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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Cicero said:
Nick stood there in silence for a bit still a little stunned it seemed so real his brothers laughing him getting stabbed he finally noticed Stell "NO...I mean no sorry I don't like talking about nightmares I just choose to forgot about them and hope they don't show up again if they do I just ignore them again so there's no point in talking about them unless you can find one." He said bitterly looking at the girl with his dull lifeless eyes it seemed that if you look into them long enough you can see someone who's been to hell and back well he was in his own personal hell the one trapped inside his mind that he puts up with he deals with his inner demons while acting normal on the outside but in reality he was a ticking time bomb with no off switch and no real timer of when he would detonate he had to put up with this his whole life and he never shared his dreams or nightmares let alone his actual feelings he wasn't going to start now
"Then in that case I'll make you forget about it completely...promise not to get mad,ok." she answered simply as she climbed up onto the counter sitting so she could easily be face to face with the Neko. Stell placed her hands on his shoulders and then suddenly leaned up giving him a kiss.
Nick was surprised at first as he pulled away "What the hell you can't say don't get mad and kiss someone." He said trying to sound more angry then nice but it didn't work out that way do to his cheeks and ears becoming red he looked away and walked out the door "Do you do this to all the men that you ask to help you?" He asked the girl from the other room while throwing the blanket over himself while he laid on the floor hoping she wouldn't get any ideas why he tried to sleep again "You know you can be a mini asshole at times and you told me not to be one so I guess neither of us get what we want." He said with his ears still red while he pulled the blanket over them hoping she wouldn't notice them


"Oh, but that takes all the fun out of it," Ely moaned as Matt commented on his sexual lifestyle. His eyebrows flew up at the mention of his date's name. The sudden movement from Matt almost caught him off guard. Almost. He grabbed the other boy's arm, chuckling. "Aw, come on, doll face. Stick around and chat for a little while longer. I want to know more about this Vlad." He winked, releasing his grip and crossing his arms. "Is he rich? He's obvious very cute. I saw him when I came in. But there's got to be to it than his looks. You wouldn't just date a boy for his face, otherwise you'd be all over me."



Hunter's mouth set into a hard line as the giant metal monster approached. She recognized the machine, there was no way not to. He (it?) had been back at the cabin. He was the guy she had accidentally pissed off about his jalapeno burgers. Despite this, she managed to offer up a smile to him, "Leo! Hey, buddy. Remember me?" She nodded at the twins when asked if she knew him. She didn't want to make things any worse than they already were. There was obviously something...different about Leo.

@King Anthony @iiimee @Surprise Meteors
Instinctively trying not to murder people was tough for a crazed maniac like Leo, for he makes excuses for it all the time. Trying to initiate conversation at the same time is even more of a challenge for the poor guy, as his thought cycle cannot be something properly maintained. Why do you think he has a narrator instead of a first person view like everyone else? Its tough work trying to understand this guy! But, initiate conversation, he did. "H-Hey guys." He said, his body hissing from the pattering rain, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans so they wouldn't see the knife like fingers that were forming, which was futile as he didn't have jeans nor pockets, as these were a phantom sense that he had from wearing them when he was younger, before the change. "How'd it go so far, running from me after that great drink, we were just about to get to the good part! But, whatever you know? Lava in the moat you know? So..." Restraining himself all of 32 seconds wasn't easy, so he let it out by grabbing Hunter by her arms and lifting her above him.

"I NEED PICTURES OF THE SPIDER MAN!" he shouted out of stress. "WHERE IS HE!?" He shook her back and forth, tearing her sleeves and generally being the douche he always knew how to be.
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Cicero said:
Nick was surprised at first as he pulled away "What the hell you can't say don't get mad and kiss someone." He said trying to sound more angry then nice but it didn't work out that way do to his cheeks and ears becoming red he looked away and walked out the door "Do you do this to all the men that you ask to help you?" He asked the girl from the other room while throwing the blanket over himself while he laid on the floor hoping she wouldn't get any ideas why he tried to sleep again "You know you can be a mini asshole at times and you told me not to be one so I guess neither of us get what we want." He said with his ears still red while he pulled the blanket over them hoping she wouldn't notice them
"...no,I don't honestly.you're actually the first."she answers with a amused giggle as she climbed down and followed him sitting on the floor next to him looking at the cat boy. "Hmm..I'm just a little bit different than most girls.

You know there's a bed right? Don't sleep on the floor, you'll get sick. I don't mind having you sleep on the bed,I'm little and I don't take up much space plus I don't like being cold." She told him pretty much kneeling down next to him as she spoke explaining a good amount of reason why he should just sleep on the bed and sighed crossing her arms. " also if you think I can do anything your wrong I'm not strong enough to force a man to do anything on my own if you hadn't forgotten..." she reminded him only to Bush remembering that men liked taking advantage of her(explained how she got into situation when they met)

And she'd get into sticky situations when she was found cute and little, though Stell actually felt quite comfortable with Nick. She could trust him.
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"I don't it your most likely just saying that as a cover up so I can help you more." He said touching his lips it felt like she was still kissing him he looked at her with his eyes "Yea a little different isn't the word I would use I would say your on a whole different level then the other girls in this world." The boy stated getting up and eyeing the bed before sighing "I guess I said I would protect and I guess if your cold I didn't do my job if you freeze or get a cold would I."The Neko said hating the fact that he had to share the bed if it was up too him he would have just slept on the couch but he got up and laid on the bed trying to fall asleep while fighting the heat trying to come up in his face he really hated this but who knows he might not have a nightmare with her here with him

Matthew bit back a curse when he was pulled back into the restroom. This guy, whom he was now face-to-face with, couldn't have been more disgusting. He was the sort of person Matt totally loathed, yet the boy couldn't help but draw comparisons between him and the person he was on this date with. They were both take-charge sort of people: The only difference was that Vlad regretted his actions if they were too severe. Matthew wasn't sure if Ely had one thing he regretted in his life. "I don't know what you're so curious about Homo- He offered to take me out to eat." Matt hesitated, before continuing with what little confidence he could muster. He had to seem sure of himself, if Ely were to believe him. "Don't think too highly of me. I enjoy pretty faces as much as the next guy, but you're not one of those faces." Matt's lips curled up into a smile he didn't feel: It was a normal one, not the twisted one he gave whenever he was happy. "We're friends with benefits, but I don't use him for stuff like this. Happy now perv?" What Matthew said was seemingly true for the most part, but the words seemed to hurt nonetheless. Once again Matthew tried to leave the restroom. He needed to get back to Vlad, before things got worse!

Rin knew what Leo was going to do one second too late. "Hey, let her go!" Rin yelled up at him. In a desperate rush Rin looked for something he could maim the metal giant with. Finally finding nothing, he jumped on to Leo recklessly once again, hoping to play the part of a distraction. "Run!" Rin silently ordered his sister while he hit and bloodied his fists against the seemingly indestructible monster. Once in a while Rin managed to find a spot that he thought would damage the creature, but before he could hit it he always nearly lost his grip on the creature.

Ooc: @Xx-Katherine-xX @King Anthony - We have a few options here. Really, my goal is to get Vlad either jealous and/or super angry. Ely can let Matt run to Vlad only to kiss Matt or something in front of Vlad, just to cause chaos like the dick he is, OR maybe Ely can either act threatening or just flirty like the dick he is and not let Matt get out of the restroom and then Vlad can come in to see if Matt's okay and when he sees the scene he gets super shadowy angry... I don't mind the shadow-angry thing regardless ofc, but if it's in front of the restaurant they might cause a scene... Just a thought. xD​
Cicero said:
"I don't it your most likely just saying that as a cover up so I can help you more." He said touching his lips it felt like she was still kissing him he looked at her with his eyes "Yea a little different isn't the word I would use I would say your on a whole different level then the other girls in this world." The boy stated getting up and eyeing the bed before sighing "I guess I said I would protect and I guess if your cold I didn't do my job if you freeze or get a cold would I."The Neko said hating the fact that he had to share the bed if it was up too him he would have just slept on the couch but he got up and laid on the bed trying to fall asleep while fighting the heat trying to come up in his face he really hated this but who knows he might not have a nightmare with her here with him
stell shook her head with a sigh then blushed looking down at her lap. "I don't normally go around kissing guys on the mouth though....I mean I've had guys force themselves on me but that's a bit different........." he replied to his response and exhaled a bit annoyed with his next bit still blushing. "what's that supposed to mean?!" she frowned looking irritated even her wings popped out and twitched. she then calmed down quickly when be went to lay down and she followed quietly at looked at him for a few moments before dozing off again feeling a little warm.

stell in the dreamscape:

the blue haired female opened her eyes to awaken in a field of flowers and stand up blinking,looking around with her big beautiful eyes and she began walking. ".......krystellia....krystellia...." a soft voice tempted and the female followed the sound walking into what seemed like a white abyss and then to find herself in a new scene. a much different one than before...
iiimee said:

Rin knew what Leo was going to do one second too late. "Hey, let her go!" Rin yelled up at him. In a desperate rush Rin looked for something he could maim the metal giant with. Finally finding nothing, he jumped on to Leo recklessly once again, hoping to play the part of a distraction. "Run!" Rin silently ordered his sister while he hit and bloodied his fists against the seemingly indestructible monster. Once in a while Rin managed to find a spot that he thought would damage the creature, but before he could hit it he always nearly lost his grip on the creature.



The sudden feeling of being lifted off her feet made Hunter shriek. Her heart fluttered and her stomach did a backflip as she was tossed around. Leo was being unusually...violent. He hadn't been like this back at the cabin. She could only wonder what led him to this violent turn. The boy twin from below was futilely beating against the iron giant. She fought the urge to scream for help, knowing that it wouldn't attract any attention. She noticed the figure above on the roof long before it jumped down and charged Leo. She dropped to the ground, her head slamming against the wet pavement, a small whimper escaping her lips before she went unconscious at the little group's feet.


Ely's almost impenetrable guard fell for a split second as Matt insulted him. It wasn't something he was used to hearing. His entire life, he had been told how gorgeous he was. Maybe that was why he was arrogant, so full of himself. He quickly recovered though, his smooth smile slipping back onto his face, matching the one crossing Matt's. "Well then, doll, I suppose I better escort you back to your date. He must be a good guy if he's not a 'perv', hm?" He took the boy's arm, leading him out of the bathroom and over to the table where Vlad sat, waiting patiently. He was quite the looker, Ely noted as he smiled sweetly, "Oh, hi! You must be Vlad. Matt was just telling me about you. It's lovely to meet you." He leaned over and pecked Matt's cheek, knowing full well of the consequences his actions might have. "I've really got to be going now. It was so nice to see you, doll face." Ely winked and slunk his way out of the restaurant, blowing a kiss to the hostess whom he had argued with earlier.

@iiimee @King Anthony @mewbot5408
mewbot5408 said:
stell shook her head with a sigh then blushed looking down at her lap. "I don't normally go around kissing guys on the mouth though....I mean I've had guys force themselves on me but that's a bit different........." he replied to his response and exhaled a bit annoyed with his next bit still blushing. "what's that supposed to mean?!" she frowned looking irritated even her wings popped out and twitched. she then calmed down quickly when be went to lay down and she followed quietly at looked at him for a few moments before dozing off again feeling a little warm.
stell in the dreamscape:

the blue haired female opened her eyes to awaken in a field of flowers and stand up blinking,looking around with her big beautiful eyes and she began walking. ".......krystellia....krystellia...." a soft voice tempted and the female followed the sound walking into what seemed like a white abyss and then to find herself in a new scene. a much different one than before...
"......Uh Stell I don't know if your awake or not but.....i'm sorry for saying what I said I was just shocked that all...." He told the girl he didn't know if she was asleep or not but he said it either way he looked at her and smiled "Guess when we wake up again head straight to Las Vega but definitely getting some breakfast first." He said aloud to himself while looking around the room again he didn't know but he had a feeling they were going to have to pay a lot for renting this room
Sai walked into Las Vegas kicking up dust as he entered, it was such a pain walking half of the way there and he was in a terrible mood (just like he always was when he was away from his brother). He looked around at the buildings and their colorful lights, with sadness anger and a multitude of negative emotions on his face. What was so special about this city that drove people to come here in droves. It had nothing spectacular from what he could see, it was in the middle of a forsaken desert, and it was hot (he's one to complain about heat :P ). He would rather burn the city to the ground for it's sins, sins he was sure were in this city. However, he was above that, he was above these people with their precious money, he was above doing something so stupid that it would send him back to the scientist. He stopped outside of restaurant grabbing his stomach hearing its screams after not eating for a whole day. "What am I to do now, I don't know where everyone else is and I don't know where I can get something free to eat."

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Cicero said:
"......Uh Stell I don't know if your awake or not but.....i'm sorry for saying what I said I was just shocked that all...." He told the girl he didn't know if she was asleep or not but he said it either way he looked at her and smiled "Guess when we wake up again head straight to Las Vega but definitely getting some breakfast first." He said aloud to himself while looking around the room again he didn't know but he had a feeling they were going to have to pay a lot for renting this room
Stell blinked and looked up at him with a blush."did you sleep okay this time??" She asked curiously as the small female Sat up stretching,her wings fluttering for a moment before folding up hidden again. She looked up to him before standing and grabbed her wallet from her jacket which lay on the couch and waved it with a wink. "Just so you know I come from a rich family so no worries about the hotel room." She said thinking about the same thing and tossed her wallet at him with a giggle before sitting down next to him.
His face became red as he looked away "Shut up...." He told the girl looking at her wings for a moment before turning his gaze towards the far wall. When he was told the girl he was hanging out with so called protecting was rich "Oh so your one of those spoiled ten year olds that get what they want when they want great " He asked sarcastically and laughing a bit while throwing the wallet back to her not really caring how much money was in it then the stupid kiss appeared back into his mind "get out of my head." The boy muttered to himself while hitting his head he stopped and looked at the girl for a minute and looked back down at the bed his felt his lips again he couldn't get the stupid feeling of her lips on his off no matter how much he rubbed or scratched at it 'Why....just why won't this stupid feeling go away that's all I want is for it to go away.' The boy thought to himself
Rin fell off the metal monster just in time for another one to slash the place Rin had been trying to reach. He felt himself land on his hands and knees, but besides that he was unharmed. That didn't stop the cyborg from turning to him of all people however, just to ask if he was okay. "Focus on her!" he ordered, pointing a small finger toward the girl who had just lost consciousness. Her head was bleeding, though it was impossible for him to figure out if she had managed to get a concussion. He looked around for something that could help and eventually popped open the taxi cab's trunk, finding a first-aid kit inside. He took it out: There were only stitches and bandages, but Rin didn't think he needed anything else. "Bring her here!" he ordered the cyborg who he from the bar earlier. It was only at this time that Rin finally searched Mew's thoughts. Strangely enough, they were all focused on... Rin? The boy frowned, but brushed it off as the hyper-focused thoughts of someone with adrenaline pumping through them. "Bring her here!" he repeated to the boy, inspecting the bandage's quality.

Recoiling in pain, he felt a multitude of locked functions, such a sarcasm, love, fear, hope, and anger all at once, then it stopped. "You shithead, you got my blood all over you!" Looking down, he saw a shower of sparks and a few red flashes emanating from his chest? Leo quickly let loose a flurry of inch thick, foot long spikes across the block where they were standing. "Amateurs." He sprinted off towards the crowds of the nearby murder scene at a bar, hiding himself amount the onlookers and policemen, letting the rain sizzle his skin. "Why do the bad guys always have the mysterious allies? I want mysterious allies!" Sighing to himself, he moved deeper into the core of the city.

"Mm, Cicero? What time is it?" The girl's soft voice could be heard so clearly this time of night. Her arm had been slung around the cat-boy, but now she slowly sat up, wrapping one of the blankets around herself to keep warm and well, covered. Because of the time of night, she hadn't bothered to get dressed again after, um, that. Now however, she was waking up and feeling the need to do something other than just sleep. Going over to the drawers, she once again looked for something to steal, this time near the top drawers. At first, all she found were men's suits and clothing, but eventually she came across a normal pink blouse and some black, slightly torn jeans. Very cautiously she put them on, somewhat shy about dressing in front of anyone, even if- Anyway, she finally sat back down on the bed, feeling pretty content with her choice even if she was too sleepy to fully appreciate it.

Ooc: Ugh, I just woke up yet I'm exhausted! X_X​
"Uhh....I actually don't know to be honest." He said sitting up to kiss her forehead before laying back on the bed "I don't see why you have to cover yourself up but I can't force you to do anything." The boy said while his eyes closed smiling he slightly opened his eye to see Tab get dressed before shutting them again and laughing "You look as beautiful as the day I meet you." The cat boy observed before rolling off the bed and trying to find some clothes he looked in the drawers to asleep to notice anything but eventually found some jeans and but them on before jumping into bed "So what do you wanna do now that we finally woke up?" He asked his girlfriend will he ran his hand through her hair smiling will remembering yesterday
(god dammit I always miss the action ;-; jfc)

Allen follows, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Well, I suppose I could be your ally, but it'd be a little cocky of me to say I'm ~~mysterious~~..."

He looks to the scene that he caused, repressing a smirk, seemingly not reacting to the rain whatsoever.

"Then again, why'd I trust anyone who I only just met?" He walked on, arching one of the hands in his pocket as he stares at the foot of an officer, causing a lump of asphalt to rise and solidify around his ankle.

He looked back down, already passing the crowd by once the police officer starts panicking.

"But hey, as the song goes..."

He grins, walking up right next to Leo as he throws his arm up and begins to sing, not loudly but singing nonetheless.

"You could be my bodyguard, and I could be your LOOOOONG lost FRIEND"

He bends over sideways so his head can be closer to his, a shit eating grin on his face as his sunglasses slide down just enough for his eyes to be visible. He had a fairly nice singing voice. Nothing angelic, but not unpleasant.

@Surprise Meteors
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Rei shakes her head, responding out loud, "I will not!" She only can watch as her brother jumps on such a monster in fear for Rin's safety. Next everything happens so fast, she stands there scared. Metal monster being attack by Rin, the someone else, the girl falling and hitting her head, the blood on the pavement. It was all too quick. She sees the monster fleeing and she just watches Mew. Care more about the girl and not my brother she wanted to say. This was surely an eventful day, but in the least pleasant way.

Vladimor waited patiently for Matthew to return, flirting with waitresses for fun, but they were way too predictable. He got bored easy and dismissed them. It reminded him too much of home, the way they complied. It's just their job. But then again, it was just his own servant's job too. Maybe Derrick was the only special case in treating him like this? Vladimor huffs, looking at the food on the table, then to the direction of the restroom. Matthew was taking quite some time in the restroom and it had begun to worry him. He stands excusing himself(Not because anyone was there, but out of habit.) Before he even moves there is a ratty looking boy already standing there next to Matthew. He eyes him suspiciously and he pulls a disgusted face at him when he witnesses such a simple gesture towards Matt. He says nothing as he dismisses himself, glaring at him the entire way out. "Disgusting" He thought, actually mouthing out the words in his direction. Vladimor turns to Matthew, a harsh look in his eye. "Who what that?!" He raises his voice, gaining the attention of half of the restaurant. The boy looked more than just a little displeased, his eyes narrowed in anger and nose scrunched in repugnance.

Matthew could only follow helplessly as he was dragged along by Ely. He wanted to say something when the bastard of a man stopped in front of Vlad, but before he could he was cut off by the rough feeling of somebody's lips against him. Of course he knew who they belonged to, but his brain was struggling to come to grips with it. "Bastard." was what Matt wanted to say, but before he could even open his mouth to speak Ely had walked out the door. The waitresses witness the scene and some gasp, some shamelessly smile, but Matt barely notices them. The room felt like it was spinning, and at much too fast a pace. All Matthew can think of is what Vladimor would think, but as soon as his mind began to have those thoughts the taller male had started raising his voice, yelling words that Matt wished he didn't hear. It didn't matter if they weren't as severe as "I hate you." or something like that: They still hurt like Hell. "Vlad..." Matthew reached a hand toward Vladimor, trying to grab his sleeve, as if that would somehow fix any of this. The boy's other hand went to his forehead. He was already tearing up, and he felt more than a little faint. More than half the restaurant was looking at them, but Matthew didn't care. All he cared about was fixing something he shouldn't have to fix in the first place.



Ely brushed out the doors, almost immediately slamming into a light haired boy who looked a little younger than himself. He noticed the slight rumble of the boy's stomach and frowned as he apologized for his clumsiness. "I'm so sorry. I'm so clumsy. You okay, kid?" The boy was thin and his clothes were almost as ragged as Ely's own. His eyes flickered over to window of the restaurant and he fought a laugh as he saw the expression on Matt's date's face. He was certainly displeased, the one thing Ely had been hoping for.


She was swimming in blackness, fighting to hold onto consciousness, something she knew she wouldn't be able to do for much longer. The pain was too great and eventually she drifted away, but not before hearing the boy calling for her to be brought to him. As she drifted out, her mental block that she worked so hard to keep up faded and left her mind open for all to see. And then there was blackness.

Hunter was running. Running through the woods, government officials on her heels. Her breathing was growing heavy and she could hear herself wheeze. Not much farther, she thought to herself, almost there. Where was there though? She didn't recognize this place. It wasn't the forest from Louisville, where the cabin had been...it was more like the forests of Washington, of her home town. She could hear the officers behind her, calling her name, telling her to stop in the name of the law. But she couldn't stop. She wouldn't go back. Just a little farther now. She turned a sharp corner and stopped in her tracks. There was the metal monster, Leo, just as angry as before. The officers were closing in. She was trapped. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to go. And then everything went black again as she felt a sharp pain in the back of her neck.

@iiimee @King Anthony @mewbot5408
Sai frowned at the man, am I okay he thought to himself, what sort of question is that and why is he questioning me? "Yes, I am fine." He reply in just below a yell and as rudely as he could, "and what business is it to you on how I am. My feet are on fire and my stomach is committing suicide. Is there anything else you would like to know?" His stomach make another rumble that was more audible then the first.


Ely furrowed his brow, obviously more than a little surprised at the boy's sudden anger. "Look, kid, I was trying to help. Do you want to come with me to McDonald's or something? I can always buy you something there. You're obviously hungry," he said, nodding toward his growling stomach. It didn't seem like the kid had eaten in awhile, something that Ely knew sucked from personal experience. Between being starved in the labs and barely having enough money to afford food, Ely had had his fair share of hunger. It was less than pleasant.

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