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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Sai sighed realize his impropriate behavior, "sorry sir, I have an emotional issue. But I would love to go get food." He said this almost as though he was still angry but this time, it was directed towards himself. He clutched his fist close trying to control himself, drawing blood from it. Quickly he hid his hand behind his back so that this stranger wouldn't see it.


Ely nodded, "I understand." He began walking towards the McDonald's, which wasn't relatively far, at least not for him. He frowned as the kid hid his hand behind his back, but didn't question it. He wasn't one to ask about people's secrets, especially when he had so many of his own. "I'm Ely. Cutest and probably gayest guy you'll ever meet. What's your name, kid?" He probably wouldn't ever call the boy by his name, even if he did know it.
He was almost yelling at the man in his thoughts, strangely only feeling anger towards this kind stranger. "Nice to meet you Ely, I am Sai." He was able to control himself not acting the way he had before, being civil. "I doubt that you haven't met half the people I know." He reply commenting on his earlier claim of being the gayest person he would ever meet.


"Nice to meet you, kid." Ely said, a smile on his face. He put his hands in the pockets of his well worn jeans as they walked and shivered slightly as they walked. The air was chilling and his t-shirt wasn't doing much in the way of warmth. He chucked as Sai commented on his introduction, "Probably not."
Sai felt a cold shiver go down his back, is this guy going to call me kid the entire time we are together? "Yea nice to meet you to." Sai's clothes may have been raggedy but they were still thick and warm so the cold night air didn't bother him as much as it bothered the other man.


As they turned the corner, the McDonald's came into view. Ely didn't try to keep up any small talk as they walked - it wasn't really his thing. He could be flirty when he wanted to be but Sai was just a kid, and certainly not his type. As they entered the McDonald's, a rush of warm, greasy air filled his face and he grimaced slightly. The place wasn't his favorite but it certainly was all he could afford right now. He held the door open for the kid and followed behind him to the register. He quickly order something - just fries, a burger, and a drink and then nodded to Sai. "And whatever the kid wants."
Sai looked at the menu not know what to order, could he just get everything on the menu and decide what he did and did not like. It would make his life easier, besides this was an adult. He walked up to the register and began to say everything instead all that came out was "I'll have the same." He then walked away from it and sat at a table.
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With the sudden change in Matthew's expression, so was there in Vladimor's. His face softened as he sees the tears brimming in his eyes. He feels terrible for making him cry. Dropping any sort of negative feeling, he pulls Matthew close, hugging him tightly. "No,no, no...Come on..." He cooed softly pulling back to hold Matthew's face in his hands, stroking his cheek with his palm. "I apologize...I was very much out of line for raising my voice at you, Matthew." He tells him, his voice a sharp contrast from earlier as it took on a more gentle tone. As Vladimor looks down on him he can't help the biting jealousy he felt when someone other than himself dare lay their filthy lips on his beautiful pristine boy. A deep breath drew itself from his chest as he leans closer to him, trying to reach a sense of security for the both of them. "Would you rather me instead?" He says quietly with a longing eyes, making sure only Matthew could hear him.



Ely shrugged and followed behind Sai. It was obvious he wasn't interested in chatting so Ely sat patiently waiting for their number to appear on the screen above the counter. He sighed, bouncing his knee in nervousness. He wasn't sure why, but this kid gave him an uneasy vibe. Like he was going to explode at any moment.
Cicero said:
His face became red as he looked away "Shut up...." He told the girl looking at her wings for a moment before turning his gaze towards the far wall. When he was told the girl he was hanging out with so called protecting was rich "Oh so your one of those spoiled ten year olds that get what they want when they want great " He asked sarcastically and laughing a bit while throwing the wallet back to her not really caring how much money was in it then the stupid kiss appeared back into his mind "get out of my head." The boy muttered to himself while hitting his head he stopped and looked at the girl for a minute and looked back down at the bed his felt his lips again he couldn't get the stupid feeling of her lips on his off no matter how much he rubbed or scratched at it 'Why....just why won't this stupid feeling go away that's all I want is for it to go away.' The boy thought to himself
"Hmmm...I actually enjoyed housework, cooking, sewing, and gardening. They'd always yell at me for it because it's considered improper..." she said with a sigh and looked down kinda disappointed and annoyed he didn't want her help. "I just wanted to help anyways, I'm not good at much and I have almost no physical strength so I'm trying in ways I know how.."she explained and looked up at him with a slight smile before leaning towards him noticing what he was doing with a light blush.it made her wanna tease him a little bit.Stell stood up on the bed leaning over,her dainty arms around his shoulders and she had her face by his ear."niiiiiiccccckkk....you keep spacing out, you okay??" She murmured before resting her chin on his shoulder staring up at him with her big green/blue eyes with a concerned look.
"Eh.....What are you doing." He said snapping out of his trance looking at the girl confused 'Why is she always doing something like this?' He thought to himself "....I was just...I can't get the kiss out of my head no matter how hard I try." The boy stated plainly while rubbing his lips again looking down at the bed hating how he pretty much told her something when she wanted to know he despised all of it but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to hate the girl or the kiss he tried and tried but his mind wouldn't let him...or was there something else stopping him "Explain to me again why did you kiss me and be completely honest don't lie even if I won't like the truth I want to know I promise I won't yell at you or leave." He told the girl looking at her his face finally returning to normal color
Cicero said:
"Eh.....What are you doing." He said snapping out of his trance looking at the girl confused 'Why is she always doing something like this?' He thought to himself "....I was just...I can't get the kiss out of my head no matter how hard I try." The boy stated plainly while rubbing his lips again looking down at the bed hating how he pretty much told her something when she wanted to know he despised all of it but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to hate the girl or the kiss he tried and tried but his mind wouldn't let him...or was there something else stopping him "Explain to me again why did you kiss me and be completely honest don't lie even if I won't like the truth I want to know I promise I won't yell at you or leave." He told the girl looking at her his face finally returning to normal color
"You want to know why..." Stell's face turned a light pink and she stared making eye contact with Nick."...I wanted to kiss you and I'm fond of you...more than I expected myself to be...I planned on running off after we go to Vegas when we first met but now I find myself wanting to stay here following you. I'm attached to you too much for my own good. " she admitted honestly and sighed, with that she had tightened her arms hugging him closing her eyes. "Is that a bad thing,Nick?"
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Ooc: See, this is what Matt was thinking about earlier: Ely doesn't have any regrets... Still sad Vlad didn't use his shadows... I wonder if Ely will try to crash at the house...

Bic: Matthew had a thousand things he wanted to say to Vlad. Some of these sentences were apologies, some confessions, but before one word could escape his mouth he was being embraced. "...Vlad?" It wasn't really a question, but Matt said his name like it was one, the single name sounding muffled against his shirt. The tears that had collected in Matthew's eyes fell, but no more came, not when Vlad looked down at him with such a gentle expression and apologizing as if he had done something wrong. (I mean, Matthew didn't do anything wrong either, but...) Matthew's heart had raced several times before around Vladimor, but he felt like it actually skipped a beat at Vladimor's offer. Matt simply nodded, still grabbing unto Vlad's shirt out of pure need to touch and be around him. Then, out of nowhere, Matthew used his hold on the taller young man to pull his face down toward his. He tilted his face to the side and locked lips with Vlad, letting go of the shirt he had been gripping so desperately until this point. The restaurant was in chaos, with customers threatening to leave and and one angry restaurant owner. Finally fed up with this, the owner pushed the waitress who had been serving them earlier over. "U-um, sirs," She was finally addressing both of them, but she didn't seem happy to be doing it. "We'll need to ask you two to leave. You're disturbing some of the other customers." She didn't look to see if they were even paying attention to her or not. Instead, she stood there nervously, practically shaking with fear over the idea of being fired.​


@Cookie8272 , Ely gave Matt a small kiss which made Vlad jealous but Matt's tears are like anti-anger for Vlad so that's a thing. (Which is funny, because when Matt was crying on the bus earlier Vlad was like "Get over it you wuss." but anyway, they're in a fancy restaurant and romantic stuffz going on, Sai and Ely are at a Mcdonalds just talking so if you're boring you can jump in there. Tabitha and Cicero just woke up and idk what stuff they'll do. Leo is sort of on a rampage again at I think a bar? To cool his nerves. Hunter is injured and Rin is acting bossy and wanting Mew to help him carry Hunter over to him so he can bandage her wounds and Rei's there like "Why is this weirdo all over my bro?" so your char could jump in there, if ya like.​
mewbot5408 said:
(Ooc: no it's not normal for even vampires for them to do this )
Orious coughed sharply and painfully,blood splattered on the ground at his feet. His body hurt and burned, he was avoiding the matter too much and he he couldn't stand it anymore breathing becoming heavier."...derrick...I.."
repost XC
mew hadn't noticed hunter on the ground and sighed making his way over before picking her up bringing her over to rin. his eyes had quickly scanned over her body making calculations in his head as her murmured something in japanse. "her injuries aren't too severe, she'll live but the impact of course was enough to put someone in a slight coma if anything,she's bleeding due to having scraped her forehead...no worries though..all that needs to be done is stop the bleeding." he said softly as he had just explained things,his a.i came in handy at times of this sort.
Rin's eyes widened when he realized Mew was speaking the language he had grown up hearing. "Who is this guy?" he asked his sister, but instead of looking over at her he just kept his eyes cast toward the unconscious girl's body and murmured a small "Thank you." in English. Rin strategically applied the bandages, looking back down at the girl's face every so often to make sure she didn't wake up. When that was done, Rin looked up at the A.I cat-boy. "Thank you," he repeated at first. "But how do we repay you? If you need money, we have plenty." Being the proffessional businessman he was, Rin instinctively took out his wallet and handed Mew fifty bucks. It wasn't a lot, all things considered, but then again Mew hadn't done that much. "Will this be enough?" he asked. He didn't want to admit it, but the guy's eyes scared Rin. He wasn't exactly sure how to explain it, but Mew's eyes were a mix between an empty robot's and a calculating human's. The boy reached into the A.I's mind again, finding the same results as before: He was focused on Rin. The boy didn't say anything, but he silently wondered if Rei was looking into the robot's mind and finding this out too. He wasn't sure if he wanted her too: Rei had enough to worry about, but he sure as Hell couldn't stop her.

mewbot5408 said:
"You want to know why..." Stell's face turned a light pink and she stared making eye contact with Nick."...I wanted to kiss you and I'm fond of you...more than I expected myself to be...I planned on running off after we go to Vegas when we first met but now I find myself wanting to stay here following you. I'm attached to you too much for my own good. " she admitted honestly and sighed, with that she had tightened her arms hugging him closing her eyes. "Is that a bad thing,Nick?"
"Yea I wanna know why." He said before listing to the girls explanation his face becoming a little red after she explained but a little sad that she was just going to leave once they got to Las Vega "So you wanted to kiss me because your more fond of me then you thought you would be...." He said half heartily while pulling away from her hug to face her on eye level his face still red while he cupped her face in his hand kissing her before pulling away with a red face "I guess its not a bad thing.....if you don't want it to be." He said looking down at the bed

Ooc:Where can I throw SuSu into this mess anyone want to give me a hint
Cicero said:
"Yea I wanna know why." He said before listing to the girls explanation his face becoming a little red after she explained but a little sad that she was just going to leave once they got to Las Vega "So you wanted to kiss me because your more fond of me then you thought you would be...." He said half heartily while pulling away from her hug to face her on eye level his face still red while he cupped her face in his hand kissing her before pulling away with a red face "I guess its not a bad thing.....if you don't want it to be." He said looking down at the bed
Ooc:Where can I throw SuSu into this mess anyone want to give me a hint
Ooc: @Cicero , there are so many places you could throw SuSu in! xD As I've already suggested, bugging Ely and Sai is a thing, bugging Matt and Vlad could be a thing, bugging Cicero and Tabitha definitely is a thing, NO BUGGING DERRICK X ORI, You could go to the side of the road where everyone's taking care of Hunter, OR wherever Leo and Allen are... I think they're at a bar, right? Where would innocent SuSu most likely go? ^_^
a image of two boys who looked exactly the same standing in what seemed like a room of nothingness,the both resembling Mew except one had snow colored hair and fur. That was virus the a.I the snow haired was yelling In Mew's mind at him in Japanese cursing even and mew yelled back in his mind for virus to shut up and stop yelling at him over things before going back to reality.

mew shook his head and gave back the money with a sigh."I don't want money...I'm Just glad everyone's okay.." He answered with a sigh,his ears twitching and he loosened up his serious stare with a nervous smile rubbing the back of his head before taking a good look at rin. Dang he liked how this guy looked.
iiimee said:
Ooc: @Cicero , there are so many places you could throw SuSu in! xD As I've already suggested, bugging Ely and Sai is a thing, bugging Matt and Vlad could be a thing, bugging Cicero and Tabitha definitely is a thing, NO BUGGING DERRICK X ORI, You could go to the side of the road where everyone's taking care of Hunter, OR wherever Leo and Allen are... I think they're at a bar, right? Where would innocent SuSu most likely go? ^_^
Occ:Were would innocent SuSu go most likely trying to find her friends which are Nick which still surprises me and also Cicero so who to bug.....aka which one would be a funnier scene....(:3) I guess idk as long as I can some how get a good laugh out of it
Susan was walking around Las Vega she always like this city and since she knew Cicero and Ocean liked to steal this would most likely be the place they would come but she hasn't seen them yet and she was staring to get worried that they didn't make it "Where could they be if they aren't here not like they would go home." The girl said to herself while walking around when her stomach growled that's when she realized she wasn't eaten in a while and remembered Cicero always shared his cookies with her she smiled at the memory of the cat boy she seen a McDonald and walked in looking around not really sure for what but after awhile she walked up to the register and ordered something from the dollar menu she said thank you while paying the person and walking out but not before noticing two boy eating she payed it no mind continued walking down the street 'I can't find them any where not matter how hard I look in the ally ways the roofs or even in buildings easy to rob for Cicero I can't find them for the life of me.' She thought to herself while finally looking up to see fancy houses and remembered Nick telling her not to show Cicero knives or anything shiny in houses cause he would steal it she walked up to the house and knocked on the door

Groaning Cicero got up from the bed "I guess I'll answer it so I can finally get up." The boy said groggily while heading for the door he already fell asleep again with some pants on the he took and headed for the door when he opened it he was fully awake "Uhh Tab come here please." He asked while letting Susan in the house smiling at his friend

Ooc:This was the best way I could think of waking up Cicero (:3) I'm sorry but not really
Mizuti walked down the streets of downtown las Vegas as night finally settled. Although a kid mizuti was a good friend of one of the bar tenders since he visited the grill section of the bar. Mizut had been wondering if rin was okay and alive. Rin was a friend to mizuti since before the experiments and had separated from after escaping because he thought being with rin would put them both at a greater risk. Mizuti held up his hand and twirled a small trickle of electricity around his fingers as he thought to himself. "I wonder if rin would recognize me still...its been a couple years now. I wonder if she is okay..we all went through hell to get out of there..." Mizuti decided to stop thinking and approached the bar. Upon entering the bar he saw Leo. Freaking out about who knows what. Mizuti decided to sit down at the bar counter and have a glass.

Tabitha obediently walked over to Cicero, only to be a little confused when an unknown girl entered the house. "Who are you?" she asked quietly, tilting her head and giving a look that said she wasn't going to bite. Tabitha kept her hands behind her back while she spoke, finding the position a little relaxing. It gave her an excuse to stretch her arms and shoulders, which were still a little sore like the rest of her. (*Insert sexual joke here*)

Ooc: My shortest post ever: Sorry I can't think of anything! X_X​

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