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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

mewbot5408 said:
"...I'm older than you..."she mumured with a small giggle as he had pretty much flopped down taking her with him blushing. she exhaled and shook her head, petting his head. "you just suprised me a little.."
(ooc:do we need a timeskip to las vegas??)
"And your point is what exactly?" He asked her while leaning on his elbows just enough to where she could still pet his head "Why do you like petting me so much..." He asked trailing off not really knowing where to continue with that sentence "I'm full of surprises trust me." He stated while hugging the girl again laughing

Ooc:Sure we can time skip to Las Vega
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Cicero said:
"And your point is what exactly?" He asked her while leaning on his elbows just enough to where she could still pet his head "Why do you like petting me so much..." He asked trailing off not really knowing where to continue with that sentence "I'm full of surprises trust me." He stated while hugging the girl again laughing
Ooc:Sure we can time skip to Las Vega
"I guess it's just because I have that urge to touch your hair and ears..i mean they always seem so soft not to mention I keep wondering if you'd like it..."she murmured softly in response with a smile and blushed when he hugged her giggling as well. "And I like surprises.." she answered simply and touched her nose to his for a moment well knowing what it ment in cat as well as hoping he got what she ment by it with a smile.

(Leaving the time skip to u Cicero)
bloodfire said:
((He said we can timeskip to las Vegas. I guess I will join in there.mizuti could bump into Cicero at that point))
@Cicero @mewbot5408
(Um, I was talking to Cicero about our characters stell and Nick arriving finally, everyone else is already there but you can bug the two when they arrive I guess? You can mistake Stell for a kid like everyone else...)
(So pretty much just say that we made it to Las Vega and talk from there? OK)
Arriving finally in last Vegas after the car was parked and such Stell and Nick were walking around....

The small female looked around curiously blinking and pulled her coat closer to her chest not saying anything but seemed to have a caution about her having a slight fear some random guy might try picking her up.
"About time we made it I'm hungry how about you?" He asked the girl while he messed with her hair laughing a little "you don't need to worry I promise no guy will mess with you and if they do bring them to me or i'll find them either way they will lose a few teeth." The boy stated while he threw the girl on his shoulders "Hey giant see anywhere we can eat?" He asked while walking
Mizuti had shifted part of his body into wings to fly into las Vegas. Arriving shot few minutes after flying helanded next toman old unused building across fromthe giant and the girl. He twitched his head in curiosity."...." He walked to the giant and retracted his wings.he the shifted his legs into that of a spider and had sword like claws on the end. Walking along the side of a building he spoke with the voice of snake. "I knew you were something. Your the giant. There are so many stories flowing around like a river that river ends. Maybe you can help me..."
((OOC: I was talking to the giant. Being a name was not seen I will have to say I am talking to you. @Cicero ))
bloodfire said:
((OOC: I was talking to the giant. Being a name was not seen I will have to say I am talking to you. @Cicero ))
(Nick isn't a giant he was making a joke about Stell on his shoulder,stell's pretty much a dwarf for her age,she's only 5 feet tall and is very pateite for 21..)
Allen raised an eyebrow, not expecting this kind of response after his musical outburst. He brings his arm closer to his side once he's nudged, pursing his lips in discomfort.

"Uh… What do you mean by that?" He adjusts his sunglasses, slipping his left hand into his jean pocket.

@Surprise Meteors
bloodfire said:
Mizuti didn't care what this Leo character thought of him. But mizuti knew that he was right. Why run and hide when you can fight back? Mizuti went to continue his sentences but his stomach interjected with a growl. "Listen leo. I'm going over to the taco bell across the street. If you want you can tag along otherwise you know where to find me if you decide I can help."
Mizuti walked outside and across the street to the taco bell and ordered some food. As he waited he sat down at a table across from orious and Vladimir not noticing derrick and matthew and just sat there and watched them converse while awaiting his meal. Mizuti realizing that they were some of the others rin had mentioned, then pulled out a strange looking flute and began playing a sad yet dark sounding tune as he hoped the two would recognize him from rumors or from rin.

@King Anthony
Ooc: Rin doesn't know Matt and Vlad yet- Rin only really knows Leo, his twin sister Rei, (obviously) Mew, and Hunter now I think. I will reply now guys, sorry for the wait.

bloodfire said:
Mizuti didn't care what this Leo character thought of him. But mizuti knew that he was right. Why run and hide when you can fight back? Mizuti went to continue his sentences but his stomach interjected with a growl. "Listen leo. I'm going over to the taco bell across the street. If you want you can tag along otherwise you know where to find me if you decide I can help."
Mizuti walked outside and across the street to the taco bell and ordered some food. As he waited he sat down at a table across from orious and Vladimir not noticing derrick and matthew and just sat there and watched them converse while awaiting his meal. Mizuti realizing that they were some of the others rin had mentioned, then pulled out a strange looking flute and began playing a sad yet dark sounding tune as he hoped the two would recognize him from rumors or from rin.

@King Anthony
((OOC:Also, Derrick and Orious aren't around them...))
((Ooc: okay. Also.to not mix it up being mizuti is only 4' 4" he can refer to others as giant or tall one depending on height. It would make sense in mizuts case))
bloodfire said:
Mizuti had shifted part of his body into wings to fly into las Vegas. Arriving shot few minutes after flying helanded next toman old unused building across fromthe giant and the girl. He twitched his head in curiosity."...." He walked to the giant and retracted his wings.he the shifted his legs into that of a spider and had sword like claws on the end. Walking along the side of a building he spoke with the voice of snake. "I knew you were something. Your the giant. There are so many stories flowing around like a river that river ends. Maybe you can help me..."
"Uhh.....what are you talking about i'm normal height for a 19 year old." He said to the boy confused on what he was talking about "Listen kid I don't like helping unless I get something in return so what do I get?" The boy asked while looking up at Stell and rolled his eyes sarcastically then looked back down at the kid "So what do you want?" He asked annoyed
Mizut looked at him and smirked under his helmet and itmglowed a calm green color. "I am looking for someone by the name of rin...maybe you have met her?" Mizuti crawledoff of the building and over to the boy and looked up at him. "She and I separated after escaping the facilities those scientists held us at..I have been trying to re unite us so we can go and fight back rather than run and hide. I aim for the lead scientist. Which would be my own mother herself." Mizuti jimped onto the building and crawled to eye level with the boy. "Kill the leader. And they all scatter like roaches uner a light Ray....and I do intend to keep my scattered family safe by killing the ones who tortured us so then they cannot hurt others"
"Oh so I'm a giant now?" She giggled at the cat boy's playing as she held onto him to keep from falling off. Upon hearing the strange child she sighed annoyed and gave him a bit of a cold look. "Honestly, I'd rather not...we just got here let alone there's far more important matters at hand...you just don't go getting in situations without planning..take advice from me. Also I'm 21,I'm just stunted in growth.."
Nick was confused he knew this kid must have been an experiment like him and Stell but he still didn't trust him "Look kid I haven't seen or heard of anyone by the name of rin and if I did I must likely didn't talk too or notice her." He said plainly "Is that all you want if so what do we get in return for telling you this?" The boy asked looking down at the green glowing kid
@Surprise Meteors[/URL]
Watching Mizuti walk off to the Taco Bell he told Allen. "I don't know, find somewhere in Switzerland to live after we turn this city's pockets inside out. That's what El Chapo is about to do anyways, so why not us?" He scanned the room for any sign of eavesdropping. "Really, we can get outta here with our lives, not the others though. We don't have to take the other freaks with us. We can build or buy an aeroplane at any time after we've taken this city. It doesn't matter. We can escape. We have the option. But, the more 'noble' types are going to kill the scientists that gave us this." He let his hand turn into a small sculpture of himself holding a fist in the air. "Why do we need to take them out? They can do whatever as long as they don't hurt us. Besides, i'm virtually indestructable by human means. Human mind you, not that fucking... thing." He gulped down the rest of his 7th drink, making his skin(?) glisten with alcohol, as he didn't have much of a stomach to speak of, but adaptive cells.
Mizuti looked at the girl and hissed at the words. "I have damn good reason. My MOTHER did all of those experiments on me." Mizuti shited completely and was bigger than her and nick in his form. He had extended four arms of that of a scorpion. And three tails of the same species he put into this twisted form. "I would rather find them all and kill them to stop them from from killing anybody else. Sure we shouldnt rush in without a plan sure we have to keep running and hidin until we can rebel. But how long can you keep running. How long can you keep going until your cornered and have no choice but to fight." Mizuti dropped to his knees after shifting back into his human form and began uncontrollably crying. As he began remembering memories of his brother whom was killed at his mother's own hands.

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