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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Allen watches the fascinating functions of his friend, curious about the way that his body works, intrigued with the fashion in which his hand simply molds into the shape of a fist.

"True... Besides, I hold little anger towards them..."

He tilts his head, looking to the ceiling.

"They tortured me, they held me in captivity... But hey,"

He turns his palm down, his fingers splayed out as he lowers his hand, making a deep indent in the table as his hand travels through the air.

"I have some neat new abilities. You know, everyone else hates their guts but they fail to remember that now they hold the power of god at their fingertips." He gives a half grin, looking to the bartender.

"So, let me ask you something. I just met you. Why are you already entrusting me with all these plans? What makes you think I can be trusted as an ally? Not to say that I can't be, but... It's peculiar."

@Surprise Meteors
"Well I can run and fight at the same time no problem if they scientist want to fight so be it but for now i'm running and training and about your reason forget all reasons why your fighting the scientist cause if you devote your life to that you'll be lost at what to do next." He said while patting the boy on the head "You do know crying never helps anyone....guess you can come with us my brothers are apart of a group of experiments but some can be hostile and most likely not going to like you using your powers so don't ok." The boy stated while getting on his knee holding on to Stell why he did so she wouldn't fall he patted the kid on the head "Come on were hungry how about you?" The neko asked while getting up putting his hat on and looking around to see if anyone seen the kid use his powers before continuing to walk "Stell do you see any food places?" He asked the girl on his shoulders again
Mizuti looked up and took off his helmet for the first.time since entering the labs. He removed the bandana and revealed X shaped eyes of a deep purple color. "This was the result of their failures...I don't know what they tried doing either. Their drugs didn't have as much of an effect besides putting me into sleep. I will come with you. But please.. I must ask that I am helped out with my ability. I don't have full control of my element control as I do with my shapeshifting...I know this will sound crazy but..could you help me steal a pair of diamond bangles from the antique museum in the center of l.a.? I have heard that they can help beings like me channel the ability intk a concentrated form. If I could get my hands on them I could have full control of my elemental ability." Mizuti floated into the air so he could rest his legs after walking so long. "Sure I'm hungry. I could go with some meat..a chicken sandwich or something would do nicely..and a strawberry milkshake..there any Macdonald places near by?" He held out a hand. "My name is mizuti. But you can call me skullkid if you wish." Mizuti retied his bandana over his eyes and slipped his helmet on.
"So even the scientist can fuck up i'm not surprised." He said plainly while grabbing the boys hand bringing him to the ground "I'm Nick by the way and this is Stell we'll or at least I try to help you but I am not stealing anything you'll have to ask my kleptomaniac brother he'll say yes in a heartbeat if you mention stealing something the more shiny and cool it looks the more he'll try his best."The boy said while letting go of the boy "Also don't use your powers on something like that if your feet hurt tell me I guess I can carry you on my other shoulder." He stated annoyed that he had to carry another person at least one he was fine with
"Ah,I've seen more than my share of death and that was before the labs even...my DNA is perfectly coexisting with that of a silk moth ...as for a food place there's a few different places down there." The blue haired female said pointing in the direction of the places that she mentioned with a smile.
"I haven't seen death until the lab I was planning on joining the army but things had a different plan then me." He stated while walking down to the place Mizuti pointed out "You might have gotten your DNA mixed with a silk moth....I still think your beautiful how you are." The cat boy said while turning his redden face away when he entered McDonald he kneed down to let the two off his shoulders before walking up to the menu and ordering a soda and that was it he turned to Stell and then Mizuti "Well...you guys want anything?" The boy asked sarcastically knowing fully that they wanted something
"We just have the same interests, you and I. Killing, taking, doing what's fun in the world. And you've gotta do what's fun, because we don't have much time." It was the first thing he said that he felt that struck home to him. He then ordered two beers for himself and Allen. "Cheers? To a new life." He clinked glasses with Allen and chugged his entire beer, then promptly fell asleep on the counter, letting himself slowly melt on the surface.
Stell stood looking up at him for a moment before looking at the thing. "No..I'm fine. I don't need to consume much being a moth, my body doesn't require much to function properly other than the constant need for rest or warmth, when I do eat it's a little bit different as a moth I consume lots of sugar and plants in my diet....it's just how my body works for some reason consuming meat makes me really really ill...."
He smiles at his new ally, clinking glasses with him.


He sipped his beer, thinking for once that there may be someone he could trust in this world. Yet, another, more pessimistic voice tells him that any being of this planet can't be trusted, not even himself.

His eyebrows rose when his friend fell unconscious.

"Oh... oh uh... Leo..." He shook him.


@Surprise Meteors
"Ok i'll keep that in mind." He said rubbing her hair before turning the kid "Hey you want anything?"The boy asked looking up at the impatient cashier before looking down again "I don't think we have time to wait." He said annoyed by how they were being told to hurry up

"Hey Tabitha how long have you known Cicero?" The girl asked while fidgeting with her hoodie looking back at Cicero and Tab wanting to know what relationship they had she also wanted to know where Ocean and Nick were since Cicero isn't good at keeping Tab on his family 'Cicero might to far under the water to understand this girl is just using him he'll get hurt the same way he did last time why can't he just see that before its too late?' She mentally asked herself annoyed at how her friend was clueless when it came to this stuff
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

"I-"...Derrick's panic settle down, but only slightly. He seem almost defeated as he pulls down the collar of his shirt, looking away. His brow furrows with a hard look on his face. As time progressed between the two, Derrick had constantly fell between paranoid and comfortable around the violet-eyed. Right now it was far from any sort of comfort, and at the moment, he only gave in due to the fact that Orious was hurting. With a burdened sigh, he simply tell Orious: "Bite me." The offer stood clear for Orious.

By the time derrick had offer orious had already collapsed on his face unconscious from the mass of blood loss from him having coughed it up let alone from the injuries from getting shot that one time that didn't exactly heal get only reopened a little bit and the vampire had never told him. Orious let alone wasn't feeding and it only make him sickly like when he had met derrick. Orious didn't take care of himself properly and always ignored pain still refusing even to feed on anyone even derrick at times.
Mizuti decided whay he wanted to order. "Here" Mizuti pulled out a wallet and handed nick a 50 dollar bill as well as two one hundred dollar bills. "This ones on me. I want two large milkshakes of strawberry flavor and five chicken sandwiches mayonnaise only. you can keep the rest of the money use it to get whatever you may need although if we can I need to stop by a tech store before we head out." He got down from Nick and walked to a table. "I want to remain in here and eat as soon as I finish I will be able to walk again. If I have not mentioned my name my name is mizuti. But you may have heard them call me skullkid."
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Stell blinked and walked over to the booth climbing up on the seat and sitting down crossing her arms resting her head on her arms swinging her legs looking at the kid. "And I'm krystellia or just Stell for short and the handsome guy with the eyepatch is my boyfriend,Nick..from what I know is we were going to meet up with his brothers here.." she said with a smile and sighed closing her eyes when she did."Hmmm... I wish it would rain.."
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"uhh yea thanks." He said taking the money confused but handed it to the cashier before walking over the the table mizuti was sitting at he looked at the kid "Listen I don't like dealing with brats so you can stop now in the real world your going to get yourself killed sure you have powers that can help you but not when facing the scientist do you understand you little brat?" The boy asked while sitting down waiting to get called regretting the idea of helping this kid already but turning a little red at what Stell said "When did you get the idea that we were dating?" He asked sarcastically to the girl while kissing her cheek
Stell smirked staring at the cat boy with a slight blush."oh really now? Then explain the constant kissing,kitten. I don't think you're a flirt with just anyone or am I wrong here?" She asked teasingly and rested her head softly against his arm with a amused giggle before looking to the weird kid analyzing him quietly without anyone noticing it,her mind coming up with ideas of various things that could happen with this kid around. She was usually fond of children but normally typically small ones or babies because of their lack of understanding of everything and how cute they were. On the other hand she didn't like the looks of this kid let alone his way of going about things bothered her, it scared her a little bit as well as annoyed her.
"Uhh....do I actually have to explain why I kiss you and don't call me kitten also.....ok maybe your right about the last thing." He said while his face became a small tint of red he placed a quick kiss on her lips before going to get the food. When he returned he handed out the food too who ordered before drinking his soda while amazed about how much food the kid got "Hey do you think you can eat all of that?" The boy asked he could actually care less but he knew it would be a waste of food he could eat later
Mizuti nodded at stell. He also looked at nick and added. "Do you take me for a fool nick? I know you don't trust me and I am more than sure sell doesn't considering her thoughts are ringing into my.head like a torrent. And to answer your wish sell I could make it rain. But I cannot as I am taking nicks advice into consideration. And if I am going to be killed at least I could die knowing it would give others like you more time to prepare nick. I am not going to go down without a fight that's for damn sure. Don't take this the wrong way. If it were not for those words I would not have been able to get over myself and not rush back there. And for that i am thankful. As for the question of whether or not I can eat all of this I sure can. I have not eaten in weeks." Mizuti looked around to ensure no humans were near by. Seeing none of the cashiers could see them and no not her humans were watching mizuti unwrapped the chicken sandwiches and swallowed them whole one by one like a snake swallowing a rat. And began working slowly on the milkshakes as any human would" see...I told you I could...also. if you or your brothers need help with science or tech I am your guy. As I am quite the expert with science. And in turn technology..also.

Can any of you by chance see thay which cannot.be seen by humans...like ghosts or specters?"
"Geez your starting to sound like as suicidal hero of course I take you as a fool listen to yourself your pretty much asking to get killed when we could work together with the whole group and finish it once an for all." Nick said yelling a little bit and getting out of his chair he looked around to see people staring "Sorry just talking about a game I get way to into it for my own good." He said while sitting down and finishing his soda he put his head in his hand not noticing he was crushing the cup out of annoyance of the kid "They don't need help with that sort of stuff trust me and I don't think anyone in the group believes in whatever so your fine." The boy stated while looking around to see if anyone was still staring at them
Stell exhaled and looked off with annoyance of even the conversation itself. She was getting frustrated by the minute. "I don't want your help, I'm perfectly fine with things...I don't like idiots who just assume they know how everything is let alone act like their own powers are high and mighty, unlike you I'm actually quite intelligent compared to most people which makes up for this pathetic body of mine...could you just think for a moment and understand what you're doing? Now excuse me I'm getting a headache and I'm going to take a little breather,my body has a hard time handling high levels of noise.." she warned and with that got up and went outside she felt sick to her stomach due to the strange pitches she was hearing and getting frustrated was only making it worse. She walked into the alleyway where she wouldn't be seen at all and simply coughed sharply blood with a whimper.
"....Guess your coming with me brat." He stated while getting up and walking to the door walking around trying to find Stell he walked into an ally way and found her "Hey are you ok?" He asked concerned for the first time if he could remember this is the first time he had ever been concerned for anyone in his life he walked up to her and hugged her and kissed her cheek "Is there something I can do to help?" The cat boy asked while putting his head on top of hers waiting for orders
Mizuti cringed as noticed two giant eyes unblinking staring him from the alley wall Mizuti placed his hands on his helmet as a sharp sound pierced his skull and a horrifying voice echoed in his mind, he noticed through this sharp pain that he had seen those same eyes before back when he escaped the lab. He echoed the words aloud not realizing what was going on.

"Do you all think it is the human scientists who are the threat here..? The people of this earth Will be freed of all delusion..they will see through their transgressions and their self appointed idols and experiments through death and chaos that in the end they are mere pawns in a deadly game..your fame and theirs is rapidly unraveling at the seams with the end of mortal and immortal zealotry approaching on the winds of time itself. And it will shatter the pedestals of that which both your kind and theirs was raised upon.."

A creature that looked to be humanoid and dragon in form with tendrils of flesh melted through the wall upside down and crawled towards mizuti and stell while laughing in the "multiple pitches" stell described. And mizuti began shaking uncontrollably in pure fear as he echoed each and every word.
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Leo hiccuped and looked up lazily at the slightly confused bartender. He turned to face a concerned Allen, and he did not look happy about him falling asleep on him like that. "Okay, so I just got this amazing idea... So I am made of metal, yes? Duh. I am able to regenerate this over a short period of time, and coincidentally, I am an aeronautics engineer. It's just a hobby I have, an expensive one at that." He realized the absurdity of this, but he could do it. Parts aren't cheap, but he could always nick them off the shelves for free. "Allen, it's not like I can't build it. We just need a destination. I mean, switzerland is pretty nice. But why not world hopping you know? Whatever man, but I gotta tell some people before I go, so I can piss them off." And he got up off his ass, and stepped outside.

@Midnight Peace
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Mizuti began whimpering in pain as he continued echoing the words of this horrifying voice in his mind.

"Recognition will come from from the full knowledge and the truth of those revered... not from blind ignorance wrapped in emotional sensation and the exploitation of nostalgia. No more idols the pedestals shall fall!! NO MORE IDOLS THE PEDESTALS SHALL FALL!!!"

Mizuti screamed in pain before falling to the ground unconscious and cold skinned. "GO BACK!! GO BACK GRELLUS!!!!"
Cicero said:
"....Guess your coming with me brat." He stated while getting up and walking to the door walking around trying to find Stell he walked into an ally way and found her "Hey are you ok?" He asked concerned for the first time if he could remember this is the first time he had ever been concerned for anyone in his life he walked up to her and hugged her and kissed her cheek "Is there something I can do to help?" The cat boy asked while putting his head on top of hers waiting for orders
Stell had pretty much crouched down covering her ears and looked like she was ready to cry. It was getting too much and her head was hurting. "...make it stop...his voice is too much..it hurts..it's too loud...something isn't right...that kid's voice...it's making everything hurt.. there's something wrong with him..a voice shouldn't hurt like this.." she cried holding her Hands over her ears trying to block out sound but was failing to do so, her hearing as a moth was just too sensitive to these frequencies. Tears were practically forming at this point,she didn't know what to do. It hurt.
"Ok." He said while grabbing the boy and running up a building until he was on the roof hoping that was enough so Stell couldn't hear him anymore he walked back down the building and went back into the ally way Stell was at he crouched down to were they were at eye level he wiped the tears away from her eyes and kissed her "Its ok I promised I would protect you and it seems like i'm already failing aren't I." He stated trying to lighten the mood while sitting down he took her hand in his "So I guess we stay here until your better and the kid wakes up." He stated leaning his head again the wall

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