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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Mizuti began stirring in his unconscious state as whatever he had seen that hurt.both his and stell mind had begun to torment him. As it did so mizuti muttered one simple word. "Phasma." Mizuti stirred more as he began whimpering in pain again and then snapped awake. "AAAHHH." Mizuti looked around and found himself breathing heavily and sweating.
"I don't even know anymore man... I could fucking... find people man! I don't know. This place isn't the greatest to be. Especially that fucking robot shithead. Hate robots." He stumbled on, looking to see if there was any sort of scrap yard in L.A. or any sort of museum of physics or travel or something. Something, anything at all. A stray automotive would do. He assimilated the automotive, and simply took it's 270 pound engine out, and put it on his back, where it stuck. "Anything else?"

@Midnight Peace
Stell exhaled looking up at him with a dark blush and sighed calming down a little bit. "Can we leave him..I don't think i can make it alive around him,Nick."
"I....if you want sure if he was a danger to your health we can leave him I have a feeling he will bump into Cicero some how." He said while getting up and walking out of the ally way holding Stell's hand "So what do you wanna do now?" He asked looking down at the girl while walking around the streets bored
Mizuti ran to nick and stell and looked at at them bkth confused. "What happened? Why am I on a high place?" Mizuti could not remember what had just happened to him and stell

Mizuti began to try thinking about what had happened. And then he remembered the voice that hurt him. Walking to Stell mizuti stopped to give her space. "It hurt.you too didn't it.? The voice...it hurt us both instead of just.me.didn't it?" Mizuti began to hyperventilate as he began to panic. But calmed himself in case it came back to his mind again.

@Cicero @mewbot5408
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Mizuti then stopped In the realization of being a danger to not only himself but to Stell as well. "I..I'm sorry...I will stay behind..but please...if you can..keep an eye out for rin...and I will heed the advice nick.." Mizuti sat back down in the alleyway corner and began crying silently after watching Stella and nick walk away as he began feeling guilty of what the voice had done to them both.
Cicero said:
"I....if you want sure if he was a danger to your health we can leave him I have a feeling he will bump into Cicero some how." He said while getting up and walking out of the ally way holding Stell's hand "So what do you wanna do now?" He asked looking down at the girl while walking around the streets bored
Stell looked around curiously holding nick's hand following behind him."well we could go find out where your brothers are, I mean you were worried about them,right?" She suggested looking up to Nick with her green/blue eyes and seemed curious about it.
"....Uhh no not really I could actually care less but we can find them so you can meet them." He said trying to think of some place Cicero would rob the casino would be the first place on his list the moment he got here so he most likely got that already the rich looking houses "I know where they will be." He said running while still holding onto Stell's hand he ran until he found the first house he knocked on the door and waited impatiently

"I guess someone else came home." The boy said while getting up from the table and getting the door when he did he frowned at who he saw "Oh Nick you actually made it to Las Vega.....and you brought a little girl with you." He stated while walking away with the door still open he walked back to the kitchen "Guys Nick and some little girl is here with him." The cat boy said when he did Susan jumped out of her seat and ran to the door hugging Nick

"Nick glad to see you again." The girl stated while hugging the boy smiling until she noticed the girl he crouched down and pinched her cheeks "Nick when did you find this cute creature?" She asked while smiling goofy at Stell

"SuSu when did you get here?" He asked confused at seeing her here "I thought you were still with your parents so what are you doing in Las Vega of all places." He said while lifting the girl up so she could stop pinching Stell's cheeks

"Dude long story we'll explain later welcome home....I guess." He said while closing the door and walking to the couch laying on it
Stell nearly jumped and looked ready to smack Susu with a terrified expression. She exhaled crossing her arms annoyed but was realized the strange girl wasn't touching her face and rubbed her cheeks tenderly. "Honestly, please refrain from that....It's uncomfortable having strangers touch my face,also just so you know I'm 21 I'm just stunted in growth so please respect that I don't like being treated like a child at all.." she answered simply looking a bit frustrated by things.
Mizuti stopped letting the tears fall silently as he thought he heard someone walking down the alleyway. He decided to remain in position considering he coukd not escape as usual if it were a human. But after a few short minutes he sensed something jn this individual. That he or she was not a human. He looked up and noticed someone unfamiliar stood a few feet away from him and his helmet began to glow a deep dark blue in response to the residual energy within the individual standing before him. Mizuti spoke with a chitter like that of a spider "Who are you...why are you here...?"

"Oh sorry I didn't know but now that I do I promise not to make that mistake again." She said while standing up "So how did you two meet?" The girl asked plainly while going over to where the now sleeping Cicero was laying and poked his face until he woke up

"Stop i'm tired I didn't sleep much last night and when I did I was still tired when I woke up." He huffed while turning his back to Susan and the rest of the group going back to sleep snoring a little and silently

"Anyways SuSu let him sleep anyways the way we met was I was walking down the street or something like that and heard screaming found a group of guys trying to beat her up I intervened trying to find a good fight no surprise I didn't find one." He stated plainly while looking around the house "Is this where you guys have been staying and from the looks of it you haven't been outside much why is that?" The boy asked going over to Cicero looking at his somewhat pale hand

"Uhh...none of your business."The cat boy said and that was all he said while his face became red and ran out the door into an ally way surprised when he heard someone talking "I just came here....trying to get away from....my brother and you...don't need to know my name." He said between breaths kneeling over placing his hands on his knees tired his faced died down back to its normal color "Also I can ask you the same question." The boy stated while finally catching his breath
Stell nodded quietly as Nick spoke."pretty much, he actually saved me from a gang....the idiots thought I was a fairy.. you can call me Stell,I'm a silk moth and a human..." she sighed and was holding on to Nick closely as he continued talking watching Cicero and susu observing them. Stell smirked with a giggle."wouldn't you like to know that.." she said with a mischievous smile and winked before resting her chin on nick's head blinking.
Mizuti leaned his head out of the shadows with his helmet still glowing a deep blue hue. "I am mizuti cicero. Don't act so surprised. I heard stell and nick speak of you one last time before they left me behind. Which...I'm glad they did...my mind was invaded by someone or something...it hurt both me AND stell..I also decided not to follow...and have been staying here...i..don't have a place to go being we are nowhere near mountains...I do need to find a way to steal me a pair of diamond bangles located in the Las Vega museum. They would be able to help me channel my ability easier." Mizuti stepped out of the shadows completely. "I am also searching for an individual named rin. Know her by chance? She and I helped each other escape aether facility.." Mizuti decided on something that popped intk his mind. "You look tired..how about we go to a mattress store...I have enough money to get you and I both a single bed. And some other furniture or the like..I built a cabin in the mountains near border..it has two bedrooms..."
"Ohh I always knew Nick had a kind heart when it came to girls isn't that right Nick. Anyways I'm Susan nice to meet you Stell." The girl said laughing "Woow your a silk moth and a human cool I can pretty much just be a human light bulb that can shoot stuff." She stated proudly but now on to the question that was bugging her "What are you two talking about?" She asked confused and innocent

"Ehh...what are you talking about I was just curious I thought maybe he was sick or something ok." The boy said with his face becoming a little red "Nothing we are talking about nothing trust me SuSu you don't wanna know." He said while turning to the girl who as smirking mischievously at him "Why would I want to know something like that you should enlighten me on the subject sometime." The cat boy said smirking while kissing her forehead

"Uhh....ok hi Miz." The boy stated confused he walked up to the boy and was excited "Stealing we stealing diamonds are they shiny and do they look cool?" He asked the kid while jumping up in down its been a while since he stole something and he couldn't wait
Mizuti looked at him straight jn the face and took his helmet and bandana off revealing his x shaped eyes to cicero and held up his hands that held a flickering orb of a strangle purple colored matter. "The diamond bangles will help me control this ability easier....as for my eyes..blame the head scientist who I will add is my own mother - for this..." Mizuti began shaking as he heard the laugh of that creature in his mind again...he slipped his helmet on and it stopped instantly. "Well cicero? Shall we go?"
"I don't care why you need the diamonds I just wanna know if they're shiny and look cool." The boy stated annoyed by the fact that he didn't get an answer the first time "Yea sure lets go.....sooo where's the diamond bagel?" He asked the kid while following him and eating his cookies "So what do we do if the diamond bagel doesn't help your powers can I keep it pppllleeeaaassseee." The boy asked while putting his hands together pretty much pleading to keep the diamonds in his pocket of mismatched items that most likely aren't useful
Stell giggled again and smirked,her face tilted a inch from nick's and she blushed,her big eyes looking directly at him making eye contact " I know you'd rather me show you than explain myself,Nick. I don't even have to guess, I can tell from your face." She told him honestly and bluntly smiling while she did before leaning in giving him a little kiss on the mouth.
Mizuti looked at cicero and smirked wide under his helmet. "Yes yiu can have the shiny cool diamonds but only IF THEY DONT WORK..as for getting there...follow me.." Mizuti extended his dragon wings from his body and began hovering in the air. "That is..if you can keep up cicero." Mizuti decided to fly just out of range of light ray range so he would not be spotted by humans. Acting as a small plane whenever he was hit by search lights. "Keep up cicero

Or you'll miss the party.."
mewbot5408 said:
a image of two boys who looked exactly the same standing in what seemed like a room of nothingness,the both resembling Mew except one had snow colored hair and fur. That was virus the a.I the snow haired was yelling In Mew's mind at him in Japanese cursing even and mew yelled back in his mind for virus to shut up and stop yelling at him over things before going back to reality.
mew shook his head and gave back the money with a sigh."I don't want money...I'm Just glad everyone's okay.." He answered with a sigh,his ears twitching and he loosened up his serious stare with a nervous smile rubbing the back of his head before taking a good look at rin. Dang he liked how this guy looked.

Ooc: Kind of confused as to where all the other chars are so replying to the following posts:

[QUOTE="King Anthony]

"I-"...Derrick's panic settle down, but only slightly. He seem almost defeated as he pulls down the collar of his shirt, looking away. His brow furrows with a hard look on his face. As time progressed between the two, Derrick had constantly fell between paranoid and comfortable around the violet-eyed. Right now it was far from any sort of comfort, and at the moment, he only gave in due to the fact that Orious was hurting. With a burdened sigh, he simply tell Orious: "Bite me." The offer stood clear for Orious.

Vladimor hums, looking down the street, convenienced when there was a simple Taco Bell up ahead. "Ah..I'm going to stuff myself with tacos and go home and take a long rest..." He closes his eyes, reveling in the thought. Goddamn, it's been forever since he ate...He tucks a strand of hair that strayed away from his ponytail behind his ear, yawning as he look at the sky. "...But you're right...I hadn't imagined time would fly by so fast. Vladimor ruffles Matthew's hair with a goofy smile on his face. "We can even cuddle when we get back... If you wanna, I mean. " He opens the door to the Taco Bell, holding the door for Matthew before following inside. He simply orders a burrito, leaving Matthew to get whatever he wanted as he takes out his wallet.​

((OOC: Well, she's kinda just standing there, so go ahead without Rei))


mewbot5408 said:
a image of two boys who looked exactly the same standing in what seemed like a room of nothingness,the both resembling Mew except one had snow colored hair and fur. That was virus the a.I the snow haired was yelling In Mew's mind at him in Japanese cursing even and mew yelled back in his mind for virus to shut up and stop yelling at him over things before going back to reality.
mew shook his head and gave back the money with a sigh."I don't want money...I'm Just glad everyone's okay.." He answered with a sigh,his ears twitching and he loosened up his serious stare with a nervous smile rubbing the back of his head before taking a good look at rin. Dang he liked how this guy looked.

Matthew gave Vlad a quick "I'm going to kill you" look when the lord ruffled his hair, but he didn't verbally or even physically object. The cold night air refreshed Matt, and maybe it was this feeling of renewal that kept Matthew looking so alive and cheerful. Once they were inside, Matt followed closely behind Vlad, keeping just enough distance between them to not make it so obvious that he was looking both for the boy's company and his warmth. It was freezing in here, though it still beat the cold weather outside. Vladimor ordered, and Matt took only once glance at the menu before ordering two hard-shelled tacos. It wasn't like he was picky: He just found that he didn't care what he ate, so he picked the first thing that came to mind when he heard the words "Taco Bell." He knew it was supposed to be Mexican food, but the name sounded strange even for a theme like that. When they came back with their food, Matt quickly offered to carry it. It bothered Matthew that Vladimor was always doing things for him, so even if it was a small gesture, he wanted to help out whenever they could. "Where are we sitting?" Matthew asked, glancing at all the empty seats. Even in Las Vegas, a place like this was nearly abandoned this time of night.

Rin only became more confused when whatever Mew was thinking of went completely out of focus. "Is he okay?" Rin didn't really care, but he found it odd how limited his powers seemed today. When Mew's thoughts returned, they were still completely focused on Rin. "Thank you then." Rin told him again, taking the money before walking over to his twin and putting an arm around her. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I need to get Rei home." Home to them was actually just a nearby hotel, but this guy didn't need to know that. "Do you think he's with the group?" Rin silently asked his sister, while his eyes were flooded with brotherly concern. Rin glanced over at Hunter, finally remembering he had just helped an unconscious girl. "Oh, will you deal with her? Me and my sister are rather busy..." Rin's voice suddenly sounded a little snobbish. Helping others was inconvenient, because that meant he had to spend time away from his sibling. Everyone admired Rin's care for his sister, never noting that his "care" went to a point where he became obsessive over her safety and quality of life. If something was wrong, Rin would always fix it for her.​
iiimee said:

Ooc: Kind of confused as to where all the other chars are so replying to the following posts:

Matthew gave Vlad a quick "I'm going to kill you" look when the lord ruffled his hair, but he didn't verbally or even physically object. The cold night air refreshed Matt, and maybe it was this feeling of renewal that kept Matthew looking so alive and cheerful. Once they were inside, Matt followed closely behind Vlad, keeping just enough distance between them to not make it so obvious that he was looking both for the boy's company and his warmth. It was freezing in here, though it still beat the cold weather outside. Vladimor ordered, and Matt took only once glance at the menu before ordering two hard-shelled tacos. It wasn't like he was picky: He just found that he didn't care what he ate, so he picked the first thing that came to mind when he heard the words "Taco Bell." He knew it was supposed to be Mexican food, but the name sounded strange even for a theme like that. When they came back with their food, Matt quickly offered to carry it. It bothered Matthew that Vladimor was always doing things for him, so even if it was a small gesture, he wanted to help out whenever they could. "Where are we sitting?" Matthew asked, glancing at all the empty seats. Even in Las Vegas, a place like this was nearly abandoned this time of night.

Rin only became more confused when whatever Mew was thinking of went completely out of focus. "Is he okay?" Rin didn't really care, but he found it odd how limited his powers seemed today. When Mew's thoughts returned, they were still completely focused on Rin. "Thank you then." Rin told him again, taking the money before walking over to his twin and putting an arm around her. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I need to get Rei home." Home to them was actually just a nearby hotel, but this guy didn't need to know that. "Do you think he's with the group?" Rin silently asked his sister, while his eyes were flooded with brotherly concern. Rin glanced over at Hunter, finally remembering he had just helped an unconscious girl. "Oh, will you deal with her? Me and my sister are rather busy..." Rin's voice suddenly sounded a little snobbish. Helping others was inconvenient, because that meant he had to spend time away from his sibling. Everyone admired Rin's care for his sister, never noting that his "care" went to a point where he became obsessive over her safety and quality of life. If something was wrong, Rin would always fix it for her.​
Mew tilted his head and looked at rin,then smiled sadly."if you really want to thank me then why not come with me? " He asked cheerfully and was behind rin in almost a instant and scooped him up bridal style. "Becuase from what I can tell is you've been putting your sister in Danger by your actions and it would be best if you two separated for a bit....you want her safe right?" The Neko cyborg asked and hopped up and started running he ended up on a apartment roof
"Hey, let me go!" Rin was pretty furious when he was picked up, to say the least. He tried to get out of the cyborg's grasp, but to no avail. "What's he talking about?" Rin thought, more than a little angered by Mew's words. "I can handle me and my sister f-iinneeee!" Rin's last word sounded more like a scream when the cyborg started to run. He glanced at his sister, but half of a second later she was out of sight. Another half of a second passed, and the cyborg had stopped on top of a roof. Rin let out an equally scared and frustrated breath, before tumbling out of the cyborg's arms and rolling clumsily on his side. He got up and dusted himself off quickly however, before turning toward his kidnapper. "What do you mean?" he asked him sternly. Without realizing it he had placed a hand on his hip, both from being flustered and irritated. He wasn't the strongest, but that didn't mean he couldn't protect his sibling! Who was this guy, and why were his thoughts still so focused on Rin? At least, Rin figured they were: He was too tired to use his powers and check.

iiimee said:
"Hey, let me go!" Rin was pretty furious when he was picked up, to say the least. He tried to get out of the cyborg's grasp, but to no avail. "What's he talking about?" Rin thought, more than a little angered by Mew's words. "I can handle me and my sister f-iinneeee!" Rin's last word sounded more like a scream when the cyborg started to run. He glanced at his sister, but half of a second later she was out of sight. Another half of a second passed, and the cyborg had stopped on top of a roof. Rin let out an equally scared and frustrated breath, before tumbling out of the cyborg's arms and rolling clumsily on his side. He got up and dusted himself off quickly however, before turning toward his kidnapper. "What do you mean?" he asked him sternly. Without realizing it he had placed a hand on his hip, both from being flustered and irritated. He wasn't the strongest, but that didn't mean he couldn't protect his sibling! Who was this guy, and why were his thoughts still so focused on Rin? At least, Rin figured they were: He was too tired to use his powers and check.

Mew sighed. "The a.I inhabiting me doesn't lie, he's always correct...also I've been watching you this whole time,I know what you're like...I know how things have been, you've been putting her in danger by your attempts to protect her when honestly you keep making matters worse for example today....if I wasn't In love with you,I wouldn't have intervened and your sister would've been dead..." he explained with a sigh his look serious about what he was saying.

"How?" Rin's voice sounded sharp. The hurt in it was visible. What did he mean he was putting Rei in danger? Everything he had done so far was to protect her. Could that damn A.I see the future?! He didn't understand how anything he had done was putting his sister in danger, but somebody telling him that it was caught him off guard. His sister was his life! Without her, there was no point to anything. He could care less about this young man's interest in pursuing him. He wanted his only source of comfort in this world. He needed his sister. "Let me go see her." Rin said. His voice was still strong, bossy and mean, but there was something more desperate, maybe even animal-like about the way he spoke. He wanted nothing to do with anything unless it involved his sister. She had been the one to escape the facility with him. They had been each other's support for so long... If one of them fell, surely the other one would too. If given the chance, Rin would run away with her. He'd hide them from the world. He could do that. Right now, he could do anything as long as Rei told him to. "Let me go see her." Rin repeated. Already he was devising a way for the two of them to escape. Not just escape this cyborg, but Las Vegas entirely. Maybe they'd go to a different country, one that didn't have facilities focused on child experimentation. Rin wasn't quite sure what they'd do, but something needed to be down. He could not be without Rei!

Ooc: Awww, I thought we were going to have Mew lie about that xD Also... poor Rin.​

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