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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"Yea I know I just get frustrated at when it doesn't work....." The girl said before looking at the girls confused when Silver asked her friend to punch her "...cool that sounds like my friend when he goes insane he doesn't feel pain but he can start feeling it after a while when he goes back to normal." She stated while looking at them "You two are going to fight...are you sure its a good idea?" Susan asked while backing away obediently and mostly scared. @LilyannaGaming

Nick's face becoming a little red "Please do tell me anytime time whenever you want." He said smirking "I can only promise but it won't be a very good one but I can only try." The boy stated smiling purring while she ruffled his hair suddenly looking away surprised he actually purred above all "Looking back at her with a smile "I try my best to please you." Nick said as he lays his head on the girl's leg looking at the store "Hey do you wanna go in there to show off your prize?" He asked referring to himself as the prize.
Cicero said:
"Yea I know I just get frustrated at when it doesn't work....." The girl said before looking at the girls confused when Silver asked her friend to punch her "...cool that sounds like my friend when he goes insane he doesn't feel pain but he can start feeling it after a while when he goes back to normal." She stated while looking at them "You two are going to fight...are you sure its a good idea?" Susan asked while backing away obediently and mostly scared. @LilyannaGaming
Nick's face becoming a little red "Please do tell me anytime time whenever you want." He said smirking "I can only promise but it won't be a very good one but I can only try." The boy stated smiling purring while she ruffled his hair suddenly looking away surprised he actually purred above all "Looking back at her with a smile "I try my best to please you." Nick said as he lays his head on the girl's leg looking at the store "Hey do you wanna go in there to show off your prize?" He asked referring to himself as the prize.
"you really do spoil me,Nick...Hmm...I guess if you want when can spend the night away from the house tonight. I mean it's more quiet and less likely for people to walk into the room. Let me treat you for a change, I don't get to that much..."She told him honestly and giggled upon hearing him purr. It was cute and only made her wanna tease him a little so she leaned in giving him a little nip to the ear knowing how his ear should be a turn on.
Leo didn't react at all between the kiss and the out of control thrashing. He didn't want to react anymore, so he didn't. He returned back with the crate, after a narrow encounter with an annoyed taxi, and pressed each dart individually into Rufus's neck. With each jab, he quickly scanned the blood to sedative ratio, to make sure he didn't die. Yet. When the ratio reached 100:1, he stopped. Almost half the crate was emptied. During the monotonous process, he had finished postingf a new thread omn 4chan for SPHESS MEHRINES. Hoping to see Rufus finally calm down, he produced two incredibly small speakers, with various mechanical tentacles squirming around it. He looked to Shard, who was still making out with Rufus, (as this was in a 30 second time period) and tapped her on the shoulder once.

@Trombone Geek @mewbot5408
"Of course anything for you my sweet." He said with a smile "Ohh really where did you have in mind?" The boy asked grinning up at the girl "And what did you have in that beautiful mind for treating me you do that enough just by letting me see your beautiful body without clothes." Nick stated smirking only to become complete red by her nipping on his ear his tried his best to act like nothing happened down there but he couldn't win that battle "Was that necessary you can safe that for later tonight." He said with his face still red as he eventually walked into an ally gently placing Stell down making sure no one was around he crouched down to her level and started kissing her only stopping for air "You knew that would work didn't you." The boy said with a sly grin while he continued to kiss her
mewbot5408 said:
Shard didn't let him go with a little sigh letting him try knowing that he couldn't and looked to leo."get the other ones..."She instructed before looking back at the crazed Rufus with a little huff of annoyance but she seemed quite worried about him."hey...you're gonna be okay..i won't hurt you,promise.."She murmured trying to calm him down a little bit and exhaled thinking for a moment of something she could do and then the idea hit her. Shard pushed him down suddenly pinning him down roughly and leaned in giving Rufus a nice long, rough but sexy kiss.
@Trombone Geek[/URL] @mewbot5408
Rufus had shoved Shard away and nearly attacked her again, but Leo had already started shoving darts into him. For a while he just stood there, frowning as he tried to move his body and inwardly shouting with glee as the red cleared away. He dropped to his knees, blinking.

"Thass a lotta needles," he murmured, pulling one dart out and observing it. "How much is thish? Enough ta kill me? Mebbe," he wondered, flopping face first onto the ground.

Not one of his best moments, he decided as he reached with one hand to pluck out the darts, although he mostly grabbed air.
"This is bullshiznit," he huffed, but already it seemed things were clearing up for him. He managed to sit up, although he didn't try much else. He pointed at Shard.

"You. Kissing doesn't always do good. Stop smushing yourself on people and then acting so strong. It's my job to be the hypocrite."

Then he pointed to Leo.

"You need to stop being pissy and depressed and grab what's yours." After a moment of silence, Rufus stood and wandered back to the house, sword in hand, waving goodbye without another word.

((Going to bed. Night!))
Cicero said:
"Of course anything for you my sweet." He said with a smile "Ohh really where did you have in mind?" The boy asked grinning up at the girl "And what did you have in that beautiful mind for treating me you do that enough just by letting me see your beautiful body without clothes." Nick stated smirking only to become complete red by her nipping on his ear his tried his best to act like nothing happened down there but he couldn't win that battle "Was that necessary you can save that for later tonight." He said with his face still red as he eventually walked into an ally gently placing Stell down making sure no one was around he crouched down to her level and started kissing her only stopping for air "You knew that would work didn't you." The boy said with a sly grin while he continued to kiss her
"Hmm...maybe a hotel? I'll pay.as for treating you I have something in mind just let try,okay?" She told him and licked his ear with a smirk and giggled. "Definitely necessary," she whispered when he put her down,there was only about a foot difference in height between them with her head reaching about his stomach and almost chest but not quite since she stood 5 foot probably shorter. She kissed him back with a little amused purr.

"Hmm..obviously....but can we not do it in the alleyway?"She murmured reminding him with her arms Around his neck as she stopped for another breath.
@Trombone Geek[/URL] @mewbot5408
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Rufus had shoved Shard away and nearly attacked her again, but Leo had already started shoving darts into him. For a while he just stood there, frowning as he tried to move his body and inwardly shouting with glee as the red cleared away. He dropped to his knees, blinking.
"Thass a lotta needles," he murmured, pulling one dart out and observing it. "How much is thish? Enough ta kill me? Mebbe," he wondered, flopping face first onto the ground.

Not one of his best moments, he decided as he reached with one hand to pluck out the darts, although he mostly grabbed air.
"This is bullshiznit," he huffed, but already it seemed things were clearing up for him. He managed to sit up, although he didn't try much else. He pointed at Shard.

"You. Kissing doesn't always do good. Stop smushing yourself on people and then acting so strong. It's my job to be the hypocrite."

Then he pointed to Leo.

"You need to stop being pissy and depressed and grab what's yours." After a moment of silence, Rufus stood and wandered back to the house, sword in hand, waving goodbye without another word.

((Going to bed. Night!))

Shard sighed shaking her head."I couldn't think of a better distraction..."She murmured to herself annoyed she failed before looking at Rufus blushing.She shrugged before her expression changed back to its usual moody look on her pretty face as she sighed. "Leo...good job."She said softly and tilted her head back and to look at him biting her lip blushing before turning around as she started walking away like maybe she should just leave. After all she caused the trouble. She should just go back to the factory. She sighed. How annoying and she had hoped she had some friends for a change.
mewbot5408 said:
Shard sighed shaking her head."I couldn't think of a better distraction..."She murmured to herself annoyed she failed before looking at Rufus blushing.She shrugged before her expression changed back to its usual moody look on her pretty face as she sighed. "Leo...good job."She said softly and tilted her head back and to look at him biting her lip blushing before turning around as she started walking away like maybe she should just leave. After all she caused the trouble. She should just go back to the factory. She sighed. How annoying and she had hoped she had some friends for a change.
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Rufus had shoved Shard away and nearly attacked her again, but Leo had already started shoving darts into him. For a while he just stood there, frowning as he tried to move his body and inwardly shouting with glee as the red cleared away. He dropped to his knees, blinking.
"Thass a lotta needles," he murmured, pulling one dart out and observing it. "How much is thish? Enough ta kill me? Mebbe," he wondered, flopping face first onto the ground.

Not one of his best moments, he decided as he reached with one hand to pluck out the darts, although he mostly grabbed air.
"This is bullshiznit," he huffed, but already it seemed things were clearing up for him. He managed to sit up, although he didn't try much else. He pointed at Shard.

"You. Kissing doesn't always do good. Stop smushing yourself on people and then acting so strong. It's my job to be the hypocrite."

Then he pointed to Leo.

"You need to stop being pissy and depressed and grab what's yours." After a moment of silence, Rufus stood and wandered back to the house, sword in hand, waving goodbye without another word.

((Going to bed. Night!))

"Fuck you guys, i'm taking my ball home and starting a cult." He turned on his heel, and walked towards where capitalism might be more liked than where it normally would be. Like a strip mall! He walked calmly away, off the parking lot, watching behind him as he walked, semi-hoping for followers, but not really. He already had a few followers of Adeptus Mechanicus on tumblr, twitter, and 4chan. He posted exactly where he would be, and hoped some of his followers would come by. They probably wouldn't though to be honest. He passed a few shops, getting a few strange looks and less often, a high five. Guess they had supercomputers built into their armor as well? He continued out of the back of an alleyway, blood and ashes splattered on his robe. Mugging didn't really work anymore, not like it did. Arriving at the Vegas strip, he stopped and checked the time. 10:50 PM. And at that, he went to grab a room at a nearby motel, the bells chiming, signaling his arrival to the rest of the silent hovel.
mewbot5408 said:
Shard sighed shaking her head."I couldn't think of a better distraction..."She murmured to herself annoyed she failed before looking at Rufus blushing.She shrugged before her expression changed back to its usual moody look on her pretty face as she sighed. "Leo...good job."She said softly and tilted her head back and to look at him biting her lip blushing before turning around as she started walking away like maybe she should just leave. After all she caused the trouble. She should just go back to the factory. She sighed. How annoying and she had hoped she had some friends for a change.
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]"Fuck you guys, i'm taking my ball home and starting a cult." He turned on his heel, and walked towards where capitalism might be more liked than where it normally would be. Like a strip mall! He walked calmly away, off the parking lot, watching behind him as he walked, semi-hoping for followers, but not really. He already had a few followers of Adeptus Mechanicus on tumblr, twitter, and 4chan. He posted exactly where he would be, and hoped some of his followers would come by. They probably wouldn't though to be honest. He passed a few shops, getting a few strange looks and less often, a high five. Guess they had supercomputers built into their armor as well? He continued out of the back of an alleyway, blood and ashes splattered on his robe. Mugging didn't really work anymore, not like it did. Arriving at the Vegas strip, he stopped and checked the time. 10:50 PM. And at that, he went to grab a room at a nearby motel, the bells chiming, signaling his arrival to the rest of the silent hovel.

Rufus stopped for a moment, turning and watching Leo leave. He was tempted to stop his friend--were they still even friends?--and ask him to come help clean up the damned mess they'd made, but he figured it'd probably be better if Leo did what he wanted.

"If you ever need someone to create chaos, I'm here," he called out to the metal creature. Shard's movement caught the edge of his eyes, though. She looked ready to leave, as well, and Rufus found himself less willing for that. She'd probably shove herself into a shell and never come out.

"Shard," he called out to get her attention, waving his hand to signal for her to come closer. Maybe he should send her to comfort Leo, but the Metal Man was already gone. Damn.

"Come on, let's find a place to stay for the night. I'd rather make myself scarce so I don't get my ass kicked by an angry noble." He tried a grin, but it was sort of half-hearted. He found himself more downcast after losing control, which wasn't hard to understand. He'd hoped Leo would stick around, but Rufus had a feeling that the two would meet again.. And the hunch he had for the cause wasn't good at all.

"Any ideas?" he asked, turning to look at the streets. He hadn't spent much time in this city, not enough to know where everything was.
"Ohhh really and okay you can try what ever you have in mind." The boy said with a mischievous grin only to get redder by her licking his ear letting out a small laugh looking at the girl with lustful eyes "You really now how to get me." He stated looking at the girl still kissing her only to look sad and a bit angry "Well I mean we could but okay fine can we hurry and find a hotel then?" Nick asked while picking the girl up kissing her face before putting her on his shoulder stiff having problems down there while trying to find a hotel "Do you see one yet?" The boy asked curiously while still looking around @mewbot5408
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]
Rufus stopped for a moment, turning and watching Leo leave. He was tempted to stop his friend--were they still even friends?--and ask him to come help clean up the damned mess they'd made, but he figured it'd probably be better if Leo did what he wanted.
"If you ever need someone to create chaos, I'm here," he called out to the metal creature. Shard's movement caught the edge of his eyes, though. She looked ready to leave, as well, and Rufus found himself less willing for that. She'd probably shove herself into a shell and never come out.

"Shard," he called out to get her attention, waving his hand to signal for her to come closer. Maybe he should send her to comfort Leo, but the Metal Man was already gone. Damn.

"Come on, let's find a place to stay for the night. I'd rather make myself scarce so I don't get my ass kicked by an angry noble." He tried a grin, but it was sort of half-hearted. He found himself more downcast after losing control, which wasn't hard to understand. He'd hoped Leo would stick around, but Rufus had a feeling that the two would meet again.. And the hunch he had for the cause wasn't good at all.

"Any ideas?" he asked, turning to look at the streets. He hadn't spent much time in this city, not enough to know where everything was.

Shard stopped and she looked back at him blinking her purple eyes to stare at him. "Yes..I was heading to a place, you are welcome to come with me.."She told him with a serious expression before turning looking out to the city with a soft breath standing there for a moment before turning back to rufus. she tilted her head with a near blank expression but she seemed to be staring at him with unspoken interest in him as she placed a cold hand on his shoulder as if attempting to comfort him. "...there's a hotel not far from here, we can stay there..." she explained before turning to walk only to look back at him. "I can carry you if you want,rufus...you shouldn't be walking on that leg. I don't want you making it worse," she told him scolding but her tone was soft and concerned,oddly shard was very attentive to rufus.
Cicero said:
"Ohhh really and okay you can try what ever you have in mind." The boy said with a mischievous grin only to get redder by her licking his ear letting out a small laugh looking at the girl with lustful eyes "You really now how to get me." He stated looking at the girl still kissing her only to look sad and a bit angry "Well I mean we could but okay fine can we hurry and find a hotel then?" Nick asked while picking the girl up kissing her face before putting her on his shoulder stiff having problems down there while trying to find a hotel "Do you see one yet?" The boy asked curiously while still looking around @mewbot5408
"i'm not trying to be, it's just that somebody could come into the alleyway...i'm pretty sure you don't want anyone to see either..i don't exactly like the idea of creepy men watching me,nick.." she told him blushing and easily pointed out a hotel for him. stell typically hated the idea of being watched, men in general often scared her. after all considering the simple fact stell has delt with various situations especially with being kidnapped and shoved into weird situations it made her more cautious in public. stell then looked to nick getting off his shoulders quickly taking his hand and quickly pulling him along behind her to the direction paying the hotel person and getting the key.
"Yea I guess you are right....and if someone dared look at you I'll kick there ass and kill them." The boy said plainly while smiling looking at her blush "You really look cute when you blush."He said observed grinning. When she pointed out a hotel he sighed in relief walked there putting her down just so she could take his hand making him follow her when she got the key he smirked "Shall we beautiful? Now you get to try whatever it is you wanted to try." Nick said while looking at the key trying to find the room licking his lips in lust finally finding the room he opened to door and grabbed the girl somewhat gently while bringing her inside closing and locking the door putting the girl on the bed laying above her kissing up and down her neck and collarbone and her lips "Well?" the boy asked smirking with a red face and lustful eyes looking at the girl @mewbot5408
After a brief introduction as to how his outfit was just for a party, he got a room key. He brought his gun upstairs without any questions, besides, what didn't look realistic and had what seemed to be LED lights in the barrel and magazine. He even purchased a few Doritos from the nearby grocery store. He heard a bit of rustling, and moaning, finally understanding why he asked if he had anybody waiting on him here. He clearly replied yes, so he wouldn't be questioned. Whatever. He kept blogging about how he was going to bed finally. A few comments flashed on his screen about how he should stay up. Mostly he was laying on his bed, trolling the boards, and waiting for Rufus to fucking call him already.
mewbot5408 said:
Shard stopped and she looked back at him blinking her purple eyes to stare at him. "Yes..I was heading to a place, you are welcome to come with me.."She told him with a serious expression before turning looking out to the city with a soft breath standing there for a moment before turning back to rufus. she tilted her head with a near blank expression but she seemed to be staring at him with unspoken interest in him as she placed a cold hand on his shoulder as if attempting to comfort him. "...there's a hotel not far from here, we can stay there..." she explained before turning to walk only to look back at him. "I can carry you if you want,rufus...you shouldn't be walking on that leg. I don't want you making it worse," she told him scolding but her tone was soft and concerned,oddly shard was very attentive to rufus.
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]After a brief introduction as to how his outfit was just for a party, he got a room key. He brought his gun upstairs without any questions, besides, what didn't look realistic and had what seemed to be LED lights in the barrel and magazine. He even purchased a few Doritos from the nearby grocery store. He heard a bit of rustling, and moaning, finally understanding why he asked if he had anybody waiting on him here. He clearly replied yes, so he wouldn't be questioned. Whatever. He kept blogging about how he was going to bed finally. A few comments flashed on his screen about how he should stay up. Mostly he was laying on his bed, trolling the boards, and waiting for Rufus to fucking call him already.

Rufus shrugged. He could walk fine, with the exception of a slight limp. "I'm fine," he insisted, following Shard to the hotel.

"Sorry for what happened," he said, grinning sheepishly as a cover for the unease bubbling inside. He walked in silence until they reached the hotel. Rufus decided he'd call Leo after him and Shard found a room. Hopefully nothing went wrong; Rufus didn't know if he'd be able to stand anything else stressful tonight.

"So, Shard, tell me about yourself," he requested, hoping to distract himself for a while.
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Rufus shrugged. He could walk fine, with the exception of a slight limp. "I'm fine," he insisted, following Shard to the hotel.
"Sorry for what happened," he said, grinning sheepishly as a cover for the unease bubbling inside. He walked in silence until they reached the hotel. Rufus decided he'd call Leo after him and Shard found a room. Hopefully nothing went wrong; Rufus didn't know if he'd be able to stand anything else stressful tonight.

"So, Shard, tell me about yourself," he requested, hoping to distract himself for a while.

shard walked with him keeping a eye on him closely incase he needed her assistance as the made their way to the hotel. she paid for a room,getting the key as she looked back to him. "well, for starters I'm a living corpse and I have no memory of who I was before I died...I kill because I hunt, I can't exactly consume most human food I get sick." she started then sighed looking off. "but I'm sure you much rather know something else.....well,i like rain and snow. I enjoy reading, puzzles, and games. my favorite color is purple and I actually like cherry trees. I like dark places and sharp objects. does that work??" she asked looking at him again blinking and led him to the elevator and the room unlocking it. "honestly, I'm not extremely interesting though...I'm typical"
Cicero said:
"Yea I know I just get frustrated at when it doesn't work....." The girl said before looking at the girls confused when Silver asked her friend to punch her "...cool that sounds like my friend when he goes insane he doesn't feel pain but he can start feeling it after a while when he goes back to normal." She stated while looking at them "You two are going to fight...are you sure its a good idea?" Susan asked while backing away obediently and mostly scared. @LilyannaGaming
Nick's face becoming a little red "Please do tell me anytime time whenever you want." He said smirking "I can only promise but it won't be a very good one but I can only try." The boy stated smiling purring while she ruffled his hair suddenly looking away surprised he actually purred above all "Looking back at her with a smile "I try my best to please you." Nick said as he lays his head on the girl's leg looking at the store "Hey do you wanna go in there to show off your prize?" He asked referring to himself as the prize.
"I wouldn't suggest it is it wasn't nessercery. Anyway Vi is the only person to be able to get away if I get to out of control. Plus she can use this." Silver said tossing the obsidian bracelet to Vi, who caught It with ease. Vi smiled. "Obsidian is her weakness., like glass is mine." Vi stated.

Vi settiled the bracelet into her pocket. "Vi remember, use your power. It makes it a little more interesting." Silver said. "Of course. SuSu, Ready to see silver power? She seems to want to show off." Vi mocked.
"Right." She said while moving further back away from the two girls "Also that's pretty cool...about your weaknesses I mean." The girl explained somewhat smiling even if she was terrified she always smiles and they can't let stuff get too out of control....right "Ohhh I get to see Vi use her powers to fight someone cool!"SuSu exclaimed in joy while clapping in delight sitting down looking at them waiting "Of course I am this should be fun." Susan said smiling at the two giving them a thumbs up "Good luck you two!"She yelled @LilyannaGaming
Cicero said:
"Right." She said while moving further back away from the two girls "Also that's pretty cool...about your weaknesses I mean." The girl explained somewhat smiling even if she was terrified she always smiles and they can't let stuff get too out of control....right "Ohhh I get to see Vi use her powers to fight someone cool!"SuSu exclaimed in joy while clapping in delight sitting down looking at them waiting "Of course I am this should be fun." Susan said smiling at the two giving them a thumbs up "Good luck you two!"She yelled @LilyannaGaming
Silver smirked as Vi flashed from in front of her to her left going for a sweep kick. Silver rolled. She let her body do its cycle on changing from innocent to battle mode. She tensed yet relaxed. Her eyes glowed with radiance. She flipped and aimed a punch for Vi hiting her just as she flashed behind her. Hitting her back. "Look like fun?" Silver teased the girls.
Susan sat there amazed by this is she couldn't get a hang of her power she could just have Silver train her in fist fighting maybe. The girl got worried when Vi was hit from what she could see Silver wasn't going easy on the girl she felt bad for Vi. she shivered when Silver teased them but still kept a small smile clapping "You guys rock!"She yelled not knowing what else to say at the moment she became quiet again watching them fight wishing she could do that, Eventually getting bored of watching she decide to try to throw another light ball she spawned one on her fingers and focused aiming at the river she shot it but it blew up as soon as it left her fingers sighing she looked back at the fight @LilyannaGaming
Vi teleported every time she became visible. Confusing Silver and landing the ending blow to the knee. "You went easy on me." Vi Whined. "We have a guest."

Silver smirked "SuSu, You did good I think if you keep practicing you get better." @Cicero

(I have to go bye..)
mewbot5408 said:
shard walked with him keeping a eye on him closely incase he needed her assistance as the made their way to the hotel. she paid for a room,getting the key as she looked back to him. "well, for starters I'm a living corpse and I have no memory of who I was before I died...I kill because I hunt, I can't exactly consume most human food I get sick." she started then sighed looking off. "but I'm sure you much rather know something else.....well,i like rain and snow. I enjoy reading, puzzles, and games. my favorite color is purple and I actually like cherry trees. I like dark places and sharp objects. does that work??" she asked looking at him again blinking and led him to the elevator and the room unlocking it. "honestly, I'm not extremely interesting though...I'm typical"
Rufus shook his head. "Anything but, dear." He stepped into the room after Shard. Cozy, but only one bed. That was bound to make it awkward. This place was cheap.

"I've got to call Leo," he told Shard, sitting in one of the seats and reaching into his pocket for a phone that he hadn't managed to lose. Good. He flipped it open--it wasn't anything fancy--and dialed a number he'd picked up from one of Leo's many blogs or whatever that he'd started looking at out of curiosity. It was mostly just trolling, of course; it was 4chan, after all.

"What'd you need, buddy?"
Susan got up and clapped walking over to the two "That was amazing you two."She stated hugging them "Even if she went easy that was still awesome I would love to see you two spar more often if that's okay?" The girl asked smiling while letting them out of the hug looking at Silver "Hmm...but it wasn't any better then my last attempt and I was in my light form when I tried the first time....but thanks." Susan said while giving a small bow of courtesy before giggling @LilyannaGaming (Okay bye)
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Rufus shook his head. "Anything but, dear." He stepped into the room after Shard. Cozy, but only one bed. That was bound to make it awkward. This place was cheap.
"I've got to call Leo," he told Shard, sitting in one of the seats and reaching into his pocket for a phone that he hadn't managed to lose. Good. He flipped it open--it wasn't anything fancy--and dialed a number he'd picked up from one of Leo's many blogs or whatever that he'd started looking at out of curiosity. It was mostly just trolling, of course; it was 4chan, after all.

"What'd you need, buddy?"

Shard Sat down on the bed with a little hum and observed him quietly."understood.."She murmured softly and laid on her stomach resting her head against her wrist listening to when he spoke. Shard was curious about Rufus but did not ask questions. The idea of there only one bed didn't bother her honestly it was much more comfortable sleeping with someone else in her opinion.
Last edited by a moderator:
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Rufus shook his head. "Anything but, dear." He stepped into the room after Shard. Cozy, but only one bed. That was bound to make it awkward. This place was cheap.
"I've got to call Leo," he told Shard, sitting in one of the seats and reaching into his pocket for a phone that he hadn't managed to lose. Good. He flipped it open--it wasn't anything fancy--and dialed a number he'd picked up from one of Leo's many blogs or whatever that he'd started looking at out of curiosity. It was mostly just trolling, of course; it was 4chan, after all.

"What'd you need, buddy?"

mewbot5408 said:
Shard Sat down on the bed with a little hum and observed him quietly."understood.."She murmured softly and laid on her stomach resting her head against her wrist listening to when he spoke. Shard was curious about Rufus but did not ask questions. The idea of there only one bed didn't bother her honestly it was much more comfortable sleeping with someone else in her opinion.
" Fucking finally. You didn't let go of the business card? Whatever." His words were rapid fire as he heard more moaning, and the chime of the door up front as somebody entered, and a nearby door slammed shut shortly after.

"Just a question, do you know where any radon is? Also, you're okay right? Its a bit painful, I know, but I guess you'll get used to the pain for a while." He got another call, a troll call. He canceled it and put his phone back to his ear.

"Anyways, where are you guys staying for the night? I've got a surprise."

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