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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

iiimee said:
Matthew raised his head off the table to take in the appearance of the girl who approached him. She looked to young to be here, but then again, so did he and everyone he came here with. "I didn't get stood up- I don't have anyone to stand me up..." Matthew's speech was heavily slurred and he knew it, but he was too upset to be embarrassed. Instead, he just gave her a careless look and asked what she was doing, talking to him. While he waited for an answer, he reached over and drank the alcohol that was supposed to be poured into shot glasses from the bottle. He didn't chug it, but by the time he set it back down a significant amount of the drink was gone. "Damn... Why did he have to be my first?" Matthew mumbled quietly, obviously not talking to her but to himself. It would have also been clear to anyone who had been around him these past few days that the "he" that was mentioned was Vladimor. What he meant by "first" might have been anything, but all he meant was first love. As apathetic as Matthew was, he knew and even wanted to tell somebody that he was, but the only person who actually deserved to know was Vlad... and even drunk, Matthew didn't have the courage to say something relatively close to that!

Dante shrugged. "You're already drunk, if you keep it up you'll be really sick tomorrow," she said sternly, rising again and removing all of the alcohol from the table and throwing it away. She returned to the table shortly, sitting back in the seat.

This is where things got a bit more difficult. In order to fit in with their group, she had to reveal she was an experiment and that she knew they were, too. Matt, being drunk, would be a bit of a problem, but she had to try.

"Look," she began hesitantly, casting her gaze down at the table to give the impression of sadness. "We've all been through some hard times.." Her gaze flickered back up to Matt's. "I feel me and you can relate," she said, wiping her hands on a clean napkin--the closest she could get to washing her hands without revealing her nearly-glowing eyes to the world--and popped a contact out of one eye. The moment it was gone, her eyes went from a forest-y green to the acid that matched Naomi's and Calvin's at times. Except her pupils were cat-slits.

"Don't freak out," she said warily, sliding the thin plastic ((I think that's what they're made of.. I wear 'em and I don't even know! xD )) back into her eye. She didn't know how much of this Matt was actually understanding, and wasn't going to risk showing him proof for too long lest someone else notice.

"I want to help you guys, really," she added, and her gaze dropped once more to the table, this time in the form of a glare. "I just want revenge."
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]"Oh god, that's-" He threw up on the floor, through a triggered gag reflex in his mask, raising it. A shiny blackish-tannish-silverish mass came out of him. He wiped his mouth of the fluid, and looked down at the body. It was a headless, clean cut. There wasn't any space for pain, but the writhing mass still had a bit of a twitch to it, as the body still held it's final functions dear. He sat the body upright, and looked Shard, who was just finishing up a thigh. 'She isn't going to ever give me a beej.' he thought.
"Well. I'm off." He stumbled back to the party.

Shard Sat up wiping her mouth and she had reverted back to its original state. Her purple eyes blinking and she looked up to Leo standing up.she followed by him practically tugging on his arm with a giggle. "Hey..leooo,baby. Wait for me..I wanna come too!" She told him and hugged his arm purring happily.
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Dante shrugged. "You're already drunk, if you keep it up you'll be really sick tomorrow," she said sternly, rising again and removing all of the alcohol from the table and throwing it away. She returned to the table shortly, sitting back in the seat.
This is where things got a bit more difficult. In order to fit in with their group, she had to reveal she was an experiment and that she knew they were, too. Matt, being drunk, would be a bit of a problem, but she had to try.

"Look," she began hesitantly, casting her gaze down at the table to give the impression of sadness. "We've all been through some hard times.." Her gaze flickered back up to Matt's. "I feel me and you can relate," she said, wiping her hands on a clean napkin--the closest she could get to washing her hands without revealing her nearly-glowing eyes to the world--and popped a contact out of one eye. The moment it was gone, her eyes went from a forest-y green to the acid that matched Naomi's and Calvin's at times. Except her pupils were cat-slits.

"Don't freak out," she said warily, sliding the thin plastic ((I think that's what they're made of.. I wear 'em and I don't even know! xD )) back into her eye. She didn't know how much of this Matt was actually understanding, and wasn't going to risk showing him proof for too long lest someone else notice.

"I want to help you guys, really," she added, and her gaze dropped once more to the table, this time in the form of a glare. "I just want revenge."


Matthew didn't seem the slightest bit fazed when he saw her eyes change colour. Of course she was an experiment. If she wasn't, why would she be talking to him? He didn't have any money, he was drunk out of his mind, and- though she probably couldn't tell right off the bat- he was gay. There was literally nothing about Matthew that was appealing right now, except for maybe his face. "I don't do revenge," Matthew told her. It was a fact. Matthew always hated the concept of it. Revenge made people arrogant. It was all about taking control of another person's life, just because they had taken control of yours. It was sadistic, and even somebody as fucked up as Matt could see the harm it did to people. Still, he reached a hand across the table to touch her's, just in case she was ready to leave the minute he said that. "But, if it's revenge you want, I know a whole group of people who are ready to help you get it. Just because I'm a pacifist, doesn't mean everyone else is." He let go of her hand and leaned back, casually pointing at the different experiments he knew and described them.

"The guy in the robot costume? That's Leo. He's a total freak. Avoid him if you hate freaks."

"Over there... the tall bitch is Orious, or blood-drinker, as I call him. Next to him is Derrick. The only person Derrick likes is..."

Matthew hesitated, before pointing a finger over in Vlad's direction. He knew this chick had seen him staring off in that direction before, so it really felt like he was confessing something when he pointed at the lord.

"Vlad. He's a total flirt, and you should avoid him if you're not talking business."

Matthew stopped with the introductions. He knew a few other people here, but only vaguely. "The name's Matt-yew. Er, I mean Matthew." For a few seconds he struggled to even pronounce his own name. It had been a struggle to articulate all this time, and now that was really showing. With a sigh, Matthew stood up. He meant to just stretch his legs a bit, but with his lack of control, he took a few steps to the right, and nearly fell against a man who was walking by- nearly. "Is the room swaying for you, or iss it jusst me?" asked, but the slight smirk on his face showed that he already knew the answer. He managed to sit back down, but when he did the smile disappeared and he looked annoyed again. "Don't-" he hiccuped, much to the amusement of some girls, who messed up his hair as they passed by him. "Steal him okay? I haven't met anyone like him bah-four." With that said, poor drunk Matthew placed his head back down against the table. Life would be hell when he sobered up.​
Dante shrugged, nearly flinching when he put his hand on hers as if to stop her from leaving, but concealing it. He doesn't do revenge, huh? She was sure he'd feel differently after the raid.

She listened quietly as he explained each experiment, chuckling at Leo's description. She remained quiet at Orious's introduction; she already knew what he was, who he was, and confronting him was a priority of hers. Vlad wasn't someone she planned on bothering too much; his shadows made for a deadly weapon. When Matt rose and swayed, Dante nearly rose out of her chair to help him.

"If you want, I could help you out. You should probably get home, anyways." Dante tilted her head, smiling slightly when Matt returned to talking about Vlad.

"That's adorable," she said, her smile widening a bit.

"We should probably get out of here. You don't need to be drawn towards anymore alcohol tonight, Matthew," she added. "Or can I just call you Matt?" As she spoke, she stood and walked over to Matt's side of the table, taking his arm and hauling him onto his feet. The boy really needed to rest, and was going to have hell tomorrow.

He'd be easy to subdue, then.
iiimee said:
Rin didn't look and wasn't surprised to see that the redhead was supposed to ask about staying at the house too. She obviously didn't belong in a place like this- No amount of flirting could have convinced Rin otherwise. He ignored Rei's impatience, and instead stuck a hand out to Vladimor in greeting. Perhaps he was a little too formal, but he decided it would be their safest option, now that their ability to read minds was being effected by all the drugs, alcohol, and other mind-numbing things they were breathing in. "As my sister said, we're here to discuss the house. We're both biologically female, but my identity differs from that assigned sex. May we stay there for the time-being? I assure you that we won't cause any trouble for you." Rin's bangs fell in front of half his face while he spoke. He would've brushed them away, but the hand that wasn't extended toward Vlad was holding unto one of Rei's hands, as if merely standing by her would fend off the perverts in this place. The hairband that Rei had given him had fallen out long ago, but it wasn't until this moment that he noticed. "Sorry." Rin told her telepathically, but he wasn't sure if she heard him. If a comparison had to be made, Rin would've compared this feeling of not being able to read each other's minds to that of heavy static: Some words could be heard here and there, but for the most part it was a poor connection that left the recipient guessing what the message really said.

Mew picked up on rin's scent and approached before pulling him away from them and walking around quickly. He stopped letting out a sharp few breaths kneeling over in pain. The next moment he rose and began checking over over rin before hugging him tightly with a relived sigh. It was obvious mew had been worried about him of all things. "I was wondering why you didn't come back.....I'm glad you're okay," he said softly. The Neko cyborg shivered. His ears were fattening and his tail swishing nervously behind him.
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Dante shrugged, nearly flinching when he put his hand on hers as if to stop her from leaving, but concealing it. He doesn't do revenge, huh? She was sure he'd feel differently after the raid.
She listened quietly as he explained each experiment, chuckling at Leo's description. She remained quiet at Orious's introduction; she already knew what he was, who he was, and confronting him was a priority of hers. Vlad wasn't someone she planned on bothering too much; his shadows made for a deadly weapon. When Matt rose and swayed, Dante nearly rose out of her chair to help him.

"If you want, I could help you out. You should probably get home, anyways." Dante tilted her head, smiling slightly when Matt returned to talking about Vlad.

"That's adorable," she said, her smile widening a bit.

"We should probably get out of here. You don't need to be drawn towards anymore alcohol tonight, Matthew," she added. "Or can I just call you Matt?" As she spoke, she stood and walked over to Matt's side of the table, taking his arm and hauling him onto his feet. The boy really needed to rest, and was going to have hell tomorrow.

He'd be easy to subdue, then.

mewbot5408 said:
Mew picked up on rin's scent and approached before pulling him away from them and walking around quickly. He stopped letting out a sharp few breaths kneeling over in pain. The next moment he rose and began checking over over rin before hugging him tightly with a relived sigh. It was obvious mew had been worried about him of all things. "I was wondering why you didn't come back.....I'm glad you're okay," he said softly. The Neko cyborg shivered. His ears were fattening and his tail swishing nervously behind him.

"I'm not going home, and no- It's Matt-yew." Once again, the poor boy slurred his own name. He was clearly drunk, but that didn't stop himself from resisting her touch and pulling away. He kept himself standing, despite his inability to walk straight. She'd have to drag him out of here if she really wanted him to leave, and that would cause a scene neither of them could afford.

"Wha- Hey!" Rin raising his voice caused a few people to turn their heads, but other than that the club carried on, not caring what happened as the mysterious boy dragged what looked like a helpless girl who-knows-where. Rin could stop Mew if he wanted to though, not that those staring their way knew that. "What are you doing here?" Rin demanded once they had stopped walking. He was concerned with the way Mew was breathing, but only slightly. He had stitched Mew up, so hopefully those injuries would heal. If not, a scar wouldn't hurt the already malfunctioning cyborg. Rin considered repeating his question, since Mew didn't seem to hear, but before he could open his mouth Mew turned around and his arms were wrapped around Rin. The boy squirmed, not used to being held so tight. It wasn't like it was physically uncomfortable, but there was something strange about this. "Mew, what are you doing?" Rin asked him quietly. Their bodies were too close for this to be called appropriate, and while Rin didn't move away, he felt a little uneasy. Mew's body was so firm compared to Rin's, and his hands which rested and Rin's lower back... they were too hot. To escape them Rin moved forward slightly, or as much as he could. This didn't help matters, as Mew's hands were still there, and now their bodies were practically against each other's. Mew was... so warm... Rin looked up at him, bewildered and uncertain of if it was just him that felt this way. What was this? "I need to go back Mew. We were discussing... We were discussing staying there." Rin spoke clearly, but somehow the words went past the two of them. Rin's face and the way his chest rose and fell so unevenly both indicated that he was flustered, but he didn't actually realize it. All he understood was that Mew was too close, he should be going back to the others... and that Mew felt really cozy. There was an energy in Rin's system that he had never felt before. It was like adrenaline, but with a slightly different purpose. Still, Rin didn't trust it. That's why he still pushed a hand lightly against Mew's hand: It was a warning that Mew should move away, but it was also so weak that it didn't even give them more than a centimeter's distance.​
Dante crossed her arms. "I really don't think staring at him and wishing will help anything." She sighed, eyeing him stubbornly and considering just dragging him out of the club. Really, if he stayed here much longer he'd probably find a way to accidentally kill himself. "If you're going to stay here, I'd suggest talking to him," she said, referencing Vlad, "but you're too drunk for sensible talk. I really think you should get home so you can get a head start on your recovery."

Don't start feeling sympathy for him now, came the one voice that had always accompanied her since she could remember. The 'voice of reason,' you could say, so long as you sided with the scientists. The one piece of schizophrenia they had failed to remove, and had been content to let stay, since it helped Dante keep in line by sending her into wild fits--whether seizures or self-harm or even mindless killing, which she hated.

I'm not, Dante mentally growled in return, frowning outwardly for only a moment.

She turned her mind back to the matter at hand. Blending in.
"Besides, this place is too loud, and it stinks, and--" ((Insert Vladimor's interruption here xD ))
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Vladimor raises a brow, coughing. "Trick me? Could've just said so. Everyone has the okay, as long as they're...ya know." He points to the rest of of everyone else. "And a...mess? When I left there was nothing more than...a whole in the wall." He glares over bitterly at Orious, huffing. "Whatever, if you need anything." He stands dusting himself off before going to look for Matthew

At some point, he passed the DJ and he stops to request a song, slipping a 50 to the man. The guy gives him a thumbs up and Vladimor waits out the current song as he continues his search, perking up when he spots Matthew near some girl. He beams at the two, not too oblivious two Matthew's drunkness. When he got to them, the girl was gone and all was left was Matthew. He gives a shallow bow, looking back when his song started to play. "Ohhh, this is gonna be fun! Let's go! Ahaaha!" He takes his one day to-be lover's wrist as the songs builds it way to the lyrics, leading him onto the middle of the dance floor. "I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drum!" He points at him, going along with the song with a bob in his head and a tap in his foot and taking his hands. ((What a loser he is))

Derrick smiles shaking his head, pushing the drink away on the second sip. It didn't sit right with him and he was a little drunk already at the strength of the drink he had. "Clubs are not my thing....so...yes. Sitting here would be my thing." He laughs softly, looking out at the dance floor, watching people have fun with each other. Sometimes he wishes it were him out there, bein' dumb with people like him. He didn't really mind cause he had no self esteem. Brushing blonde lock behind his ear he closes his eyes, taking another deep breath. "Die Young is a fun song..." He spots Vladimor on the floor with that commoner boy, rolling his eyes. "Oh what a shame that you came here with someone..." He sung lowly, standing up, feeling sort of dizzy. "On second thought, let us join the crowd." His tone actually seemed somewhat frustrated as he looks at the two, taking Orious' hand and tugging him out near the others.

Rei was quick to notice the scent of the robo-kitty whirring by and snatching up her brother. "Rin!?" She looks around, having trouble locating him and the cat running in a direction she thinks he might have gone. She bites down on her tongue; they just got back together again and here he was taking Rin away from him once more.
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iiimee said:

"I'm not going home, and no- It's Matt-yew." Once again, the poor boy slurred his own name. He was clearly drunk, but that didn't stop himself from resisting her touch and pulling away. He kept himself standing, despite his inability to walk straight. She'd have to drag him out of here if she really wanted him to leave, and that would cause a scene neither of them could afford.

"Wha- Hey!" Rin raising his voice caused a few people to turn their heads, but other than that the club carried on, not caring what happened as the mysterious boy dragged what looked like a helpless girl who-knows-where. Rin could stop Mew if he wanted to though, not that those staring their way knew that. "What are you doing here?" Rin demanded once they had stopped walking. He was concerned with the way Mew was breathing, but only slightly. He had stitched Mew up, so hopefully those injuries would heal. If not, a scar wouldn't hurt the already malfunctioning cyborg. Rin considered repeating his question, since Mew didn't seem to hear, but before he could open his mouth Mew turned around and his arms were wrapped around Rin. The boy squirmed, not used to being held so tight. It wasn't like it was physically uncomfortable, but there was something strange about this. "Mew, what are you doing?" Rin asked him quietly. Their bodies were too close for this to be called appropriate, and while Rin didn't move away, he felt a little uneasy. Mew's body was so firm compared to Rin's, and his hands which rested and Rin's lower back... they were too hot. To escape them Rin moved forward slightly, or as much as he could. This didn't help matters, as Mew's hands were still there, and now their bodies were practically against each other's. Mew was... so warm... Rin looked up at him, bewildered and uncertain of if it was just him that felt this way. What was this? "I need to go back Mew. We were discussing... We were discussing staying there." Rin spoke clearly, but somehow the words went past the two of them. Rin's face and the way his chest rose and fell so unevenly both indicated that he was flustered, but he didn't actually realize it. All he understood was that Mew was too close, he should be going back to the others... and that Mew felt really cozy. There was an energy in Rin's system that he had never felt before. It was like adrenaline, but with a slightly different purpose. Still, Rin didn't trust it. That's why he still pushed a hand lightly against Mew's hand: It was a warning that Mew should move away, but it was also so weak that it didn't even give them more than a centimeter's distance.​
He didn't move staring at rin blushing."I..thought somthing bad might happen.." he anwsered but his thoughts got a bit cloudy.

mew not thinking straight any longer. He suddenly leaned in kissing rin on the mouth then moved down kissing his jaw then neck and throat moving all the way to the tip of his shoulder. Moving back up a licked where the neck and shoulder connect biting his collar bone. His tail flicked irritably and only did he realize a moment's too late what he had done moving away slowly eyes widening and his cheeks burning bright red. He left two nice big marks on rin's skin.
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]((Dammit Anthony read my post xD ))

Oblivion, bright white, numb, cold.

The last thing Belladonna Nox remembered was being moved from the warm tank to the cold bed she now lay on. The voices of the ones who created her, a dull throb of noise in her head. They seemed louder today, and more excited than usual, the only time that happens is when they find another of their lost projects. She hoped the poor souls would escape the monsters hunting them.

Rin froze the second he felt lips against his own. Mew wasn't gentle like Rin thought he'd have been. He kissed Rin roughly, and for a few timid and curious seconds, Rin kissed back, unsure of what else to do. That was until Mew started trailing his mouth down, hitting sensitive parts of Rin's skin that the boy didn't even know existed. "Mew..." Along with small sounds Rin never knew he could make, he said Mew's name, not out of love but as a warning. He was... scared? It was possible. Rin knew what was happening. He had known something like this was going to happen the second Mew looked at him, so why didn't he run away? He was confused by his own emotions, but he didn't have time to dissect them, as a bite along his neck held him in place and informed him that his time was up. Time... it couldn't have just been Rin's time to understand that had stopped, but everything else froze in place too, or at least felt like it did. Rin's body felt slow and feeble compared to the arms that held him. It was the first time his helplessness had been made so clear to him, and perhaps that was why he reacted so badly. "Get off!" he screamed, shoving an already bright red Mew away and attracting the attention of some of the nearest drunks. Rin touched the place on his shoulder instinctively as it was exposed to the cold. The bite marks were still there, but Rin couldn't see any blood. It took several deep breaths for Rin to calm himself, but when he did he knew it was already too late: Something bad would come from this. Something bad had already come from this. Where was Rei? His eyes searched the crowds, looking for the comfort that was his twin sister. He didn't move from his spot though. If Mew said anything to him, he'd just cut the slightly younger boy off, or at least he told himself that he would. Ow... His shoulder still stung badly, but mostly from the lack of pressure, since his body was already so used to having Mew against it. "No, it's not." Rin denied the thought. It honestly disgusted him to know that for a second his body had been so reliant upon Mew's, yet what disgusted him the most was... He wasn't entirely turned off by it, or filled with hate toward Mew. Actually, he was blushing! "My sister... where is she?" Rin tried to keep his thoughts on her alone. People stared at him, some wondering if he was okay and some being perverts, but Rin ignored all of them. He just kept his eyes glued on the crowd, hoping to find her before this situation became more unsettling than it already was.

Ooc: Is it fixed? No clue what the issue was... Can I post with Matthew? X_X WHAT @Trombone Geek @King Anthony
((I'M SO CONFUUUUUSED.. Just ignore the scene with the murderers, I read over it and it was terribly set up ._. Right now, she's just confused because BOOM! A wild Vladimor appears!))
Margo's food finally arrives and she does everything she possible can to not tear into her food like an animal. However, the bar keep still gives her a worried look after she eats the three burgers, the chicken, and the fries in less than a minute. Her hunger satisfied, her eyes go back to their normal purple, and she looks around to find her companion that she so mercilessly abandoned, completely ignoring Mew and Rin. Finn was standing across the room awkwardly, obviously not comfortable in the situation, or in the women dancing on the stage. Walking to him, dropping the facade of being a gogo girl, she says "You look miserable. Not a fan of clubs?"

@Finnagin Frost
Happy to have someone else to talk to, Finn responds "Apparently so. I've never been to a place like this, so I guess I'm not a fan. I much prefer to know someone before becoming emotionally influenced by skin. However, most of my uncomfortableness comes from knowing how easily one could be pick pocketed or drugged here. On a different note, why did you go to get food from him? I have plenty of money if you have need."
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mewbot5408 said:
Shard Sat up wiping her mouth and she had reverted back to its original state. Her purple eyes blinking and she looked up to Leo standing up.she followed by him practically tugging on his arm with a giggle. "Hey..leooo,baby. Wait for me..I wanna come too!" She told him and hugged his arm purring happily.
"Okay fine. One condition. No eating people while I'm here. I have to fill my stomach again." He muttered "What the fuck am I doing?" He passed by to grab a burger at the bar. He passed his fingers through Shard's hair and then grabbed a large burger. So large that immediately something was wrong. There was a rat nearby. He unslung his rifle and shot a single bolt of light lazily. He took the gun back, and took a bite of his burger.

"Ton o' characters around here. Like Matt's group of fuckers. And the white hair fucker. And those fucks that keep fucking with the stairs. Fuck."
iiimee said:

Note: Matthew's group of fuckers are the best fuckers around. Just for that comment, Leo is now deemed "The Lone Fucker" out of character... You're welcome

@Surprise Meteors
Sub-note: Leo is perfectly fine with this, because being a fucker is fucking glorious.
[QUOTE="King Anthony]Vladimor raises a brow, coughing. "Trick me? Could've just said so. Everyone has the okay, as long as they're...ya know." He points to the rest of of everyone else. "And a...mess? When I left there was nothing more than...a whole in the wall." He glares over bitterly at Orious, huffing. "Whatever, if you need anything." He stands dusting himself off before going to look for Matthew
At some point, he passed the DJ and he stops to request a song, slipping a 50 to the man. The guy gives him a thumbs up and Vladimor waits out the current song as he continues his search, perking up when he spots Matthew near some girl. He beams at the two, not too oblivious two Matthew's drunkness. When he got to them, the girl was gone and all was left was Matthew. He gives a shallow bow, looking back when his song started to play. "Ohhh, this is gonna be fun! Let's go! Ahaaha!" He takes his one day to-be lover's wrist as the songs builds it way to the lyrics, leading him onto the middle of the dance floor. "I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drum!" He points at him, going along with the song with a bob in his head and a tap in his foot and taking his hands. ((What a loser he is))

Derrick smiles shaking his head, pushing the drink away on the second sip. It didn't sit right with him and he was a little drunk already at the strength of the drink he had. "Clubs are not my thing....so...yes. Sitting here would be my thing." He laughs softly, looking out at the dance floor, watching people have fun with each other. Sometimes he wishes it were him out there, bein' dumb with people like him. He didn't really mind cause he had no self esteem. Brushing blonde lock behind his ear he closes his eyes, taking another deep breath. "Die Young is a fun song..." He spots Vladimor on the floor with that commoner boy, rolling his eyes. "Oh what a shame that you came here with someone..." He sung lowly, standing up, feeling sort of dizzy. "On second thought, let us join the crowd." His tone actually seemed somewhat frustrated as he looks at the two, taking Orious' hand and tugging him out near the others.

Rei was quick to notice the scent of the robo-kitty whirring by and snatching up her brother. "Rin!?" She looks around, having trouble locating him and the cat running in a direction she thinks he might have gone. She bites down on her tongue; they just got back together again and here he was taking Rin away from him once more.

"I can talk!" Matthew wanted to tell her, but in what seemed like seconds she had vanished and was replaced by Vladimor, who grabbed his hand and starting to pull him along. "H- hey!" he tried to object to the younger boy's behavior, but it didn't do much good. Soon he was standing on the dance floor with Vladimor. Other drunks bumped against them now and then, but that didn't bother Matthew nearly as much as the fact Vladimor had both his wrists in his hands. His deep voice echoed in Matt's ears. It was beautiful, and with the drunken mind Matthew possessed, it was more than that: It was hypnotizing. "I... don't know the lyrics." Matthew finally told him, since he knew he should've sang along but really, that would've been difficult, lyrics or not. Every twenty seconds somebody ended up screaming, shouting incoherent words that only made sense to them. He tapped his foot for a bit, trying to just go with the motions, but eventually he stopped that too. Something had been bothering him this whole time, and when he saw Derrick come over that only made him feel more pressured to make his move: He was jealous, and figured a night like this was as good as any other one to show it. "Hey Vlad, dancing's fun right?" he asked, wrestling his hands free of the taller boy's hands while he spoke. He moved closer then, wrapping his arms around Vladimor's neck. It wasn't like that was a dance move, but then again his pick-up line didn't have to make sense. It didn't take him more than a second's thought before he lifted himself to press his lips firmly against Vlad's. However, that second was all Vlad had before Matthew pulled away, looking away from the taller boy. "Man, my breath really stinks." he mumbled, just now remembering how much he had drunk. Alcohol was fun, but kissing Vladimor after drinking so much was pretty much admitting that he had an addiction. Vlad had probably drank a lot too- Matthew could smell it on him, but he was just fine. Matthew... he could barely walk. He had no business flirting, but that's exactly what he wanted to do, especially when he knew Derrick was watching. "So... what about this song made you drag me?" Matthew asked, after turning back around somewhat dizzily. He flirted intensely, or at least what he considered intense. He put his hands on Vladimor's shoulder while he spoke, pretending to just lean on the boy to keep himself steady, but no doubt Vladimor would find it a little odd that Matthew's hands rubbed those spots a little as well, sometimes lowering just a little bit to touch along Vladimor's collarbone or moving slightly to touch his neck. They'd touch anywhere along that area, except Matt would never lower them all the chest. If he did, then it'd be all too obvious that he wasn't helpless but rather flirting like crazy. It was already obvious enough to an intelligent person what poor, nerdy and drunk Matthew was attempting to do- couldn't somebody cut him some slack?


Vladimor was quite responsive to Matthew, kissing back despite the beer-breath. He himself was only the slightest bit drunk, only feeling the slight buzz that came with a couple of bottles. He didn't dance too much either, besides the hip swaying and foot there wasn't much going on. Of course the noble wasn't oblivious, this was Matthew. Matthew flirted, and Vladimor knew just how he did. With a smirk on those pale lips of his, he places a hand on the hip of the small drunk boy. "It's a fitting song, isn't it? With the pace of how everything's going." Vladimor looks around for a brief moment his gaze lock between Derrick and Orious, and honestly, he's still not all settled with Orious' attraction to Derrick. However, he flashes a smile in their direction, turning back to Matthew. "Don't drink yourself to death, I don't want you to be so drunk to where if I try anything with you it'd be non-con, aight, chief?" He grins down at the other, his perfect white teeth reflecting off the club light as he brings a finger under the boy's chin, leaning in to nip at his bottom lip playfully before straightening himself.

Derrick stands with Orious, his body pressed to his with arms around his neck. Honestly, he was getting dizzier and he began to debate his earlier thoughts, almost wanting to verify he'd been drugged. He shakes his head and waves it off as drinking something too strong as his first drink of the night. His face was red because of both the alcohol and the odd, sudden tightness in his pants. Darn you, teenage hormones? He doesn't believe that is valid at the time. "This is...fun? Right?" There was a small chuckle in his voice, his focus blurring on Orious' face for a moment. He felt out of character, but in such a way he could barely control it. There he was, looking up at Orious with such a vulnerable look in his dull red eyes. So sheepishly, he steps back, rubbing his eyes. "I...apologize for being so clingy I do not understand what is..." He spaces out for a moment, his expression focusing a bit for a second before he laughs again, forcing himself to believe the alcohol really just is getting to him. "What has gotten over me..." He looks over and sees Matthew and Vladimor together, but right now it didn't bother him. Not too much anyway. As the drugs clogged up his mind, he found less places for jealousy and more place for the vampire in front of him. He body trembled, his lips reddened in lust.​
"Dammit Vlad, why can't you be mine?" Matthew knew how cheesy it sounded, but that didn't prevent the thought from popping into his head. Still, no matter how loose-lipped he was, he didn't have the nerve to say it. In fact, he didn't have the nerve to say much at all after Vladimor leaned down and bit his lip like the complete savage he was. He leaned away again, but instead of just letting him slip away Matthew stepped forward. This time he did lower his hands to Vlad's chest, and once they had rested there for a moment he grabbed unto the shirt. He clung to the thin fabric and rested his head against Vladimor. It was like he was clinging to Vladimor for dear life, and his thoughts echoed this. "If I let go, will he run away? I want to be interesting to him." The worry that Vladimor would get bored of him... It should have been obvious the whole time, but Vlad was still unaware of it, and Matt unwilling to admit it. Would their relationship continue to stay like this? He had no clue. All he knew was that this moment, no matter how insane it felt to his dizzy brain, was amazing. Euphoric... That was the right word. He was sure of it. "You're not planning to do anything, are you?" Matthew finally asked teasingly, looking up at Vladimor with the confidence he had finally regained. Their song had long since ended, but Matt didn't even notice. He wasn't hear for the music or the dancing to begin with. "Let's go." Matthew finally said, and with that he grabbed both of Vlad's hands in his own and led him away. From the sound of it, Matt had been planning to lead him somewhere "fun", but of course that wasn't what the boy meant at all, at least not when he was this drunk. Instead, he sat the two of them down at a table and did the thing he had done once before, when he was dead-drunk on the bus and Vladimor was high: He grabbed the taller male's hand and hugged it against him. He also leaned back in his chair, not really noticing or caring in his drunken state if that meant Vlad had to lean forward or not. His eyes were closed, and very conveniently Matthew had chosen the seat that was facing away from the stripper stage, which they were close to. At this close proximity, there were actually strippers getting off the stage and giving lap dances, but when they say the two together they just walked past them, seeing how affectionate they seemed to be with each other.

[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Vladimor was quite responsive to Matthew, kissing back despite the beer-breath. He himself was only the slightest bit drunk, only feeling the slight buzz that came with a couple of bottles. He didn't dance too much either, besides the hip swaying and foot there wasn't much going on. Of course the noble wasn't oblivious, this was Matthew. Matthew flirted, and Vladimor knew just how he did. With a smirk on those pale lips of his, he places a hand on the hip of the small drunk boy. "It's a fitting song, isn't it? With the pace of how everything's going." Vladimor looks around for a brief moment his gaze lock between Derrick and Orious, and honestly, he's still not all settled with Orious' attraction to Derrick. However, he flashes a smile in their direction, turning back to Matthew. "Don't drink yourself to death, I don't want you to be so drunk to where if I try anything with you it'd be non-con, aight, chief?" He grins down at the other, his perfect white teeth reflecting off the club light as he brings a finger under the boy's chin, leaning in to nip at his bottom lip playfully before straightening himself.

Derrick stands with Orious, his body pressed to his with arms around his neck. Honestly, he was getting dizzier and he began to debate his earlier thoughts, almost wanting to verify he'd been drugged. He shakes his head and waves it off as drinking something too strong as his first drink of the night. His face was red because of both the alcohol and the odd, sudden tightness in his pants. Darn you, teenage hormones? He doesn't believe that is valid at the time. "This is...fun? Right?" There was a small chuckle in his voice, his focus blurring on Orious' face for a moment. He felt out of character, but in such a way he could barely control it. There he was, looking up at Orious with such a vulnerable look in his dull red eyes. So sheepishly, he steps back, rubbing his eyes. "I...apologize for being so clingy I do not understand what is..." He spaces out for a moment, his expression focusing a bit for a second before he laughs again, forcing himself to believe the alcohol really just is getting to him. "What has gotten over me..." He looks over and sees Matthew and Vladimor together, but right now it didn't bother him. Not too much anyway. As the drugs clogged up his mind, he found less places for jealousy and more place for the vampire in front of him. He body trembled, his lips reddened in lust.​

Orious sighed."it's fine...are you okay?" He asked the human curiously and tilted his head. He leaned as if studying him with his violet eyes before grabbing derrick's hand tugging him away to the side. "....maybe we should take a break...are you feeling okay??" He asked softly with a face showing concern. Orious looked at derrick noticing that look in derrick's eyes. He knew that look all to well. It was how others had looked at him before many times before in the past. Orious blushed and moved grabbing derrick's chin tilting it before leaning in and kissed him on the lips gently for a moment with a soft breath. "I know that look all to well...I have seen it so many times.....let me in,I'll help you..." He murmured softly before guiding derrick to the back rooms.

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