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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Cicero said:
"Its Susan not SuSu only the Quin brothers can call me SuSu." She muttered while getting up and walking try to find Tab she walked around calling Tab's every so often she wanted to know what Nick and Stell were talking about and if Tab was blushing then she must know right
"I wouldn't have it any other way."He smirked right back planting a kiss on her lips "Guess we should explore the house to find a room."He said mischievously while winking hoping Stell would understand as he began walking around the house trying to find a room to take
Stell nodded quietly in response and looked at him smirking."exactly my thoughts,agreed."
"Why are you smirking?" He asked laughing a little before he started opening random doors hoping to find a room finally he founded one that looked deserted he walked in and jumped on the bed looking at the ceiling then at Stell "I found one." The boy stated smiling
Tabitha was too scared to breathe, much less move. "If I just stay here, she'll leave." Tabitha reassured herself. A few minutes passed, but Susan still didn't move. Tabby suddenly realized what this was: A waiting game. If she exited the room, she'd have to face the girl, but if she stayed for long enough, maybe the girl would get bored and leave. She held her breath for a few moments, before letting it out as quietly as possible. They were both stubborn, but was Tabitha really any match for a girl like this?

Susan leaned against the door sliding on until she was on the floor she was bored but she had to wait until the person that owned this room came home to open it "Tick tock Tick tock" She repeated over and over again while messing with her hoodie by putting it over her face and pretending to be a cat by saying meow "What to do when i'm bored here waiting.....I got....no I shouldn't do that."The girl thought aloud her paln was to go find Cicero's room or Tab's trying to find proof that Tab was just using Cicero instead she sits there trying to figure out her feelings for Cicero but ended up getting frustrated "Why is this so hard to tell if I like Cicero as more then a friend." She complained leaning her head against the door
Tabitha just stood there for a long time, but eventually when she heard the girl lean against the door and sit down she did the same, making sure to be quiet about it. For a while she just rested her eyes and enjoyed the fact the door hadn't been knocked down or something. Something Susan said really ruined that small positive enough however: Susan thought she might like Cicero?! That was way out of line for the girl to say, even if she was alone! Tabitha opened the door and stepped out, feeling more than a irritated. "Cicero's mine. You understand that right?" was all she told the girl. She wasn't that far from Tabitha's age, but right now Tabby felt like she was lecturing a young child. This chick could have whatever feelings she wanted, but around Tabitha she should be careful what she said. If Susan wasn't Cicero's childhood friend, Tabby might not have restrained herself as much as she's done tonight.

"Yea and your point is you haven't seen him crying and heartbroken when his ex dumped him you didn't help him through any of that did you?" She asked but quickly covering her mouth she didn't and wasn't suppose to say anything about her she told herself and Cicero asked her not to talk about her and she finally broke the promise "Listen forget I said anything if you want to asked Cicero about it go for it but just know you have a chance of him not talking to you for a while. Anyways I just wanted to ask you why you ran away blushing I tried to ask Nick and Stell but they didn't tell me something about not wanted to crush my innocents." The girl said still annoyed at Tabitha
iiimee said:
Rin kept thinking he'd get shocked from the sparks, but somehow he didn't. "Come on." was all he told Mew, before taking a small step forward and hoping Mew would comply by taking one himself. When he did, Rin took another, then another once he complied again. "This is going to be a slow evening." he thought. He was still upset about Mew's claims that he couldn't take care of his sister, but he didn't bring it up now. The cat-boy might actually die, and despite wanting to run from him, Rin had his own code of honor. He wouldn't be responsible for the death of another human unless they attacked him. Even if Mew didn't see himself as human, it didn't change the fact that he was, at least not in Rin's head. "Can you hear me? I'm okay..." Rin's mind called out. He tried to search for his sister's thoughts, but failed to do so. Where was she? It felt so lonely to not here from the sibling who was always by his side. Already he was imagining her laugh, her smile, the way she dragged Rin along... It was almost too difficult to go on, but Rin knew he had to anyway. If Mew wasn't so close to dying, he'd be going over and running to wherever he last saw the girl. If he got close enough he'd be able to talk to her again. He was going to talk to her again. He'd make sure of that, but for now a life was on the line, and he didn't feel like watching anyone die, even if they were beyond annoying and pretty much kidnapping him.

Mew exhaled and something set off a charge mew pushing himself to move ignoring his pain and raised a hand they had gotten to their location quickly,Mew's hair changed to pure white and different voice spoke and what looked like a different Mew stood there and his eyes glowed changing to a pink hue. Mew's body was covered with blue markings and he was still bleeding a lot. "Ahhhh...nice work human you knocked out Mew, poor boy and he liked you soon much but he had to go and save you like the idiot he is,pathetic...disgusting....idiot

thanks to you I'm free to use his body again.." he snickered cracking his neck and licked his lips. "Ah my name is virus, Mew is so weak..I'm going to kill him if he keeps this up.."
Cicero said:
"Why are you smirking?" He asked laughing a little before he started opening random doors hoping to find a room finally he founded one that looked deserted he walked in and jumped on the bed looking at the ceiling then at Stell "I found one." The boy stated smiling
Stell blushed shutting the door behind them and followed him into the room with a smile typically climbing up on to the bed looking back at him. "So I see."

She says unbuttoning the buttons on the top of her dress.
Nick looked to see what she was doing but instantly turned red and looked away "Sorry I didn't know you were going to change I can leave if you want." He said while about to get up before he did he looked at Stell "I have a feeling you love teasing me is that going to be one of your habits now?" The boy asked fully knowing the answer will be yes

Ooc: Ahh Nick he doesn't know that when he was joking with Stell he sealed his fate (:3) anyone got cookies too see how this plays out

Tabitha didn't say anything to her at first. She had heard Susan mention Cicero's ex before, and she knew Susan had a point: She wasn't there for him when that happened, but how could she have been? When she continued talking, Tabitha couldn't help but roll her eyes. That was why she had been bothering Tabby?! "If I ask him is none of your business, and neither is what you're asking about really." Tabitha sat down on the floor, patting the ground next to her awkwardly. She still disliked the girl, but she was Tabitha's age. Heck, she might be older than Tabitha! "You know about what two people who are um, into each other... You know what they do together right?" Tabby couldn't believe she was explaining something like this to somebody her age. She really hoped the girl understood what she meant, and she could spare them both the embarrassment of explaining how things worked and... well, if the girl was smart, she could probably look back and figure out what Tabby and Cicero had been doing...

Rin walked Mew the remainder of the way there in silence. He was still clearly upset about Rei, but didn't bring it up. An injured man didn't need anymore grief. "Are you ready to go in?" Rin asked, turning toward Mew, only to jump in fright when he didn't see Mew, but a demented-looking robot with the same face as Mew. "Wha-" Rin wanted to ask the most obvious question, "What are you?" but the robot beat him to it, answering the question by cursing Mew, lecturing Rin, and then finally saying his name. None of the first three things really mattered to Rin though. What mattered right now was Virus's threats to kill Mew! "You can't do that." Rin told him quickly. "If Mew dies, so do you: I don't care if you dislike the boy, but I need him right now. Can you give him back, or will I have to take both of you down?" Rin didn't even hesitate to suggest killing the living being inside the machine. At the end of the day, Rin needed to survive, and he couldn't next to a killer robot.

Note: Nick likes a girl who looks like she's twelve. Thus, Nick is a pedo.
Susan sat down looking at Tab and trying to think of an answer "Yea don't they hold hands, go on dates, and kiss or make out right?" The girl asked hoping that was the answer she was looking for "I don't see why you don't just tell me it would save both of us time that we don't wanna spend together." She stated plainly she hated being here with Tab but she wanted answers and apparently she was going to get them
iiimee said:
Nick: Eh....WHY SHE'S 21 HOW AM I A PEDO

Me: Well Nick its cause no one else likes you but her so we have fun of you


Susan: Hey I like Nick hes my friend

Me:Shut up

Cicero said:
Nick looked to see what she was doing but instantly turned red and looked away "Sorry I didn't know you were going to change I can leave if you want." He said while about to get up before he did he looked at Stell "I have a feeling you love teasing me is that going to be one of your habits now?" The boy asked fully knowing the answer will be yes
Ooc: Ahh Nick he doesn't know that when he was joking with Stell he sealed his fate (:3) anyone got cookies too see how this plays out
"Hey...get back here, I'm being serious!" She said instantly and threw the pillow at him smiling."I fully ment what I said Nick...I wasn't lying or joking. "
Tabitha sighed and shook her head. "Couples do other things than that. There's other ways to do it but..." Tabitha started giving a long and very awkward speech about what exactly couples do together. She knew it was embarrassing for both of them, but she figured this girl was near the age when she needed to learn these sort of things. When she was finished speaking, she got up and looked around. Cicero still wasn't back yet? She missed him, but maybe it was better if he wasn't here right now. She looked at the girl, awaiting her reaction. She remembered her father and mother telling her stuff like this when she was thirteen, and her reaction had been far from positive. She could only imagine how horrified the girl might feel to be learning about this now.

Susan's face went red after hearing whatever that was "Uh....ok at least I asked another girl instead of asking Cicero....." She said embarrassed about wanting to know that and learning about it "So when Nick and Stell were smirking was that.....and that's why you were blushing which still confuses me on why you were"The girl said still trying to process the information she did and asked stupid stuff but that was most likely the dumbest by far

"Uh.....ok." He said pretty much as a whisper while he walked back to the bed and laid down where he was trying his best not to look at Stell but at the walls or roof instead "And your sure your fine with this?" The boy asked concerned knowing where this will lead

Ooc:I guess someone can call the police on Nick the Pedo xD
Tabitha's blush deepened when the girl mentioned her. "Y-you don't need to know that!" she hurriedly assured her, a little relieved the girl hadn't figured it out yet. "A-anyway, nearly all girls and boys over sixteen do it at least sometime in their life, so don't be embarrassed in the future!" Tabby was trying to act friendly toward the girl. Sure, the conversation was awkward and Tabitha wanted to change the subject as quickly as she could, but at least the girl wasn't glaring at her now. "S-so what's your power?" she asked, her hands still shaking slightly from the nervousness she felt. Just a word or two more and they could leave the conversation behind them entirely...

"I'll ask Cicero about it since I know what it is." She stated normally before she started glowing like a light bulb "I'm pretty much a human light that can shoot light at people and it burns through them." The girl said while turning back to normal and smiling "I'm....s-sorry I w-was I jerk t-to you when we f-first meet I just didn't want Cicero to get hurt again." She said while fidgeting with her hoodie and looking down at the ground embarrassed at the brat she was to Tabitha "I..could explain it to you...I mean Cicero's ex if you want."The light bulb girl said looking up at Tab and smiling
Cicero said:
Susan's face went red after hearing whatever that was "Uh....ok at least I asked another girl instead of asking Cicero....." She said embarrassed about wanting to know that and learning about it "So when Nick and Stell were smirking was that.....and that's why you were blushing which still confuses me on why you were"The girl said still trying to process the information she did and asked stupid stuff but that was most likely the dumbest by far
"Uh.....ok." He said pretty much as a whisper while he walked back to the bed and laid down where he was trying his best not to look at Stell but at the walls or roof instead "And your sure your fine with this?" The boy asked concerned knowing where this will lead

Ooc:I guess someone can call the police on Nick the Pedo xD
Stell nodded."I'm sure, I'm 21. I can handle it, if anything I'm wondering whether you can..." she murmured quietly taking off her top,proving Stell DID have boobs let alone pretty good sized ones. Stell exhaled looking up at him she didn't look so much a child anymore without the baggy or cutesy clothes,Stell looked like her age but miniaturized. "I don't look like a child anymore I'm sure,"
"I didn't think you couldn't and don't worry about me I should be fine." He stated while he slipped off his shirt still facing away from Stell until he looked over at her his face became even more red "No....no you do not." The boy said smiling while he kissed her cheek and neck. He looked up at the girl and smirked a little "I guess we should lock the door so were not interrupted." The cat boy observed while looking at the door and back at Stell

Tabitha didn't say anything when the girl said she'd ask Cicero about it later. Hopefully by then she'd forget and if not, Cicero could handle it... hopefully. "It's fine. Light and fire sound like pretty cool powers! Maybe I'd like my power, if I could actually turn it of." She smiled, not mentioning she could hear Nick and Stell flirting upstairs. She really wished she couldn't, but as it was she just chose to ignore it. She wouldn't mention how many times she's had to just ignore certain things. When the girl offered to tell her about Cicero's ex, she had to admit she was curious, but decided against it. She couldn't just invade his privacy like them. "I think I should bring it up with him. I can't just demand answers he's not ready to give." Tabby told her, putting her hands behind her back like the goody-two-shoes she was before changing the subject. "What do you want to do? I don't think Nick and Stell want to hang out, so that leaves just us." She tilted her head to the side in a playful way, all the while remembering the way Cicero could never decide on a place for them to go. She didn't mind of course, because she could always think of something to do.

Ooc: Both Stell and Nick SUCK at flirting. Seriously...​
"Uhh......we can go to the mall if there is one."She said getting up excited at all the things they would have "If we find Cicero we can have a contest on who can steal the most." The girl said happily at the game even though she would lose its still fun to try "What do you say?" She asked looking down at the girl with a smile while she put her hands in her hoodie pocket and put her hood up that was too big for her and covered her whole face the neko ears were standing up on it with two large button's that were eyes she turned around and waited on Tab to catch up
iiimee said:

Tabitha didn't say anything to her at first. She had heard Susan mention Cicero's ex before, and she knew Susan had a point: She wasn't there for him when that happened, but how could she have been? When she continued talking, Tabitha couldn't help but roll her eyes. That was why she had been bothering Tabby?! "If I ask him is none of your business, and neither is what you're asking about really." Tabitha sat down on the floor, patting the ground next to her awkwardly. She still disliked the girl, but she was Tabitha's age. Heck, she might be older than Tabitha! "You know about what two people who are um, into each other... You know what they do together right?" Tabby couldn't believe she was explaining something like this to somebody her age. She really hoped the girl understood what she meant, and she could spare them both the embarrassment of explaining how things worked and... well, if the girl was smart, she could probably look back and figure out what Tabby and Cicero had been doing...

Rin walked Mew the remainder of the way there in silence. He was still clearly upset about Rei, but didn't bring it up. An injured man didn't need anymore grief. "Are you ready to go in?" Rin asked, turning toward Mew, only to jump in fright when he didn't see Mew, but a demented-looking robot with the same face as Mew. "Wha-" Rin wanted to ask the most obvious question, "What are you?" but the robot beat him to it, answering the question by cursing Mew, lecturing Rin, and then finally saying his name. None of the first three things really mattered to Rin though. What mattered right now was Virus's threats to kill Mew! "You can't do that." Rin told him quickly. "If Mew dies, so do you: I don't care if you dislike the boy, but I need him right now. Can you give him back, or will I have to take both of you down?" Rin didn't even hesitate to suggest killing the living being inside the machine. At the end of the day, Rin needed to survive, and he couldn't next to a killer robot.

Note: Nick likes a girl who looks like she's twelve. Thus, Nick is a pedo.
Virus shook his head sighing."not quite, you Mew is my host but I can attempt killing him off and taking his entire being for myself," he said snickering and sighed crossing his arms smiling sadistic and staring at rin. "One condition, promise to make little Mew more motivated to live? Your probably the only thing he wants at this point...he doesn't take care of himself properly it worries me let alone he won't take my advice,he fears me too much..." Virus explained with a sad smile and then switched back to mew who collapsed on the ground.

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