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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Cicero said:
"I k-know t-that i-i'm j-just s-scared t-that y-you m-might t-try..."She muttered while loosing her grip on him "R-really..."SuSu said in shock while moving away from him to look at him smiling while placing her forehead on his "T-thank y-you...t-that m-means a-a l-lot.."Susan stuttered with her red face looking at him "Y-you h-have r-really p-pretty e-eyes..."The girl told him while playing with his hair giggling @LilyannaGaming
Fane smiled. "I'm scared you'd disappear like everyone else. And your eyes are amazing." Fane said turning a little so she could get to his hair easier. He twisted her hair around his finger. Smiling he held her tight with the other hand.
"I won't disappear on you or my friends I promise."She stated while continuing to mess with his hair leading on of her hands to his entangling it with hers "Y-you d-don't m-mind r-right?"The girl asked embarrassed by her actions but not wanting to let go she kissed his forehead before burring her head in his neck yawning a little while closing her eyes moving closer to the boy smiling @LilyannaGaming
Cicero said:
"I won't disappear on you or my friends I promise."She stated while continuing to mess with his hair leading on of her hands to his entangling it with hers "Y-you d-don't m-mind r-right?"The girl asked embarrassed by her actions but not wanting to let go she kissed his forehead before burring her head in his neck yawning a little while closing her eyes moving closer to the boy smiling @LilyannaGaming
Fane smiled. " no I don't mind." He said watching her bury her head into his neck. He smiled then blushed. He saw her close her eyes. "Sleep." He said. He watched her breathing waiting for it to even out. He smiled at the girl happily.
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Derrick leans over the bar counter, looking down at his drink with a thoughtful look as different neon colors reflected from the club lights. Spaced out, the club noise was muffled but the beat reverberated through his chest. Unknowingly, he taps against the glass of the Mojito as the thick air pours in and out of his lungs. A drop in the beat brought him out of his daze, and he glances over to Orious who poured little vials of blood into his drinks before he consumed them. Clever. Derrick decided to stay and drink here, not a good dancer, nor very charismatic. He has class, looks, skill- He was just bad with social things. It didn't bother him too much.

Rei shrugs tilting her head. When she sees a flash of violet among the crowd, she hums. "His hair is sorta long, and he's super tall. That him, maybe?" She asks Rin, pointing over to Orious who sat with some classy looking blonde kid. "His....servant maybe? Well he is rich. Wanna go check 'em out?" She smiles tugging on Rin's hand.

Vladimor sits and drinks nothing to special. Straight Vodka. He doesn't say too much with how nervous he was at a place like this. When some guy came over and began speaking with Matthew, he raises a brow, which soon narrowed when he realized it was someone familiar. That one experiment. He doesn't look at him to much as he orders another glass. He nearly chokes on the alcohol when the guy offers to join. Though he didn't quite understand if he meant just in pickin' up chicks or in a threeway. No way. "Well, uh." He downs the rest of his glass before standing, tipping the bartender before straightening his posture. "I'm gonna be around, you guys have fun." he awkwardly shuffles away, and on the search for a potential drug dealer, he runs into a nice looking girl, him quickly apologizing in his native tongue. She responds in Slovakian and he's surprised. It soon leads then talking about random things and getting to know each other, and it's not long before they're sitting together at a table as they flirt innocently. (Or not so much of innocent, but...)​

mewbot5408 said:
Mew made his way towards the bar with a sigh. He easily got inside looking around. He had picked up on the twins signal around this area. His ears flicked up and pinned back as he looked around cautiously. His tail swishing nervously as he began to search around quietly only to be approached by some woman. He moved away with a little hiss of disapproval at the drunks and prostitutes trying to get him. He moved away slowly as the group started fighting over him.

Matthew's facial expression changed from irritated to outraged rather quickly. "What do you take me for?!" he exclaimed, and with that being said he took the nearest guy's shot and downed it out of pure frustration. Vladimor was already walking away, so Matthew took that as his cue to leave as well- Not that he'd go in the direction Vlad went. He didn't want to come off as a stalker. "Go find another person's life to feed off of." Matthew growled at Leo as he got up out of his seat and walked off. He had no clue how ironic those words were.

Rin didn't need to say anything to her, because it was obvious by now that if Rei asked Rin to do something, he wouldn't hesitate to. So, he took her hand and followed her. If Rin had looked behind him, maybe he'd have spotted Mew from the crowds of people, but Rin just walked on until he reached the two men. Neither looked too happy, but not unhappy either. There was something very professional about them: Rin had a feeling he'd like them. "Mr. Vladi... mir?" Rin asked, hoping he had gotten the name right. "Me and my sister were wanting to see him. That's not you, is it?" Rin's dark brown eyes took in the appearance of the man who was dripping something into his drink. His clothing style and choice wasn't really formal, but Rin guessed a noble couldn't be expected to wear a suit all the time in a place like Las Vegas. "Is that him, you think?" Rin telepathically asked his sister. Usually it'd have been easy for him to tell, but the smoke and alcohol all around them was messing with his head.​
"Y-yea....I g-guess I c-can f-finally......s-sle...."The girl trialed off going back into the world of her imagination with it being filled with happiness and joy while being around the boy she subconsciously moved closer to his heat smiling while her breathing steadied with the biggest smile on her face along with blush
Cicero said:
"Y-yea....I g-guess I c-can f-finally......s-sle...."The girl trialed off going back into the world of her imagination with it being filled with happiness and joy while being around the boy she subconsciously moved closer to his heat smiling while her breathing steadied with the biggest smile on her face along with blush
Fane sighed with content. He watched the girl sleep. Smiling himself. He let the girl move closer and fell alsleep with her in his arms. He had dreams of them. He tryied to rid of them and think about his sister.

Silver walked out of her room to check on vi. Who was sound asleep. She walked into Susan's room and her face lit up. Susan was sleeping in Fanes arms. She was happy for the to. She turned and went back to her room.
LilyannaGaming said:
Fane sighed with content. He watched the girl sleep. Smiling himself. He let the girl move closer and fell alsleep with her in his arms. He had dreams of them. He tryied to rid of them and think about his sister.
Silver walked out of her room to check on vi. Who was sound asleep. She walked into Susan's room and her face lit up. Susan was sleeping in Fanes arms. She was happy for the to. She turned and went back to her room.
Susan woke up a tiny bit while looking around seeing she was still with Fane wrapped in his arms she smiled while scooting closer to the sleeping boy looking up at his sleeping face getting red when the idea to kiss him popped into her head she gently shook her head to forget about the thought while staring at him and lips gently placing a finger on hers she put her head down right next to his slowly getting closer while her face get redder eventually she chickened out and was to embarrassed at almost doing kissing him she slowly got up and walked out of the room yawning while mentally beating herself up "Dang it Susan....why did you think that would be a good idea you would have looked like a weirdo most likely making him not want to talk to you ever again or sleep in the same room as you."The girl lectured herself while passing the two other girl's room making it to the magic room trying to use her power doing as Fane had taught her
While rummaging through the club's trash, she never realized that this was a strip club. The smell of sweat and alcohol was stifling in the enclosed space, but she was starving. "Crap!" She swore "i have no money." After living on the streets, with nothing, she knew a couple things about manipulating a guy into buying her dinner. Fluffing her hair and maneuvering her borrowed clothes to reveal a bit more skin, slapping on a stupid grin, hunting for her mark. Finding him sitting in a booth alone, obviously had some money to spare. Sauntering over to him, she slides a leg over his lap." Hey handsome, you busy?" Now straddling his legs his head at chest height.

@King Anthony
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The noble raises a brow, a playful smirk on his face. "Busy?" With her so obvious with her attempts, he couldn't help but to indulge. He places a hand on her waist, grinning up at her with his puppy dog eyes, his piercings glinting in the neon lights. "Not at all... His gaze ran down her body, a pleased looked in his eyes as his eyes meet with hers. "Something you need, doll?" Now that he thought about it, she was probably older than him, and he felt a little bad for flirting with someone older than him while he wasn't even legal yet. Oh well, he probably wouldn't see her after tonight, so what's the worry?

Orious raised a eyebrow and he tilted his head looking at the twins with his bright violet eyes after drinking a good amount of his drink. "..vladimir? no..I'm orious, um I don't know where vlad ran off too...ah if you need to talk to him he's back that way.."ori said and pointed off to where vlad was before turning and taking a sip of his drink. He downed the rest of it and when derrick wasn't looking nor was anyone else slipped somthing in derrick's drink. Orious exhaled and turned around away from the bar. "Hey derrick...you having fun yet or do I need to drag you to go dance?" He asked with a chuckle and Looked out away from the bar. He smiled at looked to derrick.
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"Whatever man." He turned away and walked over to the dance floor. A crowd of drunken glee and regret clogged the his path. He spotted a pile of disdainful chemical reactions in a sack of skin. He approached.

"Hey sexy, wanna get eaten?" He used that literally and figuratively. Funny, but she took the bait.

"Sure! Tacos tonight?" She giggled. Poor girl, she really was gonna be eaten alive. He took her back to their room, hoping Shard didn't mind the little ploy he laid out.

"This is uh... Michelle." He didn't want to say Shard, but it didn't matter anyways, she was dead.


Rei shrugs, which seemed kind of stupid since the question was asked in their heads. When he said no, Rei huffs, but bows, thanking him for his cooperation. "Let's go, then." She tells rin as she looks in the direction this man points him to. In the direction was a tall man, shorter than this one, but his hair was longer. Neither did he look as expected, but it wasn't under her control. The noble man had some women on his lap, and she gagged at the scene.

"Wait, Vladimor, you mean? You seem pretty particular, do you have business with him?" The servant raises a brow, tilting his head with an almost condescending look in his eye as he takes another swig of his unknowingly drugged beverage. (Rei would've said something, but it wasn't her business, she didn't care.) He frowns at the taste, a saltier taste to it. He frowns, setting the drink aside. No one else was around to do such an atrocious act, and he couldn't blame Orious, so he passed it off as his imagination. "If so, I ask that you speak to me first, even though I am off duty." He turns to Orious, chuckling. "I...don't dance..."​
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[QUOTE="King Anthony]

The noble raises a brow, a playful smirk on his face. "Busy?" With her so obvious with her attempts, he couldn't help but to indulge. He places a hand on her waist, grinning up at her with his puppy dog eyes, his piercings glinting in the neon lights. "Not at all... His gaze ran down her body, a pleased looked in his eyes as his eyes meet with hers. "Something you need, doll?" Now that he thought about it, she was probably older than him, and he felt a little bad for flirting with someone older than him while he wasn't even legal yet. Oh well, he probably wouldn't see her after tonight, so what's the worry?

She tried not to shudder as he ran his eyes along Margo's body. All men were the same, even if this one was younger than the rest. Leaning in, she whispers seductively in his ear, "Buy me dinner, then we can have some fun." She had no intention of fulfilling anything 'fun' for him but she was so hungry.

Rin was a dog, always standing at Rei's heels. That's why he didn't even take a second glance at the servant or his friend, and he definitely didn't notice when the supposed friend put something in the servant's drink! All he wanted to do was get this over with, and then maybe have a drink or two with his sister if she wanted. It was actually surprising how many things Rin hadn't noticed tonight, between walking past Mew, not spotting the lumbering giant known as Leo in the crowds, and somehow being completely unaware of the crime Orious had just committed in front of him. Still, it shouldn't have been two surprising Rin was distracted: He and Rei had fought for what had been the first time in ages today, and Mew... Rin didn't even want to think about what had happened with Mew. It wasn't like Rin could be angry at him for something like that, but it still unnerved the boy that there was somebody in the world who thought of him in such a- well, in such a sexual way.

By now Matthew had gotten himself seated in what had to be the only empty table left in the entire club. He had looked around, interested and only slightly drunk at first, but after seeing who he had a perfect view of, he started taking shots like there was no tomorrow- or at least until he was drunk enough to lay his head down on the table and pout. "Why does he have to do that with everyone?" Matthew asked nobody in particular. He was staring at Vladimor, whose hands were on some redhead He didn't even understand what he saw in her: There were other prettier girls here, not that Matthew was interested in any of them. Being gay really sucked sometimes. Maybe, if Matthew had lied and told Vladimor he was bisexual, he could've gotten the lord jealous, but he wasn't even sure that was true. All Vlad said when Matthew had pretty much molested Derrick was that they were even. It was only afterwards that Matthew learned he had made out with Orious rather roughly outside. "Still, you should've been upset... Fucking hell!" Matthew, in a fit of rage, slammed the shot glass on the ground. It didn't break, but it was hard enough that the liquid in it splashed around and went all over Matthew's shirt. "Fuck... Fucking hell!" He tried to dry off the shirt by rubbing it between his two hands, but that barely worked and only caused his hands to smell like alcohol. Defeated, Matthew wrapped his hands around himself, leaned back against his chair, and closed his eyes. There was no way this evening could get worse, but Matthew had a feeling it wouldn't be getting any better.​
Very confused as to why Margo had gone inside- Finn had plenty of money, he'd been pick pocketing for years now- He decides to follow her, then quickly decides not to follow too closely because she clearly didn't know how chairs worked, leaving him stranded in the middle of the club, looking very confused and lost. He'd never heard of a 'strip club' before and wasn't very excited by all the smells and sounds around him. Finn thought all the loudness made everything more confusing and wondered what kind of mischief people got into since everyone was so blatantly distracted. He thought about messing with some of the other guests, but decided against it- he had no need, but it seemed they did.

OOC: Looking to meet other characters. To be clear, he's not actually that stupid, he just never ran into actually seeing how all this stuff happens. He knows what a lap dance is, he just doesn't recognize it because he's never seen one, same for strippers and all the other stuff.
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MermaidShireen said:
She tried not to shudder as he ran his eyes along Margo's body. All men were the same, even if this one was younger than the rest. Leaning in, she whispers seductively in his ear, "Buy me dinner, then we can have some fun." She had no intention of fulfilling anything 'fun' for him but she was so hungry.

He bites his lip as she whispers into his ear, but ends up snorting. "Dinner? That all?" He coaxed her off his lap, standing. "If you're just looking for food, don't give more than what you're taking."Vladimor gestures for her to follow him. Once more at the bar table, he asks for a menu, handing it to Margo. "I'm not stingy with my money, knock yourself out." He continues to smile but not too far he notices Derrick and the the blood drinker speaking to two twins.

Rei doesn't take her sights off Vladimor, clicking her teeth at Derrick and going over to the dark-haired man along side her brother, earning an amused look from the servant. "You the rich kid with the big experiment house?"She was blatant about it, and the noble raises a brow at her and only that. Rei looks back at her brother to get his cooperation, groaning a little bit. Vladimor looked between the two, and looked back at Margo for a split second. "You...guys...girls..uh...Do you need anything?"​
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

He bites his lip as she whispers into his ear, but ends up snorting. "Dinner? That all?" He coaxed her off his lap, standing. "If you're just looking for food, don't give more than what you're taking."Vladimor gestures for her to follow him. Once more at the bar table, he asks for a menu, handing it to Margo. "I'm not stingy with my money, knock yourself out." He continues to smile but not too far he notices Derrick and the the blood drinker speaking to two twins.

Rei doesn't take her sights off Vladimor, clicking her teeth at Derrick and going over to the dark-haired man along side her brother, earning an amused look from the servant. "You the rich kid with the big experiment house?"She was blatant about it, and the noble raises a brow at her and only that. Rei looks back at her brother to get his cooperation, groaning a little bit. Vladimor looked between the two, and looked back at Margo for a split second. "You...guys...girls..uh...Do you need anything?"​

[QUOTE="Finnagin Frost]Very confused as to why Margo had gone inside- Finn had plenty of money, he'd been pick pocketing for years now- He decides to follow her, then quickly decides not to follow too closely because she clearly didn't know how chairs worked, leaving him stranded in the middle of the club, looking very confused and lost. He'd never heard of a 'strip club' before and wasn't very excited by all the smells and sounds around him. Finn thought all the loudness made everything more confusing and wondered what kind of mischief people got into since everyone was so blatantly distracted. He thought about messing with some of the other guests, but decided against it- he had no need, but it seemed they did.
OOC: Looking to meet other characters. To be clear, he's not actually that stupid, he just never ran into actually seeing how all this stuff happens. He knows what a lap dance is, he just doesn't recognize it because he's never seen one, same for strippers and all the other stuff.

(OOC: that was not a lap dance, that was persuasion.)

Taking the menu that the he gave her... Vladimir, she heard someone call him, and ordered 2 burgers, an order of children tenders, and a soda. Her purple eyes turned Amber as she waited for her food. " Experiment house?" She asked shocked " you own that disaster house?" Then realizing what that actually entailed " oh no... You're the guy I was supposed to ask about living in your house..." Completely embarrassed and slightly mortified now "I apologize for my actions, if I'd know who you were, I would never have tricked you into buying me food."
Orious chuckled a little and tilted his head."I don't either but I thought it was worth a shot asking you..." He told the boy with a smile. Exhaling he noticed the mass conversation.He murmured something about noise in French. He looked back at derrick with his violet eyes luminous amoung the darkness of the room. "...derrick, " he asked softly and tilted his head,dark hair falling gently past his shoulders. Orious looked at him studying for a moment and sighed. Maybe the drug would kick in soon. He just didn't know what to do. He glanced off taking a drink of another glass looking out. "you just prefer sitting here then?"

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Shard tilted her head and she was sitting on the bed."greetings, come over here.." He told the human as she waved a pale hand gesturing for the girl to come over. When the girl approached shard pinned her down licking her neck only slide a hand over the human's mouth shoving her to the floor and split her head straight off her body with a clean cut. Shard smiled widely as her mouth ripping and changing lined with several very sharp fangs as she tore into the fresh corpse. Oddly she barely made a mess.
Wonderful. Fucking wonderful.

Dante didn't usually find herself angry, but she became so when a call from the scientists who controlled her changed plans. Now she was wearing casual clothing and pulling her hair up and back and away from her neck, staring into the hotel room's mirror and trying to school the vexed expression off of her face. She was good at undercover work, but she disliked it heavily. Sighing, she checked the paper she'd written her orders on.

Make your way to (random name here) at (yay addresses). Your job is to befriend the experiments and catch them off-guard the night of the raid.

Okay, so she had copied down exactly like the weirdo she is. Whatever. Taking a deep breath, Dante turned away from the mirror, closing herself off from her emotions and placing a fake yet extremely convincing content look on her face. It was unlikely anyone would see through it. And if they did, she could play a different act: the role of the manipulated.

She left the hotel, ignoring the curious looks her silver hair attracted. She came to the club where some members of the group were, shuddering with disgust but entering anyways. She wandered aimlessly for a while, as if looking for someone, refusing any drinks and saying she doesn't like alcohol. She really didn't; it smelled terrible, and she hated the loss of control that came with it.

One experiment, sitting alone, caught her eye. From the way he was looking around, he wasn't interested in any girls and someone has pissed him off. She went up to the bar, taking some napkins over to him and holding them out.

"Figured you could use someone to help you out. Get stood up?" She knew that wasn't the case, but couldn't seem like she knew everything, either. She was a normal person with no military training right now.

She sat on the other side of the table, peering at him with sympathy.
"If it helps, I did, too."

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Rin didn't look and wasn't surprised to see that the redhead was supposed to ask about staying at the house too. She obviously didn't belong in a place like this- No amount of flirting could have convinced Rin otherwise. He ignored Rei's impatience, and instead stuck a hand out to Vladimor in greeting. Perhaps he was a little too formal, but he decided it would be their safest option, now that their ability to read minds was being effected by all the drugs, alcohol, and other mind-numbing things they were breathing in. "As my sister said, we're here to discuss the house. We're both biologically female, but my identity differs from that assigned sex. May we stay there for the time-being? I assure you that we won't cause any trouble for you." Rin's bangs fell in front of half his face while he spoke. He would've brushed them away, but the hand that wasn't extended toward Vlad was holding unto one of Rei's hands, as if merely standing by her would fend off the perverts in this place. The hairband that Rei had given him had fallen out long ago, but it wasn't until this moment that he noticed. "Sorry." Rin told her telepathically, but he wasn't sure if she heard him. If a comparison had to be made, Rin would've compared this feeling of not being able to read each other's minds to that of heavy static: Some words could be heard here and there, but for the most part it was a poor connection that left the recipient guessing what the message really said.

mewbot5408 said:
Shard tilted her head and she was sitting on the bed."greetings, come over here.." He told the human as she waved a pale hand gesturing for the girl to come over. When the girl approached shard pinned her down licking her neck only slide a hand over the human's mouth shoving her to the floor and split her head straight off her body with a clean cut. Shard smiled widely as her mouth ripping and changing lined with several very sharp fangs as she tore into the fresh corpse. Oddly she barely made a mess.
"Oh god, that's-" He threw up on the floor, through a triggered gag reflex in his mask, raising it. A shiny blackish-tannish-silverish mass came out of him. He wiped his mouth of the fluid, and looked down at the body. It was a headless, clean cut. There wasn't any space for pain, but the writhing mass still had a bit of a twitch to it, as the body still held it's final functions dear. He sat the body upright, and looked Shard, who was just finishing up a thigh. 'She isn't going to ever give me a beej.' he thought.

"Well. I'm off." He stumbled back to the party.
Matthew raised his head off the table to take in the appearance of the girl who approached him. She looked to young to be here, but then again, so did he and everyone he came here with. "I didn't get stood up- I don't have anyone to stand me up..." Matthew's speech was heavily slurred and he knew it, but he was too upset to be embarrassed. Instead, he just gave her a careless look and asked what she was doing, talking to him. While he waited for an answer, he reached over and drank the alcohol that was supposed to be poured into shot glasses from the bottle. He didn't chug it, but by the time he set it back down a significant amount of the drink was gone. "Damn... Why did he have to be my first?" Matthew mumbled quietly, obviously not talking to her but to himself. It would have also been clear to anyone who had been around him these past few days that the "he" that was mentioned was Vladimor. What he meant by "first" might have been anything, but all he meant was first love. As apathetic as Matthew was, he knew and even wanted to tell somebody that he was, but the only person who actually deserved to know was Vlad... and even drunk, Matthew didn't have the courage to say something relatively close to that!


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