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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Nagato walked with the aid of tabby and quickly fell into the bed when they entered the room. "I guess I should thank you, I will make sure to punch Cicero harder next time we spare for this." He said trying to make a joke. He closed his eyes and not long after he began to fall asleep, with his usual dream of blackness. It could be enough to drive another person insane, if no one ever had dreams they might act differently then what Nagato did.
Cicero stopped running out of breath and cold "Dang it wheres the stupid flower shop when you need one."He complained out loud before he continued to walk down the sidewalk shivering every so often until he seen the flower shop 'Thank god I thought for sure I would end up freezing to death before I found one.' He thought to himself before walking in the store and asking for roses "So who's the lucky lady?" The shopkeeper asked making Cicero confused "You don't get it do you buddy...you see people buy roses for many reasons some...whats the word seductive then others." He said while grinning Cicero face instantly turned red "Uh...w-well I just go-got these for my g-girlfriend that's all." The boy stuttered while actually paying for them for once he thought Tab would appreciate them more if he brought them instead of stealing them "Sssuurrree buddy keep telling yourself that."The owner said while the flustered Cicero walked out into the cold weather again walking back to the house trying to think about why he actually bought the roses 'Its just to say sorry for accidentally touching her that's it....right?' He thought to himself while questioning if what the shopkeeper said was true he never knew anyone who used roses for "That" purpose then again he has been on the streets and in the lab but shook the thoughts off while he walked in the house with the roses behind his back
"Yeah we're just... Uh. We've gotta follow this couple, they're heading towards my friend's house. You'll have a place to sleep, if that's your thing." He shuffled toward the two and watched them enter the taxi cab. Leo checked behind him, making sure nobody else was there to follow him besides Asshole.

Leo promptly put a little reflective glob on the back of the twin's taxi as he passed by, hoping he wasn't seen. Crossing to the other side of the street, he hailed a taxi and pulled asshole in with him. "Follow the cab with the annoying reflector until they arrive wherever the fuck they need to go." The cab driver looked at the customers suspiciously, after he heard there was a recent discovery at the landfill site of a flexible bag filled with gore. "I've got an IPad written with your name on it man." The driver complied and veered off to make sure that he stayed close behind the other taxi in question.
OOC: That's fine I probably should've said something about it >.<

BIC: Lia rushed to catch up with John, who had already started to talk to the people at the door. That was odd, John wasn't a very social person. The boy that was on the bus asked them how their day was, so Lia answered, "I thought it was pretty fun, though John here thought I was just out being boring,"

"You were!" John protested. "She spent the entire day shopping and reading. I was at a casino. I would think a lot of people would prefer a casino than reading."

Sighing and rolling her eyes, Lia walked into the house. She heard someone say that they could stay anywhere there was a bed, except for the master bedroom. After the boy left for the casino, Lia walked up the stairs and went into the first bedroom to her right. It had a queen sized bed, a dresser, a rather large TV, a mini fridge, a walk in closet and a bathroom. Nice, She thought as she plopped down on the bed and turned on the TV.

John followed her twin up the stairs and into the bedroom across from her's. It was pretty small, but had everything John needed. It had a small TV, a mini fridge, a dresser, a queen sized bed, a closet and a small bathroom. John closed the door and sprawled out on the bed, staring at the ceiling. This was most definitely better than his room back home.
After wrapping the beige-coloured blankets around Nagato, Tabitha left his room to go find her own. She knew it would be more reasonable to share a room, since they had to accommodate a massive amount of people, but for now the girl would enjoy having some privacy. After all, who knows when she'd have the change again? She quickly found a room matching the one she was just in. Setting her backpack down beside the bed, she quickly took off what remained of her shirt and looked in the backpack for something else to wear. She sighed, realizing nothing had been washed yet. "Oh well, there has to be something around here right?" Tabitha told herself aloud, looking around the room and quickly noticing the drawers. She knelt down, opening the bottom set: She really wished she hadn't. Inside it were handcuffs, a whip, and more items that Tabby wouldn't dare touch, much less look like. "Not that drawer." she decided, closing it as quickly as she could. She prepared herself for something else... strange when she opened the next drawer, but luckily all she found in there was a light purple dress. She took it out, examining it. It had no sleeves, and the fabric was nearly see-through, but it was delicate and light, like it would blow away in the slightest of wind. Tabby blushed, looking around to make sure nobody was in the room she was. After confirming this, she quickly took off her hands and put the dress on herself, making sure not to rip it like she did the shirt. "What will Cicero think?" Tabitha wondered, looking down at herself. She just noticed how much of a figure the delicate dress gave her, thanks to the design of it that made it slightly tighter around the waist. Suddenly she came to the conclusion Cicero shouldn't see her in this. It'd be embarrassing for both of them, she was sure. Still, she didn't take it off right then and there. Instead, she laid down on the bed and closed her eyes, stretching her arms out and feeling the warm sheets that were so welcoming to her slightly tired body.

Cicero walked around the house pretty much getting lost with the roses still in his hand while he walked around the house opening doors to see if he could find anyone he opened one door to see Nagato "I guess Tab helped in into the bed."He whispered to himself not wanting to wake the boy not that it was possible 'He will most likely have a serious hang over if drinking that made him sick.' He thought laughing a little before closing the door it was pretty much the only one he did close he left the others open just to be a pain plus he just didn't want to close them he walked up to another door figuring Nagato was the only one sleeping or in a room he opened the door care free and looked around only to find Tab on the bed wearing a purple dress his face turned red while he not so quietly closed the door and speed walking away forgetting he had the roses in his hand before walking out the front door and sitting on the porch "Well great....hopefully she didn't wake up from that." He thought aloud looking behind him before putting the roses down next to him and looking at the sky

Vladimor huffs, laying back down as Matt leaves to answer the door, rolling over to be face down in the sheets. He guessed the taxi would be here soon, so after a while of sitting there, he gets up and puts his boots on; not the older ones he'd been wearing since he first got out of the lab, but a nicer, newer pair that Derrick had recently bought. He heads downstairs via elevator, not too surprised that a few other familiars were here. For some reason, he felt less comfortable that he should have with all these strangers in his nice, fancy house. He'd be sure to address the rules tomorrow. Whatever. Vladimor strolls over to Matthew, looking back at everyone going about the house with a sort of discomforted look. "Hnn...No matter. Say, Matthew, the taxi should be here right about now, are you ready to go?" He says, looking around to make sure everyone was gone before he holds his hand and gestures for them to be on their way.

When the taxi driver mentions Promontory, Rei nods, the memory of the words scribble on the girl's wrist matching his words. When he begins driving Rei looks out the back window, noticing that big guy and someone else getting in the taxi and beginning to follow. "Hey, bro, I think those guys might be a problem. "Excuse me sir, but if you can kindly lose the tailing taxi, we'll pay you extra." She asks politely, feeling anxious to be followed by such a strong experiment that she and Rin previously dealt with. She exchanges a nervous glance with Rin then returns her attention to the car behind them.​

Tabitha hadn't been asleep really, so of course when she heard the door opened she sat up right, but the person who entered left the second they entered. "That's weird..." she thought, and without hesitating she went to follow whoever it was- until she realized what she was wearing. She turned back to the bed and took one of the lighter blankets. It was beige like the rest of the bed. Tabby cautiously wrapped it around her shoulders before going off to follow the unknown visitor again. "It wasn't Vladimor, was it?" she wondered, a little worried. He might not even know what his father stored in those drawers, but if he did she'd probably be in trouble. With this thought in her head she increased her pace, following the sound of the person's footsteps, always just one step too late to see the figure of the unknown person. Finally, they went outside, and Tabitha stopped. She waited to hear the sound of footsteps again, but instead she heard Cicero's voice. "Well great... hopefully she didn't wake up from that." was what he said. Tabitha raised an eyebrow, a little confused. Carefully, she opened the door to the outside, hoping not to scare Cicero. "Why shouldn't I wake up? I have great hearing y'know." she said, walking over and sitting on the left side of him, only to notice he had roses on his right. "What's the occasion?" Tabby asked, looking at them and then back at Cicero, the slightest of smiles on her face. She hadn't forgotten their conversation from earlier.

Matthew wanted to ask why Vladimor looked so troubled, but he decided the taller young man wouldn't appreciate it. "Sure, let's go. Do you know where we're going?" Matt asked him, not objecting when Vlad took his hand. He was always a jerk to this guy who only wanted to... well, be with him. Matthew didn't know if Vladimor merely thought of him as a fuck buddy or something else, but Matt wouldn't ask. He was growing increasingly aware Vlad was more than that to him, but he'd die before he admitted it. If a physical relationship was all Vladimor wanted, Matthew wouldn't object. Still, sometimes Matt wondered if Vlad was looking for something more. He didn't really insist upon calling this a date, or push for Matthew to be his "boyfriend" but sometimes he said things that made Matthew wish they could give each other titles like that. He thought of when Vladimor had to restrain him: It wasn't Matthew, but Vladimor who ended up getting emotional. What was it that he said? "I only want what's best for you." Matthew whispered the words quietly without realizing it. Were those the words? Probably not, but they were something similar. Matt opened the taxi door and got in before Vladimor, knowing the other boy would probably laugh at him if he tried to open the door for him. The drive wasn't bad, but Matt was so deep in thought that he barely noticed anything about it anyway.

"The metal monster's tailing us?! Christ!" Rin had a whole list of cuss words he went through in his head, but none really fit the iron giant who was tailing them: They were all too kind. His face was as neutral as ever, but he took Rei's hand. "Don't get too close to him. I don't want you to get hurt." he warned her in his mind. Maybe it was arrogant, but the boy really cared for his sister. He looked back from time to time to make sure they were still being followed. They were losing him! Rin smirked when he realized this, pleased that they were so close to being free of that creep...​
The boy turned around to see Tab "Oh...yea I didn't want you to wake up because...I may or may not have seen you in the purple dress....It looks good one you Yea I didn't forget that I just thought you were asleep." The cat boy observed his face growing red while he said it and when she sat by him "Oh I don't have a-an occasion these...a-are for y-you." He stated stuttering a bit while he gave the flowers to the girl smiling a little with his red face 'Well she didn't yell at me that's a plus right?' He asked him still confused on why he wasn't getting yelled at for practically barging in her room without asking "Sooo.....do you forgive me now?" He asked the raven hair girl scooting closer to her while he finally remembered he was outside in the cold with only a jacket
Tabitha's smile became more apparent when he finished speaking. She let the blanket she had around her drop in order to hold the flowers. She ran her fingers along the delicate petals before setting them down to her left side. "You like it right? It's not really mine, but I figured I could borrow some of the clothes here..." Tabby said, looking down at the dress and running her hands along the fabric before stopping and turning to Cicero. "Do you want to know a secret?" she asked teasingly. Without waiting for an answer she leaned forward to whisper in his ear. "I wasn't even angry at you." She leaned back with a shameless look in her eyes. Still, she turned her head back to the roses so he couldn't see her eyes for very long. "Red huh? You know, most people get red when they're thinking about-" She stopped, beginning to blush just like Cicero had been when he saw her in this dress. She wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly feeling a little more cold. "Can you hold me?" she asked in a voice so much quieter than usual. She could feel her heartbeat increasing, and to counter this she looked at the stars. She didn't know why she was, but suddenly she felt a little nervous. Nervous was the word, right? She could barely think of anything other than her need to be around Cicero right now...


Vladimor shrugs but feels glad when he allows Matthew to hold his hand. "Ah, only the general idea. I just want to go to the most extravagant restaurant in Vegas, that's all." He said as if it were a regular thing for him. "I'm sure the driver will know a place," He tells him, getting in after him. The when Vladimor asks, she looks back at the two with a smile. She seemed to have something well in mind as she began to drive. About half way into the drive, he notices someone familiar pass in a separate taxi that seemed to be going in the direction of his house. "Oh, I beg the stars not to have him in my house..." He prays silently, pinching the bridge of his nose before he sighs. It'd be best not to worry about something that's so trivial to what he was going to go do. The young lord realizes Matthew spacing out and he nudges him. "Hey, what'cha thinking about?" He asks him, shifting to a slant so he can comfortably rest his head on the short boy's shoulder.

Rei gives an iffy look. I'd be more comfortable with him if it weren't me he slammed." She looks bitterly towards the car before turning forward. "His humor is very dark, but I get it. I'd laugh if I weren't in danger." Rei sits crisscrossed in the seat, her forehead against the back of the front seat. She sighs as they drive further and further, looking at the lights of the city beginning to thin as they move closer to the outskirts of the city that held the larger, more expensive houses.​
Cicero looked at the dressed he eventually pried his eyes off how the dressed looked on Tab and back on her face"...Uhh yea it looks great on you and by borrow you should keep it I don't think Vlad will have any purpose for it." He said smiling with his face growing red at what Tab said "Heh...th-that's w-what the shopkeeper said wh-when I b-bought them b-but I didn't b-believe him....wait its actually true?"The blushing boy said even more embarrassed that it was actually true he eventually just sighed in defeat that the fact was actually true then Tab whispered in his ear he sighed in relief "That's good to hear." He said smiling at the girl and but his arm around her following her command to hold her and pulled himself closer to her kissing her forehead "So i'm guessing you l-like the r-roses." The boy stuttered a little while looking at the sky

Matthew had barely listened to Vladimor's answer. He was so deep in his thoughts that it wasn't until Vladimor rested his head on Matt that he realized what the boy was asking. "Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about the past." Matt said, shaking his head as if that somehow reassured the other boy that it wasn't important. "Hopefully he doesn't think about what part of the past." Matthew thought, staying still but feeling mildly uncomfortably at the fact Vladimor was using him as a pillow yet again. The taxi eventually stopped, and Matthew shrugged Vladimor off, getting out on his side. The first thing he noticed were the blinding lights scattered all along the streets around them, followed by the luxury of the restaurant in front of them. It looked grand, even from the outside. "Um, I'm not sure I dressed up right for something like this." Matthew said the first thing that popped into his head, already feeling overwhelmed. He glanced at Vlad. The boy's eyes openly displayed his nervousness. "Are you sure I belong here? I think I'll only embarrass you." Matthew hated to be so open, but he was a little frightened of being somewhere like this. His imagination went a little wild: Maybe he'd trip a waitress and spill some really expensive dish, then Vladimor would have to pay and never forgive Matt- The boy stopped his thoughts before they could make him feel any worse. He took Vlad's hand again. He didn't want to admit it, but it was comforting to know he was beside Matthew, no matter where they were.

"Mm-hmm." Tabitha said, keeping herself as close as possible to Cicero and keeping her gaze at the stars. The roses were really the last thing she cared about right now, even though she enjoyed the gift. After several minutes of them just breathing and him just holding her, she eventually looked back at him again. "Cicero..." she whispered his name, trying her best to not mess up what she was going to say. She didn't know what he'd think of her once he said it, but she felt like she had to say it. If she didn't, she might regret it forever. "Cicero," she repeated his name in the same quiet and seductive voice. "Would you like to stay in my room tonight?" She felt her blush deepen right after she said it, but she didn't back away from the question. Instead, she touched the side of his face, looking at him with innocent and hopeful green eyes. "I love you." she told him before he answered. She didn't want him to get the wrong idea that what she asked was just about sleeping. She wanted to be with him, in a way that she was too afraid to say directly, but how more direct did she have to be? With a heart that was beating like crazy, she took his hand and placed it gently against her chest, worried that if she spoke the magic of the moment might be broken.

Ooc: I'll let @Cicero make the last post before the time-skip k? ^_^

His face was as red as the roses he gave Tab but he stilled smiled "Sure Tab." He said equally seductive his face still growing red "I love you too." He stated while giving her a quick kiss on the lips before she grabbed his hand and led it to her chest he felt her heart beating as fast as his he did the same with her hand and smiled "I...guess we should head to your room...right." He said seductivly and smiled with his beat red face but he didn't really care he picked up Tab and bridal carried her to her room and set her down to her bed kissing her forehead all the way to her neck and collarbone then back up to her lips
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"Ah." When they arrived, Vladimor pays the woman, tipping her for her choice in location and he thanks her before closing the door. "Not dressed for this? Look at me. Sweatervest. I could have picked the fanciest shit in my closet, but I chose this." He tells him, trying to lighten up the poor boy's mood. He shakes his head, leading him inside. "Embarrass me? C'mon, if anything, I'll only embarrass you." When he took his hand once more, he couldn't help but to blush this time around, but he didn't know why he did. "Look," He spoke softly, looking down at him, "You belong anywhere just as much as you belong with me." Vladimor gives him a quick peck on the cheek before going up to the register and asking for a table for two. The woman nods and leads them to a table, asking them both what they wanted to drink as she hands them both menus. "Uh, just water, thanks." The noble asks as he takes the menu, taking reaching in his pocket to take his glasses out of their case and putting them on to be able to read the menu better. "Feel free to order whatever, the stuff here is cheap, you won't need to pay me back." Honestly, 50 bucks for the least expensive thing on the menu wasn't cheap, but when it came to money, Vladimor was well endowed. As Vladimor waited for the woman to come back with their drinks, he looks at Matthew with a warm smile, finding the boy more delicious than anything on the menu, he must admit.

Allen nods in compliance, observing his nails once more.

"So, I never caught your name..."

He looks up, seeing as how the taxi in front of them stops.

"Oh, I guess those are the people whom we're following?" He looks back up, observing the two that just left the taxi in front of them, reaching for the handle of the door.

He flicks his eyes over to the taxi driver as well, wondering whether or not he had the time or privacy to quickly off the poor fellow before they continued in their pursuit. Just a quick rearrangement of the flesh in his neck could do it, meaning a quiet and slow asphyxiation.

@Surprise Meteors
Orious nodded quietly."....I was 10 think,it was when I first started living with andreous and izabell....my first home was in France,andreous's uncle bought me in a auction. At the time I belonged to his son..." he explained with a sigh. Orious had been through more than one master all cruel hearted, a few even working for the government. But as well in between the time he had ALSO lived on the streets before taking illegal jobs for big money so he and izabell could get through things Especailly after becoming expirements. after a moment the vampire had gotten close to derrick holding the swing chains face to face and few inches from his mouth and leaned in like he wanted to do somthing but stopped himself with a heavy blush on his face "derrick..I..uh.." was all he managed to say which was unlike him. Normally he was upfront about things when it came to derrick about.somthing was wrong,he seemed to be more than just drunk.he wanted somthing badly and was trying hard to deny it. the vampire instantly had backed up and turned plucking a rose from the bush and bringing it to his lips kissing it lightly. His bloody hunger was growing quickly let alone he was craving somthing more than blood, he tried to avoid the pain comsuming him before mumuring."what is wrong with me..."

Apparently the vampire had been drugged as well as drunk and he was suffering dearly for it.....
Derrick had taken notice of Orious' strangeness. He flinched slightly the moment he was too close to him, but he sighs when he stepped back. He pushes himself a few more times before standing up. "Uh, hey...Orious..." He began, almost nervously. "Let us...go back to the house, shall we?" He voice wavered as he looked at the vampire, willing him to follow him back up front. When he hears the "What's wrong with me." Derrick's anxiousness began to rise. "Come on." He says, but sounding more like a demand. He found it harder to feel comfortable as he heads to the car, quickly passed as he waits for Orious. He didn't trust him to drive, with how odd and drunk he was acting.

Cicero said:
"So i'm guessing you got everything you needed?" He asked the girl while pushing himself off the wall and walking up to the car and opening the passenger side door "You don't need a car seat do you?" The cat-boy asked the girl sarcastically he knew she didn't the boy pretty ignored any faces she was making at him while he walked over the the driver side of the car "Guess the cat boy without his license is driving....seems like a good plan."The boy stated smirking a little while he climbed in the car closing the door 'Well I wonder where were going?' He thought to himself while he looked around the car before putting the keys in the excision and was surprised it still worked
Stell gave him a slight glare when she got in with her illuminating green/blue eyes and a fake amused look on her face. "Ha.ha. very funny...I'll have you know i don't need one..." She anwsered sacastically back crossing her arms then buckled up. She then smirked" are you saying your the type to get distracted by laser pointers? I know your a cat but seriously... " She teased amused with her own comment giggling a little and stopped blushing a little at the thought of the guy chasing the red dot and ending up breaking the wall. She covered her mouth at the simple thought and looked off. It's Utterly adorable!! stell found herself unable to hate him even if he frustrated her. She smiled blushing still from her ideas and looked to him. " you decide. Long as we get far away from here I'm good."
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Derrick had taken notice of Orious' strangeness. He flinched slightly the moment he was too close to him, but he sighs when he stepped back. He pushes himself a few more times before standing up. "Uh, hey...Orious..." He began, almost nervously. "Let us...go back to the house, shall we?" He voice wavered as he looked at the vampire, willing him to follow him back up front. When he hears the "What's wrong with me." Derrick's anxiousness began to rise. "Come on." He says, but sounding more like a demand. He found it harder to feel comfortable as he heads to the car, quickly passed as he waits for Orious. He didn't trust him to drive, with how odd and drunk he was acting.

"Yes...understood..sorry.."was all he mumured softly in response following the human quickly, becoming quiet again. He followed derrick to the car getting in and had leaned his head against the window watching things as they drove by With a look of pain in his glowing violet eyes. His body hurt,it was becoming weak almost like that of a starving wolf. He wanted to be by the human's side,he wanted to be loyal and keep him happy to gain his affections and heart but he also let alone craved the younger boy both in body and blood. Somthing was making him worse,it made him sick and he didn't want to scare of Derrick. But atlas the stupid bar tender stuck somthing in his drink. He kept looking out the window as they drove. "....I was drugged..derrick's gonna hate me..." he mumbled unaware he said the last part of his thoughts aloud

"I'll have water too, thanks." Matthew smiled at the waitress, but she just gave him a disgusted look. For a second he was confused, until he noticed that half the staff, which were all women, were gawking at the boy across from him. Matt instantaneously knew why the waitress was upset: He was here with a man who looked like a prince, and instead of looking at them that prince seemed entirely focused on Matt tonight. He couldn't exactly blame the women for being angry. Vladimor was regal in every sense of the word, and yet he took care of Matthew as if the boy was somehow his equal. He knew it was wrong, but Matt was tempted to go over to the women and brag. He didn't obviously- he'd just be causing a scene and embarrassing Vlad further, but it was a fun idea, at least inside his head. He looked over the menu contently, but he was rather confused by the names. Almost everything sounded foreign, and even if Matthew had heard of the name before he had never actually tried it. With two poverty-stricken parents, even his life before the experiments had lacked flavour. "What can I get you?" the waitress asked, returning to their table. Matthew didn't say anything, but he could've sworn her outfit wasn't nearly as short and cute earlier. She only looked at Vladimor, but Matt answered anyway. "I'll get... this." he told her, showing her the menu and pointing at something that seemed to be on the cheaper side. The woman frowned when she had to turn away from Vlad, but she kept her mouth shut. "Okay sir." she said simply, but Matthew couldn't help but smile just a little when he saw the rage in her eyes. She turned back to Vladimor, giving him the sweetest smile a wicked young woman like her could possibly give. "And you sir?" she practically purred. Matthew did his best not to laugh. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the other waitresses had stopped what they were doing to glare at their colleague in silent rage.

Ooc: All I could post before school started, sorry! Was going to write for my other chars but... X_X Eh, better than nothing.​
"Thanks glad to know i'm a comedian at a simple question." He told the girl while he started driving up the road "Well everyone likes laser pointers I know my brother would chase on around until he passes out from exhaustion but I don't think I ever had the urge to chase one...and why are you blushing..on second thought not my problem." The cat boy stated annoyed that the girl was blushing at nothing when it was only him and her. He never understood women to be complete honest "As for where were going I need to go to Las Vega to find my brothers before they do anything else dimwitted." He stated while just trying to think about all the things they already did while he wasn't there
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Cicero said:
"Thanks glad to know i'm a comedian at a simple question." He told the girl while he started driving up the road "Well everyone likes laser pointers I know my brother would chase on around until he passes out from exhaustion but I don't think I ever had the urge to chase one...and why are you blushing..on second thought not my problem." The cat boy stated annoyed that the girl was blushing at nothing when it was only him and her. He never understood women to be complete honest "As for where were going I need to go to Las Vega to find my brothers before they do anything else dimwitted." He stated while just trying to think about all the things they already did while he wasn't there
Hey, could you possibly do a recap for me? Thanks.
aristocraticMobster said:
Hey, could you possibly do a recap for me? Thanks.
Well I thought you left the Rp so Nick with this girl who's 21 named Stell. Matthew and Vlad are on a date Rei and Rin are trying to find the house everyone is staying at Cicero and Tab...I won't go into details yea that's it

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