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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

iiimee said:

"How?" Rin's voice sounded sharp. The hurt in it was visible. What did he mean he was putting Rei in danger? Everything he had done so far was to protect her. Could that damn A.I see the future?! He didn't understand how anything he had done was putting his sister in danger, but somebody telling him that it was caught him off guard. His sister was his life! Without her, there was no point to anything. He could care less about this young man's interest in pursuing him. He wanted his only source of comfort in this world. He needed his sister. "Let me go see her." Rin said. His voice was still strong, bossy and mean, but there was something more desperate, maybe even animal-like about the way he spoke. He wanted nothing to do with anything unless it involved his sister. She had been the one to escape the facility with him. They had been each other's support for so long... If one of them fell, surely the other one would too. If given the chance, Rin would run away with her. He'd hide them from the world. He could do that. Right now, he could do anything as long as Rei told him to. "Let me go see her." Rin repeated. Already he was devising a way for the two of them to escape. Not just escape this cyborg, but Las Vegas entirely. Maybe they'd go to a different country, one that didn't have facilities focused on child experimentation. Rin wasn't quite sure what they'd do, but something needed to be down. He could not be without Rei!

Ooc: Awww, I thought we were going to have Mew lie about that xD Also... poor Rin.​
"I'm sorry but I can't....seeing as how things are I had no choice,I'm sorry.

It's much better you stay away from her,I've been around long enough to protect you two but you keep making my job harder....I thought you wanted rei safe? You love your sister right? Trust me. I've been with you this long,you my as well..." he told rin with a sad smile.
mewbot5408 said:
Stell giggled again and smirked,her face tilted a inch from nick's and she blushed,her big eyes looking directly at him making eye contact " I know you'd rather me show you than explain myself,Nick. I don't even have to guess, I can tell from your face." She told him honestly and bluntly smiling while she did before leaning in giving him a little kiss on the mouth.
Rin couldn't believe this. "You're not going to let me? You know that'd be kidnapping right?" The boy took a step back, temporarily forgetting that they were on a roof. "How can I trust you? I barely know you, and isn't my sister more of a concern right now? You said she'd die, so stop protecting me!" Rin was frantic to return to his sister's side: Every second he was gone just made him feel like he was signing her death warrant. He was prepared to run from building to building, or even jump off one if it was necessary to get back to her. He searched Mew's mind again, finding the same results he had found several different times now: The young man's thoughts only seemed focused on Rin, and things related to him. This frustrated the boy to no end, and without meaning to he asked Mew a question telepathically. "Why only me?" were the exact words his mind came up with. Rin didn't realize he asked this however, and soon broke the connection linking their minds, feeling a little light-headed from using his power so often today.

mewbot5408 said:
Stell giggled again and smirked,her face tilted a inch from nick's and she blushed,her big eyes looking directly at him making eye contact " I know you'd rather me show you than explain myself,Nick. I don't even have to guess, I can tell from your face." She told him honestly and bluntly smiling while she did before leaning in giving him a little kiss on the mouth.
"How did you know?" He asked the girl while turning red a little "I can't help but think you wouldn't mind showing me would you?"The cat boy asked the girl with his own face became redder

"I don't have a pproblem keeping up so the faster we get to where ever the diamonds are the faster I can go home and sleep."He stated while yawning a little while jumping from roof to roof

"What are you guys talking about it can't be that bad can it?"She asked innocently and gasped a little and has shocked when Stell kissed Nick bt got up from where she was jumping around them smile "Nick was a girlfriend Nick was a girlfriend~" The girl chanted while jumping around them clapping her hands
He cringed.

"Leo… While I admire your… Determination, I don't think space travel is very doable…" He watches as his big metal friend takes the engine from a car. He was not insistent on risking his life in the vacuum of space anytime soon.

"How about we just go to a hotel and rest for the night?"

@Surprise Meteors
Tabitha hadn't really been paying attention to the group for awhile. Instead, she was sitting in her chair, looking pretty out of it. She seems to pay more attention when the annoying bitch from earlier mentioned Nick having a girlfriend however. "Hm, oh congrats Nick." she muttered, running a hand through her long raven-black hair before glancing over at the supposed girlfriend. She seemed nice, but after meeting SuSu Tabitha was down with people. "Hey." she said shortly, waving a delicate hand in greeting before returning to the silent way she was before. She was never really good at talking, but she found it easy to open up to Matt, and now to Cicero. Maybe she'd find more people she could trust? She doubted it, but the thought made her a little more optimistic. Still, it wasn't like she'd just barge into the conversation: She'd wait until she had an excuse to join in.

iiimee said:
Rin couldn't believe this. "You're not going to let me? You know that'd be kidnapping right?" The boy took a step back, temporarily forgetting that they were on a roof. "How can I trust you? I barely know you, and isn't my sister more of a concern right now? You said she'd die, so stop protecting me!" Rin was frantic to return to his sister's side: Every second he was gone just made him feel like he was signing her death warrant. He was prepared to run from building to building, or even jump off one if it was necessary to get back to her. He searched Mew's mind again, finding the same results he had found several different times now: The young man's thoughts only seemed focused on Rin, and things related to him. This frustrated the boy to no end, and without meaning to he asked Mew a question telepathically. "Why only me?" were the exact words his mind came up with. Rin didn't realize he asked this however, and soon broke the connection linking their minds, feeling a little light-headed from using his power so often today.


Mew was behind rin in a instant as to he was about to fall,the male grasping around him moving to cushion the other's fall protecting ten completely upon hitting the ground and mew let out a a grunt of pain from hitting the pavement instead. "Because...you cause the trouble and I would risk dying for you to keep you alive....I Mew have sworn to it..." he said looking up at rin still protecting him even though his body clearly took some damage and he was bleeding.
"Thanks Tabitha."He said while walking to her "Is Cicero sick or something cause he was a little paler and tired? He won't tell me so I'm asking most likely the only person he fully trust." The boy said while walking trying to find something to do

"WAIT CICERO'S SICK AND WE LET HIM GO OUTSIDE IN THE COOLED?!" The girl asked confused while looking outside trying to find him with no luck. She walked back inside and laid on the couch pouting about how Nick should have stopped him from running "This is your fault also you could have stopped him from going outside in the cold but you weren't even paying attention."She accused while glaring at Tab she knew she was right about Tab just using Cicero that's why she didn't care about him
"Hmmmm,I honestly wouldn't mind." She whispered to Nick and then covered her ears when susu started acting like a hyper child and mumbled something about her being too loud then sighed listening to the conversation between them shaking her head. "He looks more like he had a little bit too much fun in my opinion..i can tell cause look at his girlfriend too.." she murmured quietly to Nick with a giggle.
As mizuti flew he thought he heard someone or rather something talking. He followed the source of the sound and saw someone he did not recpognize. Not knowing whether or not cicero was behind him mizuti then noticed one fave he DID recognize. He finally found rin again. Mizuti flew in an instant to rin "RIN..RIN I MISSED YOU BIG BROTHER...!!" Despite not being related and have only known each other for a couple of years mizuti had looked to rin as a brother. Being he no longer had family to return to he decided that he was a brother rather than a friend. Mizuti landed on the rooftop and ran at rin. Tackling him with a hug.

@Cicero @iiimee
Cicero seen Miz fly to the ground so Cicero was excited if he landed that means he found the diamond bagel they were going to steal he ran faster and caught up with him only to see mew and one of the casino dealers "Well nice to see you again you know with out me ruining the game or asking for help to safe my girlfriend." He said plainly while sitting down and yawning before falling asleep again
bloodfire said:
As mizuti flew he thought he heard someone or rather something talking. He followed the source of the sound and saw someone he did not recpognize. Not knowing whether or not cicero was behind him mizuti then noticed one fave he DID recognize. He finally found rin again. Mizuti flew in an instant to rin "RIN..RIN I MISSED YOU BIG BROTHER...!!" Despite not being related and have only known each other for a couple of years mizuti had looked to rin as a brother. Being he no longer had family to return to he decided that he was a brother rather than a friend. Mizuti landed on the rooftop and ran at rin. Tackling him with a hug.
@Cicero @iiimee
Um no. Stop. Please, this is supposed to be only between mew and rin!!)

Rin felt everything happen in slow motion. It was as if their lives had transferred from real ones to those of a movie character's. In an instant Mew's hands wrapped around Rin's waist, and before the boy could even let out a word of protest he saw them fall. What was only a thud to Rin must have hurt like hell for the boy who was protecting him. Rin quickly disentangled himself from Mew, but not before hearing his words. "This isn't the Feudal era- Don't swear yourself to me!" Rin told him through his thoughts while checking over his wounds. He was in the middle of assessing what needed to be bandaged and/or stitched when somebody came up to him, hugging him from behind and causing Rin to fall on Mew again, now squished between the two. "H-hey, what are you- Oh, it's you." Rin sighed and pushed Mizuti off him, standing up and continuing his assessment. He never knew why, but Mizuti always targeted him when they were in the facilities, even though Rei was his twin. "I'd take you to the hospital, if you weren't a cyborg. Where's the nearest hotel?" Rin asked Mew, before turning to Mizuti and the cat-boy who was following him. "You're welcome Cicero." Rin told the cat-boy, not caring to explain why he knew his name before asking Mizuti the question of "Why is this thief with you?" Rin had of course noticed Cicero pick-pocketing his customers at the casino but had decided to say nothing. Thieves weren't uncommon in casinos after all. They were just the type of people Rin despised.

"I- I don't know what you m-" Tabitha was cut off by SuSu's interruption. She covered her ears, which were already beginning to bleed. "Will you shut up?!" Tabby finally yelled back at the girl, trying her best to stand while she vented at the girl. "I love Cicero just as much as you do- More actually." Tabby told her. She was going to rant more, maybe even call the girl a bitch if she kept giving Tabitha that same rude attitude, but instead she heard what Stell said. "Y-you don't know that." she mumbled, a blush so obviously visible on her face. This was all too embarrasing, and she already didn't have enough energy. Without another word she ran off toward the nearest bathroom, both to wash the blood off her ears and wait until this whole chaotic mess of a meeting blew over.

mewbot5408 said:
Um no. Stop. Please, this is supposed to be only between mew and rin!!)
Oh come on, be nice. xD They'll have plenty of romance ok?
"Wait....if she was blushing does that mean..." He trailed off smirking "Of course I shouldn't be surprised should I." The cat boy stated will grabbing SuSu "Don't yell Tabitha has sensitive hearing that's her power and when you yell its like putting a shotgun near someones ear and pulling the trigger so knocked it off." The boy said while letting go of her

Susan was still confused of course she loved Cicero as family was the girl thinking it was more....was it she wasn't too sure "Ok....I promise not too yell anymore." She said while looking down "Also why did she turn red apparently you guys know what that's about so can Stell tell me pplleeaassee." The girl pleaded while giving them the puppy face something Nick hated
Mew let out a sharp breath and smiled despite the pain. "But it doesn't matter if I died...nobody would miss me, I was never human to begin with..." he murmured honestly and laid his head back. Light sparks danced along Mew's face as tears fell down forming but forced himself to smile despite everything.

"....not far that direction" he pointed out were.
Mizuti looked at rin and his helmet glowed green as it picked up rin residual energy and downloaded the signature to a micro memory storage within it. "Cicero is with me because we are after the diamond bangles so I can use them. They will help me channel my ability of elemental control a lot easier if I had them. Rin..it's been three maybe four years since we broke out. And two years since the seperation. I want to go with you again. I ran into stell and nick. But after only a few hours they left me behind in an alleyway after an incident that caused both my mind and stell to be hurt on a massive scale. After they left I was met by cicero. I spoke of the diamond bangles we are currently after. And then we left for the museum. Then I seen you and now we are here. I also need to find a top secret device that allows one to project memories through it. Because there is something I would rather show you than tell you." Mizuti gave a deep breath as he had never spoken as fast as he did since his time before the labs.
Ooc: Um, I don't think Rin's been out of the facility for that long, considering he's twenty-one I think, and Rin doesn't know Nick or Stell- I already told you he doesn't know many people, and like Mew said... I don't think this whole scene if focused entirely on the group as a whole... Don't you think you're trying to highlight your character a little too much without checking to see where the rest of the story is?

Ooc: yes your right but I must hold off for now. I have to go out of Wif I range to visit the hospital where my older brother is. Currently due to being impaled after a car wrecked badly 4 days ago. I will message when I am back in wifi range. And when I return I should probably change it from years to weeks or months.. to make it easier. And mizuti can explain who nick and stell are to rin
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Cicero said:
"Wait....if she was blushing does that mean..." He trailed off smirking "Of course I shouldn't be surprised should I." The cat boy stated will grabbing SuSu "Don't yell Tabitha has sensitive hearing that's her power and when you yell its like putting a shotgun near someones ear and pulling the trigger so knocked it off." The boy said while letting go of her
Susan was still confused of course she loved Cicero as family was the girl thinking it was more....was it she wasn't too sure "Ok....I promise not too yell anymore." She said while looking down "Also why did she turn red apparently you guys know what that's about so can Stell tell me pplleeaassee." The girl pleaded while giving them the puppy face something Nick hated
"Sometimes you don't need to know, you're too young to understand somethings,susu...i don't want to crush your innocence..." she put it simply and sighed looking to Nick with a smirk. "Ah but not saying I'm not going to do that exact same thing to you," she murmured so only Nick could hear.
"Stealing, got it." Rin replied, not actually paying much attention to Mizuti's rant. He grabbed Mew's hand, trying to pull the mix of metal and flesh up. Why was he so heavy?! "Can you walk without bleeding out? I'll get a taxi if it's too far away." Rin said, wrapping Mew's arm around himself and forcing Mew to lean some of his wait unto Rin. He could argue about what was best for Rei later: Right now this young man was in trouble.

"Its Susan not SuSu only the Quin brothers can call me SuSu." She muttered while getting up and walking try to find Tab she walked around calling Tab's every so often she wanted to know what Nick and Stell were talking about and if Tab was blushing then she must know right

"I wouldn't have it any other way."He smirked right back planting a kiss on her lips "Guess we should explore the house to find a room."He said mischievously while winking hoping Stell would understand as he began walking around the house trying to find a room to take
iiimee said:
"Stealing, got it." Rin replied, not actually paying much attention to Mizuti's rant. He grabbed Mew's hand, trying to pull the mix of metal and flesh up. Why was he so heavy?! "Can you walk without bleeding out? I'll get a taxi if it's too far away." Rin said, wrapping Mew's arm around himself and forcing Mew to lean some of his wait unto Rin. He could argue about what was best for Rei later: Right now this young man was in trouble.

Mew inhaled deeply and sparks danced along his body popping as he managed to raise up with body and blood seeped onto the ground his eyes widened with shock from it as a small beep went off in his head.
Tabitha finished rinsing out her ears, but she didn't leave the bathroom immediately. She didn't want to run into that bratty girl or Cicero's brother, who was surely only kinder due to how distracted he was. She couldn't blame him of course. She often found herself distracted around Cicero. Certainly it was normal for every relationship? She was content to stay in her hiding place just thinking about this, at least until Susan started calling her name. "Leave me alone!" Tabby wanted to yell at the girl, but she kept her mouth shut. If the girl found her, she'd never leave Tabby alone. She locked the door, hoping she wouldn't be found out.

Rin kept thinking he'd get shocked from the sparks, but somehow he didn't. "Come on." was all he told Mew, before taking a small step forward and hoping Mew would comply by taking one himself. When he did, Rin took another, then another once he complied again. "This is going to be a slow evening." he thought. He was still upset about Mew's claims that he couldn't take care of his sister, but he didn't bring it up now. The cat-boy might actually die, and despite wanting to run from him, Rin had his own code of honor. He wouldn't be responsible for the death of another human unless they attacked him. Even if Mew didn't see himself as human, it didn't change the fact that he was, at least not in Rin's head. "Can you hear me? I'm okay..." Rin's mind called out. He tried to search for his sister's thoughts, but failed to do so. Where was she? It felt so lonely to not here from the sibling who was always by his side. Already he was imagining her laugh, her smile, the way she dragged Rin along... It was almost too difficult to go on, but Rin knew he had to anyway. If Mew wasn't so close to dying, he'd be going over and running to wherever he last saw the girl. If he got close enough he'd be able to talk to her again. He was going to talk to her again. He'd make sure of that, but for now a life was on the line, and he didn't feel like watching anyone die, even if they were beyond annoying and pretty much kidnapping him.

"Tab were are you?" The girl called out she called her Tab because she heard Cicero say it hoping she would get annoyed with it 'Where can that girl be?' She thought to herself while walking around opening some doors until she couldn't open one she kept trying to mess with it "Hello is some in there?" The girl confused on what the room was and if someone just locked it an forgot about it this only made her more curious if someone locked the door their hiding something important and they must have a key to it

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