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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]" Let's get outta here." He leapt out of bed and put his pants on. Slinging on his pack, and dropping his hood over his head, and re-securing his chest plate, and planting a kiss on her forehead before latching his mask back on.
He stood up, the light slightly flickering, illuminating the chrome plating.

"You should dress up. I'm going to order pizza." He ordered a Little Caesar's through his rebreather, and slung his gun over his shoulder, the lights on it flickering on in off in relativity to each other, shining a faded blue.

"-Thanks, have a good day." Click. It wasn't much for him, just a 2 pepperoni, his favorite. He face palmed, and then face palmed again because his mask was kinda painful. "Fuck. Is there any pizza you want? I got 2 pepperoni."

shard got dressed and she stretched sitting down in a chair crossing her legs. "I wouldn't be able to eat it anyways, " she told him reminding. she rested her head on her chin, tilting her head a little. "there's very few human foods I can consume, I can drink things though. I'm actually very fond of various wines.." she explained and then smirked. "hmmm...I'd say you taste much better though. " she told him in a flirting tone.
The boy looked and snicked to himself "I guess I has having to much fun to remember were it was." He snicked to himself putting it on flicking the bell. "What do I like.....I guess anything would work how about seafood?" The boy asked while catching himself before falling by the random tug eventually just walking with her opening the door for her smiling "So no spicy food...well that sucks I enjoy it but I promise not to eat any when i'm around you." Nick promised with a lousy cross of the heart before snickering to himself
Cicero said:
The boy looked and snicked to himself "I guess I has having to much fun to remember were it was." He snicked to himself putting it on flicking the bell. "What do I like.....I guess anything would work how about seafood?" The boy asked while catching himself before falling by the random tug eventually just walking with her opening the door for her smiling "So no spicy food...well that sucks I enjoy it but I promise not to eat any when i'm around you." Nick promised with a lousy cross of the heart before snickering to himself
"Um. Not to be mean but i probably shouldn't be eating fish right now...Um. does just Asian food in general sound fine, they have seafood and then they have other things too." the asked trying to come up with a compromise that Nick would like. She looked at him.Stell seemed to be hinting at something but she hoped nick was oblivious to what she ment by that.
mewbot5408 said:
"Um. Not to be mean but i probably shouldn't be eating fish right now...Um. does just Asian food in general sound fine, they have seafood and then they have other things too." the asked trying to come up with a compromise that Nick would like. She looked at him.Stell seemed to be hinting at something but she hoped nick was oblivious to what she ment by that.
"Uhh..why shouldn't you be eating fish?"He asked looking at the girl worried "I mean i'm fine with anything really food if food after all."The cat-boy said with a small snicker before returning to his worried stated "Are you just feeling sick or do you just not like fish?"Nick questioned curiously oblivious while trying to keep his head still so he doesn't get the urge to rip the bell off his collar while rubbing his growling stomach.
mewbot5408 said:
shard got dressed and she stretched sitting down in a chair crossing her legs. "I wouldn't be able to eat it anyways, " she told him reminding. she rested her head on her chin, tilting her head a little. "there's very few human foods I can consume, I can drink things though. I'm actually very fond of various wines.." she explained and then smirked. "hmmm...I'd say you taste much better though. " she told him in a flirting tone.
As confused as he is aroused, he brushed himself off. "Well, what human foods can you eat? I really, really don't want to die by fatal BJ." The idea of his member being cannibalized sent a shudder down his reinforced endoskeleton.

"I really would like it if you at least tell me what you can eat, because I don't want you to-" The door suddenly was pounded on. "Pizza?" "Of course! I'll take the door." Opening the door, he looked behind him, making sure that the pizza guy wasn't attacked. He wasn't about that life. He tipped the guy, and watched him slog his way back through the party. He brought the piping hot pizza back to the messy bed. Taking off his mask again, he started chowing down on the pizza, bringing the entire pie up to his mouth.
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They had been waking for what felt like forever and Margo was tired and hungry, the man next to her smelling more and more delicious. After her stomach growled yet again she couldn't take it any longer. "I need food before I eat Finn. There's a club 6 blocks away that has the best burgers in this whole city. Granted I've only been dumpster diving, but the food is still great." She hadn't had a burger for months, the memory of it made her mouth water and stomach grumble again.

@mewbot5408 @King Anthony @Finnagin Frost
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Derrick stays quiet as he drives, using most of the silence to reflect on things. He was racked, but not so much to where he couldn't drive properly. He frowns, trying to keep his focus more on the road than anything in his mind. Subconsciously, he taps against the steering wheel to the melody of the song. A club would be a nice change of pace, especially since his last visit was one that was short lived; a couple of drinks before Orious lead him elsewhere. Maybe this time he'll stick around to actual enjoy the presence of others. Or not, due to his shyer nature.

Vladimor sat perplexed in his seat, chewing at his lip as he pondered on what Derrick said. As hard as he tried, he couldn't really get anything he said to strike him as familiar. A soft sigh leaves his parted lips and he closes his eyes, pulling his hair behind his ears. Maybe it was better if his just dismissed the topic until it's brought up again on it's own. Looking out of his side of the window, he gives a short-lived chuckle. "Yeah, th' setting is just my type. Wild alcoholics and druggies to party around with. Bein' dumb with people like me." A grin crosses his face; it really did seem fun to him. It's been a while since he hit the club, only once or twice after he'd been free, and the first time wasn't so fun- He was so worried that he was underage that he couldn't have a good time cause of the stress. The second, wasn't as bad, but he needed to loosen up. Third time's the charm, and he's gonna put a lot of money on fun tonight.

It wasn't at all long until they arrived, parking in a space Derrick practically fought for before they all exit the car, looking at the large, extravagant club. Maybe not extravagant, just really big and trippy, one could say. Derrick lead them all past the line, where a bouncer stared him down, looking at the little list of his. Derrick gave a confident look that at the same time looked too uncaring as he stated his name. The bouncer looked at the clipboard, and near top of the list marked with a star indeed was 'Derrick King' Without further adieu, he let them all in, and when they were inside, Derrick sighs, looking relieved. "Tonight, I shall be...off duty, I'd say, but of course always open to my master's needs." He gives a really short, lax bow before he runs through his hair, messing it up to give it a more natural, wild look, that actually went pretty well with his suit. He adjusts his tie and there is a warmer expression on his face as he takes in the scent of thick smoke and alcohol.

Vladimor was a little less than surprised, raising a brow at women on the poles further back in the club. It was big, he had to admit, a huge dance floor and a striking, inviting bar. He was less nervous than his first time, but still so in the slightest. He looks at Matthew as Derrick finds himself away already at the bar, drinking something classy as women approached him. "Uh...Wanna go get a drink?" The noble asks awkwardly, making sure to raise he voice over the hollering and the loud music. For a moment, all of this seemed all so surreal. The music pounding, the thick, heavy air, the way the lights flashed about; this was his wavelength. All him, naturally. Everything artificial was breathed in by him, and made real.

Leonardo bit at his sleeves, a replacement to more grooming which had became a bad habit of his. "I was going out for brisket..." He whines, thinking of what he was fed back at the zoo. Absolute heaven. "Burgers are unhealthy, anyways." Leonardo pouts crossing his arms. "I guess I'd settle for a little something and a drink."​
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Matthew was more than a little taken aback by the scene in front of him as he followed the others inside the club. Smoke, lights, dancing, strippers, and people drunk and doing drugs like there was no tomorrow. Maybe their was no tomorrow for some of these people, who looked ready to pass out at any moment. In theory, a club didn't sound too bad, but now that Matthew was here he wasn't quite sure what to do. When Derrick bid them farewell, Matt almost called out to try to keep the servant there with them. He wasn't sure if he was afraid or excited. This was his first time being in such an "adult" environment, considering that he was raised to believe that everything in this place was evil. He glanced at Vlad, who was still taking in the scenery. Was he evil too? Vladimor glanced at him, and Matthew quickly averted his gaze, knowing he had been caught staring, but instead of scolding him Vladimor just asked if Matt wanted a drink. The boy stiffly said "Yes." and waited for Vladimor to lead the way. He tried to make himself look confident, but internally the boy couldn't have been more uneasy. Vlad probably had more experience with these sort of places than he did, so hopefully Vlad would forgive him if he clung to the taller male's side for most of the evening.

Rin surveyed the surroundings of the club once he and his sister were inside. It had taken way too much time and money to get in here. If Rin knew they were going here beforehand, he would have made reservations. It had been pretty easy to find out what the owner of the house looked like: He had long hair and was extremely tall, according to the warped memory of an experiment they had met on the street. Rin figured this would be a good place to look. It was the weekend after all, and this was how a lot of people spent their weekends in Vegas, at least those who looked like the owner... Vladimor was his name, right? Already Rin was forgetting. "Do you see him?" Rin asked her. He didn't even glance around the club, finding the sight of so many drunken perverts disgusting. Still, if that was the sort of person the owner of the house was, so be it: As long as he didn't touch Rei, he could keep his hands.​
Orious for the ride had of course been silent as always. When they stopped and got out he simply followed. The vampire studies his surroundings with interest before looking at derrick. His violet gaze more vivid in the color among the darkness.the vampire following derrick over to the bar. He wanted a drink too. It may seemed a bit odd that he wanted to drink alcohol when he could only consume blood but he knew a method to make it possible for him to drink it.
Mew made his way towards the bar with a sigh. He easily got inside looking around. He had picked up on the twins signal around this area. His ears flicked up and pinned back as he looked around cautiously. His tail swishing nervously as he began to search around quietly only to be approached by some woman. He moved away with a little hiss of disapproval at the drunks and prostitutes trying to get him. He moved away slowly as the group started fighting over him.
Savoring every bite of the last piece, he wiped what was left of his face, and briefly coughed into his elbow. His drunken haze passed long ago. "If you're hungry, i'll go grab somebody who won't be missed. Eh?" He looked around the room for cameras. Finding none, he then said, "I'll be back babe, with a person and a few drinks." He opened the door, a few functions that were once inebriated, fully online. He checked behind him, and headed out to the mob. Plenty of people around for sure, but he would need a drink before he killed another person. Gliding through the crowd like a wraith, he stopped at the bar. A few familiar faces were there, something that his current memory storage wouldn't let him access. Typical. Absolutely fucking typical with the stupid scientists messing with all his shit. He ordered a Bloody Mary on the rocks, and strided over to the characters. Pushing over a few drunks, he saw the guy. Remembering that time he was on the bus, he tapped Matt on the shoulder.

"Hey! Never thought i'd see you here!" He took a sip of his drink, his lips being some of the only non-metal alloys on his face, the rest of his face covered by the shadow of the mask hovering over his face. Lights from the club were flashing erratically, and a fight erupted in the dance floor, resulting in ever more yelling, a few drinks spilled, and a ever harder performance from the dancers. Fucking whores.
Cicero said:
"Uhh..why shouldn't you be eating fish?"He asked looking at the girl worried "I mean i'm fine with anything really food if food after all."The cat-boy said with a small snicker before returning to his worried stated "Are you just feeling sick or do you just not like fish?"Nick questioned curiously oblivious while trying to keep his head still so he doesn't get the urge to rip the bell off his collar while rubbing his growling stomach.
"I just don't feel well.." She told him blushing.She sighed."let's just go,Nick.." She told him as she looked up to her boyfriend blushing. She sighed a little bit. "Let's just go,Nick."

She took his hands in hers."Just don't worry about it too much okay?"
mewbot5408 said:
"I just don't feel well.." She told him blushing.She sighed."let's just go,Nick.." She told him as she looked up to her boyfriend blushing. She sighed a little bit. "Let's just go,Nick."
She took his hands in hers."Just don't worry about it too much okay?"
"Oh...um okay if you don't start feeling better tell me."The boy said while looking at her placing a hand on her forehead "Well I don't think you got a fever then again I was never good at telling this sorta stuff."Nick stated plainly "The only thing that confuses me now is why your still blushing...then again you look cuter either way."He told the girl with a small smile while taking her hand "Yea we can go...so do you know any Asian restaurants around here?"The cat-boy asked her while looking around
Susan got up and clapped walking over to the two "That was amazing you two."She stated hugging them "Even if she went easy that was still awesome I would love to see you two spar more often if that's okay?" The girl asked smiling while letting them out of the hug looking at Silver "Hmm...but it wasn't any better then my last attempt and I was in my light form when I tried the first time....but thanks." Susan said while giving a small bow of courtesy before giggling @LilyannaGaming
Cicero said:
Susan got up and clapped walking over to the two "That was amazing you two."She stated hugging them "Even if she went easy that was still awesome I would love to see you two spar more often if that's okay?" The girl asked smiling while letting them out of the hug looking at Silver "Hmm...but it wasn't any better then my last attempt and I was in my light form when I tried the first time....but thanks." Susan said while giving a small bow of courtesy before giggling @LilyannaGaming
Silver nodded before walking off to the computer room. She didnt lock the door this time. She wondered what the above world was doing. After setting everything up, she smiled at her laptop as it pulled up her song book.

Vi smiled, "While if you pratice makes perfect." Vi said. then looked on the ground. Silver had dropped a photograph of Silver and A....Boy?. Vi glanced at the back reading Silver's scrawled words.her smile faded as she read them to herself.

Me and and brother.

-Fane died in explosion in escape attempt, with me, he was an elemental

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/hqdefault.jpg.00d842721d2bedd0a39489b80a5f6ac6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104072" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/hqdefault.jpg.00d842721d2bedd0a39489b80a5f6ac6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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LilyannaGaming said:
Silver nodded before walking off to the computer room. She didnt lock the door this time. She wondered what the above world was doing. After setting everything up, she smiled at her laptop as it pulled up her song book.
Vi smiled, "While if you pratice makes perfect." Vi said. then looked on the ground. Silver had dropped a photograph of Silver and A....Boy?. Vi glanced at the back reading Silver's scrawled words.her smile faded as she read them to herself.

Me and and brother.

-Fane died in explosion in escape attempt, with me, he was an elemental

View attachment 232284
"Bye Silver!"The girl yelled happily while waving to the fleeing figure of Silver after she was out of sight she turned back to Vi smiling "Yea I guess your right...but can you guys help me though it I give up on stuff easily..."Susan mumbled a bit embarrassed before looking up at the girl seeing her smile fade made Susan's go away as well while looking at the not reading the words upside down she gasped "That poor girl..."SuSu said sadly while pulling Vi into a hug not knowing what else to do knowing that it was Silver who needed one "Do you think we should tell Silver...about finding the note?"She asked letting go of Vi
Vi nodded. "I think we should return it." Vi said. She looked at the room gloomly. "I wander if her brother some how survived?" Vi asked. as she began walking to the computer room.

Silver flipped on the recorder, once again clicking the broadcast button. "Dedicated to my brother.." Silver sadi before singing.


"Okay...I agree I think it will be for the best as well."Susan agreed to the girl "What do you mean? You read the note it said he blew up...you don't think he somehow survived to you?"She asked while following the girl to the room hearing the speakers again and Silver sing wiping away the tears that formed in her eyes "I'm sorry I can't help it..."SuSu said while wiping away more tears before looking at Vi nodding "Okay I think i'm better now."The girl said

Vi stopped when she heard Silvers sad voice. "I think if he was an elemental, he could have survied." Especially if he was hardheaded and determined like silver. as the song ended Vi punched the code in and the doors opened. "Silver we found this on the ground after our fight, then hear your song over the speaker..." Vi said.

Silver jerked up. "yo-u-u wh-a-t?" @Cicero
"Yea I guess your right."She said with a small giggle before stopping while entering the room giving a small wave to Silver "Yea you sorta...left that on the ground and we did hear you sing you have a beautiful voice by the way."Susan told the girl trying to lighten the mood somewhat while also trying to think of what else to say

Cicero said:
"Yea I guess your right."She said with a small giggle before stopping while entering the room giving a small wave to Silver "Yea you sorta...left that on the ground and we did hear you sing you have a beautiful voice by the way."Susan told the girl trying to lighten the mood somewhat while also trying to think of what else to say
Silver sighed. "I had an amazing nerdy brother, when he died i changed. Not just in apperance, but in personality. Here is a photo when we where littler. We loved Video Games." Silver said laughing at the memory.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/11140038_905919772836726_5200507271772757429_n.jpg.4b71aefb65acdd6f12bad4dc380745c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104088" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/11140038_905919772836726_5200507271772757429_n.jpg.4b71aefb65acdd6f12bad4dc380745c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"He sounded amazing...."The girl said while looking at the photo "Oh my God you are so cute in that photo! Plus your brother isn't that bad looking...Umm I mean..."She said growing red with embarrassment "I didn't mean anything by it I was just saying he looked hot...no I mean cute..I mean handsome that's the word handsome!"Susu stated putting her hood on covering her face "What sorta video games did you play?"Susan asked not peaking out from her hood

Cicero said:
"He sounded amazing...."The girl said while looking at the photo "Oh my God you are so cute in that photo! Plus your brother isn't that bad looking...Umm I mean..."She said growing red with embarrassment "I didn't mean anything by it I was just saying he looked hot...no I mean cute..I mean handsome that's the word handsome!"Susu stated putting her hood on covering her face "What sorta video games did you play?"Susan asked not peaking out from her hood
@Cicero xD
"W-What is so f-funny?"The girl asked stuttering peeking out of her hood at the two "Cool...also you hair is dyed? Plus you looked cute with those contacts..."She told the girl giving a small smile

Ooc:Okay cool @LilyannaGaming :P

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