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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)


Ely hadn't spent long in the little cabin. It was obvious he wasn't wanted there and he knew that there were better things to be found elsewhere. It was obvious he couldn't stay in the little town anymore, the government would be on their scent soon enough. He had about $200 left in his wallet when he left, but was left with a mere $100 after all the expenses of his trip to Vegas. He chosen Sin City simply for the reason that there were so many people that it would be easy to disappear, to hide away. He would be somewhat safe there.

He didn't know when the others would leave the cabin, he had left long before the idea had even been brought up. After about two weeks hiding out in Vegas, he spotted one of them though. The cat kid. He had been running around, and some how, some way, Ely knew if the cat was here, the others wouldn't be far behind. Their little band of misfits had become quite tight knit. Soon enough, he began to spot more and more of them wandering the city - surprising, all things considered. They were wanted by the government after all. So was he though.

The past few weeks he had kept to one little area, buying things off the McDonald's dollar menu. That's where he was headed when he saw another one of the group. He smirked to himself, noticing "Dollface" - Ely hadn't ever bothered to actually learn his name, a shame really. He wasn't alone this time though. It appeared he was on a date, a fancy one at that, Ely thought as he followed behind to their restaurant. He watched through the window and waited for just the right moment to slip into the door.

Ely, still in his jeans and t-shirt from back at the cabin, strode into the restaurant. He sidled up to the hostess, putting on that snake-charming smile of his, and leaned onto her little pedestal. "Say, what does a guy have to do to get a table from such a pretty girl like yourself?" This girl though was unfazed by his smile, she was more concerned about his appearance apparently - and not in the good way either. She smiled as politely as she could manage and asked him to leave. Ely laughed, attracting attention from several diners. "You can't mean that, dear. I just want a meal. I can pay, I swear."

"I understand, sir, but we are a fine establishment and require...well...something a little more than a worn t-shirt and jeans to be accepted here."

"Really? What would like me do, doll? Strip down right here? Would that please you?"

The hostess, face flushed, stammered out a reply. "I...no. No, sir. That won't be necessary. I just ask that you leave before I have to bring security into this."

@iiimee @King Anthony
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Cicero said:
"Ha lucky isn't the word I would use its the opposite we pretty much hate each other....like when I beat the living shit out of Cicero...and the time I broke Ocean's shoulder and punched him through a wall several ways actually there was also a time when Cicero kicked me in the stomach leading me to beat him up until he was on the verge or death and he also choked me cause I broke his girlfriend's wrist...so if you want my brother go right ahead I won't stop you." He said plainly just staring at the road while remembering all the events he just said like they were yesterday he eventually just sighed "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said all that to you....also it's a bad thing to say your use to seeing people dying around you." He said sincerely while looking at the girl for a little while before looking forward again
"...you don't have anything to apologize for...I have no problems with your actions,as I can tell you just got mad and your powers took effect, you have a bad temper but everyone does things they shouldn't at times but that's what makes us human still....we aren't exactly perfect....Also I don't think I could trust your brother,he's not you. " she answered still looking out the window.
"Uhh.....thanks you're the first person who didn't give me some sort of dirty look when I say stuff like that so thank you really." He said to the girl smiling "Hey does this car have a working radio?" The boy asked.But Nick started laughing "That's the first usually when someone had to pick between me or my brother they would instantly go for him even though hes a thief just because I can break any bone the body just by punching it once or twisting it thanks to human strength they still go for him." The boy ended up muttering
Isaac growled and glared at Sage who glared right back. " I want to take him back. " Isaac said only for a arrow plunged into the wall near his face as Sage stood with a bow while making another arrow. " I'll never go back. " Sage said as he grabbed Shuzo's Hand and began running.

Ldybug123 said:
Shuzo warily looked at Isaac, but then turned back to Sage. "W-why i-is h-he h-here?" He asked. @djinnamon
Shuzo ran behind Sage quickly. His eyes were wide. @djinnamon (since Isaac does shadow control, couldn't he turn into a shadow and escape the ice? Just curious.)
(Well Isaac doesn't have powers at the moment , I have a plan)

Sage finally arrived at the bus , panting and sweating.

Ldybug123 said:
Shuzo ran behind Sage quickly. His eyes were wide. @djinnamon (since Isaac does shadow control, couldn't he turn into a shadow and escape the ice? Just curious.)

Cold and tired, Hunter took a seat on the curb of the street she had been walking on for what felt like hours now. It seemed the highway would never end, and there were no abandoned buildings to be found. The fact of the matter was, she had lost the group and was now stuck wandering Vegas, barely surviving on scraps and sleeping in whatever quarters she could find. The sun was setting, and a distinct chill had settled over Sin City, making the tiny blonde shiver and pull herself further into the oversized grey sweater.

The sudden drag of a cab caught her attention and she frowned as the driver stepped out, shaking his head, obviously upset. It appeared something had either gone wrong, or they had run out of gas. Hunt, for safety, quickly scanned the minds of the driver and the two passengers. The driver was perfectly ordinary but the passengers...they were like her. She wasn't sure how she knew necessarily but she knew. She couldn't see into their minds correctly, it was almost like there was a block. She fumbled to her feet, stepping over a puddle and over to the cab. She peered into the window, surprised to see that the two were obviously twins, and in trouble. The expressions on their face said that much. She turned to the driver, putting on a small smile, "Hi, is everything okay here, sir?"

@iiimee @Kind Anthony

Rei chooses not to make a big deal out of it. "We'll just run. We can steal a car with gas. I can hotwire, remember? " She assures him, placing her soft, small hands over Rin's as she gives a comforting smile. "Please don't fret too much, Rin-Rin..." She gives another glance out the back, feeling somewhat assured that the other taxi was nowhere in sight. "Also, I'm pretty sure I can handle myself with him, but if you say so, I'll keep interaction with him on the down-low, right-right, Rin-Rin?" She giggles quietly, gently rubbing her thumb across the back of his hand. The drive after that had been expended and Rei hastily moves to exit the car until she hears a girls voice, narrowing her eyes and tilting her head suspiciously.

"Modest, you say? Not at all, my beloved!" He hums, playfully winking at a waitress who passes by, causing her to swoon and nearly drop the plates she was holding. When she's gone Vladimor chuckled, twirling a strand of hair between his fingertips. "I wish she had dropped everything. They way they act, already makes a fool out of themselves, and the rest of the restaurant itself. Next time we'll go to something more simple like a coffee shop." He raises a brow and stops his hair in between his fingers., thinking more of what Matt would've preferred. "Or would fast food be more your forte, ah?"​
mewbot5408 said:
"Yes...understood..sorry.."was all he mumured softly in response following the human quickly, becoming quiet again. He followed derrick to the car getting in and had leaned his head against the window watching things as they drove by With a look of pain in his glowing violet eyes. His body hurt,it was becoming weak almost like that of a starving wolf. He wanted to be by the human's side,he wanted to be loyal and keep him happy to gain his affections and heart but he also let alone craved the younger boy both in body and blood. Somthing was making him worse,it made him sick and he didn't want to scare of Derrick. But atlas the stupid bar tender stuck somthing in his drink. He kept looking out the window as they drove. "....I was drugged..derrick's gonna hate me..." he mumbled unaware he said the last part of his thoughts aloud
Cicero said:
"Uhh.....thanks you're the first person who didn't give me some sort of dirty look when I say stuff like that so thank you really." He said to the girl smiling "Hey does this car have a working radio?" The boy asked.But Nick started laughing "That's the first usually when someone had to pick between me or my brother they would instantly go for him even though hes a thief just because I can break any bone the body just by punching it once or twisting it thanks to human strength they still go for him." The boy ended up muttering
(Ooc: time skip to hotel?)

"Actually, I prefer cafes- or coffee shops. They're the same thing right?" Matthew told him. He was still exceedingly nervous around Vladimor, but that was only because he didn't want to slip up and sound like an idiot. Besides that, he find it increasingly easier to talk with Vlad as the night went on. "I'm so sorry for being late sir- We're having a bit of difficulty up at the front desk." Matthew raised an eyebrow at the woman who was still only addressing Vladimor came back with their food. What could be the issue that made this girl so nervous? He turned his head to look over at the front desk, where the woman upfront was looking rather afraid. It took a second for Matt to recognize who it was, but when he did he realized it was Homo- at least, that's what he kept calling Ely. Immediately Matthew's mood fell: Why did that jerk have to come by now, of all times?! "I'm going to the restroom." Matt said, standing up and hoping to walk over there without being seen. If he hid in there for just a little while, maybe Ely would go somewhere else by then? It was a slim chance, but Matt was willing to do anything to avoid him right now.

"Whatever you say..." Rin muttered. He didn't want to admit it, but his sister could calm him down with a wave of her hand. Rin was going to get out of the car after his sister, but a girl's voice stopped him. He whipped his head around to see a girl who, while pretty, looked like she was homeless. "What do you want?" he asked her. Already he was trying to infiltrate her mind, but oddly enough he found himself unable to. He kept his expression neutral, but he was talking to his sister in their minds. "Can you reach her? I can't detect her mind at all..." Rin locked eyes with the girl, secretly hoping the mystery would be solved by something the girl did. "We're fine ma'am- These two were just getting out." The taxi driver told her with a smile. "Get out." Rin ordered his sister. He didn't know what she was, but he was getting more and more nervous every second he sat in this car.​
Derrick is mainly silent the entire ride, but is thankful of his tolerance to alcohol for the ability to drive at such a time. It was pretty discomforting the way Orious was acting, and it almost made him want to speed up. Though he didn't, in fear of passing the speed limit and getting a ticket when he didn't even have a driver's license on him. He hears Orious mumble something, but he doesn't quite catch it so he lets it pass until he reaches the house, driving into the garage and getting out. "Uhm, Orious, are you alright?" He asks timidly, chewing on his lip.


Hunter smiled softly at the boy who stepped out of the car, obviously deterred by her sudden appearance. "What do you want?" The girl who exited behind him didn't have much to say on the matter, although she was clearly just as bothered. "What do I want? Nothing. I was just trying to help. Those of a feather flock together, isn't that the saying?" She had hoped maybe the two would catch the hint that she was like them. It appeared she couldn't even get a message over to their minds, despite multiple tries. She locked eyes with the boy, scanning them for signs he understood. Desperately, she sent out one last message, hoping to finally get it across to him that she wasn't here to hurt them. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and bit her lip as she pushed her words into his mind. Simple and efficient was what she needed here. 'I'm like you.'
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Sage yawned loudly. " Let's go to sleep. " he said Shuzo as he got into the bus

Ldybug123 said:
"Y-yeah I-I'm a-alright." Shuzo said to Sage. @djinnamon
Ooc: I'm ready to time skip.

iiimee said:

"Actually, I prefer cafes- or coffee shops. They're the same thing right?" Matthew told him. He was still exceedingly nervous around Vladimor, but that was only because he didn't want to slip up and sound like an idiot. Besides that, he find it increasingly easier to talk with Vlad as the night went on. "I'm so sorry for being late sir- We're having a bit of difficulty up at the front desk." Matthew raised an eyebrow at the woman who was still only addressing Vladimor came back with their food. What could be the issue that made this girl so nervous? He turned his head to look over at the front desk, where the woman upfront was looking rather afraid. It took a second for Matt to recognize who it was, but when he did he realized it was Homo- at least, that's what he kept calling Ely. Immediately Matthew's mood fell: Why did that jerk have to come by now, of all times?! "I'm going to the restroom." Matt said, standing up and hoping to walk over there without being seen. If he hid in there for just a little while, maybe Ely would go somewhere else by then? It was a slim chance, but Matt was willing to do anything to avoid him right now.

"Whatever you say..." Rin muttered. He didn't want to admit it, but his sister could calm him down with a wave of her hand. Rin was going to get out of the car after his sister, but a girl's voice stopped him. He whipped his head around to see a girl who, while pretty, looked like she was homeless. "What do you want?" he asked her. Already he was trying to infiltrate her mind, but oddly enough he found himself unable to. He kept his expression neutral, but he was talking to his sister in their minds. "Can you reach her? I can't detect her mind at all..." Rin locked eyes with the girl, secretly hoping the mystery would be solved by something the girl did. "We're fine ma'am- These two were just getting out." The taxi driver told her with a smile. "Get out." Rin ordered his sister. He didn't know what she was, but he was getting more and more nervous every second he sat in this car.​
Cicero said:
mewbot5408 said:
(Ooc: time skip to hotel?)

Vladimor just nods, silently cheering to himself as the food came. "Ah, that's all right. Thank you for the meal!" He puts his hands together and did a seated bow. When Matthew announces his excuse from the table, Vladimor didn't object to it. Though it seemed a little too incidental. He takes a glance back at to the man at the front desk, humming in suspicion. Whatever. "I'm starving..."He mumbles, ready to set into the surprise meal that had been cooked. Seafood themed? Not bad.

The female twin nods at her brother's order, exiting quickly. "No...can't get in. Is she special, Rin?" She asks, looking at her brother anxiously, pulling at the hem of her shirt as she looks at the unreadable girl. Really? Another one? That's the hundredth one today! Well, an over exaggeration, but it was troubling how many 'others' they were encountering today, she must admit.​
Ooc:Anyone else think they got the wrong idea at that we were time skipping scenes that were meant to be skips examples: The TabXCicero scene and the scene with Nick and Stell
"not exactly...don't come near me I don't think I can control myself very well with this drug in my system...don't worry about me.." he anwsered loud enough to warn the human and seemed to be in obviously in pain. Orious got out tripping a little but managed to stand up holding a hand to his head.

It was also obvious orious was trying to keep himself in check despite his current state.
Cicero said:
Ooc:Anyone else think they got the wrong idea at that we were time skipping scenes that were meant to be skips examples: The TabXCicero scene and the scene with Nick and Stell
Yeah..I think people aren't paying attention half the time. Xc

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