" Nick asked mischievously and grinning while hugging the girl close to his bodies kissing her once before letting her go with a grin @mewbot5408
Stell smirked with a amused giggle tracing a finger along his cheek pressing it to his lips. "Honestly why wouldn't I figure out your sensitive spots? I think we've done this plenty of times for me to figure it out,my love.."she murmured softly as Nick pulled her closer. "Also I'm not embarrassed...this is quite normal,I'm just tired.. " she added reminding him that they just had sex not but a moment ago and rested her head against his chin, her bare body was just laying on top of his from under the covers and she closed her eyes tiredly.
"Well I guess your right about that beautiful." The boy said smiling at the girl at her while running his hand through her hair letting out a soft chuckle "Oh....yea I guess I should have known you would be tired after that." He told the girl while smacking the side of his head sarcastically while he hugged the girl rubbing his hand up and down the girl's back while kissing her forehead "Good night my beautiful goddess." The cat-boy said while patting her head before continuing to rub her back while smiling.
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Rei lie panting in front of Rin, looking up at him as she catches her breath with a grin on her face. With a quick breath she sits up, tilting her head as she listened to him. She nods slowly as he speaks. "Alright..." She smiles as he ruffles her hair, giggling. "I got it, I got it...Do something quick to repay your debt, I...don't want him around. You know I'm the jealous type!" She raises a finger as she flops into Rin's lap, mocking a pout. "I guess I'll play nice...Just don't let him come between us, okay?"

The young noble nods, looking around as he seats himself. "Hey, Derrick, why don't you sit with us? I like the idea of old times, but this is America, and I wanna stray away from he nobility status for a while. At least keeping it lowkey,eh?" Derrick laughs nervously as he looks at the three who all sat. The servant was not made to sit, and that was what he was taught in 'school' "But sir, all of you and our guest's attire is quite...informal compared to my own. Sitting with you all would make me feel even more so out of place." Vladimor insisted that he sat wit him, so instead of so rudely declining, he takes his seat next to Orious, but not after he bows respectfully. Soon there were menus passed out and drink orders were taken. Vladimor so boldly asks for wine, while Derrick was fine with water. Afterward, Derrick just awkwardly keeps his gaze down as he twiddles his thumbs.

Leonardo gets up after she leaves, triumphantly raising his head. He stalks off to other parts of the house, the uppermost level that was undamaged, save for a a hole in one of the room's walls. When he found what seemed to be the master bedroom, the lion hops onto the bed, pushing himself under the thick blankets with a vaugely familiar symbol. Maybe something from the facility? Who knew that they had rich people like this. however, he doesn't are much as he prepares himself for yet another cat-nap.​
Cicero said:
"Really....Matthew is afraid of needles?" The boy asked while following the girl only to be surprised by her saying she'll "I was....."He trailed off seeing as she already bought the tickets. The boy let out a small laugh while following the girl inside walking up to her"Ohh I promise not to get scared if I do I could always stay in your room again." Cicero said with a small little smirk "Any ways I guess I can pay for the food and drinks?" He asked while quickly kissing Tab and walking to get popcorn and drinks "What do you wanna drink?" The boy asked the girl looking back at her with the money already in his hands. He doesn't really like when people buy something for him especially on a date he always liked to buy anything the girl wanted so that's what he's doing now.
Nick yawned while walking out of the store ignoring everything around him until his girlfriend sighed he looked down "Something wrong?" He asked looking worried while picking the girl up placing him on his shoulders again looking up at her kissing her arms "You don't have anything to worry about I can't run off you put a collar on me and you'd hear the bell with any slight movement." Nick stated while flicking the bell gently making it jingle while he laughed while grabbing the dog tag trying to see what it says "Also you never did answer why did you get these?" The boy asked again looking up at her
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Rei lie panting in front of Rin, looking up at him as she catches her breath with a grin on her face. With a quick breath she sits up, tilting her head as she listened to him. She nods slowly as he speaks. "Alright..." She smiles as he ruffles her hair, giggling. "I got it, I got it...Do something quick to repay your debt, I...don't want him around. You know I'm the jealous type!" She raises a finger as she flops into Rin's lap, mocking a pout. "I guess I'll play nice...Just don't let him come between us, okay?"

The young noble nods, looking around as he seats himself. "Hey, Derrick, why don't you sit with us? I like the idea of old times, but this is America, and I wanna stray away from he nobility status for a while. At least keeping it lowkey,eh?" Derrick laughs nervously as he looks at the three who all sat. The servant was not made to sit, and that was what he was taught in 'school' "But sir, all of you and our guest's attire is quite...informal compared to my own. Sitting with you all would make me feel even more so out of place." Vladimor insisted that he sat wit him, so instead of so rudely declining, he takes his seat next to Orious, but not after he bows respectfully. Soon there were menus passed out and drink orders were taken. Vladimor so boldly asks for wine, while Derrick was fine with water. Afterward, Derrick just awkwardly keeps his gaze down as he twiddles his thumbs.

Leonardo gets up after she leaves, triumphantly raising his head. He stalks off to other parts of the house, the uppermost level that was undamaged, save for a a hole in one of the room's walls. When he found what seemed to be the master bedroom, the lion hops onto the bed, pushing himself under the thick blankets with a vaugely familiar symbol. Maybe something from the facility? Who knew that they had rich people like this. however, he doesn't are much as he prepares himself for yet another cat-nap.​


"Jealous type, huh? Yeah, that sums you up perfectly." was what Rin was thinking, and he knew she could hear his thoughts, but instead of saying them he just murmured an "Okay." and gently petted her hair while she laid her head in his lap, until finally leaning back and just stared up at the ceiling, listening to his heartbeat. The stress of these past days had taken a lot out of Rin, not that he hadn't been stressed before all this chaos decided to show up. As an older brother, it was his duty to make sure Rei had the best of everything, and while he didn't want to complain, he was sure she already knew how hard it was to find the money for the two of them. Before they became casino dealers, life had been rough. They wandered the streets, homeless and afraid of the world. Technically they were still homeless, but at least now they had money and weren't just getting the hang of their powers. "We should go find the owner of the house, shouldn't we? We can stay here if you like, but it would be hard for me to repay my debt if I can't obey the first rule of it." Rin didn't like being so negative, but they didn't really have much of a choice. They had to start early, if they wanted to both figure out who the owner is and find them by this evening. There was a slight chance they'd swing by the house, but if Rin knew anything about experiments, he was fairly certain most of them didn't keep a strict schedule.

"Derrick worries over everything." Matthew silently observed. The way the servant made a big deal over this and that was a little funny to the roguish boy, but he didn't say anything about it and calmly told the waiter he'd like some water. Matthew was usually the sort of guy who'd be prepared to get off-the-wall drunk at any moment, and it wasn't hard to get him drunk, but today he wanted to awake for every moment he could. After all, things had occurred today that Matt was scared to even think about, and there was no telling what thoughts of feelings he'd express about them was his tongue was just a bit too loose...

Tabitha's face felt hot when Cicero brought up when they had shared a room together, but she managed to play off her blush with a smile. When Cicero asks what she wanted, she confidently answered that she'd like a coca cola. She wasn't a huge consumer of pop drinks by any means, but when at a movie theater she always took it upon herself to get one. Why? She never told anyone, just like she never told people what was in the files she held against her chest with crossed arms. Tabitha seemed like a normal girl, but when you really looked at her, there was a lot of mystery behind her. Cicero and her matched up well, because Cicero never asked the wrong questions, but would it always be this way? Who could have possibly known? Tabby definitely couldn't have, because despite the aura of heavy mystery that swam around her, she acted bubbly and gave off a shy, patient smile while she waited for Cicero to come back so they could go see the movie. Such a young woman was truly unique, and as always, the people around Cicero took notice of this...​
Orious somehow could help but laugh a little placing a hand over his mouth. He didn't know why but the situation reminded him of something Clyde told izabell,well back when izabell was sane and they were human. Izabell was a maid back then for Clyde and orious andreous' pet. He still remembered everything so easily, Ori hanging so dearly on a time he wasn't alone. He sighed resting his chin on his wrist gazing at derrick.He was about the only person ori wanted to be friends with or be around. He didn't have much interest in anyone else because of the simple fact that they just wouldn't care if anything happened to him. Orious tilted his head."you okay?" He asked softly.
Shard nodded in agreement with Rufus and looked at leo in annoyance. "Okay come.."she murmured and waved for the two males to follow her with a little hum sound. She quickly turned out to the hallway and looked out before coming back and picked up Rufus gesturing at leo to follow suit. She ran with her ability and got them a good amount of distance to another hotel setting Rufus down on his feet careful and moved getting them a room this one seemingly better.
Cicero smirked at seeing Tab's face go red before getting what they ordered her coca cola and his pepsi along with the popcorn he some how managed to carry all of this to his girlfriend smiling "Here you go beautiful." The boy said while handing the girl her drink taking a sip out of his "So shall we make our way to the spooky scary movie?" He asked pretending to shiver in fear before laughing but of course the curiosity is eating at the boy's subconscious he wanted to know what was in the file and he knew he couldn't just ask it would ruin their date and possibly their relationship so he tried his best to ignore it was even there by turning around and began walking to try to find the movie. Looking back at Tab he grinned "You coming I don't think the movies are going to come to us anytime soon sadly." Cicero said pretending to pout before laughing to himself while waiting on Tab to follow eating a cookie "You know I realized I didn't have to buy popcorn we could have just junked on the cookies in my pocket along with whatever random items of food I have in my pocket." The boy said with a small grin and snickering a bit knowing it was a stupid idea

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