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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"Susan nice to meet you." She said while hiding behind Cicero something both of them grew accustom too "Cicero why is she here with you when no one else is here do you two leave here by yourself?" She asked the boy still confused on why he would leave Nick and Ocean to be with a girl like her unless she using him "Wait Cicero is she using you and you just don't know again." The girl said while she thought about seeing Cicero crying alone in an ally way over his ex dumping him and only using him to steal expensive things she wanted he was always stupid when it came to this stuff

"We were friends as little kids she even was friends with nick surprising isn't it." He said laughing while looking behind him to see Susu "No SuSu she isn't like the others Tab is amazing and doesn't tell me to steal anything she wants I usually steal it myself and give it to her as a gift no need to worry." The cat boy told the girl while glancing back at Tab hoping she wouldn't ask about the other girl they were talking back he turned back to SuSu "Well someone grew taller didn't they?" He pretend to ask while looking back at Tab smiling "Well do you two want anything to drink or eat i'm starving." The boy asked while walking in the kitchen with Susan right behind him holding a bit of his shirt glaring back Tab she still didn't trust her and she must likely never would she knew Cicero deserved someone who was going to actually be nice to him and not tell him to steal stuff for them
mewbot5408 said:
(Ooc: no it's not normal for even vampires for them to do this )
Orious coughed sharply and painfully,blood splattered on the ground at his feet. His body hurt and burned, he was avoiding the matter too much and he couldn't stand it anymore breathing becoming heavier."...derrick...I.."
Derrick quickly changes direction, rushing over to Orious' side , panicking. "Is this...the drug you spoke of?" He asks worriedly, not knowing how to help him at this time. Sure, as a servant of such a high household, he was expected to know all sorts of medical things, but something like this was uncertain. He couldn't tell what was actually going on. "A-are yo feeling any sort of nausea or fatigue? Shakiness? Are you sweating?" He asks, trying to see if this were the drugs alone or some strange reaction.

Vladimor kisses him back so warmly, pressing him into him further. He simply blocked out the noise of the woman and indulged in Matthew. After what feels like eternity, he pulls away gazing into Matthew's eyes, breathless. "Ste neobyčajný...úžasný..." He mutters in his native tongue, chuckling raspily before stepping back to address the waitress. "Alright, we'll leave. Though I'll refuse to pay, due to extremely poor service- I didn't even get to eat." He sighs, looking at the food. "Also tell your boss that his staff should pay more attention to the needs of their customers, not gawking at the men." He says, his tone aggressive towards to poor girl. He leaves, not caring about the shouting of the angry owner. "How about fast food instead?" Vladimor whines when he feels his stomach growling.
Cicero said:
"Yea I wanna know why." He said before listing to the girls explanation his face becoming a little red after she explained but a little sad that she was just going to leave once they got to Las Vega "So you wanted to kiss me because your more fond of me then you thought you would be...." He said half heartily while pulling away from her hug to face her on eye level his face still red while he cupped her face in his hand kissing her before pulling away with a red face "I guess its not a bad thing.....if you don't want it to be." He said looking down at the bed
Ooc:Where can I throw SuSu into this mess anyone want to give me a hint
When he kissed he suprised her a little bit and she blushed.

"Well then it's a good thing....i seriously want to stay here following you." She answered softly her face a little bit red as she and looked up at him tilting her head to look at him. Stell exhaled and moved holding his face in her small hands with a smile."I won't leave your side okay?"
"Yea....thank you Stell your the only one that actually wanted to follow me around and be an annoying two year old looking brat."He told her sarcastically while smiling and kissing her forehead with his still red face while chucking at how her faced changed color quickly "Ok and I won't leave your side either."The boy told the girl hugging her while he laid down on the bed suddenly tired "Sorry I didn't mean to just hug you and do that."The cat boy said to the girl laughing a little while he let the girl go so he could go to sleep

Tabitha heard every word of their conversation, but she kept her mouth shut. She was already beginning to dislike this girl. Still, if he was a friend of Cicero's, she'd put up with her. "I'll just take some fruit, if there is any." Tabitha answered Cicero, following a little bit after the two. She tried to seem happy, but there was no hiding the tense aura that filled the room. This Susan girl was far from a friend. She sat down at the table, yawning due to the tiredness she still felt. She was thankful for it: If she wasn't, maybe she'd be a lot more rude to the girl. "So Susan," Tabitha asked, tracing fingers on the table with her finger. "How long have you known Cicero? I don't know many people around here, or many people in general. My family... they passed away when I was young." Recalling the warm memories of living with her parents made the girl a little emotional, but she kept that forced smile on her face nonetheless. She hoped Cicero wouldn't notice how unnatural it looked.

The waitress wanted to object and yell at him for his comment on her previous actions, but before she could the two boys were already out the door. "Hm? Oh, I don't care where we go." Matthew kept his eyes focused on the ground, recalling the way Vlad had held him just minutes before. After a while however, the temptation was too much and Matt looked up at Vlad, showing off his smile which, at second glance, didn't look nearly as demented as people described it. Of course the boy's eyes could only stay on Vladimor for so long before looking away again, this time at the night sky, which was slowly fading to morning. "Is it really this late? I don't even feel that tired..." Matthew's words seemed so loud, despite the street full of cars that passed them every few seconds. Forget New York: Vegas was the city that never sleeps, and the experiments that ran around here proved that point rather well: Since arriving here half of them still hadn't fallen asleep, which was really odd considering nearly twelve hours had already passed.

Ooc: @King Anthony , wanna say something for Rei? Just a thought... wanted to wait for you before I posted for Rin.​
"Uhh....I think when we were 5 isn't that right Cicero? Also I'm sorry about your family" She told the girl while sitting at the table looking over at Cicero to see him just nod his head Susan looked over at Tab and smiled "Sooo how long have you known him for?" The girl asked smiling like an innocent girl

Cicero walked over to were they were hearing Tab's yawn "Babe you do know if your tired your more then welcome to go to bed." He told the girl giving her an apple while he ate his cookie and kissed Tab's forehead "So SuSu how long have you been in Las Vega?" He asked the girl

To bad Susan was to shocked in answer the question after seeing and hearing Cicero she despised this girl she knew Tab was just using Cicero to get what she wanted but she tired to stay collected "Actually this is the first place I went after the lab exploded I figured the Quins would show up here so Cicero and Ocean could steal and so Nick could find a place for them to live speaking of which were are the other two?" She asked the boy after regaining from her shock Cicero just shrugged He could honestly care less where Nick was but he was pretty sure Ocean was just going around town stealing stuff
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Derrick quickly changes direction, rushing over to Orious' side , panicking. "Is this...the drug you spoke of?" He asks worriedly, not knowing how to help him at this time. Sure, as a servant of such a high household, he was expected to know all sorts of medical things, but something like this was uncertain. He couldn't tell what was actually going on. "A-are yo feeling any sort of nausea or fatigue? Shakiness? Are you sweating?" He asks, trying to see if this were the drugs alone or some strange reaction.

Orious' fangs were showing which dug into his lower lip and the vampire gave the human a very strong gaze of pain,frustration,and lust. His eyes like a hungry animal. "Derrick...i-i-...I.need.your.blood.and.body.....this drug is killing me at this rate....." He muttered with a groan and coughed sharply looking more of his own blood. It was highly known when Ori drank blood it was very intimate let alone if he felt strong feelings for someone his hunger would strengthen for that single person. This drug only made it worse which was resulting in harmful effects the more he didn't satiate his hunger.
After mizut had some drink he stood up and walked over to Leo who was still freaking out. Seeing using his silence would not be useful mizuti shouted. "HEY!! What your issue tall one.?" Mizuti always called strangers like Leo tall one due to his small height. Tapping his helmet mizuti then calmed and looked Leo straight in the face. "What has you so freaked out? I'm not interjecting to start a fight or anything. Is there anything I could do o help out wit whatever has you freaked out so badly?". Mizuti nodded his head in greeting. " my name is mizuti. You must be Leo right?". Mizuti sat down and waited for a response.
Lia and John were walking down the streets of Las Vegas, looking for a cheap place to eat. They couldn't eat anything too expensive until they both managed to find a job. Listening to the honking horns of cars, the constant chatter of pedestrians on the streets, and the occasional fights, Lia found herself constantly, bumping into people. They would yell at her as they passed, and she would apologize until the word lost all meaning. They rounded a corner, and finally found a McDonald's. John sighed in relief, and started walking so fast it was almost a slow jog. Hylia sprinted briefly to catch up with him. After she was beside him, she matched her place to his.

"No more than $20. Okay?"

John nodded as they walked inside. They walked quickly side by side in the direction of the counter, but once again, Lia bumped into someone. Well, their chair at least. She turned around to apologize, but she found the boy sitting in the chair seemed very familiar. Same with the other boy sitting across from him.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" She asked in her thick, Dutch accent, hoping they could understand her.

@Xx\-Katherine\-xX @Wyatt

OOC: she bumps into Sai
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Ely looked up at the sound of Sai's chair scraping the floor as it was bumped into by a girl.It was made quite obvious that it was an accident when he saw the girl's embarrassed face. She looked confused, almost as if she was trying to place his and Sai's face somewhere in her memory. Suddenly, it struck him. He knew this girl. The accent wasn't something he'd ever forget. This girl had been in the labs with him. They hadn't ever really been friends or anything, but he did remember her. He didn't know if it was the right conversation for their current setting though. "Not sure. I'm Ely though. The poor kid you just bumped into is Sai."

Sai turned to the girl and gave her a dirty look, "who are you to bump into my chair!" He said as though this girl was beneath him. Sai didn't recognize this girl in his rage and said "if I knew you wouldn't you recognize me! Good day!" He then heard their order be called and he got out of his chair. He walked up to the counter acquiring the needed food.
bloodfire said:
After mizut had some drink he stood up and walked over to Leo who was still freaking out. Seeing using his silence would not be useful mizuti shouted. "HEY!! What your issue tall one.?" Mizuti always called strangers like Leo tall one due to his small height. Tapping his helmet mizuti then calmed and looked Leo straight in the face. "What has you so freaked out? I'm not interjecting to start a fight or anything. Is there anything I could do o help out wit whatever has you freaked out so badly?". Mizuti nodded his head in greeting. " my name is mizuti. You must be Leo right?". Mizuti sat down and waited for a response.
"How do you knows my name you helmeted psycho?" He shrugged off the attention he drew and asked for a simple stout to drink. Nothing special, no rampages or sudden murdering. Just a stout. He had to sit and think for a minute anyways, how the hell did that thing hit him? Targeting sensor? Magnets? Fucking lazorz?!!!z!!!? No, the last one probably wasn't true. Whatever it was, he had to find a black market for some EMP's, or any sort of quality SAS disrupter. He wouldn't have another machine hit him again. Never again. He got himself into such a drunken stupor that he decided that he should sing a karaoke song. He requested the Ink Spots' Its All OverBut The Crying, and slurred and hiccuped the entirety of the song. Then, he sat back down next to Mizut.

"Hey kid, wanna see thee world?" He nudged Allen for his approval.
Lia flushed when Sai yelled at her, as she often did, and said, "Okay..." In a small voice. She swore she saw both of the boys before, and she most definitely recognized both of the names. Then it dawned on her. They are experiments. She wanted to bring it up subtly, mostly because she wasn't the kind of person to be direct... Usually. She sat down at the table behind them and turned around. "I'm really sorry, I'm a total klutz. I just swear I've seen you somewhere before.. I'm Lia, by the way." Lia said just as John came back with their food. "There. $16.49." Lia looked at the tray briefly, spotting two small drinks, one medium fries and two burgers. "And this is my twin brother, John" She gestured to her brother, who looked slightly confused, but nodded in greeting. @Xx\-Katherine\-xX @Wyatt
Mizuti twitched his head at the words and held up his hand as electricity and fire flowed around his hand like a snake on a branch. And spoke in his Irish accent "Helmeted psycho..says the drunken wanker who I offered help..you were at the labs..I saw you there..but we never spoke...don't piss me off..I'm in no mood to be fighting someone like me when I would rather be killing those bloody scientists..namely my mother syrena..don't take me as the kind to sit back and hide and run when we could be out there fighting..." Mizuti calmed down as he rubbed his helmet. "Maybe I am a psycho..bit not of my own will and volition. I heard from my friend rin about you..said that I should meetup with you. So here I am"


Ely was shocked at Sai's outburst. This kid was angrier than Ely had originally thought. He shrugged it off though and smiled gently at the girl before him, who introduced herself as Lia. "I'm sorry about him. It was ridiculous for him to yell at you like that." Ely glance up at the boy who had just arrived with a tray full of food. "It's really nice to meet you guys. Where're you headed?"
Sai returned with the tray of food and dropped in front of Ely, "thank you for this meal." He said trying to be as polite as he could. He then sat in the chair nearest her taking his food out of the bag. He then began to stuff his face while the others talked.
Lia stared at the food tray for a moment before answering, "Nah, it's fine. We're actually not really headed anywhere, I don't think. We're staying at a friend's house, for now, right, John?"

"Mmm Hmm!" John said rather rudely, half of his burger in his mouth.

"You'll have to excuse John over here, for he seemed to have forgotten what table manners are." Lia sighed, annoyed. She cringed when she heard someone scrape their chair along the floor loudly, then smiled, "It's nice to meet you too," She said warmly. She didn't really like this place, for it had a lot of people scraping their chairs across the floor and speaking with their mouths full, slurping through straws. They were some of her worst pet peeves.
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Ely nodded at Sai as he came back with the food, "No problem, kid." He took his food from the bag and carefully unwrapped his burger from the greasy paper. He sipped his Dr. Pepper and pushed his hair back from his face. "A friend? Who, exactly?" He took a bite of his own burger and swallowed his food before chuckling at Lia's comment. "Honestly, it's fine, hun. Boys will be boys."
Lia sighed and said, "I guess you're right," looking back at John, who was almost done the fries. Quickly, she grabbed the rest of them and started to eat them. She didn't really know how to answer his first question, for she hadn't met the owner of the house yet, much less knew his name. "Well he's really just a friend of a friend. We're in a big group, I haven't met everyone yet." She said cautiously, not wanting to give away too much. "How about you?" She asked so she didn't have to talk about it anymore.


Ely nodded, chewing on another mouthful of burger. He swallowed and swiped his mouth with a napkin. "I used to be in one of those. Didn't stick around for long though. I was very obviously not wanted. So I hopped on a bus and came out here." He munched on the salty fries, trying not to grimace at the taste. Ely had been raised in a reasonably wealthy family and he had rarely ever eaten at a McDonald's in his life.
"Oh. That's nice." Lia said quietly and ate some of her fries. It was the first time she'd eaten in a few days, so she enjoyed the salty taste of her fries, and could almost feel them landing in her stomach. They sat there for a few moments in silence.

OOC: Sorry for the short post, I'm going to bed... Night everyone!
"I was in a large group but I got separated when I fell asleep outside of the bus. I had walk several miles to get here." He then downed another bite of food, and glared at the girl that had bumped into him.

"I-"...Derrick's panic settle down, but only slightly. He seem almost defeated as he pulls down the collar of his shirt, looking away. His brow furrows with a hard look on his face. As time progressed between the two, Derrick had constantly fell between paranoid and comfortable around the violet-eyed. Right now it was far from any sort of comfort, and at the moment, he only gave in due to the fact that Orious was hurting. With a burdened sigh, he simply tell Orious: "Bite me." The offer stood clear for Orious.

Vladimor hums, looking down the street, convenienced when there was a simple Taco Bell up ahead. "Ah..I'm going to stuff myself with tacos and go home and take a long rest..." He closes his eyes, reveling in the thought. Goddamn, it's been forever since he ate...He tucks a strand of hair that strayed away from his ponytail behind his ear, yawning as he look at the sky. "...But you're right...I hadn't imagined time would fly by so fast. Vladimor ruffles Matthew's hair with a goofy smile on his face. "We can even cuddle when we get back... If you wanna, I mean. " He opens the door to the Taco Bell, holding the door for Matthew before following inside. He simply orders a burrito, leaving Matthew to get whatever he wanted as he takes out his wallet.​

((OOC: Well, she's kinda just standing there, so go ahead without Rei))

Mizuti didn't care what this Leo character thought of him. But mizuti knew that he was right. Why run and hide when you can fight back? Mizuti went to continue his sentences but his stomach interjected with a growl. "Listen leo. I'm going over to the taco bell across the street. If you want you can tag along otherwise you know where to find me if you decide I can help."

Mizuti walked outside and across the street to the taco bell and ordered some food. As he waited he sat down at a table across from orious and Vladimir not noticing derrick and matthew and just sat there and watched them converse while awaiting his meal. Mizuti realizing that they were some of the others rin had mentioned, then pulled out a strange looking flute and began playing a sad yet dark sounding tune as he hoped the two would recognize him from rumors or from rin.

@King Anthony
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Cicero said:
"Yea....thank you Stell your the only one that actually wanted to follow me around and be an annoying two year old looking brat."He told her sarcastically while smiling and kissing her forehead with his still red face while chucking at how her faced changed color quickly "Ok and I won't leave your side either."The boy told the girl hugging her while he laid down on the bed suddenly tired "Sorry I didn't mean to just hug you and do that."The cat boy said to the girl laughing a little while he let the girl go so he could go to sleep
"...I'm older than you..."she mumured with a small giggle as he had pretty much flopped down taking her with him blushing. she exhaled and shook her head, petting his head. "you just suprised me a little.."

(ooc:do we need a timeskip to las vegas??)

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