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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Cicero said:
The girl's face turned even redder looking at Silver "Hey!"She somewhat yelled at her while looking at Fane growing redder to quickly look back at the only person she thought she could trust "I h-have n-no c-clue what y-you t-talking a-about."The girl said crossing her arms with a plain expression trying to stop the smile from coming onto her face. Eventually she looked at Fane "M-my n-name i-is S-susan b-but t-these t-two call m-me S-SuSu."Susan answered the boy with a small voice extending her hand slowly "I-its n-nice to meet y-you..."SuSu added looking at the ground holding onto her necklace
"Susan is a beutiful name." Fane said keeping a casual tone. He took her hand. "Its nice to meet. you" He managed to say. "Silver where are we heading? I think we should move seats to give these two space." Vi and And silver burst into giggles. Fanes cheeks grew red. "Dont make me blow you out of this bus V..i Never mind you will just teleport back." Fane sighed. Silver laughed. "Yep i would." She said moving a little. To make sure he wouldnt try it.

Derrick leans over the bar counter, looking down at his drink with a thoughtful look as different neon colors reflected from the club lights. Spaced out, the club noise was muffled but the beat reverberated through his chest. Unknowingly, he taps against the glass of the Mojito as the thick air pours in and out of his lungs. A drop in the beat brought him out of his daze, and he glances over to Orious who poured little vials of blood into his drinks before he consumed them. Clever. Derrick decided to stay and drink here, not a good dancer, nor very charismatic. He has class, looks, skill- He was just bad with social things. It didn't bother him too much.

Rei shrugs tilting her head. When she sees a flash of violet among the crowd, she hums. "His hair is sorta long, and he's super tall. That him, maybe?" She asks Rin, pointing over to Orious who sat with some classy looking blonde kid. "His....servant maybe? Well he is rich. Wanna go check 'em out?" She smiles tugging on Rin's hand.

Vladimor sits and drinks nothing to special. Straight Vodka. He doesn't say too much with how nervous he was at a place like this. When some guy came over and began speaking with Matthew, he raises a brow, which soon narrowed when he realized it was someone familiar. That one experiment. He doesn't look at him to much as he orders another glass. He nearly chokes on the alcohol when the guy offers to join. Though he didn't quite understand if he meant just in pickin' up chicks or in a threeway. No way. "Well, uh." He downs the rest of his glass before standing, tipping the bartender before straightening his posture. "I'm gonna be around, you guys have fun." he awkwardly shuffles away, and on the search for a potential drug dealer, he runs into a nice looking girl, him quickly apologizing in his native tongue. She responds in Slovakian and he's surprised. It soon leads then talking about random things and getting to know each other, and it's not long before they're sitting together at a table as they flirt innocently. (Or not so much of innocent, but...)​
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LilyannaGaming said:
"Susan is a beutiful name." Fane said keeping a casual tone. He took her hand. "Its nice to meet. you" He managed to say. "Silver where are we heading? I think we should move seats to give these two space." Vi and And silver burst into giggles. Fanes cheeks grew red. "Dont make me blow you out of this bus V..i Never mind you will just teleport back." Fane sighed. Silver laughed. "Yep i would." She said moving a little. To make sure he wouldnt try it.
"T-thanks..."The girl replied a bit more normal growing more red when he took hand smiling at him while sitting down looking at the ground glancing up at Vi "W-what do y-you m-mean g-give u-us space?"She asked stuttering with her face flaring up again "Y-you g-guys d-don't r-really h-help y-you k-know t-that..."Susan told them giggling a bit
Silver and Vi where laughing so bad they didnt realize the bus stopped. "We are at our Destination." Fane said in a robotic voice. Vi and Silver walked at together. Fane grabed SuSu's hand and lead the way to the doors. He followed Silver and Vi to the restaurant. "Do you know where we are going Susan? Silver wont seem to tell me other than we are heading to eat." Fane asked. Silver kept weaving through crowds making sure the group was behind her. "Silver, whats the Rush?" VI asked. "I hate the crowds." Silver replied. She glanced at her brother and smiled, also winking on the progress. Vi laughed at the two. @Cicero
Susan giggled a bit at Fane's robot voice watching the two girls she got up when Fane grabbed her hand making her face which was finally back to normal color flare up again with red following the boy "No...I don't actually know i'm sorry."The girl answered him feeling at bit sad that she couldn't actually give him an answer turning her attetnion to the two girls sticking her tongue out giggling at them "Hey...um F-Fane I uhh.. I w-wanted t-to...ummm t-tell y-you t-that y-you have....p-pretty e-eyes...s-sorry if t-that is a weird thing to say but its the truth."She said speeding up at the last part looking down at the ground completely embarrassed at saying it clutching her necklace bringing it close to her chest @LilyannaGaming
Cicero said:
Susan giggled a bit at Fane's robot voice watching the two girls she got up when Fane grabbed her hand making her face which was finally back to normal color flare up again with red following the boy "No...I don't actually know i'm sorry."The girl answered him feeling at bit sad that she couldn't actually give him an answer turning her attetnion to the two girls sticking her tongue out giggling at them "Hey...um F-Fane I uhh.. I w-wanted t-to...ummm t-tell y-you t-that y-you have....p-pretty e-eyes...s-sorry if t-that is a weird thing to say but its the truth."She said speeding up at the last part looking down at the ground completely embarrassed at saying it clutching her necklace bringing it close to her chest @LilyannaGaming
Fane rolled his eyes at the girls and focused on susan. "It's okay, and you have pretty eyes to." Fane said steering Susan away from the crowds and to Vi and Silver. "Hello, now may i ask where are we eating siv?" Fane asked. when somene almost bumped into the girl he was holding hands with he used air to keep the stanger from colliding with Susan. "We are eating here at this buffet. It has all of our intrest." Silver replied. "Wait did you call me by my childhood nickname? you do realize i have grown out of that?" Silver said her eyes flared red behind the contacts making them seen. "My aplogies Sis. Now shall we head in?" Opening the door for the girls. VI grabbed Silvers wrist and slipped the bracelet on her. "Thanks Vi." Silver said as her eyes went normal. Vi nodded and followed in the restaurant.
"T-thank y-you..."The girl said with her blush dying down some but to her it felt like her face was burning up while following the boy well somewhat being dragged she couldn't pry her eyes off of their interlocked hands smiling to herself before they stopped by the girls she finally looked away seeing someone about to run into her and next thing she knew they weren't she turned back to Fane "Did you do that?"She questioned the boy while smirking "You do know it isn't smart to use your powers in public."Susan whispered in the boys ear giggling at the girl's nickname "Hey don't worry SuSu got stuck on my by my friends as a kid and were it is now being called it by you two...also siv is cute I like it."SuSu told the girl watching her eyes turn red and back to normal when Vi slipped the bracelet on following them inside dragging Fane with her

Cicero said:
"T-thank y-you..."The girl said with her blush dying down some but to her it felt like her face was burning up while following the boy well somewhat being dragged she couldn't pry her eyes off of their interlocked hands smiling to herself before they stopped by the girls she finally looked away seeing someone about to run into her and next thing she knew they weren't she turned back to Fane "Did you do that?"She questioned the boy while smirking "You do know it isn't smart to use your powers in public."Susan whispered in the boys ear giggling at the girl's nickname "Hey don't worry SuSu got stuck on my by my friends as a kid and were it is now being called it by you two...also siv is cute I like it."SuSu told the girl watching her eyes turn red and back to normal when Vi slipped the bracelet on following them inside dragging Fane with her
Silver didnt here what the girl said since she was talking to the woman at the stand. Once she got everything done they where lead to a table. she glanced at Vi. "Water for the two of us and what ever the lov-two behind us want." She told the lady. Vi stiffed a giggle. and silver smirked at her brother who blew her hair around her. Silver just laughed an sat next to Vi. leaving the other side of the booth unoccupied. Forcing Susan to sit with Fane.

"Yes i did do that. He was a drunk about to run into you. and i simply moved him an inch. hes to out of it to notice." he said while being dragged into the restraunt. They followed Silver to the table "I will have...Tea. Susan what would you like?" he asked waiting for her to be seated. when Silver said the two behind us, but almost said lovebirds he threw a small wind around her hair.
"Okay thanks..."The girl said smiling at him while looking around for Silver and Vi instead she just ordered her drink "Coffee please."She answered plainly while growing a bit more red hearing someone almost call them love birds she looked around finding the source giving them the middle finger really quick the first time she ever did something like that while sitting down across from them "What the fuck is wrong with you two?" The girl asked wondering what has gotten into them and her she never cussed before now @LilyannaGaming
Cicero said:
"Okay thanks..."The girl said smiling at him while looking around for Silver and Vi instead she just ordered her drink "Coffee please."She answered plainly while growing a bit more red hearing someone almost call them love birds she looked around finding the source giving them the middle finger really quick the first time she ever did something like that while sitting down across from them "What the fuck is wrong with you two?" The girl asked wondering what has gotten into them and her she never cussed before now @LilyannaGaming
Silver got up and rolled her eyes. "Silver, why have you changed since i last saw you? you use to be my lettle scared kind sis. Now your unemotional and a little bit sassy. Or rude." Fane asked. "You know what fane, I dealt with the fact that my brother is SUppose to be dead, on the run from a million things, killed over 25 people who where just following orders. And then to top it off i had to go through this alone. No big brother to help me when it came to much. Vi would have, but i didnt want to trouble her more than i had to." Silver looked frustrated, if it wasnt for her dang bracelet and the fact it was her brother she would probalbly be choking him by now. Silver walked off tears in her eyes. She walk to the bath room and cleared her head. Vi look around the table. "She processing to many emotions at once, Im sorry about this Susan." Vi said polietly. She got up and went after Silver. Fane sighed. "i guess we better wait for the two. Sorry about my sister. I didnt know she had so much to deal with. i havent seen her since my death risk." he said looking at her. "Vi is just Vi, and follows Silver as if they where sisters." Fane said. finally. he watched as the waitress set the drinks down. he moved them acordinaly. Since the waitress didnt do it right. When he gave susan her coffe his hand brushed her as he pulled away.
Susan listened to Silver feeling bad for doing and saying those things she was about to apologize but she was already leaving the table making the girl sigh "Its fine..."Was all the girl managed to say while watching Vi go after the teary Silver. She looked at the table moving her hands around not knowing what to say to the boy next to her "Yea....I would guess so...also don't worry about it she's just going through a lot now so I understand....also I'm sure she's actually really happy to see you and it seems like you are the only one she shares her true feelings with."Susan explained normally looking at him put the drinks in their respected place looking at his hand as it brushed hers smiling a bit "Thank you."SuSu said while dumping sugar into her coffee stirring it around taking a drink out of it smiling @LilyannaGaming
Cicero said:
Susan listened to Silver feeling bad for doing and saying those things she was about to apologize but she was already leaving the table making the girl sigh "Its fine..."Was all the girl managed to say while watching Vi go after the teary Silver. She looked at the table moving her hands around not knowing what to say to the boy next to her "Yea....I would guess so...also don't worry about it she's just going through a lot now so I understand....also I'm sure she's actually really happy to see you and it seems like you are the only one she shares her true feelings with."Susan explained normally looking at him put the drinks in their respected place looking at his hand as it brushed hers smiling a bit "Thank you."SuSu said while dumping sugar into her coffee stirring it around taking a drink out of it smiling @LilyannaGaming
Fane sighed. "I was. They did some test on her...Like stabbing her, throwing things at her, Shooting her. Just to make sure she couldnt feel pain and was able to use her pain in battle. Every time she come back crying. We sang a song to and about each others pain. When she wasnt tested on we where content playing video games and sharing candy we manged to snag. we where happy until we fond out what they where doing to others like us. hence our escape." he explained. Vi came back with Silver, who sat staring out the window unmoving. "If you want to eat lets head to the buffet." Silver finally said. moving out of the booth with Vi. They walked and grabbed plates. Chatting out music. Fane sighed. "Come on, you must be hungry." Fane said leading the way to the buffet table.
The girl listened to his story gently touching his shoulder "That's awful...did she really have to put up with all that...at least she had an amazing older brother to help her through all of it and now your back in her life again."She told him while seeing the girls come back she quickly removed her hand from his shoulder looking at the table occasionally drinking her coffee and looking at Fane with a small smile hearing her stomach growl "Yes please."Susan said while following the boy grabbing a plate filling it with sweets "What are you getting Fane?"SuSu asked him @LilyannaGaming
Cicero said:
The girl listened to his story gently touching his shoulder "That's awful...did she really have to put up with all that...at least she had an amazing older brother to help her through all of it and now your back in her life again."She told him while seeing the girls come back she quickly removed her hand from his shoulder looking at the table occasionally drinking her coffee and looking at Fane with a small smile hearing her stomach growl "Yes please."Susan said while following the boy grabbing a plate filling it with sweets "What are you getting Fane?"SuSu asked him @LilyannaGaming
Vi and Silver sat in silence. they waited for the other two to come back before they would start eating. Fane smiled. "Rice." He said laughing. he also grabbed a sweet and lead the girl to the table. He looked at silver who just stared out the window. He looked at Vi's plate. Complete Vegtarian, then Silver's was Rice. "I see i have rubbed off on you Siv..silver." Fane said as he waited for Susan to sit. "Yes..Its become a favorite of mine." Silver replied.
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The girl skipped back to the table happy with her choices sitting down smiling at everyone "I got sweet!"The girl practically yelled still grinning like a goof looking at everyone else's plate happily "H-hey u-um Fane w-would b-be o-okay if I t-try s-some o-of you rice? I'll l-let y-you t-try s-some o-of m-my food..."The girl said while holding a spoon full of random sweets to the boy with a red face smiling at him "Y-you d-don't h-have to i-if y-you d-don't w-want t-to..."SuSu told him while looking away with her red face @LilyannaGaming
Everyone laughed. "Sure. Susan, you know if you just want sweets. You may just eat them. Me and Silver wont judge." Fane said. "Me either. I would have got sweets, but i like vegiterian food best. and Silver said she wasnt really hungry." Vi said Swishing her fork in the air. Silver nodded along. Truth was she wanted sweets, biut would never admit it. She always ate light, never full. @Cicero
The girl laughed as she began eating her food "All done."The girl said with a small burp "Excuse me."She added with a small giggle while stealing some of Fane's rice smiling "So do we have any plans after this?"She asked looking around the table finishing her coffee while putting her head in her hand looking around the restaurant eventually her eyes landed on Fane without her realizing with a smile growing on her face while looking at his face and eyes @LilyannaGaming
Cicero said:
The girl laughed as she began eating her food "All done."The girl said with a small burp "Excuse me."She added with a small giggle while stealing some of Fane's rice smiling "So do we have any plans after this?"She asked looking around the table finishing her coffee while putting her head in her hand looking around the restaurant eventually her eyes landed on Fane without her realizing with a smile growing on her face while looking at his face and eyes @LilyannaGaming
Fane smiled. "I think we should just head to base. I think i got enough fresh air for one night." Silver said as she finished what little rice she had. Vi nodded. Fane realized he was being watched and turned to the girl. he caught her staring and his face went red as he turned facing Silver. "Okay, Shall we get going then?" He said standing up. VI stood up to let Silver out and they walked off to pay. Fane threw a tip on the table and extended his hand to susan.
The girl snapped out of her trance when she seen his hand "S-sorry I d-didn't m-mean to s-stare..."She said embarrassed her face blushing while slowly taking his hand "T-thank y-you..."The girl said to him with a small smile clutching her necklace "Ummm d-do y-you k-know w-where w-we a-are g-going I w-was a b-bit d-distracted..."Susan told him while winking with a small giggle before looking at the ground again @LilyannaGaming
Cicero said:
The girl snapped out of her trance when she seen his hand "S-sorry I d-didn't m-mean to s-stare..."She said embarrassed her face blushing while slowly taking his hand "T-thank y-you..."The girl said to him with a small smile clutching her necklace "Ummm d-do y-you k-know w-where w-we a-are g-going I w-was a b-bit d-distracted..."Susan told him while winking with a small giggle before looking at the ground again @LilyannaGaming
"We are heading to base...Unless you dont want to?" Fane said gently pulling her out the seat. Then realized she winked. He smiled and his face flushed red. He lead her to the girls. He could easily tell silver was worn out. "Siv, you tired?" Fane asked. Silver looked at him. "No.. Just thinking." She said. Vi looked at the group. " Everyone ready to go?" She said leading them outside.
"No its fine..."She answered while getting out smirking poking his cheek "You look cute when you blush....I m-mean uhhh...ignore that."The girl said to him her face now as red as a tomato while walking outside with Silver walking up to her "My face won't stop burning...."She complained to her placing her head on Silver's shoulder "Can you help me out here please I'll do anything."Susan pleaded the girl looking at her with her tinted red face with puppy eyes @LilyannaGaming
Cicero said:
"No its fine..."She answered while getting out smirking poking his cheek "You look cute when you blush....I m-mean uhhh...ignore that."The girl said to him her face now as red as a tomato while walking outside with Silver walking up to her "My face won't stop burning...."She complained to her placing her head on Silver's shoulder "Can you help me out here please I'll do anything."Susan pleaded the girl looking at her with her tinted red face with puppy eyes @LilyannaGaming
Fane looked suprised then turned away, Fane still held the girls hand as they walked into yet another alley. Of course empty. Vi grabbed everyones hands and teleported them away slowly. Once again to reduce pain or headaches. Fane had let go as he stumbled and clutched his head. "What the fuck Vi?" Fane asked. "It was your first time your body has to get use to it." Silver said. She grabbed Fanes hand and lead him to the computer room. Vi followed with Susan. "How do you feel?" Vi asked.
"Better than Fane does."She said with a giggle "Thanks."The girl added with a smile while grabbing Vi's hand "I wanna try my power again...if that's okay."Susan told the girl while clutching her necklace firmly looking at Vi with a serious expression while a smile formed on her face making her giggle slightly "I can't help it trying to be serious is to funny."SuSu said laughing

Cicero said:
"Better than Fane does."She said with a giggle "Thanks."The girl added with a smile while grabbing Vi's hand "I wanna try my power again...if that's okay."Susan told the girl while clutching her necklace firmly looking at Vi with a serious expression while a smile formed on her face making her giggle slightly "I can't help it trying to be serious is to funny."SuSu said laughing
Vi chuckled. "lets see what the Sibs are up to then we can work on your power." Vi approached the door and punched the code in. She lead SuSu to a desk chair. On the desk sat a bunch of papers, notebooks and other drawing things. it had Vi's name on the desk. She pulled up another chair and sat beside Susan. On the other side of the room Silver and Fane where in a whispered conversation until Vi ans SuSU heard Silver say "Prove it." and with that silver started sing and eventually so did Fane.


"Okay..."She replied while walking next to Vi watching the door open following the girl sitting down in the chair looking around the desk picking up random drawings looking at them but placing them back down when Vi sat next to her "Are you sure its okay for us to be in here?"Susan asked looking at the girl with worried eyes before looking over her shoulder to hear the siblings start singing going into a daze while staring at Fane "Wow...hes an amazing singer..."The girl stated blushing a bit "I mean so is Silver."She added still staring at the boy with a small smile @LilyannaGaming

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