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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ooc:Yea true

Bic:Eventually after driving for a while Nick pulled in the parking lot of a hotel "Will this do for the baby?" He asked the girl laughing will he got out of the car not really paying attention he closed the door and walked over to open the passenger door "Now make sure you don't fall." He said treating the girl like she was a kid trying his best not to smile or laugh more then he already was
"Its Leo. Yours?" He asked with the scraps of modesty he had left in his diseased head. He had been focusing on the small bit of himself that he left on the opposing taxi, feeling the wind and cold rain on the blob, as if it were part of himself, because it was.

"Stop the car!" He felt the attuned piece nearby, but he also heard a nearby clkub playing the Cha Cha Shuffle. He resisted with all his might to not gives in to the hypnotic dance, and follow the stone to the end of the street, right as the cab took off faster than he could ever run. "Shit. Lost them." He slowly walked west and stumbled upon his targets. "What a stroke of luck!" He thought, "If you know what I mean." He snickered to the joke he made to himself, and looked straight down at the twins and what seems to be a homeless girl, which unluckily for her, was the source of a incredibly painful headache.

Approaching them on the sidewalk, he saw that they were already tense, so he decided the best course of action was to fuck around with them in a way they could all enjoy, such as magic tricks (Who wants to see a dead body!?) Aeronautical engineering (How fast can I propel this little shit into the stratosphere?) And deep exostensial crisises.

Clearly, with this lousy unfun group, he would have to take unconvential methods, such as introducing himself properly, and building lasting relationships fulfilled with loyalty, goodwill, and Agatha.
"It's Allen-" He managed to get in before Leo completely cut him off. What the fuck was he doing? The car in front of them wasn't stopping so what the hell was the point?

But instead of questioning this, he just got out of the car and followed, wondering what he was going to be dragged into.

Allen followed close behind, dumbstruck as to how fast-paced and rapidly changing this creature's consciousness was…

As they approached the three, Allen merely stayed behind him, observing the group that he expected they were to victimize.

He crossed his arms, looking to Leo to see how he'd go about confronting them. It's not that he wished to be passive, but he wanted to study the behavior of Leo.
Cicero said:
Ooc:Yea true
Bic:Eventually after driving for a while Nick pulled in the parking lot of a hotel "Will this do for the baby?" He asked the girl laughing will he got out of the car not really paying attention he closed the door and walked over to open the passenger door "Now make sure you don't fall." He said treating the girl like she was a kid trying his best not to smile or laugh more then he already was
She hopped out shaking her head.

Stell sighed crossing her arms over her chest which of course made it apparent she was no where near flat chested. "Go ahead and carry me around too why don't you...don't worry I'll just bite you...." she said annoyed and stating she would gladly bite him she had to.
mewbot5408 said:
"not exactly...don't come near me I don't think I can control myself very well with this drug in my system...don't worry about me.." he anwsered loud enough to warn the human and seemed to be in obviously in pain. Orious got out tripping a little but managed to stand up holding a hand to his head.
It was also obvious orious was trying to keep himself in check despite his current state.
"I...won't," He says, taking a step back ay he eyed the vampire causiously. "I shan't come near until you are well..." He sounded extremely proper at that time, maybe for no reason. Or maybe since his instinct wasn't wild, but instead quiant and rather tame. He was raised in a wealthy household, after all. He bows saying a quick "Good night, please feel well soon. Call me if you need anything." Derrick quickly scurries off, giving Orious a glance when he reached the garage's door way.
[QUOTE="King Anthony]"I...won't," He says, taking a step back ay he eyed the vampire causiously. "I shan't come near until you are well..." He sounded extremely proper at that time, maybe for no reason. Or maybe since his instinct wasn't wild, but instead quiant and rather tame. He was raised in a wealthy household, after all. He bows saying a quick "Good night, please feel well soon. Call me if you need anything." Derrick quickly scurries off, giving Orious a glance when he reached the garage's door way.

(Ooc: no it's not normal for even vampires for them to do this )

Orious coughed sharply and painfully,blood splattered on the ground at his feet. His body hurt and burned, he was avoiding the matter too much and he he couldn't stand it anymore breathing becoming heavier."...derrick...I.."
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mewbot5408 said:
She hopped out shaking her head.
Stell sighed crossing her arms over her chest which of course made it apparent she was no where near flat chested. "Go ahead and carry me around too why don't you...don't worry I'll just bite you...." she said annoyed and stating she would gladly bite him she had to.
"Ok if all your going to do is bite me seems easy." He said crouching down waiting for her sarcastically before standing straight again and walking up to her crouching down were they were on eye level "You must really hate me right now don't you?" He asked the girl smiling at how much he was being an asshole to her "I told you one of my special traits people hate about me is being an asshole so you should have expected it out of me." He told the girl picking her up and putting her on his shoulders while he stopped crouching "How does it feel to feel tall for once?" He asked laughing a little
Cicero said:
"Ok if all your going to do is bite me seems easy." He said crouching down waiting for her sarcastically before standing straight again and walking up to her crouching down were they were on eye level "You must really hate me right now don't you?" He asked the girl smiling at how much he was being an asshole to her "I told you one of my special traits people hate about me is being an asshole so you should have expected it out of me." He told the girl picking her up and putting her on his shoulders while he stopped crouching "How does it feel to feel tall for once?" He asked laughing a little
"....I can't hate you, it's impossible for me to even if you get on my nerves.."she answered with a annoyed sigh being fully honest in her words. when he picked her up stell grabbed onto him to balance herself looking down at his face her blue/green eyes blinking then smirked. "not bad actually, I could get used to this. not everyday I get to ride on a guy's shoulders but then again I thought you would've stopped there.." she said and with that she exhaled less annoyed than before with her hands on his head patting his head like a pet almost.
"Uhhh.....I'm sure its possible anyone can hate me just like I can hate anyone." He said looking away with his cheeks a little red. He let out a little laugh "Yea you can get use to it all you want this will most likely be the only time." He said while looking up at her before looking straight and putting on his head so she could stop petting him 'I can't believe I forgot to put my hat on now of all times.' He thought to himself while making sure the hat wouldn't fall of his head and looking up at the girl confused "Why are you petting my head for no reason?" He asked asked the girl he just found it weird not that he didn't enjoy it although that must be his cat side that enjoyed getting petted but not him
Cicero said:
"Uhhh.....I'm sure its possible anyone can hate me just like I can hate anyone." He said looking away with his cheeks a little red. He let out a little laugh "Yea you can get use to it all you want this will most likely be the only time." He said while looking up at her before looking straight and putting on his head so she could stop petting him 'I can't believe I forgot to put my hat on now of all times.' He thought to himself while making sure the hat wouldn't fall of his head and looking up at the girl confused "Why are you petting my head for no reason?" He asked asked the girl he just found it weird not that he didn't enjoy it although that must be his cat side that enjoyed getting petted but not him
"...but they looked sooooooooo soft I can't help it I'm a sucker for cute and fluffy things,Nick. It can't be helped.." she told him almost with a girly squeak with a giggle and a blush. She sighed as she looked at him smirking and poked his cheek. "You're blushing, kitten. "
"Yea well don't pet me just cause your a sucker for that sort of stuff...AND THERE NOT CUTE OR FLUFFY." He said the the girl yelling a bit at how she said they were cute and fluffy he didn't really understand this girl whatsoever his face instantly turned away trying to show no emotion but embarrassment come popping up "Shut up or i'll let you fall." He said while slightly loosing his grip he had on her hoping that would make her shut up long enough his cheeks to return to normal
Cicero said:
"Yea well don't pet me just cause your a sucker for that sort of stuff...AND THEy'RE NOT CUTE OR FLUFFY." He said the the girl yelling a bit at how she said they were cute and fluffy he didn't really understand this girl whatsoever his face instantly turned away trying to show no emotion but embarrassment come popping up "Shut up or i'll let you fall." He said while slightly loosing his grip he had on her hoping that would make her shut up long enough his cheeks to return to normal
Stell sighed and clinging onto him burying her head against his neck cringing a little bit as a high pitched sound hit her ears. thunder.Stell hated loud noises,having her DNA now similar to a moth ment her hearing and body had changed. Loud pitches were extremely painful to hear and caused her nose and mouth to bleed at times as well as she had little cold tolerance now.


Ely smirked as he watched Matt scurry away to the bathroom. He rolled his green eyes at the woman, "Look, I'll leave. Just let me borrow your bathroom at the very least." She agreed, although reluctantly and Ely gave a wink at her, heading straight for the wooden door, marked by a little sign reading 'Men's'. He pushed it open and gave a grin to the dark haired boy at the sink as he leaned against the door, blocking the way out. "Well, well, strange to bump into you here, now isn't it, doll face?"

"Eh...whats the matter." He said while tightening the grip he had on her 'Well great what could be wrong this time.' He thought to himself while trying to get her away from his neck "Hey don't go vampire on me were already here ok." He told the girl while he pushed her head away from his neck and walked in he walked up the the desk "I would like to rent a room please." He asked the guy behind the desk "So for one adult and a child." They guy said while he looked at his computer "No one adult and a teenager." He corrected the man smiling "Uhh....right ok here's your key please have a great stay." He told them while handing them the key to their room "Thanks." Was all Nick said while he took the key and went to the elevator trying not to laugh at the fact Stell was called a kid again
Cicero said:
"Eh...whats the matter." He said while tightening the grip he had on her 'Well great what could be wrong this time.' He thought to himself while trying to get her away from his neck "Hey don't go vampire on me were already here ok." He told the girl while he pushed her head away from his neck and walked in he walked up the the desk "I would like to rent a room please." He asked the guy behind the desk "So for one adult and a child." They guy said while he looked at his computer "No one adult and a teenager." He corrected the man smiling "Uhh....right ok here's your key please have a great stay." He told them while handing them the key to their room "Thanks." Was all Nick said while he took the key and went to the elevator trying not to laugh at the fact Stell was called a kid again
"I don't like loud noises on that frequency...they hurt.." she whispered to Nick teary eyed,shivering and she had a little bit of a bloody nose from the effects of the sound. "I'm mixed with the DNA of a breed of silk moth..certain frequencies are damaging to my body as well as harsh cold." she added which explained why she was in pain.
"Ok to be honest you should have told me that before you decide to touch my ears or anything else cute and fluffy that isn't suppose to be touched." He stated while rubbing her nose to get the blood off and wiped it on his shirt. "Also...i'm sorry I know it was my fault for yelling." He said while they entered the room and wrapped her in the bed hoping she would warm up or what the reason she was shivering while he looked around the room for cameras or anything that would pick up on them talking about their powers or the groups powers when he finished checking the room he locked the door and laid on the couch looking at the girl then the ceiling where his eyes stayed while he took of his hat
After a few minutes,

Stell sighed softly no longer shivering and had closed her eyes flopping gently onto his lap. The female fallen asleep and a pair of pretty blueish wings were visible now upon her back which pushed the blanket off her as she had pretty fell asleep with a soft hum sound.
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"Hey wake up...why are you on top of me?" He asked the girl hoping to get an answer out of her while slightly nudging her and poking her face after a while of silence he ran his hand through his hair "This officially sucks....guess I might as well try to get some sleep since you won't get off me." He stated while grabbing the blanket and throwing it over himself and her making sure it wouldn't damage her wings if that was even possible before using one of his arms as a pillow and wrapping the other one around her so she wouldn't fall it was just so Nick couldn't sleep easier knowing he wouldn't have to wake up in the middle of the night from the girl crying from falling off from on top of him

Ooc: Ugh sorry guys! I've been kind of exhausted lately, but I'll reply right now.

Bic: Matthew hurried to the bathroom, going in and washing his face as he tried to figure out what to do. "Ely, you bastard!" Matt yelled within the realms of his mind. He was still trying to figure out what to do when the jerk himself walked into the door, giving Matthew a grin that told the boy he was up to no good. "What do you want Homo?" Matt asked him, using the nickname he had given the boy in response to his just as offensive one. It wasn't like he cared about the boy's sexuality- he just wanted some clear way to respond to Ely, even if it was childish and petty. Matt crossed his arms and leaned against the sink, trying to not look intimidated, but occasionally his eyes flickered down from Ely's face to the floor. Why out of all times, did the jerk try to bother him now?! Matt's eyes finally rested on Ely's clothing: By the look of them, he was worse than just homeless. "Did you have a few run-ins with the cops, or does your clothes just tear easily?"​
Cicero said:
"Hey wake up...why are you on top of me?" He asked the girl hoping to get an answer out of her while slightly nudging her and poking her face after a while of silence he ran his hand through his hair "This officially sucks....guess I might as well try to get some sleep since you won't get off me." He stated while grabbing the blanket and throwing it over himself and her making sure it wouldn't damage her wings if that was even possible before using one of his arms as a pillow and wrapping the other one around her so she wouldn't fall it was just so Nick couldn't sleepeasier knowing he wouldn't have to wake up in the middle of the night from the girl crying from falling off from on top of him
After a good amount of time,

Stell woke up and Sat up with a little yawn,stretching and looked up at Nick blushing realizing that she had fallen

asleep on his lap. Still sitting on his lap she quietly stared at his sleeping face before smiling a little. He liked his sleeping face it was peaceful.
Ooc:Yea time to see Nick's dream ohh i'm going to love thinking of the most fucked up morbid and deranged things in his dream to make him suffer

Bic:'"Hey Nick...hey!" Cicero and Ocean yelled in his face laughing while Nick opened his eyes confused at where he was...he remembered being in a hotel room with Stell now he was here was that a dream and this is reality he was confused at what was going on he just seen a younger version of both his brothers Cicero looked 15 which made him 16 while ocean looked 10 or 11. He seen them running and laughing he just smiled and chuckled a little he made his way over to them but every so often out of the corner of his eye it looked like someone was following him when he got up to Cicero and Ocean they were facing away from him looking at something he knelt down and talk to them he turned them so they were facing a smiling boy who's face turned into pure terror at what he saw the boys had no eyes with the substance that Cicero was injected with they were groaning slightly but it kept getting louder and louder until it was unbearable he turned around and ran from the noise they were making he looked behind them to see them following him and gaining fast it didn't even look like they were running more like floating he pushed himself to run fast while facing forward running into a person he looked behind them to see no one and nothing he sighed in relief before facing the person again it looked like a girl mid 20's at the least he helped her up "I'm sorry ma'am I wasn't paying attention to where I was....going mom is that you?" He asked confused at the woman he was looking at "Ohh Nick so nice to see you again have you seen your brothers their not done making me and your father money yet and neither are you.' She stated laughing madly while she pulled out a knife and stabbed Nick's leg making him scream he pulled the knife out and stabbed the thing pretending to be his mother "NICK!? WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!" A male voice stated Nick looked up to see his father running at him with a broken beer bottle Nick ran away and eventually ran into an ally feeling safe knowing there was no way they could have followed him "Niiiccckk~......were are you?" Two voices that sounded like his brothers said in unison before they started laughing manically "WE FOUND YOU!" The said from behind him holding him to the wall while Nick tried to break away from the iron grip of his ghost brothers his father came from behind the corner "Well well well thank you boys now lets make older brother pay for stabbing mommy and running away." His father said getting closer and closer with he broken bottle smiling while his brother's laughs got louder and louder and more manically until the didn't even sound human anymore when his father got to were he was the older man crouched down to face his son "Trust me bud this won't hurt...much anyways." He stated while he cut the boys arm and stabbed him in the side then directly in the heart after that all he heard was the laughter from his brothers then silence'Nick bolted wake sweating with his breath ragged he felt his body where he was stabbed leaving his hand on his chest felling his heart it felt like it was about to explode his finally noticed Stell and his face turned red he must look like a madman he picked her up and put her on the couch before going to the bath room and washing his face



"What do I want? Well, in all honesty, a nice meal sounds good right about now." Ely fought the urge to laugh at the boy. He was obviously angry and frustrated at the boy's sudden appearance, and while Ely didn't necessarily take joy in his pain - he certainly didn't mind it. His lips squirmed up as Matt questioned his clothing. "Oh no, doll. This is just what happens to clothes of some one who's getting it good every night from his sugar daddy." Which he obviously didn't have, otherwise he would be able to get into the damned restaurant. "Something you wouldn't know much about from the looks of you date. When was the time you got screwed, doll face?"

Cicero said:
Ooc:Yea time to see Nick's dream ohh i'm going to love thinking of the most fucked up morbid and deranged things in his dream to make him suffer
Bic:'"Hey Nick...hey!" Cicero and Ocean yelled in his face laughing while Nick opened his eyes confused at where he was...he remembered being in a hotel room with Stell now he was here was that a dream and this is reality he was confused at what was going on he just seen a younger version of both his brothers Cicero looked 15 which made him 16 while ocean looked 10 or 11. He seen them running and laughing he just smiled and chuckled a little he made his way over to them but every so often out of the corner of his eye it looked like someone was following him when he got up to Cicero and Ocean they were facing away from him looking at something he knelt down and talk to them he turned them so they were facing a smiling boy who's face turned into pure terror at what he saw the boys had no eyes with the substance that Cicero was injected with they were groaning slightly but it kept getting louder and louder until it was unbearable he turned around and ran from the noise they were making he looked behind them to see them following him and gaining fast it didn't even look like they were running more like floating he pushed himself to run fast while facing forward running into a person he looked behind them to see no one and nothing he sighed in relief before facing the person again it looked like a girl mid 20's at the least he helped her up "I'm sorry ma'am I wasn't paying attention to where I was....going mom is that you?" He asked confused at the woman he was looking at "Ohh Nick so nice to see you again have you seen your brothers their not done making me and your father money yet and neither are you.' She stated laughing madly while she pulled out a knife and stabbed Nick's leg making him scream he pulled the knife out and stabbed the thing pretending to be his mother "NICK!? WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!" A male voice stated Nick looked up to see his father running at him with a broken beer bottle Nick ran away and eventually ran into an ally feeling safe knowing there was no way they could have followed him "Niiiccckk~......were are you?" Two voices that sounded like his brothers said in unison before they started laughing manically "WE FOUND YOU!" The said from behind him holding him to the wall while Nick tried to break away from the iron grip of his ghost brothers his father came from behind the corner "Well well well thank you boys now lets make older brother pay for stabbing mommy and running away." His father said getting closer and closer with he broken bottle smiling while his brother's laughs got louder and louder and more manically until the didn't even sound human anymore when his father got to were he was the older man crouched down to face his son "Trust me bud this won't hurt...much anyways." He stated while he cut the boys arm and stabbed him in the side then directly in the heart after that all he heard was the laughter from his brothers then silence'Nick bolted wake sweating with his breath ragged he felt his body where he was stabbed leaving his hand on his chest felling his heart it felt like it was about to explode his finally noticed Stell and his face turned red he must look like a madman he picked her up and put her on the couch before going to the bath room and washing his face

Stell seemed to gotten a bit surprised at him as he had woke. She stood up and tilted her head."you were talking in your sleep,did you have a nightmare? You can tell me if you want,i promise I won't make fun of you." She told him with a soft look in her eyes looking up at him. She was obviously worried and trying to help if she could.

"How can she not be? She's the first whose mind we cannot read." Rin answered his sister, but he could tell she was already coming to her own conclusions. They had both just gotten out of the car when the metal monster caught up to them. He towered over all three of them, but next to him was a boy roughly their size. Immediately Rin seized the insides of the boy's mind: His name was Allen. He could move things particle by particle. The information came at such a whirring speed that Rin found himself holding the side of his head in pain. It wasn't everyone, but once and a while there were minds he found that were too easy to read. Almost instinctively, Rin grabbed Rei's hand, while also stepping forward slightly to make sure the monster didn't touch her. "Why are you following us?" Rin asked, but of course he knew why. Leo wanted to find the address of the house he was supposed to go to. Still, curiosity was mingled into his emotions: It was one of those emotions that made Rin sick. He glanced back at the girl whose mind he still couldn't read. "Do you know him?" he asked her.

"Why do you want to know?" was the typical bratty response somebody would expect from an eighteen year old, but instead Matthew just closed his eyes, trying to keep himself from punching this guy's lights out. "I'll tell you when I'm dead. Anyway, why can't you rob a fast food place or something? This place is full of decent people- I shouldn't even be here, let alone you." Matt didn't know what he was going to say until the words tumbled from his mouth, but once they did he didn't regret them. His next choice of words could've been better though. "Unlike you, I don't screw for money. Go somewhere else please- I don't want Vlad to see me where with you." He felt a bit more confident, at least until he realized what he just said. He mentioned a name. He locked his gaze with Ely for a few seconds, understanding his mistake. "I'm going back now." Matt muttered, quickly trying to brush past Ely. What would Matt do if Ely used the knowledge of who he cared for against him? Right now there was nothing bigger to worry about. He didn't want Vlad to meet Ely, much less have to deal with him the way Matt did.​
Nick stood there in silence for a bit still a little stunned it seemed so real his brothers laughing him getting stabbed he finally noticed Stell "NO...I mean no sorry I don't like talking about nightmares I just choose to forgot about them and hope they don't show up again if they do I just ignore them again so there's no point in talking about them unless you can find one." He said bitterly looking at the girl with his dull lifeless eyes it seemed that if you look into them long enough you can see someone who's been to hell and back well he was in his own personal hell the one trapped inside his mind that he puts up with he deals with his inner demons while acting normal on the outside but in reality he was a ticking time bomb with no off switch and no real timer of when he would detonate he had to put up with this his whole life and he never shared his dreams or nightmares let alone his actual feelings he wasn't going to start now

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