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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"Well I'm shy now!" Matthew sputtered, still refusing to look at Vlad. He didn't know why he was so uncomfortable. Vladimor was right. Matthew had no objections to... what they did, but that didn't change how he felt now. For a second he dared to open one of his eyes but seeing Vlad's concerned face, he quickly closed them again. "Just... don't worry about me." Matt told him, emphasizing the word "worry" like it was some sort of foreign word he had never heard of before. He stuck his hand out to Vlad to put distance between the two of them, but he quickly put his hand back at his side when he felt the boy's bare chest. After letting out a short, half-breathed sigh, Matthew looked back at Vlad's face again with a look that seemed... sad? Excited? The expression on Matt's face was extremely difficult to read, but then it was suddenly replaced by a look of surprise. "Uh, I'm getting out!" Matthew said his words in an awkward, rushed jumble before walking carefully past Vladimor and getting out, wrapping a towel around himself as fast as he could before walking out into the bedroom. "Dammit, dammit, damn!" Matt cursed in his head, trying o think of what to do.

Rin tried his best, but he couldn't help laughing at his sister's demands. "Stop it!" he said, punching her arm before covering his face to hide his all too obvious laugh. For a second he seemed oblivious to the fact he looked like he was laughing at nothing, but when he realized it he quickly turns his facial posture back to it's original cold look. When Rei tells the bartender to give them too mild drinks he raises his hand up to object. "Something strong for both of us, with shot glasses please." Rin told him, glancing at his sister with the slightest hint of a challenge written on his face. "Are you ready to get your ass kicked?" Rin telepathically asked her, but he rested his head on his hand and turned to her as if he was speaking aloud.

"Ci-cero?" Tabitha asked weakly, slowly opening her eyes. In her sleep she felt cold, but now that she was conscious she could feel the way the heat from the slowly dying fever. She sat up and put a hand to her head, simultaneously checking how bad it was and letting herself breathe in the air that felt like ice compared to her body. She still had a high fever, but she was sure it wouldn't kill her- not today anyway.

Ooc: Ugh addicted to "Collar Full" by Panic! At The Disco X_X I don't listen to them a lot, but man... it's so amazing. Also, when in doubt or you just can't think, make ANOTHER penis joke. xD Sorry, but I think now that you'll read this you'll understand the meaning of um *cough* some of my post...


"Ohh good morning sleeping beauty."He said the the girl with a slurred voice "If you want something to drink I think I stole some vodka and wine there in my jacket that your wearing."He stated trying to get up but ended up falling back on his ass "I may have gotten a little drunk when you were asleep." He said while knocking over the now empty whisky bottle smiling at the girl "Do you still need to rest or do you want to attempt to go to Vlad's place."He asked the girl with a low and slurred voice 'Is this what it feels like to be drunk its awesome.'He thought to himself before laying flat on the ground staring at the ceiling

Tabitha smirked, already feeling a little better. "I heard wine's good for your health." she said as an excuse, before pulling out the bottle that had a bunch of french words she barely understood on it. All she knew was there was wine and she wanted some. She put the bottle to her lips and tilted her head back, almost choking on the surprisingly strong liquid. "You picked the strong stuff!" she observed, looking at the bottle to check the year. 1985. She didn't know how wine could last so long, but she wasn't one to be asking questions right now. She made sure not to drop the bottle and very carefully she stood up and walked over to where Cicero was laying down. "Hey, haven't you ever drank before?" Tabby asked him. She still felt feverish, but she barely noticed it now: Cicero was the perfect distraction. She laid down next to him and took another sip of the wine, this time more slowly so that she could actually taste and not choke on it. All the while, she was looking at Cicero, who seemed more wild than usual right now. An idea popped into Tabitha's head. "What would he do?" she wondered. Setting the bottle down on the other side of her, she leaned forward so that her face was right next to the cat-boy's. "Are you really drunk?" she asked him slowly, putting a certain tilt to "really" to make herself sound cute and possibly drunk. Maybe she was, but she doubted it. She wasn't an extremely light drinker like her friend Matt, so a sip or two didn't hurt her at all.

Ooc: Listen, the one good thing about Louisville is bourbon- too bad I hate alcohol. xD When I first made Matt I actually made him absolutely hate it...​
"Well that's good."He stated quietly "Is it really that strong I never understood what people meant by that."He said while picking up the empty bottle of whiskey and trying to get a drink out when he realized it was empty he frowned while looking at the bottle before dropping it to his side "As for me drinking before.....I'm pretty sure I took a few shots not enough to actually make me drunk but enough to make me puke but now I'm use to it."He stated smiling at the girl right next to him while he placed his hand in hers "I don't know if i'm drunk or not....if i'm not there's always more over there."He said sloppy while somewhat pointing towards the bar where he originally got the drink "They weren't very smart when they left a thief alone in a casino."He said while he remembered the two twins walked out

Vladimor watches Matthew leave, oblivious to why he continued to act as he did. "Alright," He shrugs, continuing to enjoy the rest of his shower. After spending enough time there, he shuts the water off, grabbing a towel to dry himself for the most part. When the young lord steps out of the bathroom, he flinches at the cold air, reminding himself to find the thermostat. "What's your deal?" He says with a smirk as he walked over to his dresser to grab a pair of briefs to put on. "Are you even old enough to handle showering with another guy? Ahah, get dressed. Find what you want, what's mine is yours" He glances over to him, dropping the towel to put on his underwear on. He's still completely oblivious as he goes to the bed, once again observing the outfit that was out for him. A different shirt, probably. He hung the one back up, grabbing a flannel shirt that had a fading effect. After scavenging his drawers, he found a box of accessories, and he gives a triumphant shout. He takes a hair tie, taking his hair into a loose, low ponytail, strands of hair still out at the sides. Throughout the box, there are different kinds of piercings, all accommodating the ones he already has holes for. Instead of rings for snakebites, he trades them out for studs and he takes all his earrings out. He puts on deodorant and spray cologne over himself. Oh, it had been a while since he could do such a thing. These past few months have been spent running, hiding, in shabby hotels, and other times even in a stranger's home. This was quite the upgrade.

Rei looks at Rin the same way, chuckling when he asked for something strong instead. She seemed to moves to the beat of the club music as she looked at him. "Don't talk about yourself like that, Rin-Rin." She looks at the shot glasses the bartender places down for them. She gives one last look to her brother before down the shot, making sure the bartend kept 'em coming. "Don't be mad when you run home crying that you lost!" She exclaims, taunting him as she taps the table.​
Nagato sat in the corner watching, she didn't take long to wake up perhaps I should ask her for the address before both of them are drunk he silently thought to himself. "Tabby what was the address to the new house, do you think you could write it down so we can make our way there at some point to night?" He walked up to a counter for a piece of paper and a pencil, surly these people had such things for every day activities right? After a short moment he found what he was looking for and returned to the group, "here you can use these I doubt the casino will care. After all you can find these everywhere anyways."
"Great! The night is young, and there's plenty of thrills to be had!" He removed his arm from his new companion. He hadn't caught his name, but it doesn't really matter when you're about to go murderfuck a bunch of strippers and then some.

Leo slowly exited the bar, hoping his companion was in tow, and exited the bar, crushing the shattered glass door underfoot. Upon entering the club next door he made note of a particularly boisterous party of two, having a drinking contest. "Hey, Asshole. Over there, there's two people that I think I know sorta. Let them pick this place up." The bartender almost shat his pants at the large mouth and blinding strobe lights that approached him.

"I'll have a Bloody Mary" he said out the side of his mouth. One Bloody Mary later, he grabbed the nearest patron and severed a few tendons on their arm, leaving them screaming and pain. "You've gotta have real blood if you want a real Bloody Mary if you know what I'm saying!" The bartenders face contorted in disgust as he watched the poor woman drown in their own blood and die. "Asshole! Come, have a beer, and watch for the body."
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]
"I'll have a Bloody Mary" he said out the side of his mouth. One Bloody Mary later, he grabbed the nearest patron and severed a few tendons on their arm, leaving them screaming and pain. "You've gotta have real blood if you want a real Bloody Mary if you know what I'm saying!" The bartenders face contorted in disgust as he watched the poor woman drown in their own blood and die. "Asshole! Come, have a beer, and watch for the body."

((OOC: I always try to have a good time with my characters but goddamn someone always wants to ruin my happy times is2g))

((Also I think if someone kept killing a bunch of people, someone would call the police and then they'd have to start on the run agAIN))
[QUOTE="King Anthony]((OOC: I always try to have a good time with my characters but goddamn someone always wants to ruin my happy times is2g))
((Also I think if someone kept killing a bunch of people, someone would call the police and then they'd have to start on the run agAIN))

((Ooc: Nobody can call the police, if there is nobody to call the police! BWAHAHAHAH! Leo will try to control himself a little bit. Probably.))
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]((Ooc: Nobody can call the police, if there is nobody to call the police! BWAHAHAHAH! Leo will try to control himself a little bit. Probably.))

((OOC: Gahaha,but aside from ruining my characters "Relax" time, I absolutely love Leo! I have this affinity for him, and I don't know why...))
[QUOTE="King Anthony]((OOC: Gahaha,but aside from ruining my characters "Relax" time, I absolutely love Leo! I have this affinity for him, and I don't know why...))

((OOC: Thanks man, I've always had a bit of respect for people who can use two characters, BC I'm too busy shuffling words for one.

Tabitha frowned, a little disappointed he didn't get that she was trying to flirt with him. Still, she took his hand in both of hers without protest. "You shouldn't drink anymore than you already have." Tabitha warned him, before picking up the bottle of wine and not-so-casually gulping down a big portion of it. She wasn't usually a heavy drinker, but right now the chance was too good to pass up. Life wouldn't stop for them, so why should she restrain herself? Setting down the bottle again, she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and stuck her tongue out at Cicero, hoping to get some sort of reaction out of him: She didn't care what. Angry, sad, flirty, it didn't matter what happened right now, as long as the two of them had fun in the end.

Matthew timidly grabbed a few clothes without really looking at what they were and hid, crouched down on the other side of the bed to avoid Vladimor looking at him. Despite Vlad taking quite a while in the shower, Matt found he still wasn't "calm" by then. Nevertheless he put on what he now realized was a red plaid shirt and black jeans roughly his size. "Did Derrick accidentally mix up some of the clothes?" he wondered, looking down at the outfit. For once in Matthew's life he looked pretty suave... except for one problem. "Fuck..." He turned around, making sure Vlad still wasn't looking, and grabbed a jacket off the bed. He tied it around his waist, having seen Tabitha do that before. Admittedly it did hide his... (*cough*) body part quite well, but there was still something awkward about seeing a jacket tied around the boy's waist as if he was a girl going to a movie theatre. Still, he figured it was better than nothing and he quickly walked out of the door to the bedroom, hoping to avoid Vladimor noticing the disastrous fashion choice.

Rin downed the shot after her, handing the glass back to the bartender and ordering another, all the while telling her "You know I can." while he did this. It had been a struggle at first to form full sentences when they obtained this ability, but now they were masters at it, chatting up a storm between themselves and nobody else. This revelry and sibling bonding session might have continued... if some ass didn't walk in and slit a woman's throat. Immediately Rin knew he was an experiment, but he wasn't concerned about that. He dropped to his knees to examine the woman: Her pulse was completely gone, but her eyelids were wide open like she was right now talking to everyone else. Rin looked over to the group of ladies who had come with her. They were all shaking, screaming, or doing something else out of pure terror. "Should we interfere?" Rin asked. Out of the two Rin always seemed more willing to help, or at least get involved in something that he wasn't a part of in the first place. He waited for her response, hopeful she would give him the word to try to diffuse the situation.​
"Awww you can't just say I can't drink anymore and practice chug half the bottle of wine straight in front of me." The drunken cat boy whined at little 'No fair why does she get more to drink....wait I already drunk the whole bottle of whisky so when she runs out of wine I just won't let her get anymore.' He thought to himself while smiling at her until she stuck out her tongue at him making him kiss her cheek until he got to her lips at this point he was on top of her and kissed her lips until he need air "That's what you get for sticking your tongue out at me you should do it more often."He whispered slowly in her ear before looking at her face again his a devious smile "You really are pretty and amazing you know that Tab."He exclaimed happily with his face growing a bit red
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Derrick chuckles a little nervously, taking a seat next to Orious. When a drink is presented to him, he takes it, as he is no stranger to alcohol. He downs only a fourth of the drink before setting it down, tapping his fingers on the bar table looking around. He eyes set on a pair of twins, on who he awkwardly locked glances with. He squeaks and looks back to Orious. "S-so...?" He asks, seemingly uncomfortable. Lots of people aren't his setting, he remembered.

After a few Ori had drank quite a bit and his may haven't been pink but it was noticeable he was a bit drunk but something was a bit off. He was starting to feel a bit funny."Derrick....would you like to go get some fresh air? " he murmured asking his face bright blushed pink now and but that didn't stop him from wanting to wanting to make derrick more confortable and him to enjoy himself. He smiled despite it and simply stood paying the bar tender,putting the money on the bar counter then looked to derrick with his violet eyes and grabbed the human's hand taking him outside. "Let's go to the next place...there's a place I wanted to show you.." he mumured and led him off a little bit away from the bar walking taking his to what seemed to be old abandoned looking masion before stopping. "Its in the back.." he whispered.

Tabitha ran her hands through his hair, leaning into the passionate kisses, or more accurately their make-out session while leaning back at the same time. There was no denial of her actions, no looking away from Cicero like a shy girl who didn't know what she was doing. Sure, she didn't know, but did it matter? This was her first romance, and from what Nick told her, she guessed it was Cicero's first too. When they stopped (face-sucking) kissing long enough to breathe, Tabby had a mischievous look on her face, which quickly turned to embarrassment when she heard Cicero's words. Even if she didn't have abnormally good ears, she was sure she'd have heard those words loud and clear. "You're flattering me..." she mumbled, and before he could say another word, Tabitha pushed him over so that she was on top of him! She kissed his face, along his neck, his collarbone... The girl didn't look like it, but she could be quite the demon when she wanted to.

Ooc: Let's just say she didn't notice Nagato at all. xD @Wyatt​
"Hey no fair that tickles."The boy said while she kissed his collarbone for some reason he was always tickles around his neck and collar bone he never told anyone except for Tab just now "Anyways lets see how you like."He said while he pushed her to where they were both on their sides and started kissing her where she kissed him before stopping and pulling her back to where she was on top of him 'Is this because were both drunk...no that can't be the reason I don't think there's a reason other then we love each other.'The cat boy thought to himself while he looked up at Tab's beautiful emerald green eyes with his dully colored brown eyes and looked a and smiled running his hand through her raven hair "You have beautiful eyes and hair along with a gorgeous body and face."He told the girl
Cicero said:
Ooc:When you thought you posted when you really didn't
Bic:"Oh.....i'm sorry."The boy said as they walked into the building he looked around the house for a little bit bored "Well I don't need anything but you can grab what ever you want."He stated "This your house anyways so you can take what you want from it."The boy stated while making his way to the garage and looking around for a little bit before going outside to see if anyone was closing in on them eventually feeling somewhat safe he walked back inside and closed the door
Stell sighed crossing her arms shaking her head."hmmm...its alright. You didn't know but now you do. "She put it simply and looked up at him when she said before taking his hand placing the keys in it trusting him. Stell looked up at him for a moment before turning and quickly running up stairs going through a few things and put anything useful and some of her clothes in a suitcase and a purse and ran back going down and hurrying into the garage and putting it in the trunk of the car and came back grabbing a big first aid along with a knife which she stuffed into her boot side. She then approached the cat man again and tugged on his hand with both arms around it and staring at him expectantly.
Before Matthew even had the chance to leave, Vladimor hooks his finger in his pants, giving him a questioning look. “That's a woman's fashion, Matthew,” He tells him as he steps close behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist. “It's cold out, so put it on right instead," Vladimor tells him, taking this perfect moment to seduce him. (What for, you silly dog?!) He reaches to undo the tie, but he pauses when he realizes there were two knots. He blinks, taking his slow time figuring out what was going on. “Oh!” He says surprised, “Oh…” He repeats, smirking deviously. “Well, if you need me, I wouldn’t turn down anything you request me for…” Vladimor purred seductively, grinding forward before taking a step back with a pleased expression.

“Yeah!” Rei seemed to have her sights set on the big guy who took down that poor woman. She hopped off of the stool, pointing at him. “Hey, you! Slicer!” She shouts with a grin on her face. What was she planning? “I came out to have a good time…”She steps up to him, sighing dramatically as she puts a hand on her chest. “But I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now.” She pokes at his chest, but that was a mistake. Did she just get cut?! She whines, ‘owing’ as she looked at her finger. Rei only wipes the blood off on her jeans. “Now that's what I call an ‘experiment’! Fantastico!!!” She yips, fist pumping the air

((OOC: I guess Derrick's and Orious' part will be BEFORE the part where Leo decided to kill a poor innocent woman.))

Derrick continued to drink as well, but nothing heavy. He had a few beers, and nothing more. He was well at holding his alcohol and with his Russian genes being so tolerant to alcohol, he was only a little less than sober. When he was lead out Derrick only follows him, unaware of how much the vampire drank. "Alright," He says quietly, going out back with him. (Although, that sounds like something leading to rape, if he had been completely honest with himself)

((OOC:Sorry I'm late o_o @Surprise Meteors @iiimee @mewbot5408 ))​
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"So i'm guessing you got everything you needed?" He asked the girl while pushing himself off the wall and walking up to the car and opening the passenger side door "You don't need a car seat do you?" The cat-boy asked the girl sarcastically he knew she didn't the boy pretty ignored any faces she was making at him while he walked over the the driver side of the car "Guess the cat boy without his license is driving....seems like a good plan."The boy stated smirking a little while he climbed in the car closing the door 'Well I wonder where were going?' He thought to himself while he looked around the car before putting the keys in the excision and was surprised it still worked

Tabitha blushed, feeling his lips press gently but firmly against her skin. She didn't fight however, instead letting him change their positions from the side and back to where they were before. When he started complimenting her, she found herself not knowing what to say except "You're an incessant flirt, you know that?". She rolled them over so that they were on their sides once more, before wrapping his right hand (the one NOT close to the floor) around her and pulling herself close so that her face was buried into his chest. "I'm sorry for today..." she apologized quietly, referring to him having to rescue her once again. Surprisingly she was still only moderately drunk. Both her and Cicero were at a sort of "giddy" stage, not too drunk to pass out but enough to go wild. She could smell the whiskey on Cicero's breath and the wine on hers, but somehow she didn't mind.

Rin was amused at his sister's happy-go-lucky personality, but the brief smile he had fell off when he noticed something. Was that blood on her finger?! Without a second thought he took his knife, cut some cloth off his shirt, and wrapped his sister's fingers around it before kissing it, as if that would somehow make it feel better. To most this would seem weird and maybe even creepy for siblings to do, but Rin never meant anything by it. He just wanted to protect his sister, the person who had looked out for him all his life. If that was a crime, it'd just be one more he could add to the list of bad things he's done.

Matthew froze when Vladimor grabbed him, completely horrified when he realized there was nothing he could do to prevent it. If he tried to move away Vlad would just grab him again. He let out a short sigh as Vladimor quickly undid the jacket and realized Matt's predicament. The room suddenly felt hot, and Vladimor's hands around him even briefly didn't help matters. Vladimor stepped back from him, but not before taking a step forward and whispering words that made Matthew even more "tempted" than before. "I can handle myself." Matt said weakly, taking a step forward but then falling against the wall out of sheer inability to concentrate. It was hard to breathe, much less breathe right now. "No, please God..." he begged. It didn't matter if he believed in God right now: He just didn't want to give in to Vlad's offer, not again when he promised himself he'd try to regain the emotionless confidence he had before, or at least he thought he had. He closed his eyes and practically shook with sensations he was desperate to admit he didn't possess, but with every raggedy breath or heartbeat it became harder to deny. "N-no..." Matthew tried to say the words firmly, but once again failed to do so.​
@Surprise Meteors[/URL] @iiimee @mewbot5408 ))[/CENTER]
(Ooc: warning orious is also drugged.....)

Ori had led him a bit aways from the bar to a neighborhood.

The vampire led him to the back and stopped, right there before them was a extragant garden filled with various plants and flowers espcially roses. There were a few statues and a small pond with fish and a frog as well as a pebble pathway and a tea table or two which had leafy vines over growing on the table legs. In the center was a large old tree with a white swing hanging down from a thick branch. this was one of ori's old homes, things from his childhood. He remembered this place quite fondly,this was where he and izabell used to spend their time with andreous and clyde. "...derrick...i grew up in this house..."
"Heh sorry...guess that's what happens when i'm drunk now we know right."he stated before she pulled them back onto their sides and wrapped his hands around her he ran his fingers through her hair before putting back around her waist. 'Who would have guessed that when I get drunk I complement and I guess flirt more.'He thought to himself laughing a little before he noticed Tab saying sorry "You don't have to apologize I should be the one doing that if I wasn't in here arguing with the dealers at the poker game asking if they seen were you went I could have found you faster." The boy stated before carefully moving Tab's head from his chest to kiss her forehead "You don't have to say sorry about anything just know I will always forgive you even if it doesn't look like I might."The cat-boy stated softly not really knowing if he meant for her to hear or not
Nagato took a bottle of whiskey earlier when he figured that no one would be moving to night, he had finished it while Tabby and Cicero were fooling around. Even after he had finished the bottle, he didn't feel an effect although his body did feel different. He caught Tabby and Cicero going the next step and he decided that it was time to separate this. He placed his hand on Tabby's back to let her know that he was there, "hey I think we should go now. We can't stay here tonight or at least we shouldn't." He hoped she wouldn't freak and do something stupid but they shouldn't stay here this could be dangerous for them after all. "Try to think straight won't you?" He then tried to take a step and felt the effects of the liquor take hold. He felt dizzy and in a moment he was on top of both of them trying to get back up. He grabbed his stomach and instantly knew that this was going to be a long night for him.
Mew approached the expirement who slit the woman's throat With a serious look. "hmm...sir I'm gonna have to kick you out if you keep this up. It's bad for my business..thankyo." he warned kindly and then smiled,looking to rin Approaching with a purr. "Hello there little mouse,i dont think we have met before? The name's mew zookune, would you mind if I bought you two a drink?" He asked Typcially flirting but was being polite. Mew was wearing a button up and a vest with dark jeans and black boots. His red collar standing out highly. Both His cat tail and ears were showing though typcially most normal people assumed they weren't real since some of the girls were wearing sex kitten and playboy bunny attire. His red eyes were directed at rin mostly and it seemed he had taken a bit of a intrest in the twin.

Tabitha heard him loud and clear, but before she could respond somebody tapping on her back made her nearly jump. "What are y-" she sighed in relief when she realized it was Nagato, aka the boy who never seemed to care for anything. "Fine." was her response to his command that they leave. She pouted a little before turning to Cicero and giving him a quick kiss. She was getting up, only to fall back down again when Nagato tripped over them. "Fuck, are you always this clumsy?!" Tabby complained, a little more mean due to wine's influence. She quickly pushed him off of them and got up, dusting herself off. "I really liked this shirt..." she muttered to herself, looking at the huge tear that almost tore the shirt she borrowed from Matthew in half.

"I'm not a mouse, and I'd rather get my sister home." Rin plainly stated, cutting off the idle conversation. He wasn't in the mood for anything, and the fact this guy had red eyes made Rin suspicious. Was he an albino, or just an experiment? "Do you want to do anything else?" he asked his sister, raising an eyebrow and prompting her with his eyes to say no. The last thing Rin wanted to do was hang out with experiments, especially when one of them just killed a woman. He glanced at the corpse, only to look away and wish he hadn't.

Ooc: Mew is probably going to misgender Rin at first- I think pretty much everyone will, since he looks like a she...​

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