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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Silver smiled. "i will think about. Now who wants to go for a walk in the park? I cant stand sitting around. i need fresh air." Silver said getting up. Placing both photos on her desk, then shutting off her computer. She flashed her smile. Vi nodded. "I will go if SuSu wants to...." She turned throwing a pleading look at SuSu. @Cicero
"Cool..."SuSu was all she had to reply to Silver before thinking of an answer for them"Yea...the park sounds like fun."She said while coming out of her hiding spot with her face still a little red holding onto her necklace "So what do we do when we get to the park?"The girl asked smiling at the two while skipping around them plainly and somewhat giggling @LilyannaGaming
Cicero said:
"Cool..."SuSu was all she had to reply to Silver before thinking of an answer for them"Yea...the park sounds like fun."She said while coming out of her hiding spot with her face still a little red holding onto her necklace "So what do we do when we get to the park?"The girl asked smiling at the two while skipping around them plainly and somewhat giggling @Cicero
"Ohh that seems like fun."The girl said smiling while stopping hearing her stomach growl "Yea I like the eating part."She agreed giggling while rubbing her stomach not remembering the last time she ate other then the cookies Cicero gave her Susan's stomach was empty
Cicero said:
"Ohh that seems like fun."The girl said smiling while stopping hearing her stomach growl "Yea I like the eating part."She agreed giggling while rubbing her stomach not remembering the last time she ate other then the cookies Cicero gave her Susan's stomach was empty
"Well we will eat first then." Vi said giggling. Silver just nodded. "Let me get the Temp dye out of my hair. Then we can go." Silver said. "Oh... btw, the reason i wore contacts was because i liked my brothers eyes. Mine are natruly silver like my hair." Silver said as she walked out and down the hallway to her room.

Vi sighed. "I feel bad for her." @Cicero
"Yaaay!"Susan exclaimed in complete joy while looking over at Silver "Oooooo I get to see you without black hair your going to look amazing." She told the girl while only nodding at her other statement "I'm not surprised they are amazing...Uhhh I mean."The girl trailed off with her face going red. She turned to Vi "Why so?"SuSu asked "She seemed happy to me..."She added while looking at the door Silver left in putting her head down @LilyannaGaming
iiimee said:

"Huh? Oh hey fuck-face." Matthew had only had a sip of the drink Vladimor had ordered for him when the iron giant came striding over, looking as careless and ready-to-kill as ever. Matthew didn't actually hate him, all things considered, but any guy that walked around as if he owned the place tended to get on Matthew's nerves... not that it was hard. Matthew had a lot of nerves.

Ooc: @King Anthony @Surprise Meteors Hey Anthony, sorry for moving Matthew along quickly, but Leo decided to jump in so I'll be fine with Matt going on a little adventure until you return! ;) I am honestly a little scared for him at the moment...​
"You miss me?" A valve opened below his collar bone, loosing the ferrofluid everyone was so familiar with. It shot up over his face and went back into another valve behind his back, creating a mask of sorts.

"Yeah you do." A large toothy grin spread across the mask, and he shut off the valve. He closed his rebreather, and took a deep breath. He unruffled his cowl, and quickly glanced around.

"So, do you like the new look? Also, I just banged a hot chick in the back. I need another, wanna come?"

Cicero said:
"Yaaay!"Susan exclaimed in complete joy while looking over at Silver "Oooooo I get to see you without black hair your going to look amazing." She told the girl while only nodding at her other statement "I'm not surprised they are amazing...Uhhh I mean."The girl trailed off with her face going red. She turned to Vi "Why so?"SuSu asked "She seemed happy to me..."She added while looking at the door Silver left in putting her head down @LilyannaGaming
Vi chuckled. "I think you've fallen for someone you havent met." Vi laughed. Then settled down. "I feel bad for her because her Parents where scientist who loved yet betrayed her, who died in the escape. Then her brother, who must have sacrificed himself for us to escape. I dont remember since i was drugged so bad." Vi said trying to remember it. Silver sruggled trying to get the dye out.
Susan's face turns into a bright red tomato "I h-have n-np c-clue what you m-mean I w-was j-just s-stating a-an obvious f-fact...T-that h-her brother w-was c-cute l-looking"She stuttered while quickly placing her hand over her mouth getting even redder before looking up at Vi with sad eyes "Oh...yea I guess your right...she's a strong girl in ways even she couldn't possible know."Susan stated plainly having a small smile

Cicero said:
Susan's face turns into a bright red tomato "I h-have n-np c-clue what you m-mean I w-was j-just s-stating a-an obvious f-fact...T-that h-her brother w-was c-cute l-looking"She stuttered while quickly placing her hand over her mouth getting even redder before looking up at Vi with sad eyes "Oh...yea I guess your right...she's a strong girl in ways even she couldn't possible know."Susan stated plainly having a small smile
Vi Laughed then stopped when Silver walked in the room. Silver's hair That exact free flowing and silver color from the picture and blazing eyes contacts. "Well what do you think?" Silver asked whil Vi just froze up. "SuSu?" Silver asked.
Susan ran and hugged the girl "You look adorable!"She yelled hugging the girl tightly smiling after finally letting go of her "Sorry...you look exactly like you did when you were little only taller."The girl explained still smiling "Soooooo Vi what do you think?"SuSu asked nudging Vi slightly

Cicero said:
Susan ran and hugged the girl "You look adorable!"She yelled hugging the girl tightly smiling after finally letting go of her "Sorry...you look exactly like you did when you were little only taller."The girl explained still smiling "Soooooo Vi what do you think?"SuSu asked nudging Vi slightly
Silver smiled. "Thank you." Vi just stared. "You look diffrent, Better." Vi said She was amazed how much Less hair dye reveled. She glanced at SuSu and laughed. "Lets get going." She said grabbing the two. Her eyes slowly turned Violet. The air around them turned to wisps and the Flash of Violet appeared and they where at the park.
The girl giggled slightly while looking around them at the color until she was at the park grabbing a hold of the two her world spinning while he fell backwards a bit around while she looked at the two with a weak smile "I'm fine don't worry."She said trying to convince the two "I'm just hungry so maybe that had something to do with it."The girl added while getting up her feet still wobbling a little

"Well lets go eat!" Vi said. Silver lead the way to the main road. "Where would you like to eat? SuSu?" Silver asked. She didnt care as long as they didnt get attacked. Vi looked up and down the road looking for a possible transport to a eatirie @Cicero
"Oooo....how about something sweet I don't care where I just want something sweet please."The girl committed while following them smiling and skipping her head feeling somewhat better but her stomach felt like it was growing smaller by the second "So what do you guys like to eat?"She asked them @LilyannaGaming
"I personally prefer Rice." Silver said, It was her brothers favorite of course. "I like Sweets and actual meals, not fast foods." Vi said as she skipped amoung side SuSu. Silver weighed there intrest and instantly remembered. there was a buffet Restruant down the street. Though it was expensive it had all of there intrest and was nearby. Plus she had money. "Follow me." Siler shouted weaving through groups of people. @Cicero
"Ooo Rice..what kind?"She asked looking at Silver before quickly hugging Vi "You are amazing."The girl stated grinning goofy "And so are you Silver."Susan added quickly giggling while looking at Vi skipping alongside her before she took off making SuSu grab Silver's hand chasing after Vi laughing "Wait up!"The girl screamed while finally caught up to her @LilyannaGaming
Cicero said:
"Ooo Rice..what kind?"She asked looking at Silver before quickly hugging Vi "You are amazing."The girl stated grinning goofy "And so are you Silver."Susan added quickly giggling while looking at Vi skipping alongside her before she took off making SuSu grab Silver's hand chasing after Vi laughing "Wait up!"The girl screamed while finally caught up to her @Cicero[/color]
LilyannaGaming said:
Silver lead the girls into a bus station. "Tickets for three." Silver told the woman at the werid ticket booth. "We are heading to downtown area" She told the girls and the woman. She grab the tickets and motioned for the girls to follow. Vi nodded. "Okay Silver just as long asyou dont try to kill anyone i wil go." VI stated happily, and as a joke.
Fane got off the bus as it pulled into the station. His 'pull' to silver leading him. He instantly spotted her by her hair. He followed behind her and the two? other girls. He watched from behind and then hurried in front of them. The girl they had saved was tlaking to silver and neither where paying attention. @Cicero
Susan followed Vi like a happy little puppy towards the ticket booth giggling at Vi's joke only to see someone that looked like Silvers brother in front of them and she instantly felt her cheeks heat up "H-hi..."The girl stuttered giving the boy a small wave while holding onto her necklace with the other
Cicero said:
Susan followed Vi like a happy little puppy towards the ticket booth giggling at Vi's joke only to see someone that looked like Silvers brother in front of them and she instantly felt her cheeks heat up "H-hi..."The girl stuttered giving the boy a small wave while holding onto her necklace with the other
"F-a-ane? No, you died in the explusion! This..s cant be real." Silver started breaking down. Fane instantly grabed her. "Its okay, i survied. I have been trying to get to you ever since i escaped." Fane said trying to get his sis to calm down. Hi looked at the girl who said Hello. "Hi, My name is fane. Vi. How is my sis been holding up?" Vi nodded. "She is doing good considering she thought her family was dead. Well, Just you really." Vi said trying to relise the tension. Silver nodded. "We are going to miss o--u-r-r ride." Silver said calming down. "I will speak of this on the bus."She said looking at her brother. "SuSu, Come on." Vi said leading the girl away from the family renioun.
LilyannaGaming said:
"F-a-ane? No, you died in the explusion! This..s cant be real." Silver started breaking down. Fane instantly grabed her. "Its okay, i survied. I have been trying to get to you ever since i escaped." Fane said trying to get his sis to calm down. Hi looked at the girl who said Hello. "Hi, My name is fane. Vi. How is my sis been holding up?" Vi nodded. "She is doing good considering she thought her family was dead. Well, Just you really." Vi said trying to relise the tension. Silver nodded. "We are going to miss o--u-r-r ride." Silver said calming down. "I will speak of this on the bus."She said looking at her brother. "SuSu, Come on." Vi said leading the girl away from the family renioun.
"H-hi F-fane..."She said smiling a little while listing to them talking while mostly looking at Fane only prying her eyes off of him while only to be dragged by Vi away "Umm...Vi you didn't happen to see me staring right?"Susan asked referring to her staring at Silver's brother her face becoming a little more red. "This is embarrassing..."The girl mumbled to herself while rubbing her cheeks
Cicero said:
"H-hi F-fane..."She said smiling a little while listing to them talking while mostly looking at Fane only prying her eyes off of him while only to be dragged by Vi away "Umm...Vi you didn't happen to see me staring right?"Susan asked referring to her staring at Silver's brother her face becoming a little more red. "This is embarrassing..."The girl mumbled to herself while rubbing her cheeks
Vi smiled. "I think its cute. Come on lets save our seats.

Fane stared at his sister wandering what she needed to talk about. "Do-o you remember the song we always sang to each other when we cam back from a experiment test?" Silver asked him. She wanted to make sure he wasn't a clone or a impersonation. She watched the girl leave and looked at SuSu's red cheeks. and smiled. "Of course i do. You would always come back full of wounds crying. And we would lay in bed singing to each other. Do you still sing? You had a beautiful voice." Fane said looking at his sister. he noticed a few fading black streaks in her hair. "You dyed your hair....." He said suprised. "I had to stay hidden, just took the dye out a while ago. I will take you to base and then we will see if you remember the song or not. But for now we where heading to eat. Come on." Silver said. Leading the way to the bus. she checked the tickets and managed to get the girls, her and her brother on without a problem. They sat in the very back. Fane stared at SuSu. He noticed the girl staring at him and quickly turned away.
LilyannaGaming said:
Vi smiled. "I think its cute. Come on lets save our seats.
Fane stared at his sister wandering what she needed to talk about. "Do-o you remember the song we always sang to each other when we cam back from a experiment test?" Silver asked him. She wanted to make sure he wasn't a clone or a impersonation. She watched the girl leave and looked at SuSu's red cheeks. and smiled. "Of course i do. You would always come back full of wounds crying. And we would lay in bed singing to each other. Do you still sing? You had a beautiful voice." Fane said looking at his sister. he noticed a few fading black streaks in her hair. "You dyed your hair....." He said suprised. "I had to stay hidden, just took the dye out a while ago. I will take you to base and then we will see if you remember the song or not. But for now we where heading to eat. Come on." Silver said. Leading the way to the bus. she checked the tickets and managed to get the girls, her and her brother on without a problem. They sat in the very back. Fane stared at SuSu. He noticed the girl staring at him and quickly turned away.
"Right..."The girl answered while finding the seat sitting down smiling her eyes occasionally running to Fane eventually she was caught and looked down at her hands messing with them and the edge of her dress with her red face "Hey umm...V-vi what do you w-wanna t-talk a-about?"She eventually asked looking at the girl with hopeful eyes she would get the silent plead for help
Cicero said:
"Right..."The girl answered while finding the seat sitting down smiling her eyes occasionally running to Fane eventually she was caught and looked down at her hands messing with them and the edge of her dress with her red face "Hey umm...V-vi what do you w-wanna t-talk a-about?"She eventually asked looking at the girl with hopeful eyes she would get the silent plead for help
Silver luaghed when she caught Fane staring at SuSu. "You know she has a thing for you, As well do you for Her." She whispered lound enough for SuSu to hear. "I wont deny it." Fane said. "It wont work though, im sure of it." He whispered back. Smiling. he threw a casual look at the girl. Vi laughed at SuSu. "SuSu i think youve fallen." She whispered. "What is her name?" he asked Silver in a almost unhearable tone. "Why dont you ask yourself?" Silver replied. Fane sighed. "What is your name?" He said turning to SuSu.
LilyannaGaming said:
Silver luaghed when she caught Fane staring at SuSu. "You know she has a thing for you, As well do you for Her." She whispered lound enough for SuSu to hear. "I wont deny it." Fane said. "It wont work though, im sure of it." He whispered back. Smiling. he threw a casual look at the girl. Vi laughed at SuSu. "SuSu i think youve fallen." She whispered. "What is her name?" he asked Silver in a almost unhearable tone. "Why dont you ask yourself?" Silver replied. Fane sighed. "What is your name?" He said turning to SuSu.
The girl's face turned even redder looking at Silver "Hey!"She somewhat yelled at her while looking at Fane growing redder to quickly look back at the only person she thought she could trust "I h-have n-no c-clue what y-you t-talking a-about."The girl said crossing her arms with a plain expression trying to stop the smile from coming onto her face. Eventually she looked at Fane "M-my n-name i-is S-susan b-but t-these t-two call m-me S-SuSu."Susan answered the boy with a small voice extending her hand slowly "I-its n-nice to meet y-you..."SuSu added looking at the ground holding onto her necklace

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